HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/12/2005 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday,July 12, 20t15 McHenry Municipal Center �' 12:30 p.m. Preseirt: Kay Batc;s, Donald Doherty, David Gelwicks, Kathleen Kunzer, Susan Low, Kathy Marinangel, Ned Neumann, Dick Pa�;gelow, John Smith, Richard Wimmer. Absent: Bill Bolger, Kit Carstens, Daniel Curran, Phil Hintz,Alan Hoffman,Janice Jones, Doug Ma�ceiner,Joseph Napolitano,Karen Patel. Chainnan Gelwicks called the meeting to order at 12:39 p.rn. Apt�roval of Minutes Motion by $mith, seconded by Doherty, to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2005 regularly scheduled EDC Meeting as presented.All Ayes. Motion camied. Treasu r's R rt Chaim�an Gelwicks noted the current balance in the treasury of$977.69 as indicated on the attached report. Motion by Neumann,seconded by Smith,to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented.All Ayes. Motion carried. McH�nry County Industrial Council Report There was no McHenry County lndustrial Council Report. Chamber Report Bates reported the Chamber's Annual Fiesta Days celebration begins this weekend. This year it is a ten-day event. The 2005 Pazade Marshal is the 1984-1995 Fiesta Days Board comprised of twelve deserving individuals. Ms. Bates stated the parade is shaping up well. Brief discussion occurred regarding the lack of Drum and Bugie Corps participating in �. the parade. The Chamber website is in the process of being updated and will include information needed to start a business, tourism,and economic development. Ci ort Mayor Low reported the Ciiy's proposed paflnership with the YMCA to construct a recreation center appears to be off the table. She noted as the YMCA Board changes each year, discussions do not move forward as the leadership continually starts over at step one in the agreement negotiations. However,the City continues to accumulate developer donations which wil( ultima.tely be utilized to construct the City's recreation center on the City's property. 5ome discussion followed regarding the need for a recreation cerrter. It was suggested a Health Club would be a profitable business for the City. Responding to an inquiry regarding the status of the Municipal Drive widening and extension west, Wimmer stated Council arrticipates a spring completion as it would be used to provide access for the twa developments on the Busch- Knox Property south of the Municipal Center. Mayor Low acknowledged the funeral home is construc#ing a new �acility south of the Municipal Center. Some discussion occurred regarding the poterrtial sale/use of the existing George lusten Funeral Home. Bates e�ressed her displeasure at having a White Castle at this location as it is a gaxeway to the City. In response to Gelwicks inquiry Mayor Low stated the proposed multi-family development of the Gilger Property received a favorable response from Council at its July I 1, 2005 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Mayor Low noted the Gilger Property is not a good location for single-family as it abuts the railroad tracks. � Gelwicks expressed concern regarding safety issues of the bike path crossing Bull Valley Road. It was suggested the tr�ffic signaJ at Ridgeview Drive should alleviate that situation. I'age 2 EDC July 12,2005 � Marinangel inquired if a tra.ffic signal was planned for Park Place and Route 31. Mayor Low responded it is not planned at this time. Responding to Gelwicks inquiry, Mayor I,,ow stated the developmeirt of Patriot Estates is on hold until expansion of tbe wastewa.ter treatrnern plant is completed. Trans_ o�rt�ion Retiort Responding to an inquiry Mayor Low stated there is no news regarding the Mea�a rail yard and Johnsburg station. Mayor Low stated when she last met with Mr. Pagano, he noted he would work with the City regarding maiirtaining the current stop dow,ntown,as well as new stations to the north and south. Special Prqie�s Report-Riverwalk Mayor Low stated the Riverwalk construction documents are at 95%completion. The City anticipated bein�at 100% within two months. The next step would be to decide how to proceed, whether in phases/sections, should the walk be built first and then seek develogers to locate along the walk or vice versa. The City needs another developer to come forward. Mayor Low stated the role of the EDC is to attract developers into coming forward to the Riverwalk. Gelwicks snggested individual property owners are seeking too much money for their property. Ma.yor Low stated the Riverwalk is the solution to revitalizing the downtown. The City and the EDC need to make the Riverwalk happen. McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Renort l�iayor Low stated Management Assistam Hobson attended the McHenry Couiriy EDC Tourism Committee Meeting. It appears that most municipalities axe online with the HoteUMotel Tax which would assist in the creation of the Visitor's Bureau. �. Downtown Redevalo ment Marinangel referred to North Carolina. newspaper articles which cited dovcrntown redevelopmern initiated by loa.ns provided from local banking firrns. Some discussion followed regarding affordable housing and redevelopment funding. Mayor Low noting Riverside Drive is always crowded, stated additional parking is needed in this area. Wimmer suggested merehants should take advantage of parking at the rear of their businesses and utilize their rear ernries. It was noted how successful Green Street businesses have been in using their rear entries. Doherty inquired if the City would pursue the creation of an alley parallel to Green Street behind the west side businesses. He opined it would be an opportune time to implemeut it with the vacating of the funeral home. Discussion axurred regarding the status of the Whale's Tail, China Light,and Georgetown Furniture. Uther Busxness Neumann stated he does not feel he is doing anything by sitting on this Board. He inquirec}as to the irnended function of the EDC.He stated the EDC does not accomplish anything and does not see the validity of the commission. General discussion occurred regarding the purpose and expectations of the EDC. The following points were m�de: lwicks—the commission needs to mai�rtain its passion; Wimmer—the EDC should encourage business retention and meet with new businesses in town; Bates_ the EDC should present awards for property improvement,redevelopment,project uniqueness,etc. rnith—EDC members used to call on local business people and inquire how the EDC can assi�t them. The EDC needs to get back to business and transportation issues and to support the Riverwalk. The EDC needs to focus on whatever � needs to be dane to assure the Riverwatk is a reality. Doherlv—we need to focus on redevelopment within the TIF District; Neumann—we have technical problems to solve before the Riverwalk can be a reality; Page 3 EDC July 12,2005 � Mayor Low-we ar�,in an enviable position;we have thriving businesses in our dovvntown district; we need to support them and keep them vital and active u�til the Riverwalk is a reality. We need to fill empty buildings with viable businesses. _, rinan el-- sugge5-ted boat parking at Weber Pazk; Riverside Drive has traffic holdups due to the lang north-south red lights in addition to the"no right hirn on red". Mayor Low-the EDC needs to focus on Transportation and Downtown Revitalization. Adjournme�nt Motion by Doherty, seconded by Neumann,to adjourn at 1:35 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully subrnitted, Kathteen Kunzer, Recording Secretary � � McHENRY ECONOMiC DEVELOPMENT CQMMISSIQN 338 South Green Street,McHenry,lllinois 60050 (81S)363-2100 e-mail: kkunzerC�ci.mchenrv.il.us fax: 815-363-2128 � Economic Development Commission July 2005 Treasurer's Report Balance as of 7/31/05 $977.69 Date of Transaction Income Expenditure Balance Previous Balance $977.69 ^ $5 to SOS for annual fees for corporation $ 5.00 � Current Balance as of 8/31/05 $972.69 signed: �w�'i' Rtb� date: �- � �- �� Janice C. nes, Se ary/Treasurer � Executive Board: David Gelwicks,Donald Doherty,Janice Jones,Kit Carstens