HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/13/2005 - Economic Development Commission (2) Economic Development Commission
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 13,2005
� McHenry Municipal Center
12:30 p.m.
Present: Kay Bates, Bill Bolger, Kit Carstens, David Gelwicks, Kathleen I�unzer, Susan Low, Ned Neumann, Joe
Napolitano, Absent: Daniel Curran, Don Doherty, Phil Hintz, Alan Hoffman, Janice Jones, Kathy Marinangel, Doug
Maxeiner, Dick Pag�ralow, Karen Paiel,John Smith, Richard Wimmer. Also in attendance: Bill Marinangel.
Chairman Gelwicks called the meeting to order at 12:37 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Neumann, seconded by Low,to approve the minutes of the July 12,2005 regularly scheduled EDC Meeting
as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Chainnan Gelwicks noted the current balance in tbe treasury of$972.69 as indicated on the attached report.
Motian by Low, sea�nded by Neumann,to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried.
City Report
Mayor Low informed the Board the McHenry City Council at its meeting on Monday, September 12�' approved the
Downtown Redevelopment Business Plan. Announcement was made of the City's purchase of the Medical Aits
Building located at 1110 North Green Street. It is expected with this purchase and development plan approval,the City
will kick start the Riverwalk. The first phase will be from Green Street east to Riverwallc Place and groundbreaking
will be spring 2006.
�. Regarding the redevelopment of the McHenry Medical Arts site, the City articipates retail on the ground floor with
multi-family above. Council also authorized, on the advice of City Engineers Smith Engineering, final payment to
VOA and Associates so that 100% construction documents can be obtained. The City plans to create Requests for
Proposal (RFP)upon receipt of the construction documents which should be in the City's hands within six weeks. The
RFP's will precede the spring 2006 groundbreaking of Riverwalk Phase 1.
Bolger opined this is a giant step forward in the completion of the Riverwalk. Securing donations will be easier once
the City has something to "show" (i.e. beginning phase of the project). Mayor Low acknowledged, although the City
intends to consU uct the phase from Crreen Street east to Lanco's Riverwalk Place,the remaining three phases could be
constructed in any order. It would depend upon what developer comes forward and what they envision for their
portion of the project. It was noted now tha.t the City has taken this step, development of other phases would be more
Neurna.nn inquired why the City did not brainstorm with the EDC to get this project moving forward several years ago.
Gelwicks noted Riverwalk phases and possible projects have been discussed many times with EDC members;
however,not to the board as a whole.
In response to an inquiry, Mayor Low staied Staff will create the RFP for the Medical Arts Building site
redevelopmetrt. Carstens noted the dovvntown can be redeveloped but it wiil not happen without the City taking the
initiative to make it happen. Mayor Low stated the City is not at risk in crea.ting the redevelopment plan for this portion
of the Riverwalk. Mayor Low also noted the impetus behind the City's itutiation of this partion of the Riverwalk is the
fact that the TIF time clock continues to tick awa.y. The City recognized tha.t jump starting the Riverwalk Project
through the purchase and redevelopment of the Medical Arts site might instill further and more immediate interest in
other phases ofthe project.
Ii was noted the first phase of the Riverwalk would link Green Street to Riverside Drive by a pedestrian walkway. This
�s a natural link which should help retail in both of these downtown areas. It was suggested the EDC role should be as
facilitator,to seek developers and encourage them to get in on the ground floor of the Riverwalk. Developers need to
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September 13,2005
� be made aware the C'ity will cooperate with their proposals. The EDC can not make promises ather than to assure the
City's cooperation.
In response to an inc{uiry, Mayor Low stated Council directed Staff to proceed with drafting the RFP so that gound
breaking c,�n occur ii►the spring. Mayor Low left the meeting at 1:03 p.m. due to a previous commitment regarding the
Hurricane Katrina adoptive family arrangements.
Napolitano provided the Board with the remainder of the City Report including fihe 2005 Activity Report as of July 31,
2005. He noted Council agreed to move forward with the Gilger Property Annexation. The project would include 180
townhomes on appro�umately 30 acres. Council also approved the anneac,ation of the Budreck Property which includes
395 single familq homes utilizing the City's newly adopted Integrated Design District. Ryland Homes has presemed
the City with a concept plan for a 400+ acre rnixed use residential development for the area south of 120 and along
Cuman Roaci.
Some diseussion occurred regarding the flurry of townhomes and lack of apartments being constructed in the City. It
was noted townhomes generally produce less school age children than apamnents or detached single family homes.
Responding to a question regazding the status of Municipal Drive eatension.Napolitano stated the extension should be
completed next sprin�. He also responded the Justen Funeral Home will have right in/right out access onto Charles
Miller Road.
Transportation Re�ort
There was no Transportation Report.
Snecial Proj�ts Revort-Riverwalk
�-- Carstens announced a Riverwalk Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 14, 2005 in the
Municipal Center Council Chambers. He noted suggestions would be taken from the floor on how best to move
forward and what the committee needs to do to help the Riverwalk become a reality.
General discussion followed regarding better attendance at EDC Board meetings,getting the next generation involved
in the EDC, generating more enthusiasm for economic development, instilling desire for involvement and new
leadership in the organization.
The following ideas were raised and discussed:
• Cazstens suggested a meeting with downtown retailers to get them on board with the downtown redevelopment
and Riverwalk.
• NeUmann suggested tneetuags between the City and District 156 should occur to discuss use of 5chool District
parking facilities during non-school hours for Riverwalk patrons.
• Cazstens stated the EDC shauld become actively involved in generating Riverwalk interest in land not
immediately adjacent to the lineaar park (Riverwalk) but close enough to be included in the redevelopment of
the entire Riverwalk area.
• Bates wilt seek potential new-blood(i.e. young professionals)EDC members
• Gelwicks stated the Board needs to decide what to do with existing EDC membership—does it need to change;
should older members retire, etc.
• Gelwicks stated the Bylaws should be reviewed,particularly regarding goals, membership composition,terms,
• Gelwicks suggested agenda items for the next meeting include list of potential new members, what to do with
existing membership,and review of EDC Bylaws.
`-' McHenry Countv EDC Tourism Committee Reuort
There was no Tourism Committee Report.
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`' Downtown Redevelopment
Gelwicks commended the City on the improvement regarding the downtown mairrtenance, particularly in the Main
Street area.
Other Business
Kunzer announced Sacretary-Treasurer Jones is now employed fulltime and will be unable to attend EDC meetings as
she works out of town.
Some discussion followed regarding the Water Tower Marina redevelopment and e�ansion of the TIF District across
the river. Suggestion was made to draft a letter to the City encouraging the e�ansion of the TIF District east of the
Fox River. It was noted if the District was expanded, more TIF income could be realized which would help with the
development of phases 2 and 3 of the Riverwalk.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Neumann,to adjourn at 1:45 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Kunzer, Recording Secretary