HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 9/13/2005 - Economic Development Commission � M�HENRY ECQNC)MIC DEVELOPMENT COMMiSSiON • 333 South�3reen Sireet,McHenry,INinois 60050 (816)363-210Q e-mail:kkunzerCaaci.mchenrv.il.us . fax:815-363-2128 � MCHENRY ECONOM/C DEVELOPMENT COMM/S$lON Agend� Tuesday, September 13, 2005 12:30 p.m. Municipal Building —Council Chambers 1) Approval of Minutes: July 12, 2005 regulariy scheduled meeting 2) Treasurer's Report 3} Chamber Report 4) City Report 5) Transportation Report 6) Specia! Projects Report: Riverwalk �.. 7) McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report 8) Downtown Redevelopment 9) Other Business Posted and Mailed Sept.6,2005 � � ��.....�..��� ....�,�..... Executive Board: David Gelwicks,Donald Doherly,Janice Jones,Kit Carstens . elo ment Comm�sion . F,conomic�D�ulapM�ting Ju1y 12,2005 TuesdaY' a�Center � Mc$enr3'�°nicip 12:30 p.m. KathY Mari��el' Ned � gunzer, Su5�1'O�"�' D�iel Curran, plul `" David Gelwicks, �� Blll Bolg�, Carstens� S, Donald �°h�'' er. Absent: KaY � d w�h Napolitano, en Patel. Prese�� elaw, John Smith, 1uchas Kar Neum� Dick Pa�:,g Doug M�e1�er,Josep ��,�,Alan Hoffma�,J�1Ce lones, Gekwicks called the me���tO order at,12:39 p.m. Chaiiman � �,y 10, 2405 regulaz'1Y scbedulec� EDC b Doherty, to apProve t3�e roinutes of oroval o�u�s�nded Y Motion by Sre��.A11 I�y�•Motion came�. Meeting as P on the attached x�Port• r�� rt �b��in the treasutY of$977.b9 as indica.ted TC�Gelwicks n�d�� er's Rep4rt�Piesented•A11 AY�.Mo�►�n carn�. Motion by Neumann,Se�°��by S��'�O aPprove the Treasur , r,,,,.,�il Ret�Oft •ri�w�-•-� ��trNetl COLI-n�V IIl(lUb j�dllSGildi���C'1���TC. 'There was no McHenry CountY event.The ins this w�k�d�T�s y�it is a ten-day Chamber R�ort ,�1 Fiesta DaYs celebration be8 individuals•Ms.Bates s�d B�s r�pOrted the Cbamber's� s�oard comprised af tvaelve deservinS S cipating� ion occurred regarai�$�►E�k Qf Drwn and Bugle Coxp � 2005 Parade Marsha1 i5 the 1984-1995 Fiesta DaY �e parade is sl�aping up well. Brief discuss � the pa�e. ' in the rocess of being updated and will include inforniation needed to start a business, The Chamber websrte is P ��Sm,and economic development- hi with the YMCA to construct a recreation center aPP�'s to be off Ci ort osed partners p �yar�,o�,"reparted the Cifiy's prop � e� y�.� ��ssions do not move forward a� �� ���'s�p the table. She noted as the YMCA Boardeel�an$ �g��o� However,the City continues to accumulate developer �,�inually starts over at step one in the agT 's r��tion cerner on the City's propertY� Some be utilized to construcr the C� �g��a H�� Club would be a profitable donations which will ultunatelthe need for a recreation center• discussion followed regarding business for the City. din the status of the Municipal Dtive widening and extension west,Wimro.er stated Responding to an inquiry regar $ il antici ates a spring comPlet�on as it would be used to provide access for the two developments on the Busc - Counc P Knox Property svuth of the Municipal Center. or Low acknowledged the funeral home is constructing a new �e J �F��Homue�. ciBat�es�e�cP�essed he� �y ial saleluse of the elcisang Geo g discussion occunred regard'u►8 the Potent ��e Cit displeasure at having a White Castle at tlus location as it is a gateway Y• Ma or Low stated the ProPosed multi-family development of the Gilger Propert; In response to Gelwicks inquu7' Y Mayor Low note� re�eived a favorable response from Council at its JuIY �1, 2005 Committee of the Whole Meeting. the Crilger Property is not a good location for single-family as it abuts the railroad trac�s• `" Gelwicks expressed concern rega�"d�ng Safet3'issues of the bike path crossing Bull Valley K.oad• It was Suggested th traf�ic signa�at Ridgeview Drive should alleviate that situation. Page 2 . EDC July 12,2005 . � Mari�ngel inquired if a traffic signal was planned for Park Place and Route 31. Ma.yor Low responded it is not p�anned at this time. Responding to Gelwicks inquiry, Mayox Low stated the developmezrt of Patriot Estates is on�old until expansion of the wastewater treat�nent plazrt is completed. Transportz�tion Reoort Responding co an inqniry Mayor Low stated t�ere is no news regarding the Mecra rail yard and Johnsburg station. Mayor Low stated when she last met with Mr. Pagano, he noted he would work with the City regarding maintaining the cutrrent stop downtawq as well as new stations to the north and soutl�. Special Projeats Report-Riverwatk Mayor Low stated the Riverwalk conshvction docume�rts aze at 95°fo completion. The City arnicipated being at 100% wit�hin two mornhs. The next step would be to decide how to proceed, whether in phases/sections, should the walk be built first and then seek develogers to locate along the walk ar viee versa. The City�eeds another developer to come forward.Mayor Low stated the role of the EDC is to a.ttract developers into coming forward to the Riverwalk. Gelwicks suggested individual property owners are seeking too much money for their property. Mayor Low stated the Rivezvvalk is the solution to revitalizing the dow�town. The City and the EDC need to ma,ke th� Riverwalk happen. McHenr�County EDC Tourism Committee Reuort Mayor Low stated Management Assistant Hobson att�ended the McHenry County EDC Taurism Committee Meeting. It appears that most municipalities are online with the HbteVMotel Tax which would assist in the creation of the Visitor's Burea.u. � Downtown Redevalopment Marinangel referred to North Carolina newspaper azticles which cited dow�town redevelopmeut initiated by loans provided from local banking fircns. Some discussion foUowed regarding affordable housing and redevelopment funding. Mayor Low noting Riverside Drive is always crowded, stated additional parking is needed in this area. Wimtner suggested merchants should take advantage of parking at the rear of theu businesses and uCilize their rear ernries. It was noted how successful Green Street businesses have been in using#heir rear ernries. Doherty inquired if the City would pursue the creation of an alley para11e1 to Crreen Street behind the west side businesses.He opined it would be an opportune time to implemetrt it with the vacating of the fun�ral home. Discussion oc�curred regard'ung the status of the Whale's Tail, China Light,and Georgetown Furniture. Other Business Neumann stated he does not feel he is doing anything by sitxing on this Board. He inquired as to the iirtended function of the EDC. He stated the EDC does not accomplish anything and does not see the validity of the commission. General discussion occurred regarding the purpose and expectations of the EDC.'Ifie following points were made: Gelwicks—the commission needs to mai�tain its passian; Wimmer—the EDC should encourage business rete�tion and meet with new businesses in town; B�s- the EDC should present awards for properry unprovement,redevelopmerrt,project uniqueness,etc. �mith—EDC members used to ca11 on local business people and inquire how the EDC can assist them.l'he EDC needs to get back to business and transportation issues and to support the Riverwalk. The EDC needs to focus on whatever � needs to be done to assure the Riverwatk is a reality. Do+yrt —we need to focus on redevelopme�nt within the 1'IF District; Neumann—we have technical problems to solve before the Riverwalk can be a reality; � Page 3 ' EDC Juty 12,20Q5 _ � Ma or w-we arc in an envi�ble posiCion;we have thriving busitlesses in our dowrrtown district;we need to support them and keep them vital and active uutil the Riverwalk is a reality. We need to fill empty buildings with viable businesses. rin e1- suggested boat pazking at Weber Park; Riverside Drive has traffic holdups due to the long north-south red lights in addition to the"no right turn on red". or Low-the ED�needs to focus on Transportation and Downtown Revitalizaiion. Adiournment Motion by Doherry, �eonded by Neuma.nn,to adjourn at 1:35 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. RespectfuIly submitted, Kathleen Kunzer,Recording Secretary � L � McHENRY ECONOMtC DEVEL4PMENT CQMMISSION 338 South Green Street, McHenry,Illinois 6005Q (815)363-2100 e-maii; kkunzeKi�ci.mchenry il us fax: 815-363-2128 � Economic Development Commission July 2005 Treasurer's Report Balance as of 7/31/05 $977.69 Date of Transaction _ Income Expenditure Balance Previous Balance $977.69 ^ $5 to SOS for annual fees for corporation $ 5.00 ,� Current Balance as of 8/31/05 $972.69 . signed: �cR+C. �tt,� date: �-� (- �� Janice C. nes, Se ary/Treasurer � Executive Board: David Gelwicks,Donald Doherty,Janice Jones,Kit Carstens