HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/8/2005 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, November 8, 2005 McHenry Municipal Center `' 12:30 p.m. Present: Kay Bates, Bill Bolger, Kit Carstens, Kathleen Kunzer, Susan Low, Joe Napolitano, Ned Neumann, Dick Pagealow, John Smith, Richard Wimmer. Absent: Daniel Curran, Don Doherty, David Gelwicks, Phil Hintz, Alan Hoffman, Janice Jones, Kathy Marinangel, Doug MaYeiner, Karen Patel. In the absence of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer, Recording Secretary Kunzer called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m. and requested a motion from the floor to nominate a Chairman Pro Tem to lead this meeting. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Bates, to nominate Kit Carstens as Chairman Pro Tem to lead the November 8, 2005 EDC Board Mceting. All Ayes. Motion carried. A�proval of Minutes Motion by Low, seconded by Smith, to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2005 regularly scheduled EDC Meeting as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. Treasurer's Report Chairman Pro Tem Carstens noted the cunent balance in the treasury of$972.69 as indicated on the attached report. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Neumann,to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. All Ayes. Motion camed. Chamber Report Bates announced the Retail Council has created and distributed Shop at Home Stickers which are displayed throughout � the business districts. The Retail Council is also reviewing a fa�ade award program to acknowledge businesses which noticeably improve their building facades. Chrishnas Window Displays will also be recognized through a contest once again. Bates noted the City�'s urgent need for a banquet facility in the community which could accommodate at least 300 persons. She stated the Chamber has difficulty each year finding a location to host the Annual Dinner Dance. She requested the EDC assist in the recruitment of a banquet facility in town. Considerable discussion followed regarding the ways and means to locate a viable banquet facility operator in town. In response to Chairman Pro Tem Carstens request, Bates volunteered to chair a Banquet Facility Search Sub- Committee. Mayor Low and Ned Neumann volunteered to serve on the committee as well. Pagealow announced the 2006 Chamber Golf Outing will be held at the McHenry Country Club on May 17�'. Cit�eport Napolitano provided the Board with 2005 Building Activity Report as of October 31, 2005. He noted the single family detached home permits are down considerably from last year. However, the multi-family townhome permits are going very strong. He also announced the following projects are cunently underway: 1. Taco BelULong John Silvers new facility anticipated to open by December 31�`; 2. Family Service and Community Mental Health facility on Veterans Parkway; 3. Multi tenant retail facility on Route 120 east of the river; 4. Shops at Fox River retail development north of Kohl's,which includes anchor Dick's Sporting Goods; 5. CarX has taken over the Cottman Transmission facility on West Elm Street � EDC Board Recruitment Mayor Low stated it is necessary to revitalize the EDC. She acknowledged prevalence in lack of interest in volunteering. She questioned how she could ask someone to serve on this board when there is no energy present. This Page 2 EDC November 8,2005 � board cunently serves no purpose. She encouraged the board to revaluate its purpose and determine a way to energize the members. Mayor Low noted th�City Council and Staff recently held a strategic planning session. The outcome was a specific list of five goals to be achieved over the next four years. She noted the Chamber board also has an annual retreat where the board determines their course and direction for the coming year. Mayor Low suggested the City and Chamber present the results of their planning sessions/retreats to the EDC Board at its January meeting. Perhaps the EDC could then determine its own list of specific goals for the upcoming year. A lengthy discussion ensued. Smith pointed out the board has already ideirtified the Riverwalk, a banquet facility and transportation as areas of focus. Chairman Pro Tem Carstens noted it was the consensus of the board to establish three primary goals for the EDC to focus on in 2006. This would be accomplished at the board's January meeting. Bylaws Review Chaircnan Pro Tem Carstens defened discussion regarding the EDC Bylaws until the January meeting. Snecial Projects Report-Riverwalk Chairman Pro Tem Carstens announced a Riverwalk Foundation Meeting is scheduled for November 16,2005. Several sub-committees have been created. It is anticipated the Riverwalk Foundation will be committee driven. The City anticipated breaking ground for the first phase of the Riverwalk in spring 2006. Bolger stated construction should begin on the pedestrian walkway now while the water level is down. Mayor Low stated the construction documents are 100% complete and they are currently being reviewed by Staff and City � Engineer. Exnansion of TIF District across river—Draft letter to City Council Wimmer noted the TIF District cannot be altered. There would ha.ve to be another TIF District created. He opined Council would not consider implementing another TIF District until the results of the current one are more clearly known and evaluated. McHenry County EDC Tourism Committee Report Chairman Pro Tem Carstens reported the Tourism Committee has been replaced by a Convention and Visitor's Bureau. The City's r��presentative is Bill Hobson. The organization is being funded by the Courny along with several municipalities. The County EDC is in the process of selecting a fulltime director for the Bureau. Announcement of the selection should be forthcoming. 2006 Pronosed Meeting Schedule The proposed 2006 meeting schedule was approved as follows: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:30 p.m. Municipal Center Council Chambers Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:30 p.m. Municipal Center Council Chambers Tuesday, May 9,2006 12:30 p.m. Municipal Center Council Chambers Tuesday, July 1 l, 2006 12:30 p.m. Municipal Center Council Chambers Tuesday, September 12,2006 12:30 p.m. Municipal Center Council Chambers Tuesday,November 14, 2006 12:30 p.m. Municipal Center Council Chambers. 2006 Slate of Officers � Chairman Pro Tem Carstens announced he would contact Chairman Gelwicks to select a nominating committee to create a slate of officers for 2006. The slate will be presented at the January board meeting for consideration and/or approval. Page 3 EDC November 8,2005 � Other Business There was no Other Business. Adjournment Motion by Low, seconded by Smith,to adjourn at 1:37 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Kunzer, Recording Secretary � �