HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/14/2006 - Economic Development Commission (2) Economic Development Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 14, 2006 McHenry Municipal Center `' 12:30 p.m. Present: Kay Bates, Kit Carstens, Dave Gelwicks, Kathleen Kunzer, Susan Low, Douglas Martin, Joseph Napolitano, Ned Neumann, Dick Pagealow, John Smith, Richard Wimmer. Absent: Bill Bolger, Daniel Curran, Kathy Marinangel, Doug Maxeiner. Guests in attendance: Bill Marinangel The January 10, 2006 regularly scheduled meeting of the McHenry Economic Development Commission was called to order by Chairman Wimmer at 12:30 p.m. Approval of Minutes Motion by Carstens seconded by Smith, to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2006 regularly scheduled EDC Meeting as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. Discussion: EDC Board Goals for 2006 Neumann stated the Board should be more aggressive in advertising and marketing its presence in the community. Neumann opined the EDC should be more visible. Smith concurred noting the Board should take a proactive stance to be a liaison between the City Council and potential developers coming into the area Martin agreed the Board should reach out especially to the larger employers in the area in order to assure business and industry retention. � Mayor Low noted there should be more done in the way of business recognition as the EDC has done in the past. Chairman Wimmer stated the Riverwalk project is finally in the works. He opined the EDC should move on and focus on redevelopment in the TIF District in the Downtown area. Mayor Low suggested the EDC could work with Cindy Kottke who is in the process of purchasing a large block of businesses/properiy along the Green Street Business District. The EDC should be talking with Ms. Kottke, encouraging her and guiding her in the direction the City would like to see redevelopment occur in this area. Carstens concurred this would be a good focal point for the EDC to consider. The EDC should assist with the planning, help Ms. Kottke acquire grant funds, low interest development loans, etc. and to be a catalyst to make thinks happen in this area. Carstens also noted it is important to make sure parking areas stay connected to the business district and shopping along the Riverwalk. Carstens stated the EDC can be more aggressive than City officials in wooing and guiding new development into the City. Gelwicks stated new businesses need to be encouraged by the City. The EDC needs to be careful not to narrow its scope or focus. Bates acknowledged the Board should be more aware of manufacturing business needs in the community. � Manufacturers tend to feel overlooked by the City. Carstens noted it is usually the small things which cause manufactures to leave the area. Manufacturers need to hear they are important and the community needs them. Page 2 EDC March 14,2006 � Suggestion was made to create a Chamber/EDC mailer to encourage local businesses, let them know the EDC and Chamber are willing to assist them, listen to their concerns, etc. The brochure should include contact names, phone numbers, etc. Mayor Low stated the EDC is currently invisible. The Board needs to market itself. She noted there is expertise and resources are available which are not being utilized by the community. Smith suggested one of the EDC goals for this year should be to target manufacturers and have the Mayor record a message to them on a CD introducing City Staff and the EDC Board and expressing our desire to assist them. Motion by Carstens, seconded by Napolitano, to create a Marketing Committee comprised of Wimmer, Kunzer and Bates to create a draft marketing brochure and business cards for review by the Board at the next Board meeting. All Ayes. Motion carried. Smith suggested a second goal voiced by the Board is to support Ms. Kottke and offer Board expertise and assistance in her redevelopment of parcels acquired along the Green Street Business District. Chairman Wimmer stated it is important to assure Ms. Kottke's proposed redevelopment fits in with the City's approved Downtown Redevelopment Plan. Smith stated her plans must fit in with the City's Master Plan and Riverwalk, as well. Pagealow noted municipal parking in the downtown areas should be better signed. Mayor Low responded Staffwould look into providing better signage of public parking areas. � Discussion: B lY aws Mayor Low noted there are several persons listed as Board members whom she has never seen while attending Board meetings. She suggested a mechanism be included in the Bylaws providing for removal of members who are no longer actively involved in the Commission. She also opined new membership having fresh ideas and enthusiasm are needed on the Commission. The Mayor further stated potential developers making inquiries regarding the City's Riverwalk could be welcomed and encouraged by members of the Commission. Smith expressed his dislike in attending Board meetings as nothing is accomplished and no valid reason for meeting appears to exist. Mayor Low suggested the Executive Committee meet before the ne� Board meeting to discuss and define who should be recruited to the Board to provide fresh ideas, expertise and passion for economic development. Following a determination of the types of persons to be sought, the Board will be asked to recruit new membei�ship. Suggestion was made the Executive Committee look at the composition of the EDC and consider amendments to the Bylaws regarding Board composition, member removal pending non-attendance and/or inactivity Other Business � Smith provided the Board with a preview of the slideshow which will be presented to the Riverwalk Foundation on Wednesday, March 15, 2006. Page 3 EDC March 14,2006 � Adjournment Motion by Low, seconded by Bates, to adjourn at 1:46 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully subm�tted, Kathleen Kunzer, Recording Secretary � �