HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/9/2006 - Economic Development Commission (3) Economic Development Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday,May 9,2006 McHenry Municipal Center `- 12:30 p.m. Present: Kay Bates, Bill Bolger, Kit Carstens, Dave Gelwicks, Kathleen Kunzer, Susan Low, Kathy Marinangel, Douglas Maxeiner, Ned Neumann, John Smith, Richard Wimmer. Absent: Daniel Curran, Joe Napolitano, Dick Paegelow. Guests in attendance: Jack Minero. The May 9, 2006 regularly scheduled meeting of the McHenry Economic Development Commission was called to order by Chairman Wimmer at 12:40 p.m. Chairman Wimmer introduced Jack Minero of Prudential First Commercial. Mr. Minero is interested in becoming an EDC Board Member and was provided an application. Commissianers welcomed Mr. Minero to the meeting and encouraged his participation. Approval of Minutes Motion by Gelwicks, seconded by Low, to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2006 regularly scheduled EDC Meeting as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. Discussion: Recommendation to amend EDC Bylaws Chairman Wimmer stated the Executive Committee had met last Wednesday and discussed several issues relating to the Bylaws. It was the consensus of the Committee, the bylaws could remain as is with the following amendments: � 1. Absenteeism. The Committee suggested three unexcused absences during one calendar year is indication of inember non-interest and is indicative of the member's resignation by implication. If a member is unable to attend a particular meeting, the recording secretary should be notified in advance. 2. Terms of Officers. The Committee suggested the terms of the officers should be amended to two-year terms to reflect what is actually taking place. 3. Membershin on the board should not include more than one family member and/or employee of the same business. 4. Pu ose should include "Encourage and facilitate the developmentlredevelopment of the commercial/industrial areas". Brief discussion occurred regarding the number of ineetings missed which would constitute resignation by implication of board members. It was the consensus of the Boazd that three unexcused (lack of notifying recording secretary) absences would indicate implied resignation from the Board. Motion by Gelwicks, seconded by Smith, to amend the EDC Bylaws by including Article III Board of Directors sub-paragraph lA as foliows: l.A Three unexcused absences (constituted by not informing the recording secretary of absence � prior to meeting)per calendar year shall be cause to remove said member from the Board. Said removal shall be considered resignation by implication. All ayes. Motion camed. Page 2 EDC May 9,2006 � Motion by Neumann, seconded by Low, to amend the EDC Bylaws as follows: • Article IV Officers, paragraph 1, changing the terms of officers from one year to two years.; and • Article II Members, paragraph 4, adding sub-paragraph E, "No more than one member from same family andlor business shall be allowed on the Board". All ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Wimmer noted the Executive Committee thought the Mission Statement and Objectives, Powers and Functions were concise and to the point. Chairman Wimmer stated the Executive Committee wished the Board to identify specific goals to be accomplished in 2006. Chairman Wimmer opined the EDC should focus on the downtown redevelopment. Membership Recruitment Chairman Wimmer noted member applications were included in this meeting's agenda packets. He suggested Board members consider recruitment of potential members a priority. Smith reported the City of Harvazd funds their EDC with $25,000 per year. In addition, each EDC Board member is required to pay $2,000 per year to the EDC. The funds are used for marketing and advertising in addition to paying a stipend to their Executive Director. Marinangel stated she is not sure how the EDC fits in with the City's plans. What does the City expect of the EDC? Gelwicks stated he is opposed to the EDC being perceived as an arm of the City. The EDC should be `— independent of government in order to function as it should. Marketing Brochure Chairman Wimmer reported the Executive Committee reviewed the proposed marketing brochure and requested a couple of minor changes, namely: • A more recent aerial photo of the City which includes the Langille Townhomes on Boone Creek; and • Include the "McHenry Heart of the Fox" beneath the fox logo. Chairman Wimmer invited other suggestions for modification of the brochure. Bolger requested the retention of McHenry Hospital, now known as Centegra Northern Illinois Medical Center be included on the EDC accomplishments. Smith suggested Kunzer contact Laura Welter at Smith Engineering who has access to more recent aerial photos which could be used. Marinangel suggested two photos be shown on the cover of the brochure and relocate the fox to the inside. It was also noted the regular board meeting days could be included in the brochure. Chairman Wimmer also noted the Executive Committee determined that all inquiries by developers resulting from the brochure should be refened to either Director of Community Development Napolitano or City Administrator M�einer. Discussion occurred regarding how best to distribute the brochures. It was the consensus of the Board to have the brochures available at the Chamber office, at the Municipal Center Administration Kiosk, at the Community Development Department counter, and copies to be distributed for use by each Board member. � Some discussion followed regarding the board composition, audience attendance and participation. It was noted the Board meetings are open meetings which are posted on the Municipal Center Notification Board. Page 3 EDC May 9,2006 � Goals and Obiectives Chairman Wimmer suggested the Board should focus on downtown redevelopment, specifically assisting Cindy Kottke in the redevelopment of the Green Street area adjacent to the Riverwalk. He expressed his belief the Board's energy should be spent in supporting specific goals. He opened the floor to discussion regarding goals and objectives for this year. Marinangel stated Riverside Drive could use floating piers to accommodate boat tr�c so pedestrians could come ashore and take advantage of the various businesses in the area. Neumann suggested the goals be more global and not just focus on commercial entities in the downtown but determine how the entire plan comes together. He suggested the downtown be redeveloped with more bistros, micro-breweries, restaurants, etc. This could be the City's niche. Carstens volunteered to help Cindy Kottke in the redevelopment plans of her Green Street properties. Carstens stated Kottke is proposing an ideal project to make Green Street more vibrant and to help the Riverwalk more forward as well. Responding to an inquiry from Minero, Maxeiner stated Ms. Kottke has brought several different proposals to Staff regazding her plans for the property. Maxeiner opined the EDC should be a mentor to potential developers and help to pave their way through the development process. Smith and Bates concurred. Maxeiner stated the EDC could work with Ms. Kottke, for example, to assure that her project involving perhaps a four-plex theater with retail components, actually comes to fruition. Smith opined the EDC might be duplicating the City's efforts. He suggested maybe the EDC should be considered an arm of the City so as not to duplicate what the City is attempting to accomplish. � Mayor Low stated when a developer inquires of Staff what the City would like to see on a certain property, Staff can only make suggestions. The EDC needs to intercede and work with the developer on getting their project accomplished, particularly in areas where Staff cannot give specific direction. Carstens acknowledged he has been able to go a lot further with potential developers than Staff could. Mayor Low stated the role of the EDC is to act as a liaison between the City and developers to make projects move forward. Smith suggested board members could bring potential developers to the EDC to hear their proposal, and then provide direction to the developer to help implement their project. Gelwicks stated as a realtor he is already a mentor to developers. However, he cannot give assurance the City will grant zoning, conditional use permits, etc. He as a private realtor or member of the EDC cannot answer for the City. Marinangel recalled the EDC had previously talked about implementing a local financial coalition to assist local businesses in expanding or improving. She suggested this idea be resurrected. Mayor Low reported on the Banquet Facility Committee's recent activity. She noted the committee comprised of Bates, Neumann and herself recently met with the owner of the Concorde Banquet Facility in Lake Zurich. The owner expressed his desire to open another facility and provided the committee with his �, specific requirements, i.e. 4-5 acres, located on main thoroughfare, such as Route 31 or Route 120, etc. Mayor Low stated Director Napolitano has investigated possible sites and has targeted seven possible locations in town for the facility. The Banquet Facility Committee will meet with Director Napolitano this Page 4 EDC May 9,2006 � afternoon following the conclusion of the Board meeting. Gelwicks stated as a realtor he knows certain things regarding available properties and might be able to provide insight to the Committee. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the need to bring all information to the EDC so that all members can provide input and exchange information regarding the needs identified. Also discussed was the inability of developers to purchase some prime properties along the Riverwalk. Maxeiner suggested the EDC might be able to approach some of these property owners, especially in situations where the City cannot due to misperceived fear of condemnation proceedings andlor potential for eminent domain to be implemented. Chairman Wimmer summarized the discussion noting three sub-committees should be created to follow thraugh on the board's goals for 2006: • Banquet Facility Committee; • Cindy Kottke/Downtown Development Project; • Riverwalk Phase 2 Development Project. Marinangel noted the City needs to construct a parking garage in the Green Street area, particularly if a four- plex theater is being proposed. Neumann suggested the City has embankment repair rights along the Boone Creek and Fox River. He stated perhaps the City cauld construct the Riverwalk along properties where the owner does not want to grant the City an easement. Chairman Wimmer opined the EDC should act as a mentor for developers, but as a commission and not as �' individuals. Chairman Wimmer reaffirmed the commission needs to work towards specific attainable goals for this year. Bates suggested the commission identify retail needs to be included in the Medical Arts Building Redevelopment Project. City Administration Maxeiner stated the City needs the EDC to be a conduit, to act as ambassadors to the community. The EDC needs to find out what is needed to make businesses thrive and to assure their retention. Mayor Low concurred and stated the EDC must make its presence known in the community. Motion by Carstens, seconded by Smith, to create three EDC Commission sub-committees as follows: • Banquet Facility Recruitment; • Kottke Green Street Development; • Riverwalk Phase 2 Development Recruitment. All ayes. Motion carried. Committee compositions are as follows: Banquet Facility Recruitment Kottke Green Street Development Riverwalk Phase 2 Recruitment Chairman Kay Bates Chairman Rich Wimmer Chairman Kit Carstens Neumann Marinangel Smith Low Smith Minero `' Gelwicks Bolger Napolitano Committee Reports are expected at each board meeting. Page 5 EDC May 9,2006 � Other Business Gelwicks requested the City Report be reinstated on the EDC Board Agenda. He stated it was helpful to all commissioners to know the status of current projects in the City. Mayor Low responded the reports were stopped when Staff was attacked for action taken by Council. Maxeiner announced the reports could resume; however, if Staff is subjected to attacks by the commissioners, expect the reports to be discontinued. Neumann inquired the City's position regarding recent publicity about the Village of McCullom Lake's water contamination from Ringwood businesses. City Administrator Maxeiner responded the City is preparing a press release which will be provided to local reporters by this weekend. The City's well sites and McCullom Lake water are both free of contaminants. He noted the release would be posted on the City's website. In addition, the annual water quality report is included in the ne� City Newsletter scheduled for June lst distribution. Chairman Wimmer noted the EDC checking account currently has Janice Jones as the signatory. He suggested, as Ms. 7ones is unable to attend EDC meetings due to fulltime employment outside of the City, a new treasurer be named who would be the designated signatory on the account. Chairman Wimmer suggested Kathi Kunzer be treasurer and be the designated signatory. Motion by Smith, seconded by Carstens, to nominate Kathi Kunzer as treasurer of the EDC and be designated signatory on the EDC checking account. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Smith, seconded by Carstens, to accept the application of Jack Minero as EDC Board Member. All ayes. Motion carried. L City Administrator Maxeiner requested that all Board members be advised of the bylaws amendments, particularly as it impacts attendance and implied resignation. Adjournment Motion by Neumann, seconded by Gelwicks, to adjourn at 2:05 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Kunzer, Recording Secretary �