HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/12/2006 - Economic Development Commission Economic Development Commission Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 12, 2006 McHenry Municipal Center `'' 12:30 p.m. Present: Bill Bolger, Kit Carstens, Dave Gelwicks, Kathleen Kunzer, Sue Low, Jack Minero, Joe Napolitano (arrived at 12:48 p.m.), Ned Neumann, Dick Paegelow, John Smith, Richaxd Wimmer. Absent: Kay Bates (exc.), Kathy Marinangel, Doug Maa�einer (exc.). Guests in attendance: Theresa Lane, Supt. McHenry School District 156. The September 12, 2006 regularly scheduled meetin� of the McHenry Economic Development Commission was called to order by Chairman Wimmer at 12:35 p.m. Approval of Minutes Motion by Low, seconded by Gelwicks, to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2006 regularly scheduled EDC Meeting as amended. All Ayes. Motion carried. Committee Reports Banquet FacilitY Recruitment: Neumann reported the committee is still working with an interested quality banquet facility operator. A tentative meeting has been scheduled for Thursday or Friday of this week. The proposed operator will come to McHenry to look for a viable site. The committee is encouraged by the interest shown in bringing a banquet facility to the area. Neumann also noted Scott Dixon of Prime Commercial is interested in assisting with the pursuit of a banquet facility in the community. He is in favor of the facility, whether or not it is constructed on Prirne Commercial property. '�... Riverwalk Phase 2 Recruitment: Chairman Carstens reported he has spoken with developers regarding their interest in development along the Riverwalk. There remains a lot of interest regarding the City's Riverwalk. Some discussion followed regarding the City's stance on the number of building stories which would be allowed along the Riverwalk. Carstens noted the City seems to be flexible. However, all developers who have been approached regazding possible development along the Riverwalk have inquired as to the possibility of several floored-facilities. This could be an issue. Responding to an inquiry, Smith stated the new pedestrian bridge will be delivered in two sections. Mayor Low stated the Medical Arts Site Requests for Proposal are due at the end of September. Napolitano amved at 12:48 p.m. Carstens noted the City needs a mid-rise elevation builder to come forward and there are very few of them around. Carstens noted the City has the Fox River which is our chief asset. Kottke Green Street Development: Chairman Wimmer reported there is no news regarding the Green Street Redevelopment. `,, City Report Napolitano provided the Commission with a development report noting the following: Page 2 EDC September 12,2006 � • Town and Country Homes IDD Oaks at Irish Prairie Final Plat of Units 1 and 2 have been approved. Town and Country will extend Veteran's Parkway to Barreville Road as a part of Unit 1 of their development. • Council approved Legend Lakes Neighborhood 7 and 8 Final Plats; the approval of Neighborhood 6 is pending. Under discussion aze collector road issues. • The last portion of Kimball Hill's development of the Shamrock Farms Property is now underway. The Johnson Family portion of the Shamrock Farms located north of Draper Road will not be developed at this time. • Permits have been issued for Shops at the Fox River to Office Max,Dick's Sporting Goods,Bed Bath and Beyond, PetSmart, Ulta and Best Buy • Staff continues to talk with Wickes who is contemplating a site in town. • Staff is working with a major retailer who requires a five-acre site along either Route 120 or Route 31;this would be the first store of its kind in the Chicago Metro area. • Municipal Drive extension has begun and should be completed by the end of November. Neumann opined the extension of Veterans Parkway to Barreville Road in order to accommodate the new Family Services facility on Veteran's Parkway. He is happy to heax the road will be e�ended at this time. Minero reported the five acres on the southeast corner of Charles Miller Road and Route 31 are still available. Discussion: Board Member Anplications Received—Board Composition � Kunzer reported an application had been submitted by Todd Marler at the encouragement of Kay Bates. Mr. Marler is a realtor with Premier Commercial Realty. As there are cunently two realtors on the Commission, Kunzer inquired as to the Commission's desire to accept the application of Mr. Marler. Following brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to continue to seek diversification on the Board as it was originally intended. It was suggested correspondence be sent thankin� Mr. Marier for his interest and application which will be retained on file. At this time, however, there is not an opening for a realtor on the Commission. Suggestion was made to ask Tom Sullivan to consider EDC membership. Chairman Wimmer will speak to him. Other Business Gelwicks inquired about the status of the former Georgetown Furniture building. Napolitano stated there is not cunent development interest in the site. Napolitano reported the owner of the former Whale's Tail has received McHenry County Health Department approval to move forward with renovations. Smith stated the Commission several months ago discussed moving forward in a new direction, particularly with regard to goals. Chairman Wimmer noted the Commission decided to become invoived in three projects: Riverwalk Phase 2/Downtown Revitalization; Green Street Theater Project; Banquet Facility. `" Smith noted he had recently attended an Oswego Economic Development Dinner which was sponsored hy their EDC and City. He questioned why the City's EDC could not become as effective as the Oswego EDC Page 3 EDC September 12,2006 appeared to be. He stated if the McHenry EDC does not move forward and become more active in the `' community, he questioned his willingness to stay on the Commission. Mayor Low stated the only way this organization can move forward is to become a viable part of the community. She stated there is a need for the EDC component in our development structure. Smith responded there is no longer any ener;gy on the Commission. The meetings do no inspire him. Neumann suggested the EDC find a full time Executive Director who could actively recruit new business to the community. Smith responded the EDC needs to be all or nothing — at this time the EDC is nothing. He opined the Commtinity has a unique opportunity with the Riverwalk, but the EDC needs to have some enthusiasm and actually do something to make the Riverwalk happen. Minero suggested the EDC should bring in new business to the community and help retain existing businesses. He questioned how this can be done without a budget. Mayor Low initiated discussion regarding the diverse opinions and unwillingness to cooperate among downtown Chamber members versus non-members. She noted Management Assistant for Community Relations Hobson has been working very hard with the Downtown Business Association, attempting to achieve cooperation. Mayor Low noted the Association is planning a trick or treat event this year. Further discussion ensued regarding the Oswego EDC. Smith stated he believed the Oswego EDC is funded by the pledges of local businesses. Their budget is achieved through business donations. �-- Mayor Low noted the City pays to belong to McHenry County Council of Governments (MCCOG) and it pays to belong to the McHenry County Tourism Bureau (an arm of the County EDC). She stated perhaps the City should consider subsidizing the McHenry EDC instead of supporting these other organizations. Carstens stated economic development is directly related to need. As all segments of our economy are growing, there is currently no need to drive economic development in the community. Napolitano stated some developers might need a push in the right direction when considering development in our area. The City needs to look at diversified growth and expansion. This Commission could help with that. Smith suggested he comeback to the next meeting with the model used to create the Oswego EDC. He stated this might give the Commission insight into how to make the McHenry EDC work or be productive. Neumann asked Smith to determine exactly how the Oswego EDC is funded. Carstens suggested the former Medical Arts site redevelopment might spur further development along the Riverwalk. Discussion continued regarding downtown redevelopment and revitalization. Adjournment Motion by Smith, seconded by Minero, to adjourn at 1:36 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, �- ��� �� y� �� �J Kath een Kunzer, Recording Secr ary McHENRY ECQNO�IIIC DEVELOPMENT COIkIIMIS�IQN 333 South Green Str+eet,McH`enry,INinois 60054 (895)363-210Q e-mails kkunzerC�ci.mchenrv.if:us fax:815-363-2128 � September 20, 2006 Mr. Todd Marler : 5004 West Bonner Drive � McHenry II, 6005Q RE: EDC Board Application Dear Mr. 1Vlarler: Thank you so much for your interest in serving on our 1VIcHenry Economic Development Commission. We are in receipt of yow application and will keep it on file. Unfortunately, at the present time, ther'e are already two realtors on the Board. As the , EDC Bylaws are eery clear an the diverse composition of the Board, it is impossible to �-' appoint you to serve at this time. Again, we thank you fqr your interest and we will keep you in mind should a Realtor vacancy occur in the future. . Very truly yours, ' � , � Kat leen M. Kunzer ' Recordirig Secreta.ry /lcrr�lc . C: Chairman Wimmer - ' File . � _ . Executive Board: Richard wmmer,Ned Neumann,Kay Bates,Kathleen Kunzer,David Geiwicks APPLICATIONFOR ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONBOARD MEMBERSHIP To: IDC F.xecr�ive Comnri�te�333 South Green Stree�McS�ry,IUinois 601150 � Name: ----------__..______________._.______________�_______.____5��; _____________._____.__._________---- Address: ----- State: Zip:--- BusinessName:-----------______.__________ - Tifle: -----------�--_--.-------------.___�.,._____.___---- Addtess: ---- — ^ity: State: ---Zip:---r------- Telephone:Home----------- ----- - p�Ce; _____._._._____.M____�______.__________._ Mobil: ------------- Pager: _ Fax: --____�..�.._____---_.,____— ----- E-MAIL: ----_.-�_._______�___�________�_�_______. Elective or Appointed Positions Held: Member of Organizations:- -�------- --_-, r_______�-------------------------�_ Organization Offices Held: OccupationalBackground: ----�--�----- ---..--------_ _.,___._------------_.�_---------- � � Are you generally familiar with the functions and worldngs of the EDC?-------------- Have you attended meetings of t�e EDC7 VVhat prompted you to apply for consideiation of appoi�ment to this position? � What do you feel you would be able to contri'bate to dris position? --- � What studies,responsibilfies,accomplishmems,pnblications,or oommunity projects have you participa�in or initiated which you feel may qualify you for this position? � � Other comments: � Date:— - - Signed: _ ii����*����r�����r����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date Received: Date Considered: Action Taken: