HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 7/10/2007 - Economic Development Commission McHENRY ECONQMIC DEVELOPMENT C�MMISSION
333 South Green Street,McHenry,Illinois 60050 (815)363-2100
e�nail: kkunzer(Dci.mchenrv.il.us fax: 815-363-2128
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
12:30 p.m.
Municipal Building—Council Chambers
1) Approval of Minutes: March 13, 2007 regularly scheduled
board meeting
2) Christopher Manheim, McHenry County Economic Development
Corporation — Report and Update
3) Update regarding Economic Development Comprehensive Plan
3) City Report
4) Other Business
�osted and e-mailed:July 6,2007
Executive Board: Richard Wimmer,Ned Neumann,Kay Bates,Kathleen KunZer,David Gelwicks
Economic Development Commission
Regutar Meeting
L. McHenry Manicipal Center
Tuesday, March 13,2007
Chairman Richazd Wimmer called the March 13, 2007, meeting of the McHenry Econornic
Development Commission to order at 12:35 PM. Present at roll call were Kay Bates, David
Gelwicks, Kathleen Kunzer, Susan Low, Jack Minero, Joseph Napolitano, Ned Neumann, Dick
Paegelow, and Richard Wimmer. Absent: Bill Bol�er, Kit Carstens, Kathy Marinangel, Doug
Maxeiner, and John Sm'tth. Others present: Kim Koy, PACE Transit.
A�proval of Minutes
Motion by Gelwicks, seconded by Minero, to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2007
regularly scheduled meeting as presented. All Ayes, motion ca.rried.
Presentation: PACE Communitv Services
Kim Koy, B��siness Development Representative for PACE, introduced herself to the
Ms. Koy stated PACE is attempting to initiate a business outreach pro�ram to the collar counties.
Her purpose today is to familiarize the EDC with PACE services currently available to residents
and businesses in the community. She stated the various programs could assist with work force
transportation needs.
� Ms. Koy noted there are currently two regular bus routes which service the City. Another tool
available for use is the rideshare option program which includes:
1] PACE Vanpool Incentive Progam
a] Traditional Vanpool
b] Employer Shuttle.
Ms. Koy stated the third way in which PACE can save residents and businesses money is
through transit benefits, such as employer-paid benefits, employee-paid benefits, and shared-cost
benefits. All of these options utilize pre-tax dollars.
Finally, PACE business services includes a transportation analysis and the services af a PACE
business development representative to assist in:
1] creating and distributing a transportation survey;
ZJ familiarizing citizens with public transportation services;
3] hosting a transit day for businesses in the area;
4)offering relocaxion assistance for new members in business worl�orce;
5] welcoming new employees to the area through discounted services.
Ms. Koy inquired if the EDC is active in some way in which PACE could be of service.
Napolitano stated PACE services could possibly be utilized in the area of business retention,
particularly in the area of worl�orce expansion.
Ms. Koy stated PACE can assist in creating transportation/transit surveys and posting them
`- electronically on the City's or EDC website.
Neumann inquired where PACE is currently involved in EDC-related matters and how is PACE
Economic Developme�rt Commission
Mazch 13,2007
Page 2
incorporated into EDC issues. He asked Ms. Koy how she thought she could assist the EDC. Ms.
� Koy responded McHenry County is very green with regard to mass transportation utilization. She
noted she has worked closely with Sears in Hoffrnan Estates.
Neumann inquired if Ms. Koy could possibly set up a vanpool program in the City's business
park. Ms. Koy responded she could. She noted there are currently no businesses in McHenry
County who avail themselves of the vanpool program. She opined it would be best to start with
the county's lar�es employer, which would be Centega. She cited the difficulty of r�umerous
scattered Centegra sites/locations throughout the county as a drawback.
On behalf of the EDC, Chairman Wimmer thanked Ms. Koy for her presentation.
Discussion: Results from EDC Retreat—Economic Develooment Plan
Napolitano provided the Commission with a report which compiled the results of the retreat held
on February 1��'. He noted the lists of Strengths and Weaknesses included references to multiple
times each w�;re cited during the small group discussions. The ne� step should involve
establishing a c:oncise vision statement and clarify the goals and objectives.
Napolitano stated by the next meeting a draft EDC Comprehensive Plan should be developed for
Commission review and comment. He opined the retreat provided the Commission with a good
beginnin�point in drafting the comprehensive plan.
Gelwicks suggested another off-site retreat session would be beneficial in finalizing the plan.
�" Suggestions was made by Minero to invite Chris Manheim from the McHenry County Economic
Development Corporation to participate in the next comprehensive plan meeting. Chairman
Wimmer noted Mr. Manheim has been invited to attend the ne}rt EDC meeting.
Citv Report
Napolitano reported the housing starts appear to be up over the same time period last year. He
stated this could be an indication of a positive turn in the economy.
Most major tenants in Shops at the Fox River are now open. Wickes facility on the north side of
town is under constn�ction.
Napolitano reported Olive Garden is currently looking at the outlot in front of Best Buy for
possible location in the City. A conditional use permit would be required for them to be able to
serve alcoholic beverages on the site.
The Medical Arts Site redevelopment is moving forward. Curtis Commercial has signed the
redevelopment agreement and will appear before the Planning and Zoning Commission on April
5, 2007. The proposal is for a 24-unit condo including first floor retail and a two story parking
deck. They are also proceeding with permit applica.tion for sales trailer and signage. Neumann
noted he ha.s offered his Green Street property to Curtis Commercial for their sales trailer.
There is a possible muiti-tenant redevelopment north of the bridge on the east side of Green
�-- Street(McHenry Theater project).
A multi-tenant retail one-acre project is in preliminary stages for Northgate West. Potential
Economic Developmem Commission
March 13,2007
Page 3
developer for Joey T's is in the early stages of discussion. The proposal would be for three-story
� residential development.
Napolitano also reported John Colomer has purchased the property at the northeast corner of
Pearl and Richmond Road. He is seeking ideas for its development.
It was noted there has been recent interest in the Portable Tool site regarding its development as
an indoor mini-golf recreational facility.
Committee Reports
Banquet Facility Recruitment
Bates met with Father Sherry at Church of Holy Apostles who is proposing the current church
sanctuary be converted to a community center once the new sanctuary is open and being utilized.
Bates noted Father Sherry believes the community center could accommodate up to 400 people.
Until the actu�il size of the area is known, it is difficult to determine the number the facility could
handle. Bates believes 300-350 would be more realistic.
Bates suggested the EDC should create a mailing list to recruit banquet facility operators for
managing the facility.
Some discussion occurred regarding potential banquet facility sites in town. Neumann noted
most banquet facility operators prefer to have a banquet facility adjacent to a strip mall setting
which has florists, bridal gowns, bakery, tuxedo rental, print shop, etc. This creates a one stop
� shopping and planning for facility users, particularly as weddings seem to be prime reason for
facility rental. Taking this into consideration it was suggested a 6-8 acre site would be needed.
Riverwalk Recruitment
Napolitano stated work will begin in April on finishing the pedestrian bridge. Landscape work
and finishing the gazebos will occur in spring as well. There has been some discussion regardin�
the installation of interactive fountain at Weber Park before that portion of the Riverwalk is
actually constructed.
Motion by Gelwicks, seconded by Napolitano to adjourn the meeting. All ayes, motion earried.
The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
� �
Kat een Kunzer, Recording Secr