HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/10/2008 - Finance and Personnel Committee + � FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, March 10, 2008 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. `— In Atteridance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd, Alderman Schaefer and Alderman Peterson. Absent: None. Also in Attelidance: City Administrator Maxeiner, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Finance Black and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He noted that included in the agenda this evening would be preliminary discussions regarding the Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Budget, which had been inadvertently omitted from the Agenda Notice. Credit Card Pavments for Citv Services Finance Director Black reiterated to the Committee that during the February 11, 2008 Finance and Personnel Committee meeting, there appeared to be general agreement that the City should expand the acceptance of credit cards for over-the-counter payments and begin accepting payments on-line through the City's website. At that meeting the Committee requested additional information regarding transaction fees charged to the City and the feasibility of restricting the types of items that could be charged by credit cards. The following issues were brought out by the Committee as requiring further discussion: • Determining the minimum and/or maximum dollar amount for credit card payments; • Whether the City should begin accepting payment at the main counter service window only, or expand the service to all areas that accept payments, including Police Department and Community Development Department; and `- • Whether a convenience fee would be charged by the City for credit card transactions. Director Black informed the Committee that Staff contacted a representative from Illinois E-Pay to discuss the issue of transaction fees and setting restrictions on the payment amounts for credit card transactions. The average fee for both over-the-counter and internet transactions would be 2.1% per transaction plus a processing and credit caxd company fees of$0.22. As an example, the total fee paid by the City for a $5.00 payment would be $0.33 (2.1% plus $0.22), or 6.6% of the payment amount. Regarding whether the City could set a minimum and maximum dollar amount for credit card payments, credit card vendors prohibit parties that accept credit cards from setting a minimum dollar amount for credit card payments. In an effort to assist in implementation and gain an understanding of customer usage patterns, Staff is supportive of initially accepting over-the-counter payments only at the main customer service window. This would provide the Finance Department an opportunity to implement the process prior to assisting other departments, which may accept credit card payments at a later date. Further, it would allow Staff to gather information on the types and amounts of payments paid with credit cards. Director Black informed the Committee that the City does have the option of charging a convenience fee on credit card transactions for internet, mail and/or telephone transactions. Staff � believes it is an opportune time to move forward and is suggesting the following: • Offering over-the-counter credit card transactions as an option, on a pilot basis, at the main customer service counter for all fees, fines and permits; Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting March 10, 2008 Page 2 �' • Offering on-line payments for utility bills and other logical fees and fines, compatible with the Illinois Funds E-Pay system. • Assessing a convenience fee for those choosing to utilize credit cazds for on-line payme�rts. Alderman Schaefer opined he is not in favor of a convenience fee, as utilizing of a credit card by an individual should be viewed as a convenience and there should be no additional charge. Alderman Peterson opined he is in favor of a convenience fee and supports initiating the program at the main counter, and on-line, where it can be monitored. Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd stated he would like to observe how the program works first at the front counter (primarily the Finance Department) prior to committing the service to additional departments. He opined he is not in favor of including Community Development fees in the program as they tend, at times, to be significant. A discussion ensued regarding the merits versus the possible cost of the program to the City. Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd suggested that if the Committee does not feel it is ready to make a decision regarding this matter it could be revisited at a later date. Alderman Schaefer stated he believes it an opportune time to make a decision regarding this matter removing it from the docket. � Responding to Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, City Administrator Maxeiner stated approximately 3 to 5 persons daily inquire if credit card transactions are available. Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd reiterated he would be willing to try the program in the Finance Department, at the front desk, and for utility bills on-line. Alderman Schaefer suggested monitoring the number of persons who daily inquire regarding credit card utilization. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Peterson, to recommend Staff initiate the following • Offering over-the-counter credit card transactions as an option, on a pilot basis, at the main customer service counter for all fees, fines and permits; • Offering on-line payments for utility bills. • Assessing a convenience fee for those choosing to utilize credit cards for on-line payments of an estimated amount to offset the cost to the City of using a credit card. Aye: Murgatroyd, Peterson, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Bud�et Director Black provided the Committee with a copy of the revised Proposed/Potential Budget �-- Adjustments and Three-Year Projections. � � � Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting March 10, 2008 Page 3 � Director Black stated there is a deficit in the Budget of a little over $300,000, Following further review of the Budget the adjusted excess is $268,538, which Staff is attempting to rectify. He opined that shc�uld the deficit not be reduced to zero no capital project items be purchased. Director Black noted that sales tax and income t� look good. He continued the presentation, outlining non-budgeted expense items. Responding to an inquiry by Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd regaxding $50,000 in police overtime and whether it was in or out of the Budget, Finance Director Black noted that the item related to possible security items currently in discussion following the disturbing events at a Council meeting out of state. Director Black presented the 2008/2009 Budget Analysis General Fund Summary. Director Black provided the Committee with an explanation of the various revenues by category including: • Sales Tax; • Income Tax; and • Property Tax. A discussion ensued regarding the detailed revenues, which Director Black had summarized by category. `— City Administrator Maxeiner elaborated on the benefits of a pilot progam with surrounding communities regarding the PACE program Assistant City Administrator Hobson summarized the parking lot expansion and reconfiguration. He noted that the expansion would add 10 additional parking spaces and the reconfiguration would facilitate easier snow plowing. City Administrator Maxeiner noted that Street Division services to sewers (i.e., clearing, cleaning, etc.) comes out of the General Fund and not the Water and Sewer Fund. Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd suggested that should any of the Committee members have specific questions prior to the meeting scheduled on Wednesday, April 2, 2007, they should contact Director Black. Adiournment Motion by Peterson, seconded by Schaefer, to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Aye: Murgatroyd, Peterson, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, L,. Steven C. Murgatroyd, Cha man