HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/12/2009 - Finance and Personnel Committee JOINT MEETING
Monday, January 12, 2009
`-- Aldermen's Conference Room, 6:30 p.m.
In Attendance: Finance and Personnel Committee Members: Chairman Alderman
Murgatroyd, Alderman Peterson and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None.
In Attendance: Parks and Recreation Committee Members: Chairman Alderman
Peterson, Alderman Santi and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None.
Also in Attendance: Mayor Low, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Finance
Black, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Recreation Witt and City
Clerk Jones.
Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Continued Discussion Re�arding Parks and Recreation Program,
Rental and Event Fees
Chairman Alderman Peterson opened the meeting, stating that this evening's discussion would
encompass the analyses of operational costs at Knox Park Pool, Petersen Park Beach and
McHenry Zone Skate and Bike Park. He then turned the meeting over to Superintendent of
Recreation Witt
Knox Park Pool:
`.-- Superintendent Witt suggested the Committees consider adding an additional pool party on
Friday night and increasing the fee to $155.00, as presented in Option No. 2.
Alderman Santi opined he is comfortable with one party per night, on Friday, Saturday and
Sunday. He requested that Staff ascertain in the coming season if any requests for pool parties
are being turned down because they fall on the same night that a party has been previously
booked. He noted that this information would be pertinent in the future to determine if
additional parties could be scheduled on the same night. Additionally, he requested that Staff
track the attendance at the pool parties for informational purposes.
Alderman Schaefer opined that the Employee Family pool admission fee should remain at zero
and not be increased to $25.00. Alderman Santi concurred with Alderman Schaefer.
Director of Finance Black suggested the fee for a pool party be increased to $165, from the -
current $150, rather than$155.
Petersen Park Beach:
Superintendent Witt presented four options regarding daily admissions and boat rentals at
Petersen Park Beach. Ms. Witt outlined the salary requirements for personnel based upon a full
Superintendent Witt informed the Committee members that currently residents are not charged a
� fee for use of the property. She noted revenues at the property are low considering the expense
of st�ng.
Joint Meeting
� Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting
Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting
January 12, 2009
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Chairman Alderman Peterson suggested the beach lifeguard could be eliminated or hours could
be reduced.
Mayor Low opined that the City has gone to a great deal of effort to make the beach an
attractive, appealing venue. She stated that not having a lifeguard on duty on the premises would
be a concern. She believes a number of families take advantage o�use of the beach because they
are unable to afford the fees imposed at Knox Park Pool.
Chairman Alderman Peterson asked the committee members their opinion as to whether a life
guard should be on duty at the beach during operating hours. Both Aldermen Santi and Schaefer
stated they would prefer a lifeguard on site during hours of operation.
Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding the modification of the hours the beach
is open, Superintendent Witt stated the current hours are 11:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. She suggested
the hours could be modified, suggesting 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. to reduce the hours a lifeguard
would be required at the beach.
�, Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd arrived at 7:00 p.m. citing traffic conditions and inclement
weather for his delay in arriving.
Alderman Schaefer opined that reducing the hours at the Petersen Park Beach is not a viable
option. Alderman Schaefer stated he believes the hours should remain the same pursuant to
Option No. 1. Chairman Alderman Peterson and Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd concurred.
Alderman Santi indicated he was in favor of Option No. 3, reducing the hours of operation at the
beach to 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi, Superintendent Witt stated that beach attendance
is tracked on a daily basis.
Regarding the daily admission fee Superintendent Witt suggested that Option No. 4 is best for
ease of operation. Both residents and non-residents would be charged $2.00 and address
verification would not be required.
Alderman Schaefer voiced his concerns regarding charging non-residents the same fee as
By straw vote it was determined that Option No. 3, increasing resident fees from zero to $1.00
and non-resident fees from $3.50 to $3.75 was agreed upon by Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd,
Alderman Santi and Alderman Schaefer. Chairman Alderman Peterson stated he was is favor of
� Option No. 3, but believed the non-resident fee should be increased from $3.50 to $4.00. It was
noted that residents can use their pool passes in lieu of the entrance fee.
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� Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting
Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting
January 12, 2009
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Familv and Company Picnic Shelter Rentals:
Superintendent Witt outlined the options for Family and Company Picnic Shelter Rentals.
Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel noted that the total number of applications for rental is
down. Following a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Committees to accept Option No.
2 regarding Family and Company Picnic Shelter Rentals.
McHenry Zone Skate and Bike Park:
Superintendent Witt provided two option regarding cutting expenses at the skate park. She noted
that the City of McHenry is the only municipality in her survey that has supervision at a skate
City Attorney McArdle arrived at 7:15 p.m.
Chairman Alderman Peterson suggested a flat fee of$1.00 to enter the skate park. Additionally,
he suggested a seasonal punch card could be purchased and used in lieu of an admission fee.
City Administrator Maxeiner arrived at 7:22 p.m.
� Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd suggested the supervision at the skate park be eliminated and
no fees be charged.
Chairman Alderman Peterson opined there have been problems in the past at the skate park when
it was unsupervised. He stated he would support continued supervision and charge an admission
City Administrator Maxeiner suggested a couple of hours of supervision per day at the skate
park, perhaps 10:00 a.m. to noon.
Mayor Low opined it has reached the point where the City can no longer afford to continue to
pay for supervision at the skate park. She stated that if the police are called out because of bad
behavior at the skate park then the park will be closed for the day.
In a straw vote, Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi and Alderman Schaefer indicated
they would support supervision at the skate park from 10:00 a.m. to noon daily.
Mayor Low departed at 7:25 p.m.
Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to recommend to Council that the fee schedule and
operational costs for Knox Park Pool and Shelter, Petersen Park Beach and McHenry Zone Skate
and Bike Park be revised as follows:
`' • Knox Park Pool: Fees to be increased according to Option No. 2, with the following
o The Employee Family fee shall remain at zero
Joint Meeting
� Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting
Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting
January 12, 2009
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o Pool Party fees, with the addition of a Friday night party shall be increased to
• Petersen Park Beach
o Option No. 1 was chosen with rega.rd to beach expenses.
o Option No. 3 was chosen with regard to beach admissions
■ It was noted that residents could use their pool passes in lieu of the
admission fee
o Option No. 2 was chosen with regard to family and company picnic shelter rentals
• McHenry Zone Skate and Bike Park
o It was determined that no admission fee would be imposed and supervision at the
skate park would be reduced to 10:00 a.m. to noon, daily.
Aye: Murgatroyd, Peterson, Santi, Schaefer.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
� Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m.
Aye: Murgatroyd, Peterson, Santi, Schaefer.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
`` �? �
Steven C. Mur�atroyd, Ch rman
Robert J. Peterso airman