HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/13/2017 - Finance and Personnel Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE `— MEETING REPORT Thursday,July 13,2017 Municipal Center Classroom, 5:30 PM In Attendance at Roll Call: Chairman Alderman Curry, Alderman Schaefer and Alderman Mihevc. Also in Attendance: Director of Finance Lynch and Human Resources Manager Ann Campanella. 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. 2. Public Comment: None. 3. Motion to apurove March 22, 2017 and April 5, 2017 Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting Reuorts. Motion made by Schaefer, second by Mihevc,to approve March 22,2017 and April 5,2017 Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting Reports.All voting aye,motion carried. 4. Motion to auprove a Fiscal Year 2017/18 Finance and Personnel Committee meeting schedule. Aldennan Schaefer stated he did not mind having regular scheduled meetings, Alderman � Mihevc agreed. Motion made by Schaefer, second by Mihevc, to approve regularly scheduled meetings at 5:30 pm prior to City Council meetings on the first Monday of the month, with the exception of March 2018. All voting aye, motion carried. 5. Discussion: Role of the Finance and Personnel Committee Manaber Campanella stated she would like to better know what the role and function is of the committee, to which Alderman Schaefer responded by stating the role is to address union grievances, finance and budget. Also to bring items to the City Council after discussion on the committee level regarding any personnel issues and review revenue on a monthly basis. Alderman Mihevc stated he is new to the City Council but served on a School Board and the district had intense oversite with weekly meetings. Alderman Curry stated the role is to review topics having a financial impact on the City of McHenry,to research topics to flush out concerns before going to the full City Council and if a department hires personnel then it needs to be seen by the committee,review staff, and � the Revolving Loan Fund Committee. 6. Discussion: How are toaics identified for the Committee: � Aldernian Curry stated that anyone could identify topics for the committee. Alderman Schaefer questioned who had the ability to put a topic on the agenda, the staff or the Chairnian of the Finance and Personnel Committee, to which Alderman Curry stated that he woiild ask City Attorney McArdle who the person is and until then Director Lynch or Manager Campanella would be the point of contact person. 7. Discussion: Exnectation of ineetin�uacket details on topics. Chairrrian Alderman Curry expressed there is a lot of preparation for the meetings. Staff may not have all the answers immediately, and the committee level is more of a dialog between aldermen and staff to make sure details are ironed out as much as possible before it goes to the City Council. Aldernian Schaefer stated that his expectations would be to go through the budget, ask any questions, and then bring it to the Council for more discussion on the budget. Alderman Curry stated his expectations would be to recommend City Council approval on topics,the committee is not the final decider and whether to recommend or not recommend an item for approval. Manager Campanella said if questions are asked prior to the meeting it would be a timely � process. Alderman Curry said he had no problem with staff contacting him with questions. 8. Discussion: Potential FY 17/18 Committee topics. Alderman Curry said anything that would take precedence such as the budget, an audit, and the agenda should have quick staff reports. He would like to see the affects t� incentives have on the budget, the audit report has a whole section, and review bills for possible saving opportunities. Alderman Mihevc stated he appreciates being informed on what is happening with the state and able to discuss in the committee. Alderman Schaefer said it would be good to have a monthly snapshot of reports and spending at the monthly meetings. 9. Motion to Adiourn: Alderman Schaefer made a motion, second by Alderman Mihevc, to adjourn the meeting at 6:39 pm. All ayes,motion carried. Reviewed and approved this day of /t'O✓f.��2017. � � Alde a Sc Curry, Cha'