HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/10/1994 - Finance and Personnel Committee MINUTES: FINANCE COIrII�'IITTEE MEETING MARCH 10, 1994 �. Members Present: Chairman Locke, Aldermen Bates and Bolger. Others Present: Alderman Lawson, City Administrator Peterson, Director of Public Works Batt, Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito. Chairman Locke called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. . The purpose of the meeting was to continue review of the various department requests and Administrator recommendations that make up the General Fund. Buildin� and Zoninx Denartment Director Lobaito stated he intended to point out the highlights and changes in his 1994-95 budget requests. An additional part-time clerk to be shared with Public Works was the only personnel change included in his request. This position is intended to help with answering the telephone, working the counter, and performing filing and copying for the two departments. Contractual costs for inspections not performed by staff are expected to increase with the growth in the number of existing and new industrial and commercial businesses. Director Lobaito expressed concerns that all plumbing inspections were not being performed by a licensed plumber as required, however, he felt City inspectors were qualified to do most inspections. Requests for capital outlay included a decibal meter and a transit. The decibal meter would allow the � department to monitor corapliance with noise standards in the Zoning Ordinance, and the transit would allow the department to check foundation heights against approved engineering (presently transit is borrowed from Public Works) . The Committee thanked Director Lobaito for keeping his budget requests to a minimum. Public Works Administration Director Batt stated his budget request includes hiring a full-time engineering inspector and sharing an additional part-time clerk with Building and Zoning. The inspector position would help with field work in subdivisions and with City sponsored construction activities including sidewalks, streets, parking lots, and water and sewer mains. It was pointed out that costs for the inspector position would be partially offset by collecting fees from private developers. Administrator Peterson indicated a future need to develop a computer based service request tracking system to provide management level reporting for public works activities. Street Division The 1994-95 budget request includes replacement of a vacant Maintenance Man position and the addition of summer help. As a result of budget balancing measures t�ze last two years, the maintenance level in some areas, most notably ditch work, has been reduced. These personnel requests will merely bring the Division back to a staffing level it had � three years ago. The request does not account for the growth in the City during that period. The Administrator has recommended $100,000 be budgeted for contracted storm water management and engineering. Director Finance Commitee Meeting March 10, 1994 Page 2 � Batt noted leaf collection by Public Works was not recommended and stressed the need to have adequate notice prior to the fall season if leaf cc�llection is to be included as a service to residents. Director Batt reported a request from a McHenry Shores resident to install street lighting. The Committee felt the City should look into a program to install street lights according to subdivision standards throughout the entire McHenry Shores area. Buildin� and Grounds Division An additional personnel request includes the creation of a full-time maintenance position from an existing part-time slot. The Material and Supplies account is increased to $18,300. Discussion about a capital outlay request to add an enclosure of the dumpster and create a new storage area ensued. It was the consensus of the Committee to consider this request for next year. Installation of a sprinkler system was not recommended by the Committee. The Committee thanked Director Batt for keeping budget requests in line with available resources. Miscellaneous Personnel Reauests Chairman Locke reviewed the request of Police Department Sergeants to equalize the pay grade between themselves and the Detective Sergeant. Previously the Committee recommended the Detective Sergeant receive half � the matrix increase of other employees until the pay grades are equalized. After fuither discussion the Committee felt the Sergeants could be brought to parity with the Detective Sergeant matrix in 1994-95, provided they not be eligible for overtime. Administrator Peterson reported discussions with Chief Joyce indicate there is still a disparity in the amount of overtirae put in by the Detective Sergeant. The Committee felt the Detective Sergeant position should be eligible for overtime pay. A request from Chief Joyce to increase the pay for lieutenants was then discussed. From the information provided by the Chief, it appeared City Lieutenants are being underpaid. Administrator Peterson raised concerns about internal equity issues by increasing Lieutenant pay. He stated Lieutenants currently are paid more than the Directors of Parks and Recreation and Building and Zoning. Lieutenants are not required to put in the overtime required by Department Heads and while they typically supervise more people, they do not have the ultimate responsibility for operation of a City department. The Administrator was instructed to determine if a non-exempt rank such as captain or commander could be created. Requests to increase the pay grade for the Accounts Payable Clerk and Junior Clerk (receptionist) were reviewed and discussed. The Committee did not feel the grade matrix for these positions should be ad,justed. The possibility of a special recognition award was discussed. Administrator Petersoi will prepare a written report for consideration. '� Th e� bein� no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting s ad�nur�ed t :27 P.M. ! � ��_ � . -���y�'��.;� Terry L<�c�r,e, Ch irman