HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 9/12/1995 - Finance and Personnel Committee City of McHenry n�� � � ��` .� .. ^'4 333 South Green Street � y w . McHenry, [llinois 60050-5642 _ � _ . _ -� �� � � Clerk's Office and �� A G E N D A Administration ��'" FAX�(815)363�2119 ✓ /(, - FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Public Works, .� ' ` TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 Building and Zoning � ?�'� (S15)363-2170 7:�� P.M. FAX:(815)363-2173 �� Parks and Recreation (815)363-2160 Police 1 . Reivew Incentive Performance Review Im lementation (Non-Emergency) p (815)363-2200 FAX:(815)363-2149 2 Any and All Business Which May Properly Come Before Mayor the Committee �teven J.Cuda City Clerk Pamela J.Althoff Treasurer Lillian Caims Aldermen � WARD 1 William J.Bolger WARD 2 Terence W. Locke WARD 3 Gregory C. Bates WARD 4 David T. Lawson WARD 5 William V. Baird Posted and Mailed: September 8, 1995 � � MEMORANDUM TO: All Non-Contract Full-Time Employees FROM: Finance Committee Chairman Dave Lawson DATE: September 1, 1995 RE: September 12, Finance Committee Meeting to Review Incentive Performance Review Implementation You are invited to attend a meeting the Finance Committee has scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 12, in the Council Chambers. This meeting is being held to receive comments from employees on the incentive performance review form � attached to this memo. The Finance Committee asks that you focus questions or comments to the form. The Committee will not be discussing the merits or the specific details of the City's incentive pay plan with employees at this meeting. � .: sscr=ox zz= GENERAL APPRAISAL OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE UNACCEPT IMPROVEMENT MEETS EXCEEDS OUTSTAND NOT ABLE NEEDED EXPECT. EXPECT. ING APPLICABLE � (definitiona liated below) � 1. Obaervee work hours (is prompt) 2. Attandance (attach e�ployee calendar) 3. Compliea with dresa coda 4. Driving habits 5. Care of toola and aquipment 6. Followa Safety Procedures 7. Safe use of tools, equipment & vehiclea 8. Reeps work area orderly 9. Quantity of work: 10. Quality of work: Accuracy Complateaesa Neatnesa 11. Job perfoxmance: Timeliaesa Uae of time Utilization of reaourcea 12. Works iadependently 13. �Followa inatructiona 14. Accepts reapoasibility 15. Knowledge of procedurea and policiea 16. Performaace under presaure 17. Effectiveness in communication with public 18. Attitude with general public 19. Reapects authority 20. Cooperation with co-workers 21. Accepta additional duties 22. Williagnesa to accept naw methoda/procedures 23. Initiative: Amount of direction required Saeka improved methode/techniques 24. Job skill development DSF�TIONS FOR R],TING: IIN-ACCSPT71BL8 - aubetantial need for improvement. II�ROv�1T NH�� - ahowa need for further training or required additional employee initiative. �ETS �PSCPATION - consiatently meete all requirementa and expectatione. 6ZCSSDS SZPBCT]►TION - more than fulfills esaential requirementa. ODTSTANDING - perfox�ance ia of higheat caliber. NOT APPLIC11BL8 (N/]�) - not reaponaible for this activity. � SBCrION IV. COMIIENTS BY SUPERVISOR :ommeata citiag apecifica are required if appraiaal of employee falls at either end of appraisal spectrum, i.e., �a-accA�table or outatandiag and/or if "aot mat" ia checked in Sectioa II, Commenta are encouraged if the appraisal falls Ln th �eas of improvemant aeeded or exceede expectatioa. � sBcrxox v. �LOYES CODIl�SSNTS Phe amployee may comment on aay portioa of thia appraisal or on the appraieal iastrumeat as a whole, ueiag additioaal sheete >f papar if aeeded. If the employee doea not concur vith the appraisal, check the appropriate box ia Section VI, aad �xplaia the reason(e) . —� SSCPION VI SIGNATIIRES 3mployee'a Signature Date I do aot concur (uae Sectioa V. for explaaation) . tatar'a Sigaature Date �apartment Head's Signature Date Date [ / We have personally diecussed the foregoiag conteate of thie appraisal with the amployee RRk�t4*RRRRt�FIrRkfRRRRM*M*tRR*kR}r*tktt�lrtlrftkf�k4tk�kfk#4f!#RfffRR�rR*lt�lrlhf4r#4#**RRRffMt***ttft*!t**RRRIrRRRR*ftkfdRfkfRRtM*kR7rtR**#R*R# I recommend a $ increase effective May lat for (employee name) � Department Head City Administrator DATED: