HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/14/1995 - Finance and Personnel Committee FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES �" November 14, 1995 Members Present : Chairman Lawson, Greg Bates, Bill Baird Others Present : City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Peterson, Mayor Cuda, City Auditor John Eder, Senior Clerk Susan Christenson Alderman Lawson called the meeting to order at 7 : 25 P.M. He introduced the new city auditor, John Eder of Eder, Riedel & Company and stated the purpose of this evening' s meeting was to review the April 30, 1995 audit report . Mr. Eder explained that the audit was divided into six sections : -letters and opinions -financial statements -notes to the financial statements -combined financial statements -supplemental financial statements and -federal compliance section I . Letters and Opinions �. Mr. Eder stated this section was devoted to the auditor' s opinion letters as to obtain assurance about whether the financial statements are free of materail misstatments . He noted the City of McHenry received a "clean" opinion. Letter #2 reviewing the Internal Control Structure both from an efficiency standpoint as well as the system' s design indicates no material weaknesses . Eder noted he had a few comments with reference to the internal control, however these comments would be addressed when reviewing the management letter. Letter #3 is an opinion letter reviewing the financial statements in accordance with Government Auditinct Standards . The City of McHenry received a "clean" opinion. II . Financial Statements The Balance Sheet as of April 30, 1995 was reviewed. Eder noted the City of McHenry appeared to be in good financial shape . Eder drew council' s attention to page seven (7) of the audit report stating an adjustment to the Fund Balances had been made . As the Insurance Fund is supported by a special property tax levy, it would be better classified as a Special Revenue Fund. Alderman Bates arrived at 7 :35 P.M. � Finance Committee Meeting Minutes � November 14 , 1995 Page Two The review of page eight (8) Fund Balances - Appropriations and Actual led to a discussion on the pros and cons of an Appropriations Ordinance vs. the straight Budget Process . Page nine (9) Proprietary fund types and Similar Trust funds noted a $26, 212 adjustment in the Internal Service Fund which serves the Employee Insurance Fund initiated in the 1993-4 fiscal year. The adjustment was necessry to set up the beginning cash and investment balances that were not reflected in the April 30, 1994 audit report . Eder also explained that this year' s figures cannot readily be compared to last years figures as council had authorized the hiring of new auditors for 1995-1997 and this year' s audit formate has changed. Page ten (10) Cash Flow Statement of all Proprietary Fund and Similar Trust Funds noted the City' s strong financals shape and the current ability to maximize earnings to a high level . III . Notes Eder explained that the Note section is a summary of the more significant accounting policies of the City. He recommended �. all aldermen review this section if given the opportunity. NOTE 3 - Cash and Investments noted the Police Pension Fund is not insured, however the police are aware of this problem and are attempting it' s correction. NOTE 5 - Eder reported that the information for this section, the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, is provided directly by this entity. NOTE 6 -Police Pension noted the difference between years 1992 and 1993 citing four or five officers reaching their 20 years of service and one young office placed on disability therefore no longer contributing to the pool . Further discussion focused on the advisability of implementing fair market values for the audit report as per the department of insurance requirements rather than the city' s current practice of utilizing book values . Eder recommended the early implementation of the fair market values to maintain consistency. Eder also recommended council consider authorizing the acturial studies every year in light of City Administrator Peterson' s resignation. City Administrator Peterson also noted the importance of maintaining a good relationship with the Polic Pension Board as they can act very independently/ . NOTE 7 - Changes in the long term debt noted the current �-' status of all water/sewer reserve accounts . Finance Committee Meeting Minutes November 14 , 1995 �'" Page Three NOTE 9 - Risk Management notes the city' s participation in McHenry C��unty Municipal Risk Management Agency and current and potential insurance risks . NOTE 15 - Deficit Fund Balance/Retained Earnings notes a deficit fund balance in both the Employee Insurance Fund and the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Eder stated the deficit in the employee insurance fund did not concern them, as auditors, as this fund was used to account for the financing of services provided by one department to other departments of the city on a cost-reimbursement basis . The deficit in the IMRF fund was a concern, although not of a substitive nature as it was noted that City Administrator Peterson has appropriated additional funds for this fund in the 1995-96 fiscal year as opposed to the general fund as done in the past three years . V. Supplemental Financial Statements Eder noted that following page 37 there was a page of definitions for all the special revenue funds . Pages 58/59 Balance Sheet for Waterworks and Sewerage Fund, �... Eder noted excess monies should be transferred over to the operating fund in a more direct fashion as well as more frequently. The City of McHenry has typically only transferred earned interest revenues once a year to the operating fund. Some discussion followed regarding the possibility of bond purchase for the "east of the river" sewer expansion. City Administrator Peterson noted that council must determine whether to increase the existing bond amount or seek new bonds. In response to Alderman Baird' s inquiry Peterson noted that if the bond amount were increased it would not be in direct proportion to the bond amount . Eder also noted the creation of new trust funds used to account for assets held by the city in a trustee capacity, ie : Police Pension Fund. Eder also noted the need for unaudited supplemental financials as a requirement of our bond ordinance. VI . Federal Financial Compliance Eder noted that this section is required by the federal government as the City of McHenry receives federal dollars . Eder stated that the city received "clean" statements here as well . MANAGEMENT LETTER REVIEW Eder stated that in connection with the audit examination of the �' financial statements, the city' s accounting procedures, financial records aiid system of internal control . The management letter therefore is a means to draw council' s attention to any weaknesse:� and risks noted by this auditing firm. Finance Committee Meeting Minutes ' November 14 , 1995 Page Four � l . Discovery that some of the prior year audit adjustments were not recorded onto the City books, causing the financial statements to be incorrectly stated throughout this year. It is imperative that all adjustments be booked in a timely manner as staff and council use these financial statements as working documents . This problem has been corrected and has been designated as an area to be reviewed every year. 2 . Polic� requires the city to approve all disbursements made from city funds, however it was noted that certain checks are being disbursed without the council' s approval . Eder stated that the majority of these disbursements are for normal, recurring items, but recommended council take a look at this process and consider the following: -maintaining the status quo, but requiring a list of these prepaid bills be submitted for council review. -establish an imprest checking account with a balance of �5, 000 . Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of the committee to require staff to provide a list of the prepaid bills for council review. The committee noted that if there appears to be problem with this process an imprest account can be established as per the auditor' s recommendation. 3 . Vehicle licenses are issued out of numerical order to satisfy �' requests made by city residents for specific numbers and this practice creates a poor internal control environment . It was noted that efforts have begun to curtail this practice and will be phased out over time . 4 . Illinois Compiled Statutes require a percentage of corporate personal property replacement taxes be allocated to IMRF and Social Security Funds in order to replace tax revenues lost . It was discovered the city has not been allocating any amounts to the IMRF fund. City Administrator Peterson noted this year an adjustment: will be made to correct this problem. 5 . Illinois Compiled Statutes require that interest earned on cash accounts and investments be allocaated among those funds which own the cash or investment . It was noted the city had two funds (Vehicle License and Road and Bridge) which had cash balances but did not receive any allocation of interest . City Administrator Peterson noted this practice has been noted and corrected. 6 . The city has no formal documented accounting policy and procedures manual . The lack of written documentation makes the training of new employees and consistency difficult . Staff should coiisider requiring all financial/accounting personnel create anc� update periodically a procedures manual . `�.� The meetiiig was adjourned at 9 : 25 P.M. J _����1t-C:Y �`, �.0 C,t,'�'� David Law:�on