HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/17/1998 - Finance and Personnel Committee � FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES February 17, 1998 Members Present: Chairman Murgatroyd, Alderman Bill Baird, Alderman McClatchey Others Present: Mayor Cuda, City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, Chief of Police Joyce, Community Development Director Napolitano, and Senior Account Clerk Christensen Finance Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd opened the meeting at 7:08 P.M. stating the purpose of this evening's meeting was to continue to review the various department requests and recommendations for the 1998-99 budget year. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT City Administrator Lobaito noted as per all other noncontracted employees salaries have been increased to reflect a 4% cost of living raise. Medical/dental insurance premiums will be forthcoming as quotes for the new year have just been submitted. City Administrator noted the Comprehensive Plan line item in Account #510 Contractual reflects a carryover expenditure from fiscal year 1997-98. Some �. discussion followed regarding the desirability of increasing this figure permitting expenditures for additional planning studies. City Administrator Lobaito recommended carryover of the full 565,000. It was the consensus of the committee to budget 570,000 for this line item. City Administrator Lobaito also noted the line item Architectural/Engineering Services had been increased significantly to allow for unexpected development which might require engineering and/or design work citing the extension of sanitary sewer service to the recently annexed Weygren property on Crystal Lake Road and the possibility of an Eastwood Manor Water Company purchase and Hunterville Subdivision annexation. Only one Capital Outlay item, a computer purchase for the new Community Development Director, was expensed for 53000. POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief of Police Joyce noted the salaries reflected the 3% contracted raise for MCPOA Unit 1 , 3.25% raise for MCPOA Unit 2 and a 4% raise for the noncontracted employees. Monies have also been allocated for the possible retirement of one telecommunications dispatcher. Additional salary increase requests, including the Chief of Police were distributed. In response to committee inquiry Chief of Police Joyce explained the career ladder and noted six officers are currently enrolled in this program. He also noted one `.. police officer might retire during the 1998-99 fiscal year. Finance Committee Meeting � February 17, 1998 Page Two POLICE DEPARTMENT (contl Chief Joyce drew the committee's attention to the purchase of three body armor suits this fiscal year for S 1600 and stated as per contractual specifications 28 replacement body suits will be expensed in the 1999-2000 budget. In account #503 Professional Development Chief Joyce noted the addition of Arson training. In account #505 Office Supplies the line item Parking Tickets was reduced from 52800 to 51300. Some discussion followed regarding #615 D.A.R.E. account. Chief Joyce noted the expansion of the program into the fourth grades, however the cost was minimal at approximately S 125.00. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the current squad car replacement program during the presentation of account #700, Capital Development. Chief Joyce noted he was requesting the replacement of five squad cars because of previous delivery City Administrator Lobaito noted old squad cars are rotated into other departments for their use. Chief Joyce stated a minimum of four cars need to be purchased. Monies have also been budgeted for the reoutfitting of the donated mobile unit. This will permit the mobile unit to be used for Community Outreach programs and as a substation. The 52,100 expenditure for resuscitators also includes the �, required training expense. Chief of Police Joyce and Community Development Director Napolitano were excused. ADMINISTRATIVE/CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT City Administrator Lobaito requested the committee consider creating a pool of monies for Department Head performance evaluations to be conducted in June or July of the fiscal year. Cost of living raises would be initiated on May 1 st, however review performance raises would occur at a later time. He also noted an additional administrative position has been included. Noting the reorganization of the Building and Zoning Department into the Community Development Department additional monies were budgeted for Economic Development during the 1998-99 fiscal year in account #455 Boards and Commissions. Some discussion followed regarding the expenditures for the Police Commission. It was noted the Lieutenants test would be offered in November of 1998 and monies should be expensed for it's administration. The committee directed 51500 to be budgeted for the Police Commission contractual line item and $1000 for the Police Commission Supplies and Materials line item. Some discussion followed regarding the Landmark Commission's facade grant improvement program. The committee noting a balance of 521 ,000 in this fund `, suggested consideration of eliminating the yearly 53,000 contribution until the fund Finance Committee Meeting � February 17, 1998 Page Three ADMINISTRATION/CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT dropped below a specified level. Some discussion followed regarding Youth Commission's request for additional contribution. It was noted the City of McHenry is reimbursed for Youth Commission Executive Director Judy Shearer's salary and the City of McHenry provides dental insurance coverage for Ms. Shearer through it's self-insured medical/dental program. The committee noted this line item expenditure should be reviewed more closely prior to budget approval. Further discussion continued with regard to the Human Relations Commission's request for monies. City Administrator Lobaito was directed to contact this Commission and request a formal budget proposal for committee consideration. City Administrator Lobaito noted account #495 Employee Physicals & Drug Testing had been condensed to service the entire city employee population causing an increase in the proposed budget amount. At City Clerk Althoff's request the line item Seminars in account #503 Professional Development was increased to reflect seven employees participation as opposed to six. Some discussion followed with regard to the Elected Officials' Allowance of S 500. L As part of the discussion regarding account #510 Contractual Services City Administrator Lobaito noted the need to budget for the Yard Waste Dropoff Site approved as part of the new wastehauling contract with Waste Management-North. He also noted the annual 53000 contribution to the McHenry County Recycling Education Program reminding the committee these funds are reimbursed as part of the city's wastehauling contract. No specific amount has been designated for Wetland Management and FPA Amendment services as yet. City Administrator Lobaito noted quotes will be forthcoming and inserted into the budget for later consideration. City Administrator noted traffic attorneys, McAndrews and Cunabaugh have requested an increase in their monthly payments citing the fees have remained the same since May of 1993. With regard to account #520 Contract Negotiations/Legal Fees it was suggested this amount be increased to reflect grievance expenditures in addition to contract negotiation fees. City Administrator Lobaito noted account #525 Property Damage was consolidated creating the significant increase in the budgeted amount. The increase reflected in account #527 Materials & Supplies was attributed to the cost of waste disposal �,, supplies including recycling bins. It was the consensus of the committee to increase the cost, to residents of the recycling bins to 57.00. City Administrator Lobaito also noted account #608 was eliminated and expenses were consolidated in account #527 Materials & Supplies. Account #605 Administrative Expenses reflected a S 15,000 expenditure for recording fees, title charges, etc. City r=EB-�5-199�3 2a�59 C:I7"r' OF �7CNEhJRti' 815 363 �119 F.Q2 �inance Carr�mittee Meeting F�bruary 1�1, 199� Pa�ge Ft�ur � �4DIVrIN1STRATlON1ClTY��.ERK DEPAR7MENT icantl Adrr�ir�istrat�r Lab�ita racommended the amount [�e reduced to 54Qp0 as a 51 D,OD4 �xpendi#ure far the Petersen Farm property had been reduced to $2,50t7. The committee concurred. Same discussion follawed regarding a�count ,#625 Band and Intere�s�t 7ransfer. City Administr�tar Lnbaito n�oted the Illinois Dep�rtment of Revenue had recently provideci the sales t�x revenue figure for east of th� river �rc�perties which was $329,C?OG. Th� bond �nd interest payment is 5323,000. During discussions an account �700 Gapital Uutlay, City Adiministr�tar noted only $100,000 had been alla�at�d for pc�tential 9�r�d acquisition. Same dis��ssion ther� fc►llowed regsrdin� the mr�nthly cast to Corlands for the Petersen Farrn property. lt was estirn�ted the mon#hiy payment #o Corlands including interest rr+�rould be $6,C16fi,40. Sos'ne further discussion ensued regarding which fund or funds shauld be expensed for the Petersen F�rrn purchase. Aldsrman �aird and Mayc�r Cuda suggested trie fcall expe�se be allocated to the Generaf Fund whereas Finance Chairm�n Aldefman Mcargatrcyd recommended a 5Q/50 split betw�en the General �und and the Parks Do+�ation �und. �ity Clerk Althoff *�oted the �omputer expenditure tv upgrade the city's currgnt � hardware ar,d software programs. Som�e discussion follow�d r�garding the necessity nf computer hardw�re for the praposed Public Works Street Divisian Junior Clerks position. The comrnittee sugg�st�d staff conta�t a oar deafership to determine if 10Q,(700 miles was a vafid me�surement for recycling the palice squads. Moti�,n by Baird� seconded by McClatchey to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. i/c�ting Aye: Baifd, McClatct�ey, Murgatroyd Vc�#ing Nay: Non� Ab�ent: None The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Steven Murga�royd, Fina ce Chairman � TDTAL P.�2