HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/19/1998 - Finance and Personnel Committee �
February 19, 1998
Members Present: Chairman Murgatroyd, Alderman Bill Baird
Others Present: City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, Mayor Cuda, Alderman Glab,
Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, and Senior Account Clerk
Finance Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd opened the meeting at 7:08 p.m. stating the purpose of
this evening's meeting was to continue to review the various department requests and
recommendations for the 1998-99 budget year.
Chairman Murgatroyd distributed a revenue vs expenses summary for the Parks and Recreation
Department. The summary detailed the revenues and expenses for the past five fiscal years as well
as projected the revenues and expenses for the 1998-99 fiscal year. It was noted the drop in
income for the 1997-98 fiscal year was due to a decrease in the number of recreational programs
offered the community. In response to committee inquiry, Director Merkel noted the recreational
field trip expenditures are reflected in the Contractual Services account #510.
Chairman Murgatroyd, noting the substantial increase in salaries requested staff further investigate
and determine the cause of this large discrepancy. Staff concurred noting some of the increase
was due in part to the addition of two new positions, an Athletic Supervisor and an additional
�.. maintenance worker. Director Merkel also noted the addition of one parks ranger to assist with the
same summer schedule permitting time off and vacations. The expense remains constant with no
increase. The salary of the new maintenance worker was reduced from 31,415 to 25,755 as per
the union contract's salary matrix. City Administrator Lobaito stated all personnel issues will be
discussed in detail at a later finance committee meeting.
Mayor Cuda requested the issue of uniform allowance be addressed again during personnel
discussions. Staff so noted.
Referencing account #500 Printing and Publishing Director Merkel noted the cost of the brochure
printing was reduced by $3,000 as the three brochure printings are now bid as a package as
opposed to individually. In response to Mayor Cuda's inquiry Director Merkel stated the increase in
the photo reproduction expense was in anticipation of the Brookside Park opening and concurrent
publicity and marketing. In addition photos will be enlarged for display in the general office area.
An increase in account #501 Postage is due in most part to the newly instituted mail-in recreational
Some discussion occurred regarding account #502 Telephone and the staff recommended use of
cellular radio/telephones at a cost of 5200 each and a monthly rental fee of S55/month for each of
the four units. Director Merkel citing the park rangers need for regular communication with the
police department stated he investigated the use of the radio/cellular units as oppose to cellular
telephones. He opined the radio/telephone hand-held units were a better investment. Finance
Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd requested this particular expense be reviewed again at a later
finance committee meeting citing the significant increase in cost over the next two years.
FEB—c6-1998 16�5� CITY OF PICHENRY 215 363 211� F.a3
Fin�nce Cornrr7ittee Meeting
February 19, 1998
`-' Page Two
It was the directian of tthe c4mmittee to eliminste the U,S. 7ennis Assvciation Membership from
s���unt #50� Professianal Deve[opment. City Administr�tvr Lobaito also noted $50Q had been
budgeted for tuition reimbursem�nt ex�renses as per o#her Professional �evelopment departmenta!
Chairman Murgatroyd n�ting the substantial increase in a�count #510 Cnntractual between th�
'0 997-98 budgeted amount and the prajected year end amount, requested clarification. Dir�ct�r
Me.►kel noted the true cost of the r�creatianal programs was under-budgeted for the 1997-98 fiscal
year. 5enior Account t�ferk Christensen noted the Bahamas 4-day weekend trip expense was
$7 5,�p0 alnn�. pfrector M�rkel noted the 1998-99 budget figure reflects more ���urate�y the true
cost of the pr+ngrams. In addrtion more monies have heen budgeted far the n�wly acquired Petersen
Farm property's mowing.
City Administrator Lobaito noted the Forestry account had been moved to the Parks �nd Recreation
Departme�t's budget as opposed to the Public Worics Department. He �Iso noted the creation of a
new sccount, Hickary Creek Farm Improvements, in �n atternpt te abtain a more realistic number
regard'eng the batance betw�en revenues and expenses for this city owned property.
Budget arnounts for �ccounts #627, Materials and 5upp�ies as well as .#535, Gasoline & Oii, heve
been increased to refiect more accurately 1997-98 year end projectior� figures.
Discussion reg�rding account #700, Capital Qutlay focused on the vehicle replacernent program of
the Parks Department. Some additional discussion occurred regarding the purchase oi a frpnt-end
� mawer as opp�ased to pr;vatizt�tion of this mawing arGa,
C�hairpe�rsvn A;darm�n Murgatroyd requested the number used to project additionel residentiai
Arowth be used consistently with all approptiate revenue accounts. City Administrator Lobaito
nvtsd staff w�s useng a residential numf�er of 12b hameslunits for anticipated city resicfentia!
grnwth throug�a the next fi�cal year.
DRrector Nlerk�i also r�oted with regard ta account #728, Park Improvame�nts the $57,QQQ number
fvr the Brqoksi�le Park Utility ��ctension line item rnay be r�educed if it is determined that the city
should utilize c�ty crews for sc�me of the cnnstruction wvrk. Director Merkel alsv noted the
510,000 figure budgeted for thG line itern, Petersen Park Maintenance building architectural design
may be high and additional infQrmatiQn will bs fqrthcorning to substan2iate or redu�e this figus�e.
It was #he consensus oi the committee to schedule the n�xt finance committee meeting for
Tuesday, March 7th �t 7:ODp.m.
Mots�r� by 8aird, seconded by Murgatroyd to adjourn the mset�ng ax 8�55 p.m.
Voting Aye: Baird, Murgatroyd
Voting Nay: None
Atasent: McCl�tchey
The meetin� v�ras adjourn�d ati 8:55 p.m.
Stsven Murgatroyd, inanc Chairman