HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/2/1998 - Finance and Personnel Committee � FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES March 2, 1998 Members Present: Chairman Aldermand Murgatroyd, Alderman Baird, Alderman McClatchey Others Present: Mayor Cuda, City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, Alderman Bolger, Alderman Glab Alderman Murgatroyd opened the meeting at 7:55 P.M. stating the purpose of this evening's meeting was to continue discussion on the 1998-99 budget. City Administrator Lobaito noted previous committee action had been incorporated into the current budget projections. City Administrator Lobaito also distributed a salary account sheet delineating the $88,000 increase between the 1997 fiscal year-end salaries and the 1999 projected year-end salaries for the Parks and Recreation Department. It was noted 543,000 of the total amount was previously allocated to the Streets Division. The balance of the 588,000 figure is attributable to increased costs. L.. Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd noted that although the current 1998-99 projected revenues have been increased by 5500,000, the projected 1998-99 expenditures reflect an increase of 5600,000. City Administrator Lobaito explained the total expenditures currently projected for the 1998 year end is approximately $74,000 less than the projected 1998 year end revenues. He cited the cost reduction adjustment for the Petersen Farm purchase as the attributable factor. The Water/Sewer Fund is still reflecting a negative balance even with the committee recommended project reductions and eliminations of approximately 5280,000. Further discussion noted although the water/sewer revenues are anticipated to increase over the next three years because of the recently initiated rate increase, numerous capital and maintenance projects are being budgeted for this fiscal year. In response to an inquiry Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd noted 21 % of the water/sewer operating expense is attributable to salary expenditures. City Administrator Lobaito also stated the 1997-98 budget reflected only S 180,000 in Capital Project expenditure as compared to the originally projected 1998-99 expenditure of 5750,000. The current projected 1998-99 water/sewer capital expenditures total $470,000. WATER/SEWER FUND City Administrator Lobaito noted the line item for Summer Help in account #401 Salaries was reduced from 59,200 to 57,000. In addition the Sick Pay line item for `- each department has been consolidated within the Administrative Department's Finance Committee Meeting � March 2, 1998 Page Two account #402 Salaries. This amount has also been reduced by 50%. Some discussion followed regarding the increase in overtime from $16,500 to $20,000. City Administrator Lobaito stated the 520,000 was more in line with the 1997-98 year end projected overtime expense. Some discussion followed regarding the substantial increase in the City of McHenry's self-insured employee insurance program. City Administrator Lobaito noted a 58% increase in medical claims experienced by the City in the 1997-98 calendar year. Aggregate insurance coverage costs increased proportionately. The new allocated cost per single coverage is 5323 and the cost for family coverage is $570. Employee health insurance costs are incurred by the City of McHenry. City of McHenry employees currently pay a portion of the dental insurance coverage cost. Additional quotes will be forthcoming. In account #503, Professional Development, the line item Contracted Safety Training was reduced from $700 to 5300. In account #527 Materials and Supplies the line item Landscaping for Water Plants was moved to the Building and Grounds department. Newly created account #537 Small Tools and Equipment, reflected a reduction from $5,000 to $4,000. � City Administrator Lobaito noted several projects had been eliminated from the #700 account Capital Outlay including water main design for Green Street and Beach Road and hand-held radios. The total expenditure amount for property acquisition, specifically Eastwood Manor Water Company, was reduced. The 5350,000 original figure reflected the company's total cost and it is staff's analysis an installment purchase is more realistic. The figure was therefore reduced to S 100,000. Some discussion followed. City Administrator Lobaito noted a full status report on Eastwood Manor's infrastructure condition, from city engineers, Baxter and Woodman, would be forthcoming. In addition a full financial analysis, by Harold Warren of Warren and Associates, will be conducted regarding the purchase feasibility by the City of McHenry. An increase in Eastwood Manor's current rate structure will be considered. In response to Alderman Baird's inquiry the City Administrator stated he did not believe current budget figures include the cost of connecting one street in the McHenry Shores subdivision to the City of McHenry's water system. If budgeted the cost would be expensed in the Streets Division as city crews would be responsible for the projects completion. Some discussion followed. Alderman Murgatroyd inquired as to the increase in cost of the water plant design from $100,000 in the 1997-98 budget to $150,000 in the proposed 1998-99 � budget. City Administrator Lobaito stated the 5150,000 was a more realistic Finance Committee Meeting � March 2, 1998 Page Three figure after staff's review of the project scope. Alderman McClatchey recommended council consider competitive bidding on these projects including the engineering costs. The elevated storage tank figure of S 150,000 reflects the cost of two elevated tank locations. City Administrator Lobaito noted staff will also, when appropriate, draw these infrastructure needs to the attention of developers when negotiating annexation agreements. Mayor Cuda recommended a meeting be scheduled with representatives from the City of McHenry's engineering firm to assist in the prioritizing of these water projects. WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT The overtime line item in account #401 , Salaries, was reduced from $16,000 to S 15,000. Two additional employees are anticipated for approximately six months of the fiscal year. The expansion of the South Wastewater Treatment Plant will necessitate a fulltime operator requiring the additional hires. Account #556, Sludge Disposal, was reduced from 5100,000 to 592,000. In account #700, Capital Outlay, the Anne Street Lift Station expense was reduced as additional costs will be expensed in the 1997-98 fiscal year. The Central Wastewater � Treatment Plant expenditure was also reduced from 5600,000 to 5100,000 as per staff's recommendation based on the information that the City will not be in a realistic position to initiate this project until the Spring of 1999. Further discussion followed regarding the need to evaluate the City's wastewater master plan and determine whether to expand the Central Wastewater Treatment facility or to divert flows to the South Wastewater Treatment Plant. Monies for further study have been budgeted. City Administrator Lobaito noted even after all the project eliminations and scope reductions, a deficit of S 1 10,000 still exists in the Water/Sewer Fund. POLICE The line item, Sick Pay, in account #401 Salaries has been increased from 57,400 to 59,000 as staff has been informed of a planned retirement by one dispatcher during the 1998-99 fiscal year. After some discussion staff was directed to investigate the number of dispatchers, the budget reflects a total of nine (9) and it is believed the number should be eight (8). Account #700, Capital Outlay, reflects the reduction of the squad car purchase line item from 581 ,100 to 561 ,650 accounting for the committee's decision to purchase only three new squad cars for the 1998-99 fiscal year. After some discussion regarding the Police Department's current squad replacement program Alderman Baird recommended purchasing the three squads, but retiring only two of the older squads having the highest mileage. �.. He noted a better determination could then be made regarding the need to replace squads based on mileage factors and repair costs. Two of the three new squads should be designated as the spares. The committee concurred. Finance Committee Meeting March 2, 1998 � Page Four Eliminated from account #700, Capital Outlay, was the Mobile Data Terminal purchase of 55,000 and the outfitting of the Mobile Command Unit of 53,000. ADMINISTRATION City Administrator Lobaito noted all noncontracted salaries reflect a 3% increase. The Sick Pay Line item reflects the consolidation of all the department's anticipated retirement sick pay buy-back benefit at a 50% level. City Administrator Lobaito also noted the as-yet to be budgeted Department Head Performance Review line item explaining he'd like to conduct Department Head reviews in July or August after budget approval. A pool of monies should be budgeted allowing for department head performance raises in addition to any Cost Of Living raises granted at the beginning of the fiscal year. This issue will be discussed in detail when further personnel issues are addressed. In account #455, Boards & Commissions Expenses, the EDC line item has been reduced from S 10,000 to 58,000 and the Police Commission/Contractual line item was increased from SO to S 1,500 while the Police Commission Supplies line item was reduced from S 1 ,500 to S 1 ,000. The McHenry Area Youth Commission line item was also reduced to the 1997-98 budget figure of 56,000 after some discussion regarding the City of McHenry's insurance obligations for Executive Director Judy Shearer. L In account #503 Professional Development the Seminars and Conferences line item was increased from $1 ,800 to $2,100 and the tuition reimbursement line item was reduced from 57,000 to 54,000. Some discussion followed regarding the legal firm of McAndrews and Cunabaugh's request to increase their fees for handling the City of McHenry's traffic prosecutions. City Administrator Lobaito noted these fees had not been increased in five years. McAndrews and Cunabaugh are requesting an increase of approximately 515/hour for a monthly fee of 56,800/month. Committee members noted the traffic fine revenue hasn't increased over the past several years. It was the consensus of the committee to increase the 520,000 budgeted amount in account #520, Legal Fees/Contract Negotiations to 525,000 in light of the Public Works Union Contract and the Police Departments Union Contract termination date of April 30, 1999. In account #700, Capital Outlay, the following line items were eliminated: Computer Printer Slide Projector Computer Customer Service Software. Line item Office Equipment was reduced from $5,000 to 53,000 and the Petersen � Property expense was increased to reflect the Corlands lease of $2,500/month. Chairman Murgatroyd initiated a discussion regarding how to expense the Petersen Farm purch�ise. It was the consensus of the committee to divide the cost equally between thE� General Fund and the Parks Developer ponation Fund. Finance Committee Meeting March 2, 1998 � Page Five Mayor Cuda requested committee consideration of city resident Tom Evans request to reduce his bi-monthly sewer bill. Mayor Cuda explained Mr. Evans had moved to the Country Club Estates Subdivision from Anne Street. Mr. Evans received both city water and sewer services at his Anne Street address for approximately S 17.00/bill and now at his Country Club Estates address he receives only city sewer service and pays a flat rate of $28.00/month. Mr. Evans feels he is paying twice the amount for half the service. It was the consensus of the committee and the two non-committee aldermen to uphold the City of McHenry's municipal ordinance regarding flat sewer service. City Clerk Althoff was directed to inform Mr. Evans of their decision in writing and provide Alderman Bolger with a copy of the sewer rate formula. Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd reminded the committee the next meeting would be on Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss Personnel. Motion by Baird, seconded by McClatchey to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Voting Aye: Baird, McClatchey, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: None ,� The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. -/.,Z�t�;:.�,.:,, Steven Murgatroy , Fin ce Chairman �