HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/10/1999 - Finance and Personnel Committee L JOINT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE & FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING February 10, 1999 Members Present: Chairperson Aiderman Murgatroyd and Chairman Alderman Baird Absent: Alderman Glab and Alderman McClatchey Others Present: Mayor Cuda, City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel Joint Chairmen Alderman Murgatroyd of Finance and Alderman Baird of Parks and Recreation called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of this committee meeting is to discuss the allocation of monies received through park donations to other park funds, specifically a Recreational Facility. `" Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd suggested the following two allocation methods: 1 . establish a set dollar amount for each year to be allocated to the Recreational Facility fund or 2. establish a percentage of each fee collected. City Administrator Lobaito clarified the percentage would be calculated on the total fees collected in each category; ie: two bedroom, three bedroom, etc. Dollar transfers would occur at a designated time each fiscal year. Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd suggested a range between forty (40%) and fifty percent (50%). Some discussion followed regarding additional miscellaneous revenue sources which might be allocated toward the Recreational Facility fund. Mayor Cuda noted the Infrastructure Maintenance Fund and Annexation Fund. Parks and Recreation Director Merkel reported the average annual park developer donation fee revenue collected is approximately $140,000. City Administrator Lobaito noted the 1998-99 fiscal year reflects a total of approximately $175,000 through December. He also reminded the joint committee $750,000 of park developer donation monies had been allocated to the Recreational Fund in April of 1998. L Joint Finance and Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting February iQ, 1999 �— Page Two Chairman Alderman Baird suggested fifty percent (50%) of all park developer donation revenues collected within each fiscal year be allocated to the Recreational Facility Fund. In response to Chairman Alderman Baird's inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito clarified fifty percent (50%) of the monthly Corlands and Petersen Farm payments were expensed from the Park Developer ponation Fund account. The balance was attributed to the General Fund account. Some discussion ensued. City Administrator Lobaito also noted adjustments to each account could be made at fiscal year end. Motion by Baird, seconded by Murgatroyd to recommend to full council the allocation of Park Developer ponation revenues each fiscal year commencing with the May 1 , 1998 year on a semiannual basis each April 30th and October 31 st in the following manner: fifty percent (50%) to a Recreational Facility Fund account and fifty percent (50%) to the Parks Developer ponations Fund account. City Administrator Lobaito also noted the Developer ponation formula for parks was based on a 530,000 land value. He suggested staff be directed to review the `'' advisability of land value adjustments. He also noted historically the City of McHenry accept land in lieu of cash. Recently this philosophy has been reversed with cash being the preferred choice. Motion by Baird, seconded by M.�r�a.troyd to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m. Voting Aye: Baird, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: Glab, McClatchey Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m. Steven Murgatro d, airman ///� _ "V� �. I _j� � William Baird, Chairman � .