HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/22/1999 - Finance and Personnel Committee � FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING September 22, 1999 Committee Members Present: Baird, Mur�atroyd Alderman McClatchey arrived at 6:48 p.m. Others in Attendance: City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Administrator Maxeiner, Alderman Glab, Chief Kostecki, Director of Community Development Napolitano, and Director of Public Works Batt Finance Chairperson Alderman Murga.troyd called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. He stated the purpose of this evening's meeting was to continue the discussion on the three-year personnel projections. Chief of Police Kostecki provided a brief synopsis, at Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd's request, of his personnel projections, as Committeeman Alderman Baird was not in attendance at the September 13+� meeting. Chief Kostecki noted his projections included a total of eight new police department personnel for the fiscal year 2000-01, which includes the two school liaison off'icers. He noted the City of McHenry has received formal notification of the award of the COPS in school grant. His 2000-01 proposal includes the addition of three patrol officers, one Sergeant and two Community Service Officers. In respunse to committee inquiry, Chief Kostecki noted Community Service Officers can be an important asset to the police department overall. Community Service Officers can conduct routine tasks currently conducted by patrol officers including directing tr�c, providing accident support, addressing service calls ,-' and issuing parking viola.tions. In response to committee inquuy Chief Kostecki stated the Sergeant's position wauld most likely be an internal promotion creatin�a need for a total of four patrol of�icers. City Administrator also noted the comrnittee had considered and agreed to Director Merkel's recommendation to revise the Parks and Recreation Department Organi7.�tional Chart and promote Robert Combs to Parks Foreman. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT City Administrator Lobaito reported the Public Works Department was requesting the creation of an Assistant Director of Public Works position. If approved Staff will recommend current city exnployee, Dan Marcinko, for the position. Mr. Marcinko has a degree in engineering as well as a degree in Business Administration. In response to Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry City Administrator Loba.ito explained the creation of an assistant will permit the Director more time for specific planning and project coordination. The vacated City Inspector position would remain vacant until the beginning of the 2000-01 fiscal year. � Finance Committee Minutes � September 22, 1999 Page'I�vo Some discussion follow�ed regarding overall cost savings. Staff noted the inspector position was considered a necessity as a city employee, as opposed to a consultant, provides better oversight and service levels. Director Batt noted the use of the city inspector reduced costs on several projects including the Grove Street lift station, Lakeland Park drainage improvements and Althoff Park utility installation. Alderman McClatchey arrived at 6:50 p.m. Alderman Murgatroyd noted if all the requested additional personnel were approved it would significantly reduce available funds for capital projects. City Administrator Lobaito noted related o�sts will be discussed in detail during budget discussions, current requests are for discussion purposes only. Director Batt also noted the city does receive reimbursement from developers for city inspector services. Assistant Administrator Maxeiner noted approximately 18% of the inspector's currently salary was reimbursed during the 1998-99 fiscal year. Alderman Baird opined the police department projections were high and couldn't be met realistically due to budget constraints. � Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd recommended a telecommunications tax be implemented. These monies could be utilized to offset additional personnel costs. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT In response to Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry City Administrator Lobaito explained the creation of a Building Commissioner position would allow better supervision and coordination of building plan reviews, inspections and the updating of current Building Codes. The City has and is experiencing a significant increase in the level of activity in the building/construction area. Community Development Director Napolitano's expertise is in Plann;ng� Development, not Building. Some discussion followed regarding the average turn-around time for a comrnercial building plan review. Director Napolitano noted some tardiness with residential reviews, however he cited a significant increase in custom home building. He stated additi.onal staff could be used for residential reviews. Currently the residential inspector is completing, on average, ten home inspections per day. Plan reviews are completed in between times. Staff is recommending Ryan Schwalenberg be promoted to the Building Commissioner position. � -.�-� OCT, $. 1999 2: 3$PM PM TAX NORTHFIELD $41 646 24bQ N0. 2737 P. 2 Finance Committee Minutes � September 22, 1999 Page Thr�e Comrz�unity Development Director Napolitano also stated. the creation of this poaition will allow him additional time to devote to other projects including the development of demographic packets, project xnanagement brochures, ctc. Alderman McClatchey opined the priority for additional personnel should be the vcrithirx the Police Depa�-tment. He also opined the suggested increase of eight new officers would be too costly to consider. Some discuasion followed regarding future revenues and budgetary restrictions. It was noted, in general� thcre is greater demand for services from the public. Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd requested sta�f provide cost benefit analysis studies with all future Personnel requests. Motion by Baird, seconded by McClatchey, to recommend to fuU couneil the reorganization of the Parks and Recreation Dcpaztment to ereate a foreivan posit�on, the reorganization of the Public Woxks Dcpartment to create ar� Assistant Director of Public Works Position and the reorganization o£the Community D�velvpment Department to create a Buitding Commissioner position effective this fiscal year. �, Voting Aye: �aird, McClatchey, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. In response to Alderman Baird's inquiry Chief Kostecki noted Community Service Off'�cers are in a lower grade category than Patrol4£ficers. Community 5eivice Officer positions are fillcd by civi2ians. Chief Kostecki was dir�cted to refine his personnel request for the 200�-2001 fiscal year. Mot�on by Baird, seconded by McClatchey to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 p.m. Voting Aye� Baud, McClatchey, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: Nvne Absent: None 1V�otion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p,m• Steven Murgatroyd, anc hairperson �