HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/8/2000 - Finance and Personnel Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE � MINUTES January 8, 2000 Committee Members Present: Ba.ird, McClatchey, Murgatroyd Others In Attendance: City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Loba.ito, Assistant Administrator Maxeiner, Alderrnaxi Glab Finance and Personnel Chairperson Aldernlan Murgatroyd opened the meeting at 8:10 a.m. He stated the purpose of this meeting was to continue discussion and review of the City's Personnel Policy. WATER �AIN EXTENSION AND ELEVATED WATER TOWER COI�STRUCTIOP— City Administrator Lobaito distributed written staff recommendations for the funding of the water main extension and elevated water tower construction east of the Fox River. Staff is suggesting the use of annexation monies for the water main extension. The elevated water tank construction could be funded with monies from the Capital Development Fund as well as water/sewer revenue monies. City Administrator Lobaito reminded the committee State Representative Franks is seeking legislative approval for the reallocation of$500,000 from the city's central wastewater treatment expansion project to the elevated tank construction. Staff estima.tes the cost of an elevated L tank construction to be approximately$1,000,000. The $500,000 member initiative monies from Representative Franks along with approximately$350,000 from the Capital Development Ftiind and $150,000 from the Water/Sewer Fund will provide adequate funding for the elevated water tank project. City Administrator Lobaito also noted bids for the water main extension had been opened on'hlesday, January 4+�. The apparent low bidder was Gluth Brothers in an amount of$439,833.50. Project estimates were $600,000. Some cliscussion followed. City Administrator Lobaito informed the committee financing options can be determined at a later date as no payouts are anticipated prior to the end of February or March for the water main extension and May or June for the elevated water tank. Some discussion followed regarding the use of annexation fund monies. City Administrator Lobaito noted annexation monies have not been used for any project aver the past three years. It was the consensus of the committee to pursue the funding optians as presented. ``.. Finance and Personnel Committee � January 8, 2000 Pa�e Two (�ERSTAD DEVLLOPER DONATION OBJECTION In response to Alderman Baird's request for clarification, City Administrator Lobaito noted city ordinance permits objections to increases in developer donation fees. Therefore Mr. Gerstad's objection will be sent to the city's original appraiser, Graham Appraisal Services for review and comment. The Finance Committee will then review these comments along with Mr. Gerstad's objection in accordance with the ordinance. BUDC#ET PROCE88 Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd informed the committee he would like to revise the budget process for the 2000-2001 fiscal year with committee approval. He suggested the committee permit staff to review the standard budget revenues and expenses with the Finance Chairperson. The CorYunittee would then be presented with this portion of the budget along with a brief explanation of any proposed significant changes. The Committee could focus on capital expenditures, personnel issues and capital project amounts. The Committee concurred with Chairperson Murgatroyd's suggestion. � PER80NATEL POLICY REVISIOI�B Icontj Assistant Admuzistrator Maxeiner noted the conunittee had begun review of the Personnel Policy on September 30. 1999. Specific review on a page by pa�e basis began November 23, 1999. The committee has completed the review through Page 21 and Section 6. The review commenced on Page 22, Section 7 EMERGENCY CALL OUT PAY. Page 24-In Section 9.1, paragraph two it was the consensus of cauncil to add the following phrase "over the prior base salar�' to line two between the words five perceat and whichaver. Page 25- In Sechon 10.1, paragraph two, line three begirining with the word and the phrase "by the employee" should be added. paragraph two, line one, the initial phrase "With Notice" should be eliminated and the overall language in this paragraph clarified. At this time City Administrator Lobaito also noted it was the recommendation of legal counsel to exclude all exhibits, i.e.: salary matrix, insurance forms, etc. These e�ibits should be included in a separate document allowing for greater ea.se in amending or changin� any information as circumstance may warrant. � F`inance and Personnel Committee Minutes � January 8, 200� Page Three Pa�e 26- In Section 10.4, item five, line 4 beginning with least the word or should be changed to and. Some discussion followed regarding separa.tion pay and sick day accumulation. Page 28-Section 11. Language should be clarified to better state benefits not received after rehire. Page 32- Section 14 EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE City Administrator Lobaito informed the committee this section of the Personnel Policy related only to noncontracted employees and contracted employees only if their contract spe�cally does not address any of these grievance issues. Section 14.4, Step 2 and Step 3 the reference to "days" should be consistent and always specify "working" days and the number of days should be changed, where applicable, from 5 to 10. The committee also recommended staff develop an internet access and e-mail usage policy for the City. Page 34- Section 15.1 (C). This section needs to be revised to match � the city's current practice of employee's usage of city vehicles. Section (Fy. Some discussion occurred regarding the employee position of City Clerk/Collector and potential conflicts regarding the political activity guidelines. The committee requested. the city attorney review this concern and provide legal opinion. The committee also requested clarification regarding referendum questions, specifically city school districts, library districts and fire protection districts. Page 36- Section 15.1, paragraph (I� NO SMOKING. The committee requested staff to review trus section and consider prohibiting smoking on/in city property. The committee also requested staff draft a seat belt policy for city employees driving city vehicles. Page 37- Section15.1, paragraph (1V� the last line of the last paragraph should be City Administration, not Administrator. Page 40- Section 16, paragraph 2, employee classification should be referenced. � Finance and Personnel Committee � January 8, 2000 Page Four Page 41-PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLIN� In response to committee inquuy, staff explained if any type of performance/behavior was serious enougki steps could be eliminated. Paragraph 3, line 2 states "action may, however, be initiated at any one of the following five steps". It was also recommended by the committee all disciplinary action by the Mayor obtain prior council approval. Page 42- Section 17, Step 4. Clarification should be provided upon what circumstance an employee can be suspended without pay. Page 44- Sectionl9. Staff informed the committee spec�cs of the proposed vacation accumulation process and vacation schedule will be provided the committee at a later date. Staff noted it was their intent to have all vacation accumulate in conjunction with an employee's hire anniversary date, as opposed to the beginning of each calendar year. Page 45- Section 19.6. Staf�'informed the committee this specific secti.on addressing carry-over of unused vacation time is, as yet, � under review. Final recommendation will be brought before committee at a later date. Page 46- Section 20.1. The one-half day Good Friday has been eliminated and replaced with one additional full personal day. City Administrator Lobaito informed the committee this additional one- half day would be the identified "compensation" provided employees in exchange for the acceptance of the "at-will" status. Some discussion followed regarding adding an additional personal day or adding an additional holiday. Page 46- Section 20.5. Language stating"Department Head approval should not be unreasonably withheld" is to be included. Page 47-Section 21.1. The additional personal day in exchange for the Good Friday holiday is reflected in this sectian. Page 47/48- Section 21.2 last paragraph on page 47. Language clarifying the beginning wage level of all returning employees should be included. � Finance and Personnel Committee � January 8, 2000 Page Five Page 49- Section 22.2, Item 3. The tuition reunbursement amount should be increased to $1,250/year consistent with the city's bargaining agreements. Page 52- Section 23.1, paragraph C. A per diem cost should be included for conventions and out-of-town training. Page 54- Section 24.4. The committee requested staff to review this specific policy and, at a later date, bri.ng the issue to full council for consideration and determination. Page 60- Section 27.3, paragraph B. The allotted time for full salary compensation when on Workmen's Compensation shall be increased from 13 weeks to 120 days to remain cansistent with the public works bargaining agreement. Page 71- Section 29. Some discussion occurred re�arding residency requirements. Page 82- Section 32, paragraph 1. Clarification of extended family members creating language consistent with the city's existing � bargaining agreements should be included. Page 85- Section 35.3, staff was directed to investigate the phrase "except to police patrolmen" and determine if still applicable. Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Baird to adjourn at 10:45 p.m. Voting Aye: Baird, McClatchey, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. .,���-� Steven Murgatroyd, h ' rson �