HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/2/2000 - Finance and Personnel Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE
February 2, 2000
Committee Members Present: Alderman Baird, Chairperson
Alderman Murgatroyd. Alderman McClatchey arrived at 6:40 p.m.
Others In Attendance: City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Lobaito,
Assistant Administrator Maxeiner, Mayor Cuda, Alderman Glab,
Director of Public Works Batt, and Chief of Police Kostecki
Finance and Personnel Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd opened the
meeting at 6:30 p.m. He stated the purpose of this meeting was to
consider financing options for east of the river water improvements,
hiring an unbudgeted city inspector prior to the begirming of the
2000-2001 fiscal year and review of the proposed police department
vehicle replacement program and the department's request for vehicle
purchase in the 2000-2001 fiscal year.
Staff reported bids were opened for both the water main
extension east of the river and the elevated water storage tank, The
water main extension project obtained a low bid of$440,000. The
� elevated water storage tank obtained a low bid of$1,030,000. Staff is
recommending the use of Annexation �nd monies to fund the entire
water main extension project. Capital Development Fund monies
totaling $371,000 and Water/Sewer Fund monies totaling$159,000,
in addition to state grant monies of$500,000 could be utilized for the
elevated storage tank project. City Administrator Lobaito stated staff
has also reviewed fund balance amounts with the auditor. The
Capital Development �,irid has approximately$3,000,000 and the
Water/Sewer �nd approximately$1,800,000.
Some discussion followed. Sta.ff provided further information
regarding the allocation of sales tax revenue obtained from east of the
river businesses toward the east side sewer main extension project.
Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd noted the installation of an
elevated wa.ter storage tank, the renovation of water plant#1 as well
as the painting and repairs of an existing water storage tank were
expenditures included in the rate increases calculated in October of
1997 and as such should be paid for from the Water/Sewer and/or
Capital Development F�Znds. The water main extension should be
expensed through Capital Development monies, as this project is
directly attributable to new development. Chairperson Alderman
Murgatroyd recommended $530,000 from the Water/Sewer Fund be
Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes
� February 2, 2000
Pa�e 1�vo
alloca.ted for the Elevated Storage Tank project with the balance being
expensed via the $500,000 State Grant monies. In addition he
recoxnmended the $440,000 for the ea.st of the river water main
e�rtension be expensed with Capital Development monies only.
Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd also noted the use of Anne�tion
�.ind monies is much less restrictive than that of Capital
Development and/or Water Sewer Fund monies.
City Administrator Lobaito reminded the committee televising
of the sewer mains prior to the initiation of the Streets program is
also being expensed from the Water/Sewer �l,tnd.
Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd also noted Wastewater
Treatment Plant Nitrification requirements have not been included in
any long-term financial plan and/or rate increase equation. Other
potential Water/Sewer projects include
-land acquisition,
-further expansion of the South Wastewater Treatment Plant,
-renovation of Water Plant #1, and
-painting/repairs of another water tower.
� In response to �mmittee inquiry City Administrator Lobaito
noted the $500,000 member initiative grant will be administered by
the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Therefore the City will
ha�e two years to complete the project.
Motion by Baird, seconded by McClatchey to recommend to full city
council the following funding mechanisms for the following water
improvement projects:
Extension of water mains east of the Fox River:
Capital Development �.inds $440,000
Elevated water storage tank
Water/Sewer Flinds $530,000
Illinois State Member Initiative
Grant $500,000
Voting Aye: Baird, McClatchey, Murgatroyd
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Finance and Personnel Committee
� F'ebruary 2, 2000
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Director of Public Works Ba.tt reported the Public Works Committee at
their January 12, 2000 meeting discussed this issue. It was the
committee's decision to send this issue to the Finance and Personnel
Committee with a recommendation to allocate monies within the
proposed 2000-2001 budget for the Public Works Department
Inspector position and to authorize the unmediate advertising and
hiring within this fiscal year a Public Works Department inspector
adjusting the 1999-2000 budget according�y.
In response to committee inquixy, Director Batt clarified the City
Inspector position was in fact budgeted for the 1999-2000 fiscal year,
however the current inspector was promoted to a position which was
not budgeted and the inspector salary line item was reallocated to
this new position. He also stated staff is recommending the vacancy
be filled as soon as possible. Factoring in time allowances for
advertising and interviewing staff is anticipating a start date of April
2000,just one month prior to the beguzning of the 2000-01 fiscal
� Some discussion followed regarding the intangible benefits of having
an in-house inspector. Director Batt also noted the need to develop a
comprehensive map depicting the city's infrastructure. A fulltime in-
house inspector could initiate this project. Alderman Glab also noted
an in-house inspector could better address and supervise city
drainage improvement projects.
In response to Chairperson Murgatroyd's inquiry Director Batt stated
the resurfacing portion of the Streets 2000 program is anticipated for
the months of June and July.
Motion by Baird, seconded by McClatchey to recommend to full
council the authorization of staff to advertise for the city
inspector/engineer position immediately, and to budget monies
within the 2000-01. fiscal year for this position with the
understanding if a qualified candidate is located, the position may be
filled within the 1999-2000 fiscal year.
Voting Aye: Baird, McClatchey, Murgatroyd
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
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� February 2, 2000
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Chief of Police Kostecki stated as per the Finance Committee's
direction a vehicle replacement proposal has been drafted and is
being submitted for committee review and action. Chief Kostecki
noted the deadline for ordering squad cars, as part of the Sta.te of
Illinois contract is late February. Delivery would, in all likelihood, be
sometime in June or July. Chief Kostecki stated should the City miss
the February deadline the earliest the City would be able to take
delivery on vehicles from the next state contract would be in early
Chief Kostecki then provided the committee with a cost and time
analysis of the deparhnent's fleet repairs. He stated although vehicle
costs remain relatively low for the first 70 to 80,000 miles of usage
with an average maintenance cost of$.06/mile, after 80,000 miles
the cost increases dramatically to $.14/mile.
Chief Kostecki noted squads should typically be retired at 80,000
miles. Following this guideline the City of McHenry would need to
replace ten vehicles, within the 2000-2001 fiscal year. Staff noted
� these vehicles were typically recycled within the Parks and Recreation
and Community Development Departments. He suggested Chief
Kostecki recommended developing a vehicular replacement policy of
four cars per year for the Police Department.
He then requested the committee consider replacing the Community
Service Officer vehicle this fiscal year. The current in-service vehicle
is a 1986 Plyrnouth Station Wagon and is extremely poor condition.
Some of the component parts are no longer repairable. As the vehicle
is in daily use it is staf�'recommendation serious consideration be
given to replacing this vehicle as soon as possible.
In response to Alderman Baird's inquiry Chief Kostecki stated the
maintenance costs as presented do not include fueling charges.
Some discussion followed regarding the squad car vehicular re-build
program. It was staff's recommendation this alternative be
abandoned based on comments and experiences of other police
departments. Staf�'also noted budgeted monies for this program had
been reallocated for the purchase of other necessary squad car
A lengthy discussion followed. In response to Chairperson Alderman
Murgatroyd's inquiry Chief Kostecki noted the State purchase
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� February 2, 2000
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program had a February deadline for the Chevrolet models, and a
March deadline for the Ford models. Staf'f also noted. vehicles ordered
last year in February where received in September.
Alderman Baird suggested local dealers be afforded the opportunity to
match the state bid price. He noted this process had been council's
standard practice for several years. Some discussion followed
regarding the current vehicular interior conditions.
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Baird to recess the meeting untii
after the conclusion of trus everung's regularly scheduled council
meeting at 7:29 p.m.
Voting Aye: Baird, McClatchey, Murgatroyd
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd reconvened the meeting at 9:15
p.m. on February 2, 2000 with Committee member Alderman Baird,
City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff and Chief of Police
�" Chairperson Murgatroyd noted the committee was discussing the
police department vehicular replacement program proposal. Chief
Kostecki was recommending the replacement of eight vehicles; five
marked squads, two investigative cars and one Community Service
Officer vehicle. Chief Kostecki noted the Community Service Officer
vehicle would be either a Sonoma or Ranger. Some discussion
Motion by Baird, seconded by Murgatroyd to recommend to full
council the waiving of bids and authoriae staff to proceed with the
purchase of eight police department vehicles; five Ford Crown
Victorias to be used as marked patrol vehicles, two unmarked Ford
Tauras'to be used as investigative unmarked. vehicles, and one
Community Service Officer vehicle either a Sonoma or Ranger subject
to the condition every effort is made to work with the local dealer to
obtain a comparable State of Illinois bid program cost amount.
Votin�Aye: Baird, Murgatroyd
Voting Nay: None
Absent: McClatchey
Motion carried.
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� February 2, 2000
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Motion by Baird, seconded by Murgatroyd to adjourn the meeti.ng at
9:25 p.m.
Voting Aye: Baird, Murgatroyd
Voting Nay: None
Absent: McClatchey
Motion carried.
The meetin�was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
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Steven Murgatroyd, on