HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/26/2000 - Finance and Personnel Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE � MINUTES April 26 2000 Committee Members In Attendance: Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd, Alderman Baird Others Present: City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Lobaito, Assistant City Administrator Maxenier, Alderman Glab, Director of Public Works Batt, Assistant Director of Public Works Marcinko, Street Superintendent Stahl Cha.irperson Murgatroyd called the meeting to order at 8:30 p.m. He stated the purpose of the meeting was to review the proposed 2000-2001 budget requests for the General Fund; specifically the Public Works Administration, Building and Grounds, Streets and City Clerk/Administration Departrnents. Assistant City Administrator M�einer reviewed the budget analysis process. He stated the committee's current task was to create a balanced budget through the reduction and/or elimination of proposed General Fund budget expenditures. Approximately $800,000 in proposed expenditures needed to be addressed. He suggested the committee review and discuss only those items staff and Chairperson Murgatroyd recommended for reduction and or elimination. Discussion and consideration of individual line item expenditures would be limited to specific council inquiry. � PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTR.ATION Assistant Administrator Maxeiner referred the committee to page GF-50 of the proposed 2000-2001 Budget. Referencing the increase in the salary line item expenditure, Assistant Administrator Maxeiner stated as per council direction the vacancy created when then City Inspector Marcinko was promoted, would be filled this fiscal year. No additional personnel changes are anticipated. Assistant Administrator M�enier also noted the 2000-2001 budget format has been modified and the following employee benefit expenditures will be expensed against each of the five City departments; FICA/Medicare and IMRF Retirernent expenses, the sick day buy-back program, and Department Head merit increases. Assistant Administrator Maxenier also noted this year's insurance renewals were very favorable and an overall premium reduction would be realized, with the exception of family dental coverage. Some discussion followed regarding overtime expenditures. In response to committee inquiry, staf�noted approximately 20-25% of the City Inspector's salary would be reimbursable through reta.ined personnel costs. City Administrator Lobaito also referenced intangible savings with an on-site and in- house inspector as costly future problems can be significantly reduced. �..� Finance :�nd Personnel Committee Minutes ,� April 26, 2000 Page Two Assistant Administrator Maxeiner also noted the addition of an Administrative Expense Account within the Public Works Administration Division. He explaineci the Overhead Sewer Installation 50/50 cost-share program and the Special Service #lA project would be expensed through this account. PUBLIC WORK3 STREETS DIVISION Referencing page GF-64 of the 2000-2001 Budget Assistant Maxeiner noted the proposed addition of one full-time streets maintenance employee. This position was presented in the 3-year personnel projection plan. The position is recommended for elimination in an effort to balance the budget. Some discussion followed regarding Account 502, Telephone Expenditures. City Administrator Lobaito noted this account was increased from the proposed $2500 expense to $3000 to reflect actual expenditures. The projected 1999- 2000 expense figure is $2,863. In response to Chairperson Murgatroyd's inquiry regarding the proposed expenditure amount of$138,000 and the projected 1999-2000 actual expenditure amount of$54,300 Account 527, Materials and Supplies was reviewed. A duplicate entry for road salt and chemicals was discovered. The � $65,000 expenditure was removed from the Materials and Supplies Account #527. The new proposed expenditure for the Materials and Supplies Account for the 2000-2001 fiscal year is $73,000. Account #557, Small Tools and Equipment was also reviewed. Streets Superintendent Stahl noted several items with a value greater than $750 were reallocated to the Capital Outlay account as per city policy. The 557 account Small Tools and Equipment 2000-2001 e�enditure total could therefore be reduced to $5000 as recommended by staff. Individual line items included in the Capital Outlay Account, #700, were reviewed. It was the consensus of the committee the $500,000 Anne Street Drainage Improvement expenditure should remain in the 2000-2001 budget, as a $100,000 planned use of cash reserves line item. Some discussion followed regarding the replacement and additional purchase of Snowplows. Public Works Director Batt informed council one snowplow will need to be replaced each fiscal year for the next three years. It was the consensus of the committee a vehicle replacement program for all departments should be established as soon as possible. In response to committee inquiry, staff stated the Lakeland Park Drainage Project, Phase IV encompasses the area beginning at Eastern Avenue and running north from Clearview to Shore Drive. Project commencement is � Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes � April 26, 2000 Page Three anticipated by late summer/early fall. Staff noted ground conditions are more favorable at this time. The project requires firm, dry soils. In response to Alderman Baird's inquiry, staff affirmed the inclusion of Main Street re�ritalization expenditures within the proposed 2000-2001 budget. Further discussion followed regarding the status of the underground tank removal at the Public Works Garage as well as at the lift stations. Director Batt reported as the senrice agreements had just recently been executed, a pre-construction meeting would be scheduled in the near future. In response to Alderman Glab's request for clarification, staff noted although the Dartmoor Bridge beautification expenditure has been eliminated from the proposed 2000-2001 budget, it would be included in some future budget. Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd also directed staff to include an engineering figure within this account for the Crystal Lake Road improvement project. PUBLIC WORK3 BUILDING AND GROUNDS DIVISION � Assistant Public Works Director Marcinko noting the '/2-person increase in personnel costs explained the increase was due to the mid-year hire of an additional building maintenance person. The committee reviewed account #510, Contractual Services located on page GF-88 of the 2000-2001 Budget Proposal. Staff is recommending the overall reduction of$4,500. Some discussion followed regarding specific contracted services. Assistant Public Works Director Marcinko explained these services included interior and exterior window washing and atrium maintenance. Staff reduced this line item by $3,000. Assistant Administrator Maxeiner noted the Police Dispatch Ceiling Air Conditioner Maintenance expense was reallocated to Account #700, Capital Outlay. HVAC and Plumbing Senrice expenditures were reduced by $1,500. Staff noted the internal access to water division personnel for minor plumbing repa.irs and maintenance. Referencing account #526, Building Improvements, staff recommended the total elimination of the $18,000 carpeting expenditure. This carpeting was slated for the City Clerk/Administration Department. Responding to committee inquiry staf�'explained the rubberized stair landings line item was for the front, public access stairwell. In account #700, Capital Outlay the council chamber camera e�enditure of $5,000 was eliminated. �. Finance .�nd Personnel Committee Minutes .� Apri126, 2000 Page Four Some discussion followed regarding the perceived disparity of Public Works Supervisory salaries compared to long-time line personnel salaries with the inclusion of overtime hour pay. Finance Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd directed staf�'to provide this information, in writing, to the committee for consideration at the next regularly scheduled Finance and Personnel Committee meeting on Wednesday, May lOth. Public Works Director Batt, Assistant Public Works Director Marcinko and Streets Superintendent Stahl were excused from the committee meeting. CITY CLERK/ADMINISTR.ATION DEPARTMENT Assistant Administrator Maxenier referred the committee to page GF-6 of the 2000-2001 Budget Proposal. He noted the addition of the Senior Accountant position and associated benefit expenditures. Some discussion followed. Staff was directed to provide job descriptions for both the Senior Accountant and Principal Account Clerk positions for full committee review. � At Alderman Baird's initiation some discussion followed regarding Council salaries and the reimbursement policy for Aldermanic/Mayoral expenditures. Staff was directed to provide the committee with salary and reimbursement policy comparisons with surrounding municipalities for committee review. City Administrator Lobaito distributed the budget requests submitted by the Advisory Boards and Commissions of the City of McHenry. Sta�'is recommending the reduction of Police Commission testing and advertising by $1,300.00 and the elimination of both the Landmark Commission digital camera and Thompson Cabin relocation expenditures. The committee requested further clarification regarding the Human Relations Commission request for Seminar Attendance in the amount of$3,000. The following accounts were reduced to reflect a limiting overall 6% increase from the projected 1999-2000 fiscal year total expenditure amount: Printing and Publishing Account 500 $26,000 Postage/Meter Account 501 $17,500 Professional Development Account 503 $21,500 Contractual Services Account 510 $232,050 Materials and Supplies Account 527 $21,855 Small Equipment Account 557 $ 2,500 Administrative Expense Account 605 $21,200 Capital Outlay Account 700 $89,388 `.. Finance and Personnel Committee Minutes L. Apri126, 2000 Page Five Assistant Administrator Maxenier noted although staff original recommended the elimination of the codification software and training, this line item has been reevaluated and will be �ncluded in the proposed 2000-2001 budget. Some general discussion followed. Chairpersqn Alderman Murgatroyd noted the same meeting�orrnat will be followed at the next regularly scheduled Finance and Personnel Meeting on May lOth. City Administrator Lobaito noted formal notification regarding the city's Open Lands Trust Grant submission should be received prior to the application submission deadline for the Open Space Land Acquisition Development grant. City Administrator Lobaito noted the May 10�h meeting will include resolution of significant personnel issues. Revised budget pages will be provided the committee prior to the May 10�1 meeting. Motion by Baird, seconded by Murgatroyd to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. Voting Aye: Baird, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: McClatche� Motion carried. � The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Submitted, �� ���� Chairperson Stev Mur atroyd �