HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/18/2000 - Finance and Personnel Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE `.. IWIINUTES October 18, 2Q00 Members Preaent: Chairperson Murgatroyd, Alderman Bai�d. Aiderman M�cClatchey arrived at ?:07 p.m. Others k'resent: City Glerk Althoff, City Admuustrator Lobaito, Assistant Admini.strator M�xeiner, Aldermen Bolger and C3�lab. Chairperson Alderman Murgatroyd ca.tled the Finance and Pe�-sonn�l Cqmmittee Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He stated the purpose of this �venir�g's meeting was to cansider fundi.ng alternatives for the McHenry Shore� Project Assessment F�.�nd. PRO,TECT A88�88MENT FUND F'[JNDII�PC�ALT�R��,11'IV�B Assistant Administrator Maxeiner explained the McHenry City Coun,�il in i993 issued $5.3 million in Revenue Bonds as a refunding;mechani�m for both the 1986 Sou'th Wastewater Treatment Plant CAngtruction Revenue SQnd Issue and the 198$ i�cHenry Shores Sanitary Sewer E�ctension Revenue Bond Issue. The debt service requirements for the 1993 revenue band�are derived �'ro�. numerous sources ba�ed on the followin.g formula: � 28%from 1'roject Assessment payments • ?2%from Water/Sewer Operations and �Vlaintenanae '�-- with 1 I% finaneed from the Watez�System side and 89%fm� the Wastewater System side in addition to the deposft of special assessment paynaent� from McHenry 9hores property owners, the fund is sugplemented by an annual $48,UQ0 pay�ent from pnoperty taaes identi�ed as Public Benefit on the Tax Letr�worksh�ets. 5taff anticipated the Public Benefit tax levy, special assessment payments from property ovaners and the funds annu�l earned interest would b+e sufficient to me�t debt seivice requirements. An unforeseeable drQp in interest rates pravided an opportuntity to mariy McHenry Shores property owners to prepay their assessments via law-ir�terest loans. The large amount of prepayments resulted in a sub�tantial under-fund.ing of the debt service fund. Assistant Administrator Maxeiner reminded the com.mittee this situation had been diseussed briefly at the October 11+� Finance Crnn�tittee Me�ting during the 1999�2000 audit review. Assistant Ad�ni�sistrator Maxeiner presented the following three fiinding alternatives for committee considera,tion and review: 1. A one-time lump sum transfer of$510,000 from the Wat�r/Sewex Fund; 2. An annuaJ. transfer from the WaterJSewie� Fur�d between$70- �'' $125,000; 3. A$60,OOU transfer from the W�ter/Sewer funds interest earning� for the next three years in addi�ian to �,he allocation of interest earnings OCT. 30. 2000 11 :47AM PM TAX NORTHFIEL➢ 847 646 24b0 N0. 5420 P. 3 \.. �xaance Committee Minutes Octobet 18, 2000 Page Two from the gond Rescrve F�nd� Y]�epreciatian Rescrn Fund and ttxe Hond axid Interest Fluzd, Some diseussion followed. Alderuian MeClatchey arrived at?:0? p.n�. In response to eommittee inquiry,Assistant Adin.inistrator Max�iener noted Option #�3 pmvided for less impact on the existing as well as future budgets. It was the coasensus of tbc committce to recommend Qption 1i3 to fiill councii. Motion by Baird� seconded by McClatchey to nc�ommrnd to full council an a=uxua2 $60,000 transfer from the Water and Sewer Fund's interest earnings over the next three years iri addition to the interest earning transfers from the -Bond Reseive Flxnd -the Depreciation Reservc klind and -the Bond and Intertst F1ind � tv offset the Projeet Assessment F�nd's de�icit balance. Voting Aye: Baird, McClatchey, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. There being no further business; Motion by Baird, seconded by McClatchey to adjourn the meehng at 7:12 p.�. Voting Ayc: Baird, McClatchey, Murgatroyd Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carricd. 'The rneeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m. .��� � �nance Committee Chairperson Murgatroyd � �, - 1993 Revenue Bonds Debt Service Requirements 2000-01 ($617,000) L, 28% from Project Assessment 72% from Water/Sewer ($172,760) Operations and Maintenance ($444,240) 11% from 89% from Water Division Wastewater Division ($48,866) ($395,374) , � ` Option 3: Capturing Interest from Bond Reserve, D� _ciation Reserve, and Bond and Interest Fund � ' Project Assessment Fund Water Wastewater ' Division Division Total Project Remaining Portion Portion Fiscal Debt Assessment Debt Service (11% of (89% of Ycar rvi Portion (28%1 Am un Remainder) Remainder) 2000-01 $617,000 $172,760 $444,240 $48,866 $395,374 2001-02 596,000 166,880 429,120 47,203 381,917 2002-03 624,750 174,930 449,820 49,480 400,340 2003-04 601,375 168,385 432,990 47,629 385,361 2004-05 428,000 119,840 308,160 33,898 274,262 2005-06 414 0 115 20 298.080 32.789 265.291 Total $3,281,125 $918,715 $2,362,410 $259,865 $2,102,545 Contributing Components of Project Assessment Portion (28%of Total Debt Service) PA Fund PA Fund "Public Bond& Interest Depreciation Bond Reserve WateNSewer General Less P/A Fund Fiscai Balance* Interest BenefiY' Fund Interest Reserve Interest Fund Fund Transfer to Balance' Year (As of 5/1) Earnings Levy Earnings Int. Earnings Earnings Contribution Contribution Bond& Int (4/30) 2000-01 $59,125 $3,000 $48,000 $7,500 $15,750 $41,400 $0 $0 $172,760 $2,015 2001-02 2,015 100 48,000 7,500 15,750 41,400 60,000 0 166,880 7,885 2002-03 7,885 400 48,000 7,500 15,750 41,400 60,000 0 174,930 6,005 2003-04 6,005 300 48,000 7,500 15,750 41,400 60,000 0 168,385 10,570 2004-05 10,570 500 48,000 7,500 15,750 41,400 0 0 119,840 3,880 2005-06 3,880 200 48,000 7,500 15,750 41,400 0 0 115,920 810 *Cash and equivalent