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Agenda - 3/14/2001 - Finance and Personnel Committee
City of McHenry ���� , ,� y� � 333 South Green Street 3 :�- y w . McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 - - . �_ -a.E C1erk�So���d FlNANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING Administration (815) 363-2100 Fax(815)363-2119 Wednesday, March 14, 2001 — 6:30 PM Public Works CI�/ Of McHenry Municipal Center Community Development 333 South Green Street (815)363-2170 Aldermen's Conference Room Fax(815)363-2173 Pazks and Recreation (815)363-2160 A G E N D A Fax(815)363-3186 Police (Non-Emergency) �075)363-2200 1� 15)363-2149 Mayor 1. Health Insurance Renewals 2001/2002 Plan Year Steven J.Cuda 2. Any and all other business that may properiy come before City Clerk the Committee Pamela J.Althoff Treasurer David M.Welter Aldermen WARD 1 William J.Bolger WARD 2 AndrewA.Glab WARD 3 Frank S. McClatchey WARD 4 Steven C. Murgatroyd WARD 5 William V Baird Delivered:03/09/01 � �' MEMORANDUM TO: Finance and Personnel Committee FROM: Doug Maxeiner, Assistant City Administrator � FOR: March 14, 2001 Finance and Personnel Committee RE: Health Insurance Renewals 2001/02 Plan Year Staff has been working with the City's health insurance broker— Scott Smiricky—to obtain renewal quotes for the coming year. Unfortunately, the market's responses have not been favorable. Attached, I have included the "preliminary"renewal quotes obtained as well as the renewal quotes obtained for the prior two renewals. In addition, I have included a breakdown of the City's internal premium calculation to show the budgetary impact of the considered renewal. Mr. Smirickv has returned to the market to see if we can generate some more favorable quotes. This information, while not available at this time, should be available at the meeting on the 14`h � Please feel free to contact me at(815) 363-2110 if you have any questions prior to the Finance Committee meeting. � � + 7 � � . /,�:«t�,,.� U f :� ` , - -- - -- ---------�-- ----------- ....--___ - - ----...__ ---- . . - - --------- _.. ----- -- ------- QUGTES SECURED FOR Ci Of Mchen EFFECTIVE DATE 04/01/01 PPO $3.75 - DATE 01/23/01 __ __ START-UP/RENEWAL FE_ ________ _____ $900 _ _ PRECERT $1.30 BROKER Smiric _ SINGLES ___ _______ 39 _ __ __ PATHPOINT _ $0.00 COMMISSION 15 ___ _�_ FAMILIES _ ____ __ ____ 92 ________ ADMIN/MED $11.40 -------- aOmMislretlon lee NCIWea me6td.OenW end boker. Contract S ecific Rates A r ate Factors A gregat A re�c ate Annuaf Annual ___ PPO/Pre Admin Rollin Fixed Maximum Sin le Famil Sin le Famil Rate Attachment S ecific A re ate Fees Fee Fee Costs Cost Cur�ent 1.00/ee/mo -- - ----- - ----- -- -- ---- ------ ----- ----- Monument $63.11 $128_75 $142.31 $365.92_ __ $4.40___ $470,577 __ $171,675 _. $6,917 _ $5,816_ _ _$17,371 . _____$0__$201,779 $672 356 15/12 $30 000 12J12 12/12 Renewal _ __. __ __ __ $0,00 - - - _--- ------ -- -- Monument _____ $95,03 $199.82 ,$258_68 _ $665.14 __$6.01_ _ _$855,377 $265,075 _ $9,448 __$7,939_ __ $17,921__ __ ___$0 $300�382 $J1551759 15/12 $30 000 12%12 12/12 --- - -------- - -- - - ------ ___ ---- $0.00 ----- - --- - Monument ---- $74,52_ -$159.52- ---$266.81 _$686.05. .---$6.74 _ $882,266. ---_$210,985 _$10,595 __.$7,939_- -$17�921-_--_ -_$0 $247 440 $1 129 706 _-� 15/12 $40 000 ' • 12/12 12J12 0.00 -- -- -- ---- --- --------- - --- -�----- - -....---$�- -------$0 --_.._..._. .$�- ----$7�939 _ $17�921 ---$0 $25 859 $25 859 12/12 $30 000 --- - - - ----- - - -_-- -- ------- ---- ------ ---- 0:00 Fidelit S , $74.71 $157.79 _ $289.40 _ $693,37 $6 72 $900 920 ----$209,_1_64 __ $10,564- ---$7,939---_-_$17�921__ $0 $245 588 $1.146.507 _I' '_ - ' ' ' . _ __J 15/12 � $30 000 - -- -- - --- - -- ------ --------. ..----- -------- $0.00 - -- -- -- - Fideliry S_. _---_--_---_-$62.02 $131_OS_ _ _$298.20-- _-- $714.45_. _ $8.62- --_$928131.0. ---$173 705_ _$13,551 __._ $7,939 $17,921- -- $0 $213 115 $1 141 425 _J-_ 15/12 $40 000 -- -------- -- --- - --- - --. -- 0.00 Fideli S -- _------ -- $63.25_ $1_33:62_. _$237.35 .._ $568.65._ _.__$5,51_ _ $738,869 _ $177 117_ ___ $8,662 _$7,939 $17,921 - --- $0 _$211,639 $950,508 12/12 $30 000 . . Fideli S $52_51 $111.01 $244.57 $585.94 _ $7_07 $761,337 _ $147�130 $11 114 ___$7,939 $17,921 $0 $184 103 $945 440 12/12 $40 000 - -- '- -- - - Fideli S $106.18 $229.58 $266;63_ $862.72 _._$4.34_ $1L077 226_ $3031149 $6_�822 $71939 __$1�921 $0 $335 830 $1 413 056 24/12 $30 000 12/12 12/12 - - - Fideli S $83.15 $181.93 $296.72 $924.97. $4_60_ _$1,160,032_ $239,765 __ $7,231 __ $7L939 $171921 $0 $2721856 $1 432 887 24/12 $40 000 12/12 12/12 --- -- - Fideli S $102_32 $221.24 $261.96 _$845_17 $4_34 $1,055,665_ ______$292 135 __$6�822 __$7,939__ .$171921_ __ $0 $3241817 $1 380 482 15/12 $301000 12/12 12/12 _-----.--- __--- - - ��2v�twot I �l �� <Co.1�� .'G' ( . OUOTES SECURED FOR Ci Of Mchen EFFECTIVE DATE 04/01/01 PPO 3.75 DATE 02/27/01 START-UP/RENEWAL FE $900 PRECERT 1.3 ----- --- -- ---------- - ------- - - - ---- - -- - --------- BROKER Smiric ____ __,____ ,___ SINGLES _ �_ _____ 39 ____ PATHPOINT 0 COMMISSION 15 FAMILIES 92 ADMIN/MED 11.4 Contract S ecific Rates A r ate Factors A re at A r ate Annual Annual __ PPO/Pre Admin Rollin Fixed Maximum _--- - __---- --- Sin le Famil Sin le Famil Rate Attachment S ecific A re ate Fees Fee Fee Costs Cost _ 0 Fidel' S $80.13 $175.32 $290.77 $904.78 $4.60_ $1J134 957 $231,054_ $7 231____$7,939 $171921_ $0 $264 145 $1 399 102 15/12 $40 000 12/12 12/12 - - - - -- -- $0.00 Standard $100_64 $225.39 $262.59 $623.04 $10.50 _$810,728 _$295 930 _ $161506 �$7,939__$17,921 _ $0 $338 295 $1 149 024 15/12 $30 000 - -- — - -----. .- ------- - ---- -------- -- -------- -- --- --�=� Standard $79_16 $179_69 $275_88__$658,76 _ $10_50____$856,383_ __$235,425_ __$16,506_ _____$7 939_ _ _$17,921______$0 $277,790 $1,134 173 15/12 $40 000 . 0.00 Gerber $72.83 $173.94 $249.38_�$623.45- -_$7.35 $804,999-- $226,114 ----$11,554 $7,939_ $17,921- _---_$0 $263,528 $1 068 526 15/12 $30 000 - - -- - � _ 0:00 Gerber $60.19 $143.74 $258.99-- ^- - --- ------ --- --- ------- - `$646_3_0___. $7,35_ __$834,723 _$186,858. _$11,554 ----$7,939_ __$17,921 ---$0 _$224 271 $1 058 994 15/12 $40 000 _ $0.00 Lincoln $76.81 $180.84 $177_59 $477.72 _�6.87 __ $6101515 _ $235,594 $10 800 $7�939 _$17 921_ -- $0 $272.253 $882 768 15/12 $30 000 12/12 12/12 - — -- Lincoln $60.92 $145.88 $188.97 $508.33 $6.92 --_$6491634 $189,562 $10,878 ---$7,939 ---$17 921 _$0 $226 300 $875 934 15/12 $40 000 12/12 12/12 - - - - ---- -_- -_ ---- $0 ------- $0 _ _ $0 __ $7,939 $17,921 $0 $25 859 $25 859 $0 $0 $0 $7 939 $17 921 $0 $25 859 $25 859 $0 $0 $0 $7 939 $17 921 $0 25 859 $25 859 $0 $0 $0 $7s939 _$17.921 $0 $25,859 $25 859 _ .� ( . �. : � � r�..���..�-�,� , a o%� ( ,,. . ; . � • QUOTES SECURED FOR City of McHer�ry EFFECTNE DA7E 4-1-00 PPO $2.50 �� QATE Reviscd Maczh 23,2009 START-UP�REt�IEWAL FEE $900 PRECERT �'1.2p = BROKER Scott Smlricky SI�iGLES 30 PA7HPOIN7 $1.00 � . COMM1SSlON 15q6 FAMILIES 95 ADMINfMED ��1.05 � . pnLisUation f»IKld��m�dG1.N rMd ndbm4ir. _ � r Corttracl Specific Rates Aggregake Factors Aggregate Aggregate Annual Annual PPOJPre �ldmin Rotling Flxed Maxlmum � Sin le Fami1 S9n le Famil Rate Atied�ment S Gfic r ate Fees Fee Fee Casts Cost �� urrent �1. ee mo � - MonumeatatlHoward b50.20 $1Q2.98 3161.16 $414.39 $4.84 Sb30,422 �135,A�9 57,280 t7,050 $ti5,825 $1,fid0 S167,1Q4 $89T,526• m '15Ji2 000 m enewal " 1 t�c gregete .50 � C Monumer�taVHovrard $83.11 $126.75 $142.31 �365.92 $4.40 5468,380 5169,495 $8,600 $7,450 ;18,575 $3,750 $203,470 $87'1,85p ti5112 S30.QOd laser an Luben and Jovice$60.000:Huif$75,0�0 � w • ' --� . 0 x Mo�umerhalll-toward $63.ti'I $126.T5 $166.03 $432.06 s4.40 �562,319 $168,49b �6,600 $7,050 516,575 33.750 $203,470 =755,789 '� 15112 000 00 I • .b0 -A I . Monumer�tal�}-loward 562.95 $128.36 $198.18 $504.44 �8.30 $645,686 $168,994 $9.452 $7.050 $16.575 53.750 $205,821 �851,507 w 24I12 $3D 000 A i : . encan top�oas 2. . � A1G 572.99 51?�.?_5 �206.05 �9�1.52 $5.77 $837,931 $226,067 E8.655 . �7,050 $18.575 �3,750 �282.098 $90d,028 A � t5f12 530.000 � ' :�' ��L a99�9ate run m$�3�0�0 timrt $2.50 I • Monum�tal �58.74 5139.8T $195.18 $485.96 $fi.32 5624,252 $180.59B $9,480 $7,050 S18,575 $3.750 $217.453 $841,705 15N 2 30 000 a�mstone 12 a99regete . • Kemper t64.16 $161.87 $1fi6.38 $4'19.23 $6.74 �537,812 5207.4D2 $10,107 $7,O�i0 E16,575 51,500 $242,83�1 5760,448 �a 1bt12 30 000 •� • � e mstone aggrega run n I mr12 o est atta pt. 1. ,� . � Kemper 584.'f6 $161,87 $187.97 $473.88 38.7� �807,664 �207,402 $10,107 $7,050 �16.575 b1,500 $242,634 i850,2gg W ` � (� ti5112 $30 000 APS revlew for Lubben, Jovice. Grsqorio $0 �. . `. .5p 'o � . � �O.Op $0,00 $0.00 �0 $0 $0 $7,050 $16,575 $3,750 527,375 $27,375 : ,. � .: . . . �0 �� � , '� � � � �rn . - - - -- -- -_ _ - - - - - . .� ` ' :t sO.OQ $O.QO 30.d0 $0 $0 $0 �7,05� $16,575 $3,750 527,3T5 !o�o � r�:::.�:�:� S2T,375 I ;�` �;,�. � - - - - - 5 . ''"��';.; SO.OD $0.00 50.00 $0 $0 $0 57.050 $16,373 53,750 527,376 S27,375 � ::;:,N? $p o i �.�,wr.� � •'�,Y�;.. � �jy,:i�� � � � � . . ,..Y;;� � . . ntr-�in r�ruv rwivi-��tf1tNI Fax:1-847-234-92qq M. 11 '99 10:00 P.02 ----�--..._.__._..._.... . �' r � o No o A � o U � � �, C7 = o C� � oA '' � -'� '� ..�.� 7 --� � ] --�` C � 0 �7�� C Ny �'Nv�il� N3 P��i NC � NC � N = 7 A� � OmIO � � �{ � a(� � 7 � G�f � I (� �� � ln C F{� c� '_I E� — — � , i � Q � o = o w w w wi ' Z � Q O O� 0 0 0 0 � � m � � v � 3 � � W m�' cn tn � O � d' o ((�� c� j1 3 .p. O N � W � n N� � N � �` (D O O � A C.1 Z1 � -� � � n �w � .�,� � � � -• 3 -� 3 Es+ °' v@i d' $ �+ �! 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Empfoye Insurance Fund , Health I� rance Internal Premium Determination � � March 1, 2001 Internal Medical Premium Determination 1) Fixed Costs Rate per Plan Participant Budget Quoted 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 Singie Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Specific Attachment Rates $50.20 $102.98 $63.11 $128.75 $72.58 $148.06 $74.52 $159.52 Aggregate Rate 4.84 4.84 4.40 4.40 4.50 4.50 6.74 6.74 Precertification 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 PPO 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.75 3.75 Rolling 1.00 1.00 Admin Fee- HPM 7.65 7.65 9.05 9.05 9.50 9.50 9.40 9.40 Admin Fee- Broker Pathpoint 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total Fixed Cost Rate $68.39 $121.17 $81.26 $146.90 $91.28 $166.76 $96.71 $181.71 2) Aggregate Factors 161.16 414.39 � 'l42��'�'„����;��_�3C5 92�= h.��MKK.�6�6�-�s --,��42U,:$1� 266�? 'r � �.._.._ . . _��.�._����� ��:.. �6,£}5< (Set at 125% of Expected) Expected Claims 128.93 331.51 113.85 292.74 130.93 336.65 213.45 548.84 3) Vision 6.55 16.00 6.78 16.56 7.19 17.55 7.19 17.55 4) Prescription 24.19 52.90 28.67 62.69 33.83 73.97 33.83 73.97 5) Planned Reserve Contribution 0.00 0.00 28.00 68.00 15.00 50.00 Total Medical Premium $228.06 $521.58 $258.56 $586.89 $278.23 $644.93 $351.18 $822.07