HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/14/2002 - Finance and Personnel Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, October 14,2002 Aldermen Conference Room,6:30 p.m. �--In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Bolger,Alderman Low, Alderman Murgatroyd. Also in Attendance: Mayor A lthoff, Assistant City Administrator Lockerby, Information Technology Specialist Harris and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Information Technolo�v Assistant City Admijtistrator Lockerby informed the Committee the City is working to enhance community services and increase Staff effectiveness through greater utilization of technology. He stated Information Technology (IT) Specialist, Tim Harris, since his hiring has performed an inventory and assessment of the City's current technology hardware, softwaze and networks. An Employee Information Technology Committee has been created anci a draft Technology Plan has been developed to cover a three-year period to ensure immediate needs and decisions achieve long-term goals. The following items have been identified as immediate needs: • Network: Insta.11ation of a network will link computers in all City departments and facilities enabling data sharing, e-mail and Internet access at selected terminals. A server is needed to create the network. The Dell Du�il Xeon Processor has been determined to be the most competitive based upon price, performance and features. Staff recommends purchasing the Dell Server at a price not to exceed$6,545. • E-Mail and Irrternet: Internal and external e-mail, as well as Internet access have become a business necessity. After consideration of all options for providing e-mail and Internet access, it has heen determined a T-1 is the best solution. Mr. Harris explained the T-1 is a leased line connection to the `� Internet, which can transfer date at 1.544 megabits per second. Stan's Office Technology provided the lowest price, demonstrated professionalism and attention to detail, and received excellent references. Staff recommends utilizing Stan's Office Technology to provide the T-1 and E-Mail services at a cost of $550/month. Additionally, Assistant City Administrator Lockerby informed the Committee an initial investment of$10,465 would be required for hardware, software and firewalls. • Telephone System: The City has been exploring acquiring a new telephone system for several years and funds have been allocated in the 2002/2003 budget. There are currently three telephone systems serving the City. Numerous deficiencies have been noted, including limited or no voicemail, limited or no transfer ability, no ability to add new lines. Staff is requesting authorization to issue a Request for Proposal for a telephone and voice mail system. • Update of Operating Systems: City Administrator Lockerby noted there are inconsistencies in the operating system. Currently, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP Home and Windows 20C�0 Professional are being utilized throughout the City. This inconsistency in the operating system could cause some minor problems with the network installation. Updating the operating system would cost approximately$7,708 but is not being pursued at this time, as it is an unbudgeted item. Assistant City Administrator Lockerby sta.ted the recommended expenditures are within the 2002/2003 budget. A discussion ensued regarding the 'Three-Year Plan. Motion by Low, seconded by Bolger, • to recommend Council approve the purchase of a Dell Network Server Windows 2000 Client License in an � amount not to exceed, $6,545; • to purchase the required hardware and software upgrades in an amount not to exceed$3,584.; • to recommend Council approve entering into a contract with Stan's Office Technology for Internet and E- mail Services, at an annual cost not to exceed$6,588; Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting October 14, 2002 Page 2 � • to purchase the rec�uired softwaze from Stan's Office Supply in an amount not to exceed $2,690; • to enter into a contract with SBC Ameritech for DSL service for remote Municipal sites, at an annual cost of$2,759 and a one-time installation fee of$900. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low to recommend Council direct Staff to seek Request for Proposals for a Municipal Telephone and Voice Mail System. All ayes. Motion carried. Undate on Administration Restructuring Discussion regarding Administrative Restructuring was deferred to a future meeting. Motion by Low, seconded by Bolger,to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m. All Ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, , �..v r"1 .-�,.. � Steven C. Murgatroyd,(-.r��r � �