HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/2/2002 - Finance and Personnel Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING Monday,December 2,2002 Aldermen Conference Room,6:30 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Bolger, Alderman Low,Alderman Murgatroyd. Also in Attendance: Mayor ,�lthoff, City Administrator Maxeiner, Assistant City Administrator Lockerby, Chief of Police O'Meara and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Petersen Pronertv Land Sale Contract Pavoff City Administrator Maxeiner informed the Committee in May 2001 an analysis was conducted on whether or not ta pay off the installment contract for the purchase of the Petersen Farm Property in a lump sum payment rather than continuing monthly payments in the amount of$6,066.40. The Council, at that time, elected not to take advantage of the� approximate $45,000 in projected savings. Mr. Maxeiner stated, with the recent passing of Mr. Petersen the attorney handling the estate inquired if the City of McHenry would be interested in considering a lump sutn payrnent. City Administrator Maxeiner sta.ted the buyout of the contract would be approximately $303,000 on January 1, 2003. He opined from an economic perspective a one-time lump sum payoff on the contract would be in the best interest of the City as discontinuing the installment pwchase would save the City approximately$33,400. A brief discussion ensued regarding buyout of the contract and the possibility of the lack of availability of funds — for competing interests. .�, Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low, to recommend Council approve the one-time, lump sum payoff of the Petersen Property La�d Sale Contract. All ayes. Motion carried. Police Denartment Request for Bud�et Amendment for a K-9 Program City Administrator 'Vlaxeiner stated representatives of the Police Department have approached him regarding establishing a K-9 officer program. It was noted while it is unusual to begin an unbudgeted program in mid- year, the start-up costs as well as some of the recurring expenses for the program have already been donated. City Administrator MaYeiner requested Chief of Police O'Meaza explain the K-9 Program in greater detail. Chief of Police O'Meara stated the K-9 program would provide a trained dog, as well as a handler from existing personnel, for City use. He stated trained dogs are used to detect illegal drugs, search for missing persons and apprehend suspects during foot pursuits or building searches. Presently, when the need arises for a K-9 unit the response time from McHenry County varies from 15 minutes to one hour, Chief O'Meara informed the Committee from a financial perspective the costs of the program are broken down by start-up cost and annual recurring operational expenses, as indicated in the attached Interdepartmental Memorandum from Officer Sexton. Chief O'Meara noted donation received to date has exceeded the cost to start up the program. A discussion ensued regarding personnel requirements; the annual stipend provided the handler, ongoing � expenses and specialized training. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low, to recommend Council approve establishment of a K-9 Program for the City of McHenry Police Department. All ayes. Motion carried. Finance and Personne l Committee Meeting December 2, 2002 Page 2 � Adiournment Motion by Low, seconded by Bolger, to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 p.m. All Ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � v�,�c,r C.�� .�✓I�, ___.�; Steven C. Murgatroyd, Cha' an � � � McHenry Police Department Interdepartmental Memorandum To: DC Brogan Date: November 26, 2002 From: Ofc. Sexton #1061 Re: K-9 Unit Funding Costs This memo is in regards to the K-9 Unit Funding Costs for the proposed K-9 Unit addition. Listed are exact and estimated costs of specific items and maintenance for the K-9 Unit. Also listed are estimated costs of some highly beneficial equipment which are not necessities but would improve the K-9 Unit's capability and success. K-9 and Traininq Costs Supplier ponation 1.) Certified Female $9,000.00 Rudy Drexler No German Sheppard -� *****This price included full obedience training, (6) odor narcotic detection, evidence recovery, tracking, and criminal apprehension. Legal updates and use of force abilities are also portions of the training. Shipping, birth papers, passport, and beginning veterinarian checkups are also included. **'�**Rudy Drexler School for pogs Inc. will be the supplier with Rudy Drexler being well known Nationally as well as all over the world for his outstanding training of dogs supplied to police agencies, federal agencies, and military branches. Total Costs Estimated at Start-------------------------------------$9,000.00-$9,500.00 Vehicle EQuipment Costs Supplier ponation 1.) K-9 Cruise EZ Cage $1,295.00 American Aluminum No 2.) Rescue electronic $334.00 American Aluminum No Remote door system � Vehicle Eauiament Costs Suaalier ponation `-- 3.) Coolgaurd In-Vehicle $350.00 American Aluminum Yes Temperature monitor And Alert System 4.) Coolgaurd Alerting $225.00 American Aluminum No Officer Pager. 5.) Vehicle Window Tint $250.00 A-1 Signs and Tinting Yes and K-9 caution striping. *****Installation fees will vary depending if the City mechanics will install or another will install. Installers for the McHenry County Sheriffs Department as well as the Lake in the Hills Police Department can install the equipment for low fees. These outside installers have experience with modifying squads into K-9 vehicles. Initial Costs Estimated at Start----------------------------------------$2,454.00 Do n a t i o n s---------------------------------------------------------------------$6 0 0.0 0 Total Costs Estimated at Start-----------------------------------------��,g54.00 � K-9 EQuipment Costs Suaalier ponation 1. ) K-9 Ballistic and $1,000.00 (avg) Undecided Yes Stabbing Vest 2.) Training Bite Sleeve $175.00 (avg) Undecided No 3.) Lead Lines and $100.00 (avg) Undecided No Narcotic Scent Bags Initial Costs Estimated at Start----------------------------------------$1,275.00 Donations---------------------------------------------------------------------$1,000.00 Total Costs Estimated at Start-----------------------------------------$275.00 K-9 Maintenance Costs Suaplier ponation 1.) Food Supply $700.00/Ann. Crystal Lake Petsmart Yes � 2.) K-9 Grooming $200.00/Ann. Crystal Lake Petsmart No �-- 3.) Veterinarian Fees $250.00 Riverside Animal Clinic Yes *****Veterinarian Services will be provided by the Riverside Animal Clinic and will cover hip check, physical examinations, rabies and other initial vaccinations, fecal test, and spaying of the K-9. *****Additional health medications to be provided to the K-9 such as heartworm medicine will not be provided in a donation form. 4.) Miscellaneous $300.00/Ann. Crystal Lake Petsmart No *"***Miscellaneous items for the K-9 include treats, bones, collars, food and water dishes, dog toys, etc.... Initial Costs Estimated at Start------------------------------------------$1,450.00 Donations-----------------------------------------------------------------------$1,200.00 Total Costs Estimated at Start-------------------------------------------$250.00 *****Numerous items to be purchased are undecided regarding their manufacturer and will vary in costs once the decision is made on the supplier. � The K-9 Equipment costs are only estimated costs due to the supplier being undecided as of now. The K-9 Maintenance costs are only annually estimated costs at this time because exact costs will vary depending on the size and personality of the dog. The Vehicle equipment and the actual K-9 costs are very approximate figures. *****Listed are the cash donations and equipment donations raised in exact amounts. A large amount of these money donations have been collected, but there is still a considerable amount remaining. Initial Costs Estimated to Start the Program--------------------------$14,500.00 Cash Donations(Businesses)----------------------------------------------$10,955.00 Cash Donations(D.A.R.E.)------------------------------------------------- -$5,000.00 Cash Donation(Crime stoppers)-------------------------------------------$2,000.00 Equipment and Maintenance Donations---------------------------------$2,800.00 Total Costs Estimated to Start the Program--------------------------$0 Respectfully Submitted, �. Ofc. Sexton #1061