HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/31/1989 - Parks and Recreation Committee * * * MINUTES REPORT * * * PARK COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, January 31 , 1989 7:55 p.m. - Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Aldermen PatterSon, Lieder and Nolan. MEMBERS ABSENT: Aldermen McClatchey. OTHERS PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Director Merkel and Mayor Busse. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Park and Recreation Related Items. 1 . Boat Launch Update and Engineering Agreement. ; DISCUSSION: The timetable for adopting the engineering agreement with the I.D.O.C. was discussed. The document will be sent to the City Council prior to adoption. -- RECOMMENDATION:-- Recommend that the Department of Parks and Recreation adopt the agreement between the City of McHenry and the Illinois Department of Conservation. 2. Whispering Oaks Park Landscape Plan Presentation. DISCUSSION: The estimate of �11 ,490 for labor and material submitted by Greenscapes was deemed too high. Agreed that we needed to obtain estimate on shrubs and plants up to a maximum of $4,000. Also discussed the need to budget for a watering tank with pump for the new 3/4 ton truck. Alderman Nolan also brought up the planting needs for the Beautification Committee this year. RECON441ENDATION: Recommend to donate $500 to Beautification Committee for plantings in the upcoming year. 3. 1989 Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Calendar. DISCUSSION: Discussion on the need to set regular meeting dates for the Park Committee for the remainder of calendar year 1989. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend to the City Council to adopt the following Monday night dates for the Parks and Recreation Committee meetings: February 20, March 20, b1ay 15, June 19, August 21 , September 18 and November 20. These meetings will begin at 7:45 p.m. with the meeting locations to be posted. 4. Fox Ridge Park/Kiwanis Tot Lot Spring Construction. DISCUSSION: The equipment for these two parks is still awaiting installation in the Knox Park Barn. RECOMMENDATION: Park Committee recommends the Supt. of Public Works to install this playground equipment by mid-May, 1989. Park Committee Meeting page 2 " 'Tuesday, January 31 , 1989 5. Staff Uadate. DISCUSSION: Cindy Owens, Recreation Supervisor has started and is doing very well . Discussed the need to hire additional seasonal park maintenance employees. Staffing at the Knox Park Swimming Pool was also discussed. We have been informed that one of our� pool supervisors from last season is not returning. We also discussed the hiring of a summer intern to assist with the recreation programs. We have decided this is very cost effective. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend to hire two additional part time employees from mid-March until December lst to work 20. to 25 hours per week at $6.00/hour. Recommend to advertise for a pool supervisor having chemical/mechanical background for pool testing, and has management experience of an aquatics facility. Recommend to hire a college intern for the Summer of 1989. This position will be included in the' 1989-90 budget. A nominal hourly rate will be paid in accordance with school policy. 6. Tennis Court Lighting at West Campus. DISCUSSION: The Park Committee discussed the installation of lighting at the West Campus Tennis Courts. This project was included in the 1988-89 budget. This matter has been briefly discussed with the School District. At this time we need to contact School District 156 to confirm the installation and set up a cooperative agreement regarding ongoing maintenance and utility costs. Preliminary discussions with the School District have included the City covering the cost of installation with the School District paying for maintenance and utility costs. This installation will have a manual switch system in conjunction with an automatic timer that will allow for lights to be turned on only when players are on the courts. The same switching system will be installed at the Knox Park Tennis Courts. This project has been discussed at previous committee meetings and City Council meetings. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend to the City Council that the council appropriate funding for the 1989-90 budget for proper lighting at West Campus Tennis Courts. The School Di:strict is to be contacted and a cooperative agreement be established regarding cost of utilities and maintenance. School District 156 to be contacted to confirm installation. 7. Developer ponation Ordinance Revisions. DISCUSSION: The Developer ponation Ordinance was briefly discussed. This item will be included on the February 20th Park Committee Meeting agenda. Director t�lerkel was requested to obtain some costs on development for the five year Capital Development schedule. RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation was made at this time. Park Committee Meeting page 3 Tuesday, January 31 , 1989 " ' 8. Update On Various Developments. DISCUSSION: Green Valley Fen was discussed at some length. This area is too small to do anything with as an active site. T he property is to be used as a nature area. There was some discussion on the liability of this area and that on being an attractive nuisance. Possibly suggest contacting the McHenry County Conservation District for any management and technical assistance that they might be able to provide. South Riverfront Park was also discussed. The plat presented for the Green Valley Subdivision showed only one access to the park area at the southern edge of the development. We discussed access to the park site along the northeast. Representatives from the Zale Group met with Parks and Recreation Director and Richard Greenwood and discussed park areas in their preliminary plat of the subdivision. This development is in the west end of town by the intersection of Draper Road and Route 120. RECONP�IENDATION: Green Valley Fen - Recommend that the Park Committee members and staff inspect this site before any final determination is made on whether to accept this into the park system. South Riverfront Park - 15' to 20 ' access area to be provided between lots 29 and 30 or lots 30 and 31 . Zale Group - P�o recommendation was made at this time until the Zoning Board of Appeals, Plan Commission and City Council have reviewed this development. 9. Park Maintenance Employees Attendance At Park Training Institute. DISCUSSION: Discussed sending Bill Oeffling and ToFn Schmidt to the Great Lakes Park Training Institute February 19-23, 1989. This item is already included in the budget. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend to approve their attendance at this educational park management and maintenance program. ADJOURNMENT TIME: 10:20 p.m. Randy Patterson, Chairman Taker of Minutes NOTICE OF MEETING: Date posted and given to Committee Members - 01 -12-89