HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/20/1989 - Parks and Recreation Committee . CITY OF McHENRY , � Deparfinent o/Parks and Recreat/on � 1219 N.Green St.,Suite L6 • McHenry,IL 60050 • 815/344-3300 * * * MINUTES REPORT * * * PARKS AND RECREATION CON�IITTEE MEETING Monday, February 20, 1989 7:45 p.m. - 9:39 p,m. MENBERS PRESENT: Aldermen Patterson, Lieder, McClatchey and Nolan. MEN�ERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Director Merkel and Alderman Serritella. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Park and Recreation Related Items. 1 . _ Concession, Swimning Pool and Beach Reports for S�rpner, 1988, DISCUSSION: Director Merkel presented the Fiscal Year 1988-89 financial reports for the concessions, Knox Park swimming pool , and Petersen Park beach were presented. (copies attached) Gross revenues were up in all areas over the prior season, primarily due to the summer heat wave and an increased awareness of park activities. Concessions net revenues were further improved through better tracking of inventories over previous seasons. Director Merkel was congratulated for a successful season and a job well done. 2. 1989 Fireworks Proposal , DISCUSSION: Bartolatta's Fireworks Company was in contact with Director Merkel regarding a display such as the one which was cancelled in 1988 due to drought conditions. The company has implemented a 10� price increase since last year bringing the 1989 proposal to 510,450, if scheduled for Tuesday, July 4. If an alternate date were chosen, the company would provide �500 worth of additional shells or proceed with the proposed regular display for a discounted fee of �10,000. RECOMMENDATION: Much discussion over dates and parking fees followed recommendation to the City Council : Contract with Bartolatta's Fireworks -Co. for a display to be held on Sunday, July 2, 1989 at the discounted fee of $10,000. Set rain date for Monday, July 3, 1989. Parking fees at Petersen Park after 6:00 p.m, shall be �3.00 per vehicle. No charge for pedestrians. The McHenry Area Jaycees will be contacted to collect the parking fees as they have generously done in past years. The Kiwanis and Lion's Clubs will -be contacted to provide concessions. No private concessionaires will be allowed per current park policy. , Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting page 2 ' Monday, February 20, 1989 � 3. Creekside Park Improvements DISCUSSION: A letter from Alderman Bolger requesting improvements at Creekside �ark was read. Discussion was centered on installation of a small shelter at the park and a general cleanup of the creek basin between Hilltop and Broadway as soon as student workers begin early Summer. Alderman Nolan suggested planting wild flowers in the wetter areas where mowing has been difficult or impossible in the past. Director Merkel is to investigate possible donations toward shelter and find source and type of wild flowers which would thrive naturally at the site. RECOMMENDATION: A minimum of $5,000 should be appropriated in 1989-90 budget for the construction of a small picnic shelter at at Creekside Park, if donations for same cannot be secured prior to budget finalization. Also recommended to clean up debris in the creek. 4. Revision of Whispering Oaks Park Landscape Plan. DISCUSSION: The landscape plan for the entranceway of Whispering Oaks Park was presented as a two phase development. Both phases will be contracted out to insure plantings will be successful rather than using city staff. The costs of various types of shrubbery and trees were discussed in some detail . RECOMMENDATION: Phase I improvements should be budgeted at the quoted price of $3,950 for Whispering Oaks Park Entrance with work to be performed by contracted personnel in May/June 1989. Phase II should be budgeted for Fiscal Year 1990-91 . 5. Discuss Capital Items for 1989/90 Budget. DISCUSSION: Director Merkel discussed several items that will be included in the coming budget. Alderman Nolan and Patterson brought up the rehabilitation of the barn at Knox Park as having much potential for summertime recreation activities for all age groups. Favorable discussion by members on allowing the McHenry Area Youth C anmission to utilize the rehabed barn on a regular weekend schedule (Friday or Saturday) to allow that group to expand their worthwhile programs. Other programs should be developed by staff to allow other age groups utilization of the rehabed building. Director Merkel is contact Park Directors from other areas to find out how _ barn restorations have succeeded there. Plans and estimates should be prepared for inclusion into the new budget. Planning on this project is dependent wholly on dramatic increases of developer donation fees for park projects. All in attendance agreed that the barn project would instill pride in the agrarian heritage of our community and would preserve a symbol of farm life which is quickly being destroyed in the area's rapid development. Further discussion to follow at the next Parks and Recreation Committee meeting, , Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting page 3 ' Monday, February 20, 1989 � 6. Review Capital Improvement Pro3ects DISCUSSION: Director Merkel presented the Capital Improvement Project proposals currently in various stages of p]anning. Almost all are entirely dependent �pon increased developer donation fees. They include: a. Enclosed pool and physical developement facility. b. Petersen Park expansion. c. Fox Ridge Park. 7. Parks and Recreation Director Reports. DISCUSSION: Parks and Recreation Director Merkel gave a brief report on the status of the following items: a. Green Yalley Fen. b. McCullom Lake Grant Application Status. c. Tennis Court Lighting. d. Winter 1988/Summer 1989 Swim Team. e. League President Meeting on Thursday, February 23, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. Additional note: The Parks and Recreation Department received the Best of Show Award for their 1988 Summer Program Brochure Cover, as recently reported in the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association magazine, January/February issue. e. P-¢-�---� Randy Patterson, Chairman NOTICE OF MEETING: Date posted and given to Committee Members - 02-17-89 NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: Thursday, March 16, 1989 at 7:45 p.m. McHenry City Hall Conference Room i . ..... . . .. .. ... .. _........ ...��_... . .._..�.«��� ,.__. .. . ... ... '_ City of McHenry �� , Department of Parks b Recreation Concession Program , Financial Report - 1988 � Revenue Knox Park ;oncessions �15,500.68 Petersen Park Concessions 11 ,645.31 Vending Machines 145.88 $27,291 .87 Ex enses Salaries $ 6,161 .39 Equipment Repairs & Supplies 160.45 Vendors 17,015.37 �23,337.21 1_988-89 Budget 1988-89 Actual Revenue: �22,500.00 Revenue: $27,291 .87 Expenses: - 20,500.00 Expenses: - 23,337.21 Surplus: � 2,000.00 Surplus: � 3,954.66 . � Ci�y of McHenry ' . Department of Parks b Recreation • � ' - Knox Park Swimming Pool Financial Report - 1988 Revenue Daily Admission � 9,573.05 Pool Passes 23,632.00 Pool Renta1 400.00 Swim Lessons 11 ,294.50 Swim Team 7�6gg.75 �52,588,30 misc. refunds - 509.00 $52,079.30 Ex enses Salaries $24,050.61 Uniforms 763,38 Utilities 5,109.83 Supplies, Equipment Repair & Maintenance 9,111 .53 Swim Team 2,425.50 Capital Outlay 7 356.44 , $48,817.29 1988-89 Budget 1988-89 Actual Revenue: �48,000.00 Revenue: �52,079.30 - Expenses: 48,000.00 Expenses: 48,817.29 Surplus: � 0.00 Surplus: Z 3,262.01 creation. � •ZG �y�y • ' ' � 906 N. Allen Ave. „ McHenry, Illinoia 60050 =, • $5,194.06 � .� I 1 ,285.00 �� � $7,226.56 /e � � 'sc. refunds ���4 - 86.50 ------ $7,140.06 � a° i CO-OPERATION 'ZC.�.�y,�, , � $11 ,301 .95 i��,, G�� � / 95.00 ���� /C� � - 1 ,169.01 ance 1 ,385.41 0,� ��� � 4�— �:����e�e i � $14,408.93 1988-89 Actual � G'r�.�� Llt'� r Revenue: � 7,140.06 �-� � Dz`�l�' .�=� Expenses: 14,40a.�3 Def i c i t: f$ 7,268.87� ;�.1 ��Q��/r�-� G��i:� 2�%L.�zoiti-�. ���1=��Q��7 . . - ��trL� �G ) _ �