HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/16/1989 - Parks and Recreation Committee � * * * MINUTES REPORT * * * � PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, March 16, 1989 _ 7:45 p.m. - 9:50 p.m. ��EMBERS PF.ESENT: Aldermen Patterson and Nolan. MEMBERS AESENT: Aldermen Lieder and McClatchey. OTHERS PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Director Merkel and Recreation s Supervisor Cindy Owens. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Parks and Recreation Related Iter�s. l . Review Parks and Recreation Department Budget for Fiscal Year 1989-90. DISCUSSION: Director t�1erkel presented the proposed Fiscal Year 1989-90 Parks and Recreation Budget. This preliminary budget has been presented to the Finance Department. Many items were discussed within the Parks and Recreation Department budget that will be addressed with the Finance Committee during budget deliberations. 2. Fox Ridge Park Improvements. . DISCUSSION: A proposal was submitted from Greenscapes to develop a landscape master plan for Fox Ridge Park. A copy of this proposal is attached. Extension of electrical service for lighting the proposed shelter and outdoor ice skating rink was discussed. A preliminary estimate for the engineering of this electrical work was received from Baxter and Woodman. This cost was estimated at $4,500 for the engineering. The Committee discussed having Carey Electric review the site plan for this area and have them give us an estimate for installation of electric service and lighting in this park site. This project will be competitively bid for the installation of all improvements. RECOMMENDATION: To approve the proposal fro� Greenscapes to prepare a landscape master plan for Fox Ridge Park at a cost of $375.00. Contact Carey Electric and discuss with them the extension of electric service to this park site. Future lighting to include the proposed shelter for security lighting and lighting for the outdoor ice rink. 3. Lakeland Park Community Center. DISCUSSION: Air conditioning installation for Lakeland Park Com�unity Center was recommended at a previous Parks and Recreation Committee meeting and approved by the City Council . Price quotations for this installation � were received from Althoff Industries and Dowe and Wagner, Inc. Funds for this project were allocated in this fiscal years Parks and Recreation Department budget. RECOMMENDATION: Contract with Dowe and Wagner, Inc. to install a Lennox Central air conditioning unit as proposed for the cost of $2,719. 4. Review Recreation and Maintenance Seasonal Part Time Staff Assignments. DISCUSSION: Part time assignments for Parks and Recreation Staff were presented for this spring and summer. These were staff assignments as of t�arch 16, 1989. Some additional positions are yet to be filled pending interviews and determination of staffing needs for new programs. " Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting page 2 � , Thursday, tlarch 16, 1989 RECOMMEND,aTION: To present list of part time summer employees to city council f��r approval (list attached) . 5. Repor� On Upcoming Programs For Summer 1989. DISCUSSIO�J: Recreation Supervisor Cindy Owens made a presentation on programs for this summer. New programs were highlighted which included Day Camp, Fif�ld Trips, and other expanded programs. The majority of the ! discussion centered on the new Day Camp program that will be held at Petersen Park. Field Trips were expanded with emphasis on family oriented events and senior citizens. 6. Discuss Open Space Requirements in Developer ponation Ordinance. DISCUSSION: The Committee discussed the current land donation requirement of the developer donation ordinance. The ordinance currently requires 1 acre/100 ultimate population of development. This for�ula was discussed in length and the Co�mittee felt a need to revise this number to require more open space within a development. The Committee felt that the present formula is inadequate for the current needs of our community. • RECOMMENDATION: Committee recommendation to City Council to change this land donation formula to 1 acre/50 ultimate population within a development. 7. Discussion on Knox Park Barn Restoration. DISCUSSION: Restoration of the Knox Park Barn was discussed in relation to needs of the Parks and Recreation Department for future use and progra�s. These i�provements could be completed through a community-wide fund raising effort or with contributions by local contractors of either labor and/or materials. Service Clubs could also be of great assistance in improving this facility. Public use of this building would be in the upper level and lower level would remain an area for storage of supplies and materials. RECON�IENDATION: Committee recommendation to include $15-$20,000 in Parks and Recreation Department budget for improvements to Knox Park Barn. Renovation of this facility would require the Parks and Recreation Department consulting with a building architect for designs or modification of this structure. No recommendation was �ade on selection of architect at this time. 8. Special Recognition. DISCUSSION: Special Recognition was given by com�ittee members to Alderman Liz Plolan. This was her last Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. We would like to thank her for all of her years of service and dedication to the Parks and Recreation Committee. We also look forward to working with her in the future with the McHenry Beautification Committee. Randy Patterson, Chairman NOTICE OF MEETING: Date posted and given to Committee Plembers - 03-02-89 NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: Monday, t�ay 15, 1989 at 7:45 p.m. McHenry City Hall Conference Room , ��� D � GREENSCA� ES FFB 1 7 �g89 4209 South Street Nchenry, IL 60050 C�.� pF IVIcHENRY 815-3�4-3135 PARKS & R ECREATION February 17, 1989 � l�ir. I-etE� D�erkel Director of F arks ar�d Recreati on City of T�:crenry 1219 N. Green Street auite L6 �� NicHenry, IL 60050 Dear Nr. Pvlerkel: I am pleased to make the following proposal of a landscape plan designed for Fox Ridge I'ark. ' Services included: �T�ieasurerr:ents of area in scale, including locations of' all existing facilities and plant materials. �`iy��.ster plan triat will include locations of all facilities, trees, planted areas, and all other improvements/site details. #�r�esentation of plan. All of the above services �vill be provided on the basis of a fsxed fee of �:375. 00. Thank you for theoppoxtunity to present this proposal. �-lease call if you have any further questions. Sincerely, .�1'�-' ���I,P�N`' Caroline Green Landscape Architect . , PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTt�1ENT , . . Jenny ,acred Concessions " * Mauree� Adams Preschool Creativity Clinc * Jim An�ierson Golf Jody Benoy. Lifeguard, Aquatics Supervisor Nicole Bloom Lifeguard Mike Boland Park Maintenance Donna E;onato Preschool Creativity Clinic Ci ndy E;rotcke S1 imnastics Mike Cf�ristensen Park Maintenance Chris (:hurchill Lifeguard, Swim Instructor, Aquatics Supvr. , Swim Team Coach Jenny Donlan Lifeguard ' Jason Eckert Lifeguard Tom Egon Day Camp, Concessions, T-Ball Pat Gaughan Guitar Lessons Gary Gray Tennis Tim Gray Tennis Clarence Haerle Picnic Supervisor Debbie Hay Gymnastics Carrie Nealy Arts and Crafts Amy Hutchings Lifeguard, Swim Instructor Joan Jensema Tumbling Char Johnson Swim Instructor t�lary E1 len I:arp Fai ry Tales and IJursery Rhymes � Kim Kirsch Park ��aintenance Cathy Kitterm an Day Camp Shirley Koch Swim Instructor �Earl Kyle Cross Country Frank Leon Park Maintenance * Tom Ludwig Basketball Becky P4acDonald Swim Instructor, Swim Team Assistant Dave ��larti n Park P4ai ntenance Peggy i�lcInerney Track Bonnie P1eyer Sel f Defense Chad Mihevc Lifeguard, Aquatics Supervisor Joanne �1iller Parks & Recreation Office Mike Noll Football , Basketball Sue 0'Leary Aqua Motion Jill Olszewski Swim Instructor, Swim Team Assistant Kristen Panerali Lifeguard, Aquatics Supervisor Terry Reilly Basketball Chris Roper Concessions Carol Rumpel Volley ball Tracy Schaefer Concessions Erin Shanahan Lifeguard ��1ike Shanahan Swim Lesson Supervisor, Swim Team Coach Chris Sorensen Lifeguard Cindy Stauner Exercise, Preschool * Bob Sweeney Basketball Mia Szamlewski Fun Crafts Workshop, Cooking Jenny Tonyan Lifeguard, Swim Instructor Todd Trocki Aquatics Supervisor, Outdoor Theatre Jeff Varda Golf, Basketball Heather White Lifeguard, Swim Instructor, Aquatics Supervisor Katie Winn Lifeguard, Swim Instructor Pat Wirtz Softball Supervisor Dan Wray Park Maintenance * new employee for 1989