HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/3/1989 - Retail Committee C � r� X Y RECEIVED f_ _ . aUG z o 19E9 RETAIL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, August 3 , 1989 -- 7 : 30 a _m. ��TY OF McHE11rRY Chamber Conference Room PRESErT: David Byron Chris Cardamone Fran Hermann Virgil Wilkins Fran Olsen ABSENT: Barb Hoyt Donald Doherty Monica Jepsen Mary Bassi Minno Halma Jim Becker Jeff Rudge Pat Strom Sue Reese Sam Zito Josephine Smith Lowell LeMaster Aldon Thompson David Wahl Stephanie Porter Debbie Fisher Meeting was called to order at 7 : 50 a .m. by Chairman Cardamone. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved by general consensus . NEWCOMER PACK_ETS TO VIP LIST: The letter and the Iist of VIP ' s is an attachment to these Minutes . Each was sent a sample Newcomer Packet at the direction of this Committee. Cardamone stated how pleased he was that our project came full cycle and has been brought to the attention of those who should know the quality of our Newcomer Program. The Realtors, Developers , and Property Managers are delighted with the Newcomer Packets and are distributing about 50 a month. Our next target is the teachers coming into the school districts . We are working with the schools to encourage orientation sessions at which time they can get general community information as well as this Newcomer Packet . FIESTA DAYS REVIEW: Aside from the rain, everyone felt that Fiesta Days went very well . However , the Gommittee, independently and collectively, wondered why Woodstock scheduled a Round-up Days against our Sidewalk Sales . A county-wide calendar of events is issued to specifically avoid conflicts and to support each other ' s community-sponsored events . A letter will be sent to the Woodstock Retailers from our Retailers - concerning this issue. The Committee asked that letters be sent to Fireball S , The Northwest Herald, the Mayor , City Council, Public Work� and Park Districts commending them for the outstanding job that they did for Fiesta Days . The housekeeping of the City was extraordinary. One would never know from one day to the next that there had been such a party the night befo�re_ It was recommended that included in that letter be the suggestion that the new trash cans be emptied more frequently in front of food establishments or additional trssh cans be made available in those locations , because overflow is occurring_ The shuttle service went extremely well _ The drivers were most accommodating and friendly to the riders . The Chamber Office provic!ed walkie-talkies so that they could be in communication with e�ach other and/or the Chamber Office at all times for space and efficiency. The cost was only 5180 . 00 because PACE had misqucted originally. Consequently, the Chamber absorbed the entire� cost from the Retail Budget. It is recommended for 1990 that �ponsors be arranged for well in advance so that they can be liste� in the Fiesta Days Guide to get full benefit from their sponsorship . A Chairman is a definite need for this shuttle service for 1990 . We have asked PACE to consider doing our shuttle service for the Trade Fair . FREE MOVIES REVIEWED: It was remarkably successful. Cardamone requested that a letter be sent to Sam complimenting him on the great job that he did. Since the turnout was so resounding, we want to consider a second showing for each of the movies next year . Wednesday proved to be a very good day. It was even suggested that perhaps a Wednesday would be good during Christmas Holidays for one of the Christmas films, but probably not for this year since the kids get out of school extremely late. IRMA TOWN MEETING : IRMA called to offer us a Town Meeting on September 26th and this year they are expanding it to include many topics and in-depth information. It was the consensus of the Committee that we should go with the 26th and have perhaps a Buffet Dinner so that the Program could begin early and end early and, yet, accomplish the impact of the topics they are recommending. The proposal is an attachment to these Minutes . Presenters would be Dave Vite, Executive Director of IRMA; Mary Garzonni , IRMA Seminar Specialist; plus someone regarding the Sales Tax and one other presenter to be announced. A Committee needs to be set up. It was suggested we ask Monica Jepsen from the Fashion Shoppe to chair the Committee, along with Mary Bassi from The Junior Closet. Virgil Wilkins will be on the Committee. It was the consensus of the group that personal contacts need to be made in order to get a good showing. It was suggested that we invite the other Retailers from the County to participate. That will be an inclusion in the letter to the Woodstock Retailers . Cardamone and Hermann will make personal contacts in their areas to enhance attendance. It was recommended the Chamber Board - attend as well . CHRISTMAS : The target week for the lights to be ready is the week before Thanksgiving so that the day after Thanksgiving, the town lights up. The Parade will be November 25th. Extended hours will begin on the Sth of December . It was the consensus of the Committee that we should order 1 , 000 Seasons Greetings ribbons to be worn by the employees throughout McHenry, thanking consumers for shopping McHenry. The ribbons will be ordered through Virgil Wilkins of D-B Enterprises at a cost of 35 cents each and will be sold to our Retailers at SO cents each. There are still some Christmas buttons left from two years ago . It was decided to �ust leave those on the shelf until next year and to promote the ribbons this year . RECAPS : Riverside Round-up - It was an outstanding success and the fact that Woodstock stole the theme and content is a great compliment to that success since emulation is the strongest form of flattery. Dates for 1990 have been set at June 9th and lOth. Midniqht Madness on Green Street was a huge success . Hetter than the all-day tent sale . They have scheduled it for June 8th for 1990 and changed the hours from 10 : 30 to 12 : 30 ta be 9 : 00 p.m. to 12 : 00 midnight . In a discussion about the dates , it was determined that they wanted to avoid a conflict and Riverside Drive ' s objective was to avoid Graduation Weekend, so Hermann will call the School Districts and then adjust the date , if necessary_ �eptember 9th is the Tent Sale on Green Street . September 17th is the Landmark Commission Farmers ' Market . Al1 details are in attachment to these Minutes. Meeting ad�ourned at 9 : 12 a .m. Respectfully submitted, Frances H_ Olsen Executive Director FHO/ jlb Next Meeting will be . POST MEETING NOTES : Susan from IRMA called this afternoon to say that IRMA will foot the cost of the dinner and asked us where we would like to have it schecduled. I suggested the Tamara Royale. - They will set the menu, make all the arrangements , do the publicity pieces , do the invitations , and get it all to us . Now, how is that for service ! ! ! At this point all that needs to be done is to ask each member of this Committee to get out there and promote it with the other businesses in their own Districts so that we have a good turnout . July 28 , 1989 Supt. Robert Gough Johnsburg School District #12 2117 W. Church St. McHenry, IL 60050 Dear Rob : The Marketing Committee of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce has embarked on an extensive "Buy McHenry" campaign. Included as one phase of the campaign is our outreach to the newcomers . I am enclosing a copy of the letter, Membership Directory, Quality of Life Brochure, Countywide Calendar of Events, and the Countywide Visitors ' Guide, which are the elements of the packet that is being distributed to each newcomer through our member realtors, property managers and developers _ This service is being provided by the Chamber of Commerce at no cost to neither the delivering agents nor the newcomers , as one o� our investments in our efforts to promote local purchasing. Please take special notice of the graphs on page 2 that clearly explain the dollar value of shopping locally. The time-saving and travel-cost savings should be obvious, but often are not. That, too � is alluded to , but is something that is best appreciated after it has been experienced. Thank you for your time in reviewing these materials and sharing them with those in your sphere of influence. On behalf of the Marketing and Retail Committees of the Chamber , Frances H. Olsen Executive Directory FHO/b]s Encl. = �-~I�_... . i11�=.i't . .^!i: I�_Ii��i�Y_ 1�i�:"��._'�-1 r�J �[�1(. _V ��_�cq! �� .�-'-�'i_1 r\ . _=fT1=;�:Y-� r•. � . Y f:'"- u�,=�,�;j c.=,a r;•:: q -- r,:y r i q�; ';I?!"? :�,a.f;_r 4J:. � 1 - -.��� ���;�=e _, r; t�..� r;,ii.r��=_ ' tiembar� 1 .�. i 1 �. CI-aPr�y `t . ,�`�-!�lP��f�q i L _ _��_�c�1 ^1�.;nr �, r=i1�=���t?ri F:?��r'==�=f�'�_.�i . _ L•'i rL:: F;1=�Ttm _ i,�a�t j;y_.-.=1 �=t1��:= F"i`Y`=. i�r�•�}a.i L����:= - TL _,:7ti1 a. n;.�_E:: � ���rat�r- L�,.=E; �'=haf�er ' i;ii ' 1 _ _ r�. w�._ f::��.� Crys�al L�E::G, ?L �,i;c_�14 ,Ta�E�. . �i!�f . t'.::_t[�a;-'L c!,J l i _:1_r,�s M_H. L��_i-���__ ��_ =t;-i�} #T1�,= '�?b W. h1�.z n L�tre_�_ McH�'n'y, '� -`ic;�r_ rot� �j�pt . F:ob�r1 C�=.�.i�y MCH. =:�=hnr,i i�_�t►^i_t' #1� ='^'�� 1..�1. M=i-. =traat ~jCI-i._•ilE�,'� _1 ,�,�_ti3c.�_i r;r t� ���pt . ��bGrt �;,��ah �T_�hn_5ur-�, �_�.�_�1 �i� �tri,_� ��y �11�•'' L.�I. �.'hU�_� c� � . �.�=H=�1ir;, I_ r':i�:�ii ���J rl � � � e- �.�. �� �� �,� = � :,- __ ,. � . , . . . _ � � %�/?�4- RETAIL TOwlv MEETINGS . The Retail Town Meetinsts are held �hrousnout the state each, �alZ to di5��uss v�rious tiOD1C5 of interest to r�tailers . This fall we wi.11 ��e in 10 cities which �.ill include: Rockford. "Ic4enry. Ottawa. Quad Cities. �'�oria. Carbonda7.e, �lattoon. Cha�nai�n. Sprinst :ield and Centralia. � �'k��s ;��.ar th,e nxo�ram wi11 rurt for � 1/2 - 3 hour� . '£t�.c tonics will include : •� Gov���mcn* Affairs - a r�riew of the Bast lesrislati re session. Advcrtxsin� Re�u,iations - An overview tnat wiZl be useful to retailers as the Christmas season annroacnes. Salcs Tax - F'ocus on ma.ior chan�es in the ssstem. and operst�ona� d�£fexences. Educatinn - Mary Garzoni will focvs on the importanc� of customer servxce zn tY�e t10�2.C�3)1 season. -OTAL P.��t1 �dllijl�i���l��'���`r�iy�l� I � II r � I � �I �I Ill III������� -1_ �`���` , �� '``��r� "� ���` McHENRY'S 2ND ANNUAL .,,,��,�ti�����►� t��" . ��' ��r� ����,, �: 1 ,.�,�;i�' , '� �,i���nri ,��,���� � � . ��TZ)T UR ; ,�,�, ;,,�, ru� ��.��. ,�����������, , .,,� AG� T� ...��,����,� ._ ,.�,��� ,�;,,II il'';'';'---- ' - AN�D c�tD �AS!-�1 c�N�D �,� - -- . _ , '�.,;�I, � f I � - �� " �I���,���� � ��1Z1�t�1Z S �tA1Z1���T" ► ��� _ 1;IIIII��.. _ _ „�nn ' Sponsoretl by the Landmark Comm�ssion of the City of McHenry ` ,,,, �) For the Benefit of the Downtown� Revitalization Grant Fund , �`�`. .,� �i {; � OVER 60 1Ox10 SPACES AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO SELL YOUR; -- .,� �l� - .�;�::._ . � / ' • Homegrown Produce • Handmade Toys :>;;. • Pumpkins — Indian Corn • Garage Sale Items ��� � � �, ,' • Apples — Apple Cider • Homemade Candy ����� '=' • Home Baked Breads ���-� � • Fresh Eggs :��� � �; � • Jellies and Jams � • Pies — Cakes _���-- � �'' • Donuts and Cookies • Old Books - Records ��` � • Baskets — Pottery • Antiques '� ��`� • Ph sic Readin s • .;; � Y 9 Handcrafted Home Decor ; �;; ;;�;(� ;� Popcorn • Plants and Shrubs �� �� � '���'�� � USE YOUR IMAGINATION, JUST S0 IT'S IN KEEPING ." �+'� '� ' ' ,�,I' � ',�, WITH THE OLD FASHIONED FARMER'S MARKET THEME. \,,� .., :f( - - - ;�� � ��� J ; ,,� ,:,,;. �.� THIS WILL ALL TAKE PLACE ON THE GROUNDS OF .;,� LANDMARl� SCHODL --� � �, i' ;;� Green St. and Waukegan Road, McHenry � . s ' �u. ' �\ � , ; ,. 'o� - - SUNDAY — SEPT. 17TH FROM 11 :00 til 4:30 ��, ��, i�a .; �� �= �� � :��� INCLUDED WILL BE. �HES� SPECIA�: ATTRACTIONS � I� '�=;�_ �Il��i�., � _ HERITAGE TOURS OF 3 NhcHENRY HOMES, A QUILT SHOW, � AN ANTIQUE CAR SHOW, SQUARE DANCING, SINEET ADELINES ;dl'�: 4 ,�, ► KITCHEIV BAND; HORSE & BU�GY RIDES AND MORE -- ; , '�'j�: ___ _ -- � ; � To add to the atmosphere, we're asking everyone renting _ -- - � —spaces to wear old fashioned pioneer 1800 s _cos_tumes__ --- _ __,- - - — so get out those long skirts, aprons, and bonnets and - - - straw hats and bib overalls too! --_ � APPLICATION FOR 10'x10' SPACE AT FARMER'S MARKET -Name of Person, Business or Organization Address � Type of ltems to be Sold " � Telephone, � Days __ Eves IVo. of Spaces at $25.00 each Amt. Enclosed ' Please make check payable to McHenry Landmark Commission. Mail check and application to Lori Wilhelm, � 505C Thornwood Drive, McHenry, IL 60050 — �l5/38�•�g15 EvES. ' McHenry Landrnark Commission reserves the right to reject any a�P�icat�ons due to inappropriate sale items.