HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/21/1989 - Parks and Recreation Committee � f * * * MINUTES REPORT * * * PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, August 21 , 1989 � 8:00 p.m. - 10:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Aldermen Patterson, Lieder and Donahue. � MEMBERS ABS_NT: Alderman McClatchey. � . OTHERS PRE�ENT: Parks and Recreation Director Merkel ; Heather Carroll , McHenry Star News. , PURPOSE OF MEETING: Discuss Parks and Recreation Related Items. 1 . Review Tree Bid Specifications for Fall Planting. DISCUSSION: Parks and Recreation tree purchase bid was presented to Park Committee. A total of 58 trees are to be planted in several parks throughout the city (see attached documentation) . RECOMMENDATION: Recommend to solicit price quotations for fall planting. 2, Review Fox Ridge Park Bid Specifications. DISCUSSION: Director Merkel presented bid specifications for Fox Ridge Park development. Bid items include concrete work, asphalt surfacing and finish grade/hydroseeding. Bids to be returned by Tuesday, August 29, 1989 for City Council approva] Wednesday, August 30, 1989. Further �evelopment of this site was discussed. RECOMMENDATION: Bid tabulations to be presented at August 30, 1989 City Council Meeting. 3. Review Lighting Proposal for Fox Ridge Park. DISCUSSION: A preliminary estimate and design for electrical service for the park and ice rink lighting was discussed. RECOMMENDATION: Recommended to contact area electrical contractors for extension of electrical service and ice rink lighting to be installed and completed this fall . 4. Discuss Parks and Recreation Masterplan. DISCUSSION: Parks and Recreation Masterplan was discussed. RECOMMENDATION: Committee recommended to devote September 18, 1989 Park Commi ttee Meeti ng on . the Parks and Recreati.on_.Masterpl�n. Contact �n _ organization headed by Dr. Bannon .of University of Illinois and invite them to do a presentation on comprehensive planning for leisure resources. All members of the City Council , Plan Commission and Zoning Board to be invited. _ Parks aiid Recreation Commi ttee hteeti ng page 2 ' P1onday, Aug�,st 21 , 1989 5. Update on South Riverfront Park Boat Launch. DISCUSSION: Director Merkel gave an update of the progress of the boat launch development. All permits have been submitted to the Army Corp of Engineers. We are awaitirrg permit approval before starting construction. 6. Discuss Bathing Beach Recommendation from McHenry County Department of ea t . ' DISCUSSION: Briefly discussed the McHenry County Department of Health Beach • inspections in McCullom Lake. There were several recommendations included in the annu�l inspections regarding East Beach Park, West Beach Park and Petersen Pa^k Beach. RECOMMENDATION: This item to be brought up as an agenda item at a future Park and Recreation Committee meeting. Any changes for the beach operation to be implemented in the summer of 1990. 7. Park Improvements. DISCUSSION: Director Merkel presented information on concrete curbing that wi 11 be i nstall P� ;►� fniir narL �rou� �M��;;� the pa�� si gns. r� RECOMMENDATION: Committee recommendation to proceed with installation. 8. Illinois Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program DISCUSSION: Director Merkel presented information on the Illinois Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program results from last years program with an update on this years sampling. Water clarity has increased tremendously during the 1989 sampling period. There was also discussion on the current sampling being done by NIPC. 9. Any and All Other Business DISCUSSION: Fencing at Petersen Park was discussed. A preliminary estimate was presented. After discussion, it was suggested that a survey be completed to see if the existing fence is located on the property line. After the completion of the survey, this issue will be brought back to the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to make a recommendation. There was also a brief discussion on a park identification sign located in Weber's Park. Minutes from the March -�,- i986 meeting when the-named was � approved to be changed were presented. ��, � Randy Patterson, Chairman NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: Third or fourth week in September. Time and date-to-be announced: -------- Purpose to discuss Parks and Recreation Masterplan.