HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/20/1989 - Parks and Recreation Committee * * * MINUTES REPORT * * * PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, November 20, 1989 7:45 p.m. - 9:40 o.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Aldermen Patterson, Lieder and McClatchey. MEMBERS ABSENT: Alderman Donahue. OTHERS PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Director Merkel ; Park P�aintenance Employee Tom Schmidt; Mayor Busse. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Discuss Parks and Recreation Related Items. 1 . Parks and Recreation Equipment Purchase. DISCUSSION: Discussed equipment to be purchased for installation in the spring and summer of 1990. Park sites, equipment and costs are attached. RECOMMENDATION: Recommended to bid the attached list of park and playground equipment with payment to come out, of the Developer ponation Fund. Also recommended to install additional flags and flagpoles at park sites and install light(s) at Walsh Park. 2. Review Proposal for Parks and Recreation Master Plan Study. DISCUSSION: Proposal from Management Learning Laboratories was presented for the Community Attitude and Interest Study. RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation at this time. Committee Mernbers felt they would like to have the opportunity to review the proposal and discuss it at a Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, December 6, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. 3. Discuss Golf Course Development and Feasibility Study (Fritsch Property) . � DISCUSSION: There was lengthy discussion on the proposed golf course development. We reviewed the proposal submitted by Golf Investment Advisors to conduct a economic feasibility study for this proposed project. RECOMMENDATION: The committee recommended that we enter into an agreement with Golf Investment Advisors to conduct a golf feasibility study for the proposed golf course development (Fritsch property) . The developer has agreed to pay 50% of the costs of this study. The study would cost a total of $14,000 plus expenses not to exceed $2,500. The committee recommended to approve the study to be done with the city's costs not to exceed $8,250. The study would be a market demand and viability study that will provide us with information on development or acquisition potential for a golf course that could be applied to the Fritsch property or any other location within the McHenry area. Parks and Recreation Committee ��eeting page 2 Monday, November 20, 1989 4. Set Committee Meeting Dates for 1990. DISCUSSION: Discussed the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting dates for 1990. • RECOMMENDATION: Committee recommended to approve the attached committee meeting dates and times. 5. Update on Fox Ridge Park and South Riverfront Park Improvements DISCUSSION: Parks and Recreation Director Merkel reported on the progress of the Fox Ridge Park development and South Riverfront Park improvements. All concrete work, asphalt, and tree planting have been completed at Fox Ridge Park. Carey Electric will be installing light poles and fixtures for the skating rink within the next two to three weeks. Finish grade landscaping and seeding will be completed in spring 1990. The permit application for South Riverfront Park Boat Launch has been sent to the Army Corp of Engineers for approval . It should be acted upon within the next 60 to 90 days. All construction drawings and specs have been completed. The equipment will be sen�t out to bid, upon proper authorization from the Army Corp of Engineers. RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation at this time. 6. Discuss Skateboarding Request that was Presented to City Council DISCUSSION: The skateboarding request was briefly discussed. There were no specific sites mentioned for any skateboarding activities. RECOMMENDATION: Contact our insurance carrier regarding liability. Also look into any possible sites on our park property to accommodate this activity. 7. Update on Donation Requests to Area Service Clubs. DISCUSSION: Parks and Recreation Director Merkel reported on pending donations from area Service Clubs. The Lions Club will be recontacted on the donation of a shelter at Fox Ridge Park. ,4 letter will be sent to the Kiwanis Club regarding the donation of play equipment adjacent to Shelter A in Petersen Park. The Jaycees have expressed an interest in donating playground equipment by the Petersen Park athletic area. RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation was made. Parks and Recreation Director Merkel will work with these service groups on these proposed donations. � Parks and Recreation Committee �eeting page 3 Monday, November 20, 1989 8. Parks and Recreation Director Report. DISCUSSION: Parks and Recreation Director Merkel presented a request for Cindy Owens to attend the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association (IPRA) State Conference to be held January 18-20, 1990 in Peoria. A• flyer for the holiday activities was also distributed and briefly reviewed (attached) . RECOMMENDATION: Recommended to approve the attendance of Cindy Owens to the IPRA State Conference. 9. Any and All Other Business DISCUSSION: Brief discussion on the Knox Park barn regarding fire protection and safety. RECOMMENDATION: Recommended to look into the possibility and costs of installing a sprinkler system in the barn for fire prevention. This will be investigated and recommended to be put in the next years budget. Randy Patterson, Chairman NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: Wednesday, December 6, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. McHenry City Hall Council Chambers � � CITY OF McHENRY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION EQUIPMENT PURCHASE-1990 Below is a list of park and playground equipment items to be purchased for installation in spring and summer of 1990. This equipment will be installed in the park sites as listed. Funds for this equipment will be taken out of the Developer ponation Fund. Some of these items were allocated for in the current Fiscal Year 1989-90 Budget (South Riverfront Park, Creekside Park, Fox Ridge Park) . Park equipment for the remaining sites will be allocated for in the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Budget. All items will be sent out to bid in January. Bids will be returned in February and approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee (February 19 meeting) and the City Council . Creekside Park List Price �- G'- e nc e s 4 - 6' picnic tables 1 ,300.00 1 - 16' x ZO ' shelter 2,950.00 $ 4,610.00 Fox Rid e Park �b �p''�icnic tables 1 ,950.00 10 - 6 benches 1 ,800.00 1 - 24 ' hexagon shape shelter 5 500.00 1 - playground climbing unit 7�000.00 1 - water fountain �975.00 1 - bicycle rack 275.00 1 - flag pole (30 ' aluminum-internal halyard) 1 ,000.00 18,500.00 Knox Park -���row bleachers - 15' length 6 000.00 8 - 8' player's benches 1 ,600.00 1 - water fountain 975.00 8,575.00 Malibu Tot Lot �-Zi� enc es 720.00 1 - 6' picnic table 325.00 1 ,045.00 Petersen Park - sma p ayground climbing unit (picnic area) 5,500.00 1 - small playground climbing unit (athletic area) .00 (donation by McHenry Jaycees-pending) 5,500.00 South Riverfront Park - mini s e ters picnic table 3 800.00 4 - 6' benches �720.00 1 - information kiosk 1 ,400.00 1 - bicycle rack 275.00 1 - flag pole (30 ' alurninum-internal halyard) 1 ,000.00 1 - attendant/storage building 4,500.00 11 ,695.00 Walsh Park 'r -���cast iron light pole (same as street improvement project) 2,000.00 Weber's Park �pi in c tables 550.00 2 - 6' park benches 360.00 1 ,010.00 , 3 . 0 Shelters at Creekside, Fox Ridge and South Riverfront Parks to be erected by outside contractor. Additional costs on shelters will be labor and concrete foundations. Most of the above equipment can be put out to competitive bid. We can expect to save 10-15� on list price. All prices do not include shipping. GOLF INVESTMENT ADVISORS .:.. ,�`. Suite 105,4440 PGA Boulevard,Palm Beach Gardens,FL 33410 (407)624-0303 FAX(407)624-0304 ECONOMiCANALYSES ❑CtO�7BI' z6, 1989 FEASIRILITY S7IJDIES DESIGN 6�ENGINEERING FlNANCING �����v�D CONSTRUCiION MANAGEMEM' Cltl� OF flcHenry OPERATIONAUDITS Pete Merkel OCT 3 01989 MEMRERSHIPSL'RVEI'S 1219 N.Green Street CITY OF McHENRY APPRAISAL.S SU1tB L6 McHenry I1 60050 BROKERAGE EXPERT WI'INESS LEGAL DOCUMENTATION , 'TURN•KEY"PACKAGES , Dear Mr .f1erkel , It was goad meeting yau in 5an Antonio this pa5t week . GolE Investment Advisars, CGIA� is a partnership between the Gary Player Design Company and myself . GIA is a unique or-ganization whose ma,]or thrust is providing turnkey services t❑ municipal golf course developers, as well as servicing the other market sector-s ❑f pcivate and daily fee ❑wners . GIA is the only national ❑r intecnational organizati❑n t❑ ❑f�er turnkey services t❑ golf course developers, be they municipal or private . Our racommendations will always be predicted on a given pro,]ect 's e�onomic viability , rather than ❑n any emotional or political basis . Our clients of'ten ask Por a study to determine the pro�ect 's economic viability -- does the investment of' tima and money make economic sense? These studies are known as �easibility studies and have three phases: * Market Demand * Golf Course Operations * Economic Uiability PHASE I : MARKET DEMAND AND SUPPLY The initial phase of this analysis will ooncentrate on the development of the size o� both the primary and secondar� markets . �sing the latest demographic data, we will �orecast the demand using the predictive models o� both age and household income . We will then determine, by on-site inspections, the supply , available and in-planning , to meat the demand , We will Forecast the annual rounds oF the first �ive years of operation . In this phase, we will be meeting with various �ity , county , hotel/motel operators and chamber ' representatives to determine the economic trends in youc market . PHASE II : COURSE OPERA?ING PROFORMA With the data derived from Phase I , we will davelop a �ive year proforma ❑P the net operating income . Incomes will be Eorecasted considering competition, accessibility , level ❑f maintenance, course design and local pricing practices . We will deduct the appropriate costs for maintenance and administration and end up with a five year forecast of the net ❑perating income CNOIa . PHASE III : ECON�MIC UTABILITY rhe NOI will be capitalized at 10-12 percent in a year that most represents a mature facility . rhat capitalized value establishes the maximum investment you can make and still ceceive an acceptable return. In addition, the NOI will indicate the debt coverage ratio, which the lenders � will need to apprave any construction loan you may require . Further, the capitalized value will enable yau to set a firm investment limit for any archite�t to determine if the site can be used to accommodate the courses, to identi�y any obvious environmental problems and to confirm that the likely construction cost is within the parameter we will establish . Our fee For this analysis would be fourtaen thousand dollars C$1�, 000) plus expenses which will not exoaed tw❑ thousand, five hundred dollars C�2, 500) . �e will initiata the study upon receipt from you o� a signed contract , a��ompanied by a check in , the amount o� seven thousand dallars �_�7 , 000) . The remaining fee will be payable, threa thousand five hundred dollars C$3, 500� with receipt ❑f ❑ur executive letter summary and three thousand Five hundred dollars C�3, 500? with the final rsport . �xpenses, properly dacumented , are payable within ten days . ' We will deliver to you the Executive Letter Summary within fouc weeks of completing our on-site visit , and our final report will be completed within six to eight weeks of the initial visit . Thank you for your interest . Sincerely , ��' � A1 .Bechtel President CITY OF McHENRY DEPARTP9ENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE 1990 (PROPOSED) Monday, January 22 Monday, February 19 hlonday, March 19 Monday, May 21 Monday, June 18 Monday, August 13 ��onday, September 17 Monday, November 19 All meetings scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. unless scheduled otherwise. Location of ineeting to be at City Hall or park site as posted. � � ., � AI`IILLII�IOIS � . C�ty of McHenry ,��,• Illl NORTH GREEN STREET • MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050 I MEMORANDUM William J.Busse Mayor Barbara F:.Gilpin T0: Parks and Recreati on Commi ttee Members Cily Clerk FROM: Pete f�lerkel , Di rector of Parks and Recreati on RE: Illinois Parks and Recreation Association Conference Thasuer Alverson DATE: November 18, 1989 Department Telephone Numbers The Illinois Parks and Recreation Association Conference will be City Clerk and hel d thi s year i n Peori a ll 1 i noi s. Thi s educati onal conference Finance and Personnel offers man excel l ent � 385-AS00 Y programs for the recreation professional . Attached you will find a brief outline of the educational programs auilding,zoning,Public th a t a re o f f e re d. Works and Developmem 385-1761 I recommend approval for Cindy Owens, Recreation Supervisor, to ParksandRecreaiion attend this years conference. 3443300 �Sce�l'on-emerRency) Hotel Accommodati ons (3 ni ghts @ $65/ni ght) $195.00 Registration Fees 110.00 P�eals, Misc. 100.00 Aldermen Transportation (Gas, Tolls, Parlcing) 25.00 WARDI TOtd� william J.Bolger $430.00 Toni Donahue WARD2 This conference was included in the Parks and Recreation budget this Gary W.Lieder fi scal year. Michael R.Teta WARD 3 Raymond Smith Frank Mc(:latchey C' Mayor Busse WARD 4 ceci�ia serriteua Attaehment Itandy Patterson r ti ' TNE MCHEHRY PARIGS �iD RECREATIt�i DEPART�lENT tto . �� H°� ANNOUNCES ITS Re�la ' p�ut It HOLTDAY ACTIVITIES SATURDAY, DECENBER 2 . ��:� t�ri:f�tu Parsd� PARKLAND JR HI6H � � . ii:00 � Loca1 Choirs i1sW-3:00 • Yisit vith Santa 11s00-3:OQ Tqya far Tots 1is00-3:00 Itint�rSpo rts Equip�ent Sal• ' t"{:iS-12:OQ No1iQ�r �rnaent Makfr� xith the Elves - Sessi� t a�s 3 t up ��:i5-12:00 Christwaa Cookie D�corating with Mrs. Claera - Session 1 - aE�s 3 i up �;�':�Sy1:00 Holid�y Orn�rnt Ntk{nq xfifi �he Elves - S�ssion 2 - a�s 3 3 ap �:2:'�S-1t00 Christaas Cookle tNcoratinq with Mrs. C1eus - S�ssfon Y - ��ss S 8 up. . CHRISTMAS PARADE t10:00) � Santa Ctws ia ca�in� to torm: Y�s, Sanlei wiil be ndcing h1s �e�i rtsit arrivinq on one of Mcttenry's briy�! red itr� tn+dca. Mra. �1aas vei I i � escort�d p�r tMi r sl ves fra� i'� Morth Pol e as th�y a1t� tl�et r vµy ta P�rkland Jr. 11igh Schoai. Rar� t R�o�es . �r1a�1 Perlc - Peart StrNt to Rlwrsfde Or1ve, El• S'bwt tA 8r'ae� St,raet Mt4t� Stryet to Crystst Lake Ro�d. E�� Sfiwt !o RingKood Road� �din9 at P�rktsnd dr. Hi�t Schoo� VIS ITS MtiTH SANTA tll:�-3:00� Childr�ee witt be abi• to riait Mith Saata inst�e a rwr� Patitiand S�ehoari, A11 wi11 be entertainM l�jr cc�ws�nt�r dioral whtle iavtng tM ��rs�ft��ble�for�vi�na h�itdq► grw tins car�. Ho11�r�r�dwa wf11 aiso b� , g oay MtA hot dto�ot ate �aM s�uics. TOYS FQR TOTS (11:00-3:00) � � The U.S. Martnr 6orps a111 bt cotl�ctieg tq�rs s iR thts �►�sr. Ya wn h�ip p�t a sparl�le in � locai chiid's d►risbaa b'r donatlny a nw or ds�d �q►. WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT SALE � �i► +���e4 �aaa���y� '�i� fa�i�i�s�u su�chtss�tct�fli�it�. ���: � o�+t� �o s��� p v � � .�s�e, s�.� �, w�� clathing, hodcey stidcs �md e�ptpMnt. snow�o�1l�ss and ot cours� tlfe tradilto�a'� is and �Rats�s. L4catlaA: ParktanA Jr. NiylE SeAool Ch�rdc-in Da�uu: frlef�l►, Decrber 1 6:flQ-6:00 p.s: Sata Oatr ���• D�c�b�r 2 5:00•t0:00 a.�. S�tar�► D�cMbtr 2 11:00-3.00 p.�. Fu far Stlltng: SOf en t� �4.00 or 1�ss 15� on iC�ac owr �4.Oa Reclat�i»� Proc�ss: Sat�rd+lt►. 0�■bor 2 �:00-B:OC p.�. Itw= r�st b� ick�d up at Psrkla� Jr. Ntg� Schoot ' NO'�T ► 1� eY 6:00 P.M. ON SATl�Y DE�C�ER ! tf!!1'MiLL �E . NOTE: You !he ae11lr w111 d�br�Nae the prica. Ail itss �rst be tn sah �+arrlcin� conditiar« The sale sapsrvlsor has th� ri9ht to retuse any itNa. , . a ' HOLI DAY ORNAN�NT (�i4tCI NG W I TH THE EIYES Have tun �udcing Chris� orna�nts wlth Sants's E1ves. • 3 �nan ot A and ovtr � S�ssi� 1: 1�:15•12:00 Stssio� 2: 12ti5-I:OD 0 fw: �3.OQ/session -- � * CHRI Sl'MAS COQKI E DECORATI N6 1�'T#! MRS. CI.�US Yisit tRrs. Ciaus' kf�cMn and �corsbe hoildyr cookies. 3 y�ars ot d a�d owr ' : Nd S�ss1o� 1: 11:15-12:00 � f�ulo� !s 12:18-1:00 fN: �3.00/ssssfon '�-rsolt3r�ti� is rawlnd aan�d is bei+� take� at tM P�rks ab R�t�attoe Oif`ic�, t219 N. rM , , a 1 n the 1 artr 1 erel of tl� 8r� Strset�Mal1 - 344-3�0.