HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/12/1990 - Building and Zoning Committee * • ' MINUTES REPORT * � * BUILDING & ZONING COMMITTEE COMMITTEE NAME OR MEETING TYPE MEETING DAT�E: _ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 _ l9gp MEETING TIME: � �nn p�,� MEETIN6 PLACE: _ CONFERENCE ROOM-CITY HAL MEMBERS PRESENT: ALDERMEN TETA, PATTERSON, SERRITELLA MEMBERS ABSENT: KONE OTHERS PRESENT: MAYOR BUSSE. BLDG b ZONING OFFICER HAIIK CITY ADMINISTRATOR p rFRsnN aNn ALDERMRN DONAHUE • . PURPOSE OF MEE�IN6: 1 . DISCUSS PROPOSED DEMOLITION/PRESERVATION ORDINANCE 2. DISCUSS REQUEST OF PftIME DEVELOP��IENT FOR AMENDNENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE -FIi�ST MATTER OISCUSSED: PROPOSED UEMOLITION/PRESERVATION ORDINANCE AS SU6�IITTED BY :,; . _ _ THE LANDMARK COMMISSION Me reviewed the proposed ordinance and the following legal concerns surfaced: 1 ) The Camnission cannot assess fines and penalties. Current maximum fine according to ordinance is =500.00; 2) The Secretary cannot issue a permit, only City Staff can do that; 3) Possible litigation from property owners seeking the demolition. Andy suggested getting a list of sites that are being considered for preservation. A1 so, raembers of the City Council need to know what is the criteria for preserving structures. Building and Zoning Conmittee wants to meet wi th the La ndmark Conm i s si on at the i r next Coami ttee Meeti ng to continue discussion on this Ordinance (January 2, 1991 , 7 P.M. - 8 P.M.) . SECOND MATTER DISCUSSED: Discuss Prime Developement's request for Zoning Ordinance Amendment to eliminate the requirement of a bike rack in Business Park designated zoning, and eliminate the requirement for interior parlcing bumpers in a]1 zoning classifications. RECOMMENDATION: Ask the Zoning 8oard of Appeals to consider both these requests in their next Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing for amendment of the City Zoning Ordinance on January 7, 1991 . The Conmittee concurred that both items should be eliminated, -THIRD MATTER OISCUSSED:_ S�NF(NII F ANf1TucR �p�iTTFF MFFTiNf DECISION OR RECOMMENDATION: SCHEDULE A �BLDG b ZONING COMRITTEE MEETING FOR WEDNES 1991 TO CONTI���UE DISCUSS , H THE LANDMARK COMMISSIO� 41VlD T0�'OISCUSS P.EINSTATEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ANNEXATION FEES. AOJOURNMENT TIME: -a�00 p_M_ N CH I T K R F MINUT�S NOTICE OF MEETING: DATE POSTED AMD GIVEN TO COMrlITTEE MEt�ERS i� � qn -