HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 7/17/2023 - City Council The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 17, 2023, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chamber, 333 S Green St, McHenry, IL 60050 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Public Comments 5. Action Item: Motion to postpone additional consideration and action related to the proposed Super Aggregates gravel pit until the Monday, August 7, 2023 regularly scheduled meeting of the McHenry City Council pending the completion of a hydrological study. Further consideration and action on that date will be contingent upon completion of said study by Super Aggregates and subsequent review by the City of McHenry and its consultants. 6. Consent Agenda. Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items as presented: A. Engineering Master Service Agreement between the City of McHenry and Stanley Consultants, Inc. for the review of hydrological data related to the Super Aggregates McHenry Lakes Project and authorization to execute said Master Service Agreement. (Staff) B. Ordinance Amending Title 11, Chapter 9: Commercial Districts of the McHenry Municipal Code, and by Amending Title 15-1-1: Fines and Penalties. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) C. Proposal from Alliance Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $24,905 for the installation of a concrete bridge deck sealer on the Pearl Street Bridge and authorization to execute said proposal. (Public Works Director Strange) D. Task Order #3 in the amount of $41,280 with Baxter & Woodman, Inc. for Professional Design Services for the Riverside Sidewalk Gap Project and authorization to execute said Task Order #3. (Public Works Director Strange) E. Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk to execute an addendum to the agreement between the City of McHenry and Flood Brothers Disposal Company which amends the specifications and terms for the Leaf Collection Program per direction from City Council on June 19, 2023. (Public Works Director Strange) 1 F. Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk to sign and execute the attached amended collective bargaining agreement between the City of McHenry and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police through April 30, 2025. (Police Chief Birk) G. Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 2: Alcoholic Liquor, Section 6, License Classification and Fees; Approval Authority; Limitation on Number of Licenses. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) H. Ordinance Amending Title 9-2C-5, Subsection B and Title 9-4B-1, Subsection F of the McHenry Municipal Code in relation to Waterworks and Wastewater Rates . (Finance Director Lynch) I. Block party request on Washington Street on July 30, 2023, from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) J. Block party request on Dale Street on September 19, 2023, from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) K. Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use Permit Requests; L. June 19, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes; M. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $2,004,587.56; N. As Needed Checks in the amount of $647,556.59. 7. Individual Action Item Agenda A. Façade Grant – 1228 N. Green Street Motion to approve a Façade Grant Application funding request in the amount of $10,000 for the property located at 1228 N. Green Street. (Economic Development Director Martin) B. Façade Grant – 3901 Main Street Motion to approve a Façade Grant Application funding request in the amount of $18,261 for the property located at 3901 Main Street. (Economic Development Director Martin) 8. Discussion Item Agenda. 9. Staff Reports. Staff report provided. 10. Mayor’s Report. 11. City Council Comments. 12. Executive Session as needed. 13. Adjourn. The complete City Council packet is available for review online via the City website at www.cityofmchenry.org. For further 2 information, please contact the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108. This meeting will be live streamed with a quorum of the City Council physically present. Public comments may only be heard by members of the public physically present at the meeting. Remote public comments will not be heard. The public can listen and view the meeting from the following link: https://cityofmchenry.zoom.us/j/87043093526 3 CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS ENGINEERING MASTER SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of July ___, 2023, between the CITY OF McHENRY (CLIENT) and STANLEY CONSULTANTS, INC. (CONSULTANT). CLIENT intends to employ CONSULTANT on a continuing basis to provide Professional Engineering Services, on request and as assigned to meet the CLIENT's needs (hereinafter called "Projects"). CLIENT and CONSULTANT agree: 1. Scope of Services. CONSULTANT shall perform professional services as requested by CLIENT and agreed to by CONSULTANT and as described in Exhibit 1 and the various Task Orders. 2. Compensation. CLIENT shall compensate CONSULTANT for CONSULTANT'S services as stated in Exhibit 2, the Hourly Fees and Charges Schedule in force at the time the work is performed. 3. Terms and Conditions. CONSULTANT shall provide professional services in accordance with Exhibit 3 and the various Task Orders. If CLIENT issues a purchase order or other document to initiate the commencement of services hereunder, it is agreed that any terms and conditions appearing thereon shall have no application and only the provisions of this AGREEMENT shall automatically apply. 4. Special Provisions This AGREEMENT supersedes and replaces any and all other Agreements between the parties. 5. Exhibits and Task Orders. The following exhibits and Task Orders are attached to and made part of this Agreement: Exhibit 1 - Scope of Services Exhibit 2 - Hourly Fees and Charges Schedule Exhibit 3 - Standard Terms and Conditions Task Orders - Task Orders will be attached as they are individually authorized. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties below have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year first above written. STANLEY CONSULTANTS, INC. CITY OF McHENRY, IL By: __________________________________ By: ______________________________ Kate Despinoy, PE, PMP Address for giving notices: 8501 West Higgins Road Suite 730 Chicago, IL 60631-2801 Address for giving notices: 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 SC2269 1299 4 CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS ENGINEERING MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 1: SCOPE OF SERVICES The CLIENT is in need of on-call professional engineering services to assist with various tasks including but not limited to: reviews, meetings, studies, and reports. The CONSULTANT will perform the services in accordance with the conditions of the Master Services Agreement, this Exhibit 1: Scope of Services, Exhibit 2: Hourly Fees and Charges, Exhibit 3: Standard Terms and Conditions and the conditions stated in each of the various Task Orders. This Agreement is not a commitment by CLIENT to CONSULTANT to issue any Task Orders. The CONSULTANT shall not be obligated to perform any prospective Task Order unless and until CLIENT and CONSULTANT agree as to the particulars of the specific project, including the scope of CONSULTANT'S services, time for performance, Engineer's compensation, and all other appropriate matters. Task Order Scope of Services: CONSULTANT with CLIENT will define and clarify CLIENT's requirements for each specific project under a Task Order for that project, including but not limited to: project scope of work, objectives and constraints, performance requirements, and any budgetary limitations. When appropriate the Task Order may also identify available data, information, reports, facility plans, and site evaluations needed for the Project. Task Order Procedures: Upon request by the CLIENT, the CONSULTANT will prepare a draft project Task Order for review by the CLIENT. The Task Order will describe the required work, services, and scope as well as the proposed time for performance and an estimate of the fee required to complete the work. The final Task Order will list the requirements of the specific project including but not limited to: final deliverables, studies, meetings, permitting, preliminary schedules, and funding assistance. Work: The CONSULTANT will provide, or cause to be provided, the services set forth in the Task Order. The CONSULTANT will furnish the services of all necessary engineers, designers, drafters and other personnel necessary for the performance of services and will hire subconsultants as needed to complete the work. Work will not be conducted without approval and authorization by CLIENT. Work will not be conducted if the cost thereof is anticipated to exceed the original fee estimate unless authorized by CLIENT. If CLIENT authorizes changes in the scope, extent, or character of the specific project, or the CONSULTANT's services, then the time for completion of services, and the rates and amounts of compensation, may be adjusted equitably. Task Order Schedule: The schedule for completion of a Task Order and the CONSULTANT's performance of the services is set forth in that particular Task Order. The CONSULTANT will perform or furnish the services in accordance with that schedule. and will consistently keep the CLIENT informed as to project progress in the performance of the services. Assigned Staff: Larry Thomas will be the project manager for all requests and assignments. Additional staff will be assigned to projects based on expertise, project requirements and client approvals. The project manager will respond in a timely manner to inquiries and requests made by the CLIENT. 2 5 CITY OF McHENRY, IL ENGINEERING MASTER SERVICE AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 2: COMPENSATION Compensation: Compensation shall be negotiated per task order based on the scope of services. 6 Standard Terms and Conditions Exhibit 3 1. CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1.1 Provide CLIENT's requirements for project, including objectives and constraints, design and construction standards, bonding and insurance requirements, and contract forms. 1.2 Provide available information pertinent to project upon which CONSULTANT may rely. 1.3 Examine documents presented by CONSULTANT, obtain legal and other advice as CLIENT deems appropriate, and render written decisions within reasonable time. 1.4 Provide services necessary for project but not within scope of CONSULTANT's services. 1.5 Promptly notify CONSULTANT when CLIENT learns of contractor error or any development that affects scope or timing of CONSULTANT's services. 1.6 Nothing in this agreement shalt create a fiduciary duty between the parties. 2. PERIOD OF SERVICE 2.1 CONSULTANT is not responsible for delays due to factors beyond its control. 2.2 If CLIENT requests changes in project, compensation for and time of performance of CONSULTANT's services shall be adjusted appropriately. 3. GENERAL 3.1 Termination. 3.1.1 Either party may terminate their obligation to provide further services Immediately. 3.1.2 CLIENT may terminate CONSULTANT's obligation to provide further services immediately. In such event, progress payments due to CONSULTANT for services rendered plus unpaid reimbursable to expenses, shall constitute total compensation due. 3.2 Payment. 3.2.1 CONSULTANT shall submit a monthly statement for services rendered and reimbursable expenses incurred. CLIENT shall make prompt monthly payments. 3.2.2 If CLIENT falls to make payment within thirty (30) days after receipt of statement, interest at maximum legal rate or at a rate of 18%, whichever is less, shall accrue; and, in addition, CONSULTANT may, after giving seven (7) days' written notice, suspend services until it has been paid in full all amounts due it. 3.2.3 CLIENT has provided or shall provide for payment from one or more lawful sources of all sums to be paid to CONSULTANT. 3.2.4 CONSULTANT's compensation shall not be reduced on account of any amounts withheld from payments to contractors. 3.2.5 If services performed by CONSULTANT are subject to state or local sales taxes, said taxes will be reflected in the invoices and remitted according to state law. If CLIENT claims a status that would make the transaction exempt, then CLIENT shall provide appropriate proof of exempt status to CONSULTANT. 3.3 Controlling Law. Agreement shall be governed by Illinois law, excluding its choice of law rules. 3.4 Successors and Assigns. 3.4.1 The parties bind themselves, their successors, and legal representatives to the other party and to successors and legal representatives of such other party, in respect to all covenants and obligations of this Agreement. 3.4.2 Neither party shall assign, sublet, or transfer any interest in this Agreement without written consent of the other, provided CONSULTANT may employ such independent consultants, associates, and subcontractors as it may deem appropriate. 3.4.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give any rights or benefits to anyone other than the parties. 3.5 CONSULTANT's Accounting Records. Records of CONSULTANT's personnel time, reimbursable expenses, and accounts between parties shall be kept on a generally-recognized accounting basis. 3.6 Separate Provisions. If any provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, remaining provisions shall be valid and binding. 3.7 Waiver. No waiver shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach. 3.8 Limitation of Liability. THE TOTAL LIABILITY, IN THE AGGREGATE, OF THE CONSULTANT TO CLIENT AND ANYONE CLAIMING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER CLIENT, FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, COSTS, OR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF, RESULTING FROM, OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED THE INSURANCE LIMITS AS REQUIRED IN SECTION 3.10. IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR SC 3810 IL R6 1/18 7 Standard Terms and Conditions Exhibit 3 CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT. 3.9 Extent of Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and may be amended only by written instrument signed by both parties. 3.10 INSURANCE. CONSULTANT shall purchase and maintain insurance for the coverages and for not less than the limits of liability set forth below: (a) Workers' Compensation: workers' compensation insurance as required by the laws of the states or countries with jurisdiction of the services to be performed, including employer's liability insurance, with a limit of $1,000,000 per accident. (b) Commercial General Liability: commercial general liability, including coverage for all premises, operations, operations of independent contractors, products and completed operations, and contractual liability. Coverage shall have limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence and aggregate. (c) Commercial Automobile Liability: commercial automobile liability covering the use of all owned, non- owned, and hired automobiles with minimum combined single limits of $1,000,000. (d) Professional Liability: professional liability insurance for claims arising out of performance of professional services caused by any negligent error, omission, or act for which the Insured is legally liable, with a minimum limit of $1,000,000, to be kept in force for two (2) years after completion of project. CONSULTANT shall provide certificates or other evidence from insurance carriers of the required insurance coverages, if requested by CLIENT in writing within 30 days of start of performance. All insurance except workers' compensation and professional liability shall designate CLIENT as additional insured. (e) Cyber Liability: Data Breach and Privacy/Cyber Liability Insurance in a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. 3.11 Subrogation Waiver. The parties waive all rights against each other, and against contractors, consultants, agents, and employees of the other for damages covered by any property insurance during construction, and each shall require similar waivers from their contractors, consultants, and agents. 3.12 Force Majeure. Parties will not be liable for delays in delivery or for failure to perform obligations, other than payment, due to causes beyond their reasonable control, including, but not limited to, product allocations, material shortages, labor disputes, transportation delays, unforeseen circumstances, acts of God, acts or omissions of other parties, acts or omissions of civil or military authorities, government priorities, fire, strikes, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, riots, terrorists acts, or war. CONSULTANT's time for delivery or performance will be automatically extended by the period of such delay or CONSULTANT may, at its option, cancel any services, in whole or In part, without liability by giving notice lo CLIENT. 3.13 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE. When applicable, the CONSULTANT and SUBCONSULTANT shall abide by the requirements of 41 CFR 60-1.4(a), 60-300.5(a), 60-741.5(a) and Appendix A of Subpart A of 29 CFR 471. These regulations prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals based on their status as protect ed veterans or Individuals with disabilities, and prohibit discrimination against all individuals based on their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Moreover, these regulations require that covered prime CONSULTANTS and SUBCONSULTANTS take affirmative action to employ and advance In employment individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, protected veteran status or disability. SC 3810 IL R6 1/18 8 TASK ORDER NO. 2023-1 ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT SUPER AGGREGATES McHENRY LAKES REVIEW This Task Order is made and entered into July ____, 2023 by and between Stanley Consltants, Inc. (Consultant) and the City of McHenry, Illinois (Client) under the terms and Conditions of their Engineering Services Agreement dated July ____, 2023 for Consultant to provide services to the Client as follows: Scope of Services The immediate Owner's Engineer services include: 1.Assisting Client with reviewing the documentation prepared by Super Aggregates, the Client, their various consultants, and agencies with jurisdiction for the purpose of identifying and addressing environmental concerns associated with the gravel mining proposal. 2.Attending meetings and presenting information to the public as requested. 3.Providing advice regarding responses to regulatory agencies. Other specific tasks requested by the Client for execution by the Consultant will be included in separate Task Orders. Personnel Larry Thomas will be the assigned engineer for the service included in this task order. Other personnel will not be utilized unless first approved by the Client. Schedule Consultant will provide services in a timely manner in accordance with instructions from the Client. Client may terminate these services at any time. Fees and Payments The actual hours required for the services are dependent on the services requested. Services will be invoiced on an hourly basis. Mr. Thomas' current hourly rate is $315. If the use of other personnel is approved by the Client, their hourly rates will be in accordance with the rates approved by the Client prior to their engagement. The Consultant will advise the Client before exceeding 20 hours during any calendar month and will suspend services during that month until the additional work time is approved. Expenses will include direct expenses previously authorized by Client and travel milage. STANLEY CONSULTANTS, INC. CITY OF MCHENRY, IL ___________________________ _______________________________ Kate Despinoy, PE, PMP 9 Monte Johnson Deputy City Cle rk 333 S Gre en Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 mjohnson@cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitor s with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM DATE: July 17, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Monte Johnson RE: Ordinance for changes to Fines and Penalties ATT; Ordinance AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Occasionally we find wording in our Code of Ordinances that need s to be edited for clarification. The attached ordinance clears up the wording for three different sections of the Code w hich deal with fines and fe es. There are no changes to the actual fines or fees being imposed, only wording to make the Code easier to understand and enforce. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended a motion be made to pass an Ordinance Amending Title 11: Chapter 9: Commercial Districts of the McHenry M unicipal Code, and by Amending Title 15-1-1: Fines and Penalties 10 ORDINANCE NO. 23- Amending Title 11: Chapter 9: Commercial Districts of the McHenry Municipal Code, and by Amending Title 15-1-1: Fines and Penalties WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: The McHenry Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows : Title 11: Chapter 9 : Commercial Districts, shall be amended by adding Section 11 - 9-8 as follows: 11-9-8 Any person, corporation, firm, or partnership found guilty of violating any provision of this chapter shall be fined according to the Fines and Penalties found it Title 15, Chatper1: Fines and Penalties, and be responsible for the City’s cost of prosecution, including reasonable attorney fees. Each day that a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. SECTION 2: Title 15-1-1: Fines and Penalties T able, shall be amended as follows: 11-9-8 shall be added as follows: Chapter 9 – Commercial Districts Col A Col B 11-9-8 General Fine for Violating Title 11, Chapter 9 $100.00 $75.00 SECTION 3: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not effect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full f orce and effect. SECTION 4: All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. 11 Passed this 17th day of July, 2023. Ayes Nays Absent Abstain Alderwoman Bassi _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Glab _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Koch _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman McClatchey _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderwoman Miller _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Santi _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Strach _____ _____ _____ _____ ______________________ ________________________ Wayne Jett, Mayor Monte Johnson, Deputy City Clerk 12 Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: July 17, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works RE: Pearl Street Bridge Deck Sealer ATT: Alliance Contractors Proposal HR Green Inspection Report Recommendations (2022) AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests that the City Council consider accepting a proposal from Alliance Contractors, Inc. of Woodstock, Illinois, for the installation of concrete bridge deck sealer on the Pearl Street Bridge. BACKGROUND: In 2022 HR Green Inc. was retained by the City of McHenry to perform bridge inspections for the City’s five (5) bridges in the Federal inventory. One of the structures inspected was the Pearl Street Bridge which has a cast in place concrete bridge deck which was patched in the Summer of 2018. One of the recommendations in the inspection report was that of the application of a concrete sealer. This work is performed to slow the weathering process of the deck and to prevent infiltration from winter deicing materials. Staff requested a material recommendation from HR Green Inc. and secured pricing from a local structural contractor who has experience in the application of this material. This work is included in the Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Community Investment Plan in the amount of $25,000. Completion of this work is anticipated for later this summer and the work will require a staged closure of the bridge to allow for cleaning, material application, and cure time. ANALYSIS: Upon researching and scoping this work, staff discovered that the pool of potential bidders was extremely limited. Therefore, staff contacted Alliance Contractors who is one of the few contractors in the region that has bid and performed this work in recent years, and requested a proposal based upon the materials recommended by HR Green. The proposal included all labor, materials, and traffic control necessary to complete this work. Staff ha s evaluated the proposal and has found the pricing to be acceptable. The cost of the proposal is below the competitive 13 bidding threshold set in the Illinois Statutes and therefore, a single proposal was secured due to the small pool of potential bidders. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if the City Council concurs, it is recommended that the City Council accept the proposal from Alliance Contractors, Inc. of Woodstock, Illinois, in the amount of $24,905.00 for the installation of concrete bridge deck sealer on the Pearl Street Bridge. 14 15 0U7UR\6WUDQJH &LW\RI0F+HQU\ %ULGJH6DIHW\,QVSHFWLRQV   +5*UHHQ-RE1R 0D\ 3DJHRI  FRQWLQXHGQH[WSDJH  613HDUO6WUHHWRYHUWKH)R[5LYHU  8SVWUHDP 1RUWK (OHYDWLRQ9LHZ 3DFNUXVWXQGHUSDLQWHGEHDULQJDEXWPHQWOHDNDJH                  %URNHQHOHFWULFDOOLJKWLQJFRQGXLW  )DLOLQJVHDZDOOZHVWVLGH  7KLVWKUHH  VSDQFRPSRVLWHFRQFUHWHGHFNRQZHDWKHULQJVWHHOEHDPEULGJHFRQVWUXFWHGLQLVLQ VDWLVIDFWRU\FRQGLWLRQ,WKDVD6XIILFLHQF\5DWLQJRIDQGLVQRWHOLJLEOHIRUPDWFKLQJIXQGV:HQRWHG WKHIROORZLQJGHILFLHQFLHV • 6RPHRIWKHGHFNSDWFKHVDUHPDSFUDFNHG • 7KHH[SDQVLRQMRLQWVOHDNH[SRVLQJWKHSUHYLRXVO\SDLQWHGEHDULQJVWRGHLFLQJFKHPLFDOV • 7KHUHLVDEURNHQHOHFWULFOLJKWLQJFRQGXLWDWWKHHDVWDEXWPHQWZLWKH[SRVHGZLUHV • 7KHUHDUHDGGLWLRQDOEURNHQHOHFWULFDOWHOHSKRQHFRQGXLWV • 7KHHDVWVORSHZDOOLVXQGHUPLQHGZLWKKROHV • 7KHWRHZDOOIRUWKHZHVWVORSHZDOOKDVVSDOOHGH[SRVLQJWKHUHLQIRUFHPHQW 16 0U7UR\6WUDQJH &LW\RI0F+HQU\ %ULGJH6DIHW\,QVSHFWLRQV   +5*UHHQ-RE1R 0D\ 3DJHRI     :HUHFRPPHQGWKDWWKHFRQGXLWVDQGZLULQJEHUHSDLUHG:HDOVRUHFRPPHQGWKDWWKHFRQFUHWH VORSHZDOORQWKHHDVWVLGHEHUHSDLUHGWRSURWHFWDJDLQVWIDLOXUHGXULQJKLJKZDWHUHYHQWV:H IXUWKHUUHFRPPHQGWKDWWKHH[SDQVLRQMRLQWVEHFOHDQHGUHJXODUO\DQGSHUKDSVEHUHSODFHGLQWKH QH[W\HDUV6HDOLQJWKHFRQFUHWHGHFNHYHU\WR\HDUVZLOOSURORQJWKHOLIHRIWKHGHFN)HGHUDO IXQGVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUEULGJHSUHVHUYDWLRQ  ,W LV RXU XQGHUVWDQGLQJ WKDW WKH WRHZDOO RQ WKH ZHVW VLGH VORSHZDOO ZLOO EH DGGUHVVHG GXULQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKHSODQQHG5LYHU:DONH[WHQVLRQ                                          17 Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: July 17, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works RE: Riverside Sidewalk Gap Design, Engineering Services Task Order ATT: Request for Proposal Document Baxter and Woodman Task Order #3 with Scope and Fee Proposal ______________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests that the City Council consider approval of Task Order #3 with Baxter and Woodman, Inc. for Professional Design Engineering Services for design for the Riverside Sidewalk Gap Project. BACKGROUND: The City of McHenry values and strives to provide pedestrian accommodations for its citizens to facilitate movement throughout the entirety of the City. To support this priority, the City has a standard roadway cross section which includes concrete sidewalks at the edges of the City right of way on both sides of the road. In areas of intermixed properties on the same roadway which are inside and outside of the City limits, there are sidewalk gaps which leave certain areas of the City disconnected. Once such location is a 1700’ gap along Riverside Drive south of McCullom Lake Road. The City is seeking to construct sidewalk and eliminate this gap in pedestrian accommodations. This location is contained within unincorporated sections of McHenry Township. Because of this, staff will be working with McHenry Township Road District to negotiate an Inter-Governmental Agreement for construction and maintenance of the sidewalk. Due to potential drainage impacts as well as other geometry considerations , this project will require design work performed by a prequalified firm . As such, Public Works staff released an RFP for design engineering services in May of this year with proposals due in June. The scope of construction for the project is to include earth excavation, ditch regrading, sidewalk installation, drainage improvements, and landscape restoration as well as other necessary and incidental work. 18 ANALYSIS: Two (2) firms submitted a proposal, scope of services, and a project schedule that met the requirements of the RFP. Sealed proposals for Professional Design Engineering Services were accepted from the following firms on June 30, 2023: • Baxter and Woodman, Inc. $41,280 • Robinson Engineering, Ltd. $66,850 Proposals were examined for conformance with the conditions of the RFP and evaluated based upon the criteria identified in the RFP. Staff’s recommendation is to proceed with the approval of a Task Order to Baxter and Woodman, Inc. in the amount of $41,280. The original budget number for this project was $30,000; however, the award is still recommended as the overall capital budget is projected under the approved amounts at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve Task Order #3 in the amount of $41,280 to Baxter and Woodman, Inc. for Professional Design Engineering Services for the Riverside Sidewalk Gap Project. 19 City of McHenry Public Works Department REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Riverside Sidewalk Gap Design Engineering Services Response Due Date: June 30, 2023 Submit Sealed Proposals to: Troy Strange, P.E., Public Works Director City of McHenry Public Works Department 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 20 Request for Proposal 2| City of McHenry Notice to Firms The City of McHenry is requesting proposals for professional engineering design services to install sidewalk along Riverside Drive between a point 850 feet north of Washington Street to McCullom Lake Road, which is a total distance of approximately 1,700 lineal feet. The included Preliminary Scope of Services provides anticipated items which may be required to complete all design services and deliver a final set of contract proposal documents for public bidding. The project is to be completed in accordance with the IDOT BLR manual and applicable City of McHenry Standards. The City intends to begin work immediately upon execution of the contract with the selected consultant. The project will be funded with 100% local funds and therefore, firms will not be required to manage the project through the Federal process. It is the intent of the City to complete all preliminary engineering work by March 1, 2024, and to have the project ready for construction in Fiscal Year 2024/2025. Project Description The current jurisdiction of Riverside Drive between Washington Street and McCullom Lake Road is a combination of McHenry Township Road District and City of McHenry jurisdiction. The Township section of the roadway does not currently have sidewalk which creates a gap in the pedestrian connection between Washington Street and McCullom Lake Road. The City of McHenry is in the process of securing approval of the installation of a municipally maintained path through this Township section through an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with McHenry Township. This improvement would complete the connection between the existing sidewalk on the west side of Riverside Drive and intersection crosswalks at McCullom Lake Road. Potential improvements include the installation of a new sidewalk along the west side of Riverside Drive, storm sewer installation, barrier curb retaining walls, removal and replacement of driveway aprons, ditch grading, as well as any other necessary and incidental work. The City of McHenry is seeking to retain a prequalified engineering consultant for the purposes of completing design engineering work for the future project. 21 Request for Proposal 3| City of McHenry Preliminary Scope of Services The Preliminary Scope of Services identifies a potential list of services required to successfully perform all professional engineering services to complete the proposed project. Each firm will include with their proposal a Final Proposed Scope of Services, which shall include any notable exclusions. 1 | Early Coordination & Data Collection 2 | Topographical Survey 3 | Geotechnical Engineering 4 | Drainage Evaluation and Design (drainage improvements to maintain existing drainage disrupted by sidewalk construction) 5 | Special Waste a. City Option to include in engineering scope or include in construction Special Provisions 6 | Permitting and Environmental a. Securing of NPDESW Permit including submittal of SWPPP & NOI b. ECOCAT c. Local Stormwater Permit 7 | Plan Preparation a. Engineer’s Estimate of Cost, contract proposal including special provisions, schedule of quantities, alignment ties and benchmarks, typical sections, plan & profile, landscape/restoration plan, ADA details b. Prefinal Plan Submittal for Staff review & comment c. Delivery of Final Plans d. Delivery of Final Design Files 8 | Design Quality Control & Quality Assurance 9 | Bidding Assistance – selected firm to provide responses to RFI and assist with issuance of addenda 10 | Construction Support – selected firm to provide responses to RFI during construction 11 | Meetings as necessary (project kickoff & 1 progress meeting minimum) 22 Request for Proposal 4| City of McHenry Final Submittal Requirements 1 | All proposals must be signed by an authorized official. 2 | Proposals shall include a project understanding and approach. 3 | A Final Proposed Scope of Services “Services” shall be included with each proposal. 4 | An itemized schedule of costs “Compensation” shall be included with each proposal. 5 | Proposals shall include a proposed “Project Schedule”. 6 | Proposals shall include a proposed project team chart. 7 | All proposals shall be submitted to the City of McHenry, no later than 3:00 PM, June 30, 2023. 8 | Proposals must be submitted in the following formats: One Original Proposal Document, one hard paper copy, and one electronic copy (CD or USB Flash Drive). 9 | Proposals must be submitted in one sealed envelope and must be plainly marked with the title “Riverside Sidewalk Gap Engineering Services”. 10 | All proposals must be shipped to or dropped off in person at the following address. City of McHenry Public Works Department ATTN: Troy Strange, P.E., Public Works Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Selection Criteria Firms will be evaluated based upon the following criteria: 1 | Completeness of project understanding and proposed scope of services 2 | Ability to meet project schedule 3 | Proposed project team and availability of such team 4 | Overall not to exceed costs 23 Request for Proposal 5| City of McHenry Schedule Conditions Agreed To All conditions included in the original Request for Qualifications shall be considered as part of this RFP. By means of their prequalification it is understood that prequalified firms shall adhere to any and all conditions required by the original Request for Qualifications process and document. Professional Service Agreement Upon selection of a Firm, the City and selected Firm shall execute a Task Order for Professional Engineering Services. The executed “Master Contract” shall serve as the agreement between the selected consultant and the City of McHenry. The selected Firm’s Final Proposed Scope of Services “Services”, proposed “Project Schedule”, and itemized schedule of costs “Compensation” shall be attached to the Task Order and shall become a part of the contract. Questions and Addenda All inquiries regarding this RFP shall be submitted via e-mail to Troy Strange, P.E., Public Works Director, at tstrange@cityofmchenry.org no later than June 16, 2023. The City of McHenry reserves the right to not respond to any or all inquiries. Responses will be provided in a written addendum with both inquiries and responses, without stating the source of the inquiry via e-mail, no later than June 23, 2023. RFP Made Available Deadline for Request for Information (RFI) All RFI’s Closed, All Addenda Issued Deadline for Submittal of Proposals Final Consultant Selection Contract Approval by City Council & Notice to Proceed 6/5/23 6/16/23 6/23/23 6/30/23 7/7/23 7/17/23 24 Certification I hereby certify that the information contained in this Proposal, including all attachments thereto, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: ________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________ Firm: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ 25 June 30, 2023 City of McHenry Riverside Sidewalk Gap Design Engineering Services Submitted by: 26 8678 Ridgefield Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60012 l baxterwoodman.com June 30, 2023 Mr. Troy Strange, PE Public Works Director City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subject: City of McHenry - Proposal for Riverside Sidewalk Gap Design Engineering Services Dear Mr. Strange: The City of McHenry needs a detailed-oriented engineering team to assist with designing the sidewalk gap along Riverside Drive. This unique project faces several project challenges, including potential conflicts with mailboxes and utilities, and minimizing impacts to ditches while improving grading and drainage. Baxter & Woodman has a strong understanding of your project goals and has crafted a customized project approach that focus on: • Geometric-centric design that will provide sidewalk within the right-of-way while also meeting ADA requirements and IDOT Standard Details, such as well-defined alignments, side curbs, ramp side flares, turning spaces, appropriate setbacks, detectable warnings, and pavement markings. • Maintaining drainage patterns by regrading, installing new storm sewers, and potentially utilizing retaining walls to minimize impacts to private property. • Filling sidewalk gaps and providing a multi-modal network for residents to promote community health, sociability, and efficient transportation. If the City has any questions after reviewing our proposal, please contact me at 815-444-3261, lhaussmann@baxterwoodman.com or Project Manager Joshua Harris, PE, PTOE at 814-444-3271, jharris@baxterwoodman.com. We look forward to assisting the City on the Riverside Sidewalk Gap improvements! Sincerely, BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Louis D. Haussmann, PE, PTOE, PTP Executive Vice President/COO jmm 27 Baxter & Woodman, Inc.Contents • 3 City of McHenry Riverside Sidewalk Gap | 2325508.00 Contents Project Understanding and Approach .....................................................4 Scope of Services ........................................................................6 Compensation ..........................................................................10 Project Schedule ........................................................................11 Project Team ...........................................................................12 Appendix A: Proposal Forms ............................................................13 The nationally recognized Engineering News Record (ENR) publishes annually the ENR Top 500 largest U.S.-based design firms, both publicly and privately held, based on design-specific revenue. Baxter & Woodman is proud to be represented in the listing and has climbed to #291 with revenues just over $67 million. 28 Baxter & Woodman, Inc.Project Understanding And Approach • 4 Project Understanding and Approach Baxter & Woodman assists numerous communities with new sidewalk installation projects similar to the City’s Riverside Sidewalk Gap project. After a field review of the project site, we have identified several critical elements to demonstrate how our team can provide value to the City while delivering a successful project. Filling sidewalk gaps and providing a multi-modal network for residents promotes community health, sociability, and efficient transportation. Riverside Drive provides an opportunity to connect McCullom Lake Road and its adjacent neighborhoods to IL Route 120 and the downtown area. Designing with ADA in Mind Baxter & Woodman has consistently been at the forefront of Federal ADA requirements and guidelines, actively collaborating with the Access Board in Washington D.C. and playing a crucial role in shaping the IDOT interpretation of Access Board Standards. These efforts are focused on preventing our clients from funding loss and mitigating the risk of potential lawsuits. Our team conducts routine training to be able to easily identify non-compliant sidewalks. Each street is unique in every neighborhood. The sidewalk design will consider neighborhood context and all elements within IDOT Standard Details, including clearly defined alignments, side curbs, ramp side flares, turning spaces, proper setbacks, detectable warnings, and pavement markings. We will draw on our experience to determine design elements that work within the constraints of each sidewalk ramp. Township Properties and Right-of-Way Baxter & Woodman has completed many projects with proposed improvements within other jurisdictions, including Townships. Through our experience, we have found that County GIS may show right-of-way and jurisdiction boundaries in the wrong location; therefore, additional reviews are needed to confirm the boundaries. Riverside Drive looking north at pedestrian traveling north on west side of roadway on paved shoulder. Riverside Drive at McCullom Lake Road looking east at western approach and non-compliant ADA ramps 29 Baxter & Woodman, Inc.Project Understanding And Approach • 5 We understand the City is in the process of securing approval of the sidewalk installation through the Township section by an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA). Should the City require assistance, Baxter & Woodman is available to help the City through the IGA process and/or confirm right-of-way and jurisdiction boundaries. Grading and Drainage The west side of Riverside Drive has an inconsistent drainage system throughout the project limits. There are sections within the project area that include curb and gutter, paved shoulders, open systems with ditches, or closed systems with culverts. The proposed sidewalk will impact these systems and require regrading, new storm sewer, and possible retaining walls to maintain the existing drainage patterns. Mailboxes and Utilities The design of the sidewalk alignment is critical to minimizing impacts to mailboxes and utilities on the west side of Riverside Drive. The pole just south McCollum Lake Road and the road curve will require the guy lines to be modified. Riverside Drive looking north at approximate right-of-way boundary just west of existing sidewalk, which is behind the mailboxes and utility poles. Looking north at west side of Riverside Drive - existing topography will require excavation and possible retaining wall. Riverside Drive looking south at mailboxes and utilities in potential sidewalk alignment. Why Choose Baxter & Woodman? ADA Focused Solutions - Baxter & Woodman is committed to reviewing your project holistically and confirming your project provides network connectivity for pedestrians while also aligning with the neighborhood’s ambiance. IGA Assistance - Our team is available to assist the City secure IGA approval for a portion of the sidewalk by helping secure more accurate jurisdictional boundaries. Attention to Details - The City can be confident our team will pay particular attention to all of the project’s details, including grading, drainage, mailboxes, and utilities to prevent project delays and confirm your expectations are met. 30 Baxter & Woodman, Inc.Scope Of Services • 6 Scope of Services 1. PRELIMINARY DATA COLLECTION 1.1 Data Collection: Obtain, review, and evaluate the following information provided by the City for use in design, if available: A. Preliminary Design CADD files B. Utility Atlases C. Existing Roadway and Structure Plans with Inspection Reports D. GIS Shape files surrounding the project limits E. Aerial Photography F. Environmental Studies G. Maintenance and Flooding Records H. Drainage Studies I. Hydraulic and Hydrologic Information and Calculations J. Geotechnical Data K. ROW, GIS, and Property Data 1.2 Utility Locates & Coordination: Contact JULIE to identify utilities that have facilities along the project limits. Request utility atlas maps and plot approximate locations and sizes of existing utilities in electronic drawings. Submit preliminary and final plans to utility companies to verify utility locations so conflicts and relocation efforts can be identified. Provide ongoing reviews of permitting and utility relocation efforts as requested by the City. Prepare “Status of Utilities to be Adjusted” special provision in accordance with IDOT District 1 requirements, which provides the contractor with the duration of utility relocation work, status of utilities to be watched and protected within the project limits, and pertinent information for the contractor to develop a work schedule to meet the requirements for the project. Fulfills #1 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 2. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2.1 Topographic Survey: A. Perform topographic survey within the project limits and at 50-foot intervals including driveways and cross streets. The limits of the survey will be Riverside Drive from north of Washington Street to McCullom Lake Road. Points shall be taken 25-feet feet outside the estimated proposed right-of-way and to outfall inverts depending on furthest location. State plane coordinates and NAVD 88 will be used for horizontal and vertical controls. B. Photographs: Collect photos within the parking lot to assist with design drawings and exhibits. C. Drainage Structures: Collect drainage structure condition, inverts, size, and flow direction. D. Right of Way: Field-locate existing property corners and utilize available tax parcel information to establish an approximate right-of-way. 2.2. Field Evaluation: Perform a field evaluation of the condition of existing pavements, drainage structures, sidewalk ramps, and curb and gutter. Estimate quantities of pavement repair. 2.3. No additional right-of-way or easements are anticipated. Work to complete Plat of Easement or Plat of Dedication is not included. Fulfills #2 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 31 Baxter & Woodman, Inc.Scope Of Services • 7 3. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION - EXCLUSION 3.1. Pavement Cores and Soil Borings: Pavement cores, soil borings, structural borings, and topsoil depths will not be obtained for this project. In lieu of recommended geotechnical data, the preferred improvement will be based on reasonable, visual field observations. This project is considered a maintenance operation with a variable improvement life cycle. 3.2. See Section 5 for Special Waste scoped items. Fulfills #3 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 4. DRAINAGE EVALUATION AND DESIGN – Analysis of the existing drainage system, an analysis of existing outlets, an evaluation of the need for storm water detention, and design of proposed drainage improvements. Identify sensitive outfalls and complete the drainage report in accordance with the requirements of the McHenry County Stormwater Ordinance. Fulfills #4 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 5. (OPTIONAL) SPECIAL WASTE – Conduct a Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) study to evaluate soils management and disposal options for proposed construction excavation soils. 5.1. Sample Collection: Collect up to three samples of subsurface soil from site, preserve samples, and transport to environmental laboratory for analytical testing. Laboratory analyses will include BTEX, PNAs, RCRA Metals, TCLIP Metals, SPLP Metals, and Soils pH. 5.2. 663 Letter Report: Prepare a letter report summarizing the activities and results of the investigation. The report will include pertinent laboratory testing results. It will also provide a summary of conclusions from the information collected and identify which IDOT pay items should be included in the construction documents for disposing of Regulated Substances. 5.3. Soil Disposal: Identify any areas from which excavated material may be classified as Clean Construction or Demolition Debris (CCDD) and if applicable, prepare an IEPA LPC-663 form. Assist with estimating soil disposal costs. Fulfills #5 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 6. PERMITTING AND ENVIRONMENTAL 6.1. E coCAT: Submit an EcoCAT information request through the IDNR website to identify potentially impacted natural resources. Should potential impacts be identified, consultation may be required. Providing additional project information and fees as may be required for consultation, are not included in the scope of this project and would be a separate expense to the City if required. Unique design measures to mitigate impacts from the EcoCAT will also be considered additional services. 6.2. Wetlands: Wetland impacts are not anticipated with this project. 6.3. County Stormwater Ordinance: Coordinate and obtain a stormwater permit from McHenry County Planning & Development for the proposed drainage improvements. 6.4. NPDES, SWPPP, IEPA: Complete SWPPP and NOI and obtain NPDES permit from IEPA. 6.5. Fees: Agency review fees and processing through the stormwater variance procedures are not included in this agreement and shall be paid for separately by the City. 32 Baxter & Woodman, Inc.Scope Of Services • 8 Fulfills #6 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 7.1. Estimate of Cost: Prepare summary of quantities, schedules of materials, and an engineer’s estimate of cost. 7.2. Specifications: Prepare special provisions in accordance with City guidelines to specify items not covered by the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. 7.3. Sidewalk Design: Prepare plan sheets for the sidewalk corridors including improvement limits, stations and offset callouts, label construction limit locations and right of way breaks, curb and gutter and sidewalk improvements, driveway repairs, utility structure adjustments, and note special instructions to the Contractor. 7.4. Drainage Design: Prepare the ditch, inlet, culvert, and storm sewer design for the proposed improvements. It is assumed that the project outfalls will be maintained and not modified as part of this project. 7.5. Erosion Control Plans: Prepare an erosion control plan for the improvement meeting City and permit agency requirements. 7.6. Cross Section Design: Design roadway cross sections at 50-foot intervals and all cross streets, driveways, and cross-road culverts. Compute earthwork calculations. Stage construction earthwork calculations are not anticipated. 7.7. Detailed Drawings: Complete plan sheets required for bidding including: A. Cover B. General Notes C. Summary of Quantities D. Typical Sections E. Alignment, Ties, and Benchmarks F. Erosion Control G. Plan and Profile with Drainage and Utilities H. Cross Sections I. Maintenance of Traffic General Notes and Details J. Landscaping and Restoration K. ADA details L. Design Details 7.8. Submittals – Submittals to the City for review will include: A. Pre-Final (50%) Plans, Specifications, and Estimates B. Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimates C. Final Design Files Fulfills #7 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 8. Q A/QC – Perform in-house peer and milestone reviews by senior staff during pre-final and final submittals. Provide ongoing reviews of permitting and utility coordination efforts. Conduct milestone reviews of subconsultants and provide feedback throughout the progress of work. Fulfills #8 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 33 Baxter & Woodman, Inc.Scope Of Services • 9 9. ASSIST BIDDING – Provide design assistance and clarification for bid documents. Assist the City with coordination and scheduling during the bid process. Provide documents for bidding and assist the City in solicitation of bids from as many qualified bidders as possible, prepare addendums as necessary, attend bid opening to receive and evaluate bids, tabulate bids, and make a recommendation to the City for an award of contract. Fulfills #9 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 10. CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT – Research and prepare written response by Engineer to request for information from the Owner and Contractor. Fulfills #10 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 11. PROJECT MEETINGS – The following meetings are anticipated for this project: A. City Kickoff Meeting (1 total) B. City Progress Meeting (2 total) Fulfills #11 of City Preliminary Scope of Services. 12. PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Plan, schedule, and control the activities that must be performed to complete the project including budget, schedule, and scope. Coordinate with City and project team to ensure the goals of the project are achieved. Prepare and submit monthly invoices and provide status reports via email describing tasks completed and outlining upcoming goals. Addition to City Preliminary Scope of Services. 13. (OPTIONAL) PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING - Prepare advertisement, property owner and local officials letter invitations, exhibits, handouts and attend one public information meeting (PIM). Prepare meeting minutes to document public comments. Engineers will conduct the meeting in an open-house format, answer questions, take comments, and provide a lead role for the meeting. Addition to City Preliminary Scope of Services. 14. PROJECT DELIVERABLES 14.1 Deliverables: The following is a list of anticipated final deliverables to the City for this project: A. Electronic DGN, Geopak, Digital Photos, and GIS files used in project development including Plan, Profiles, Cross Sections, Survey, and Exhibits. B. Electronic Record of Design files including agency correspondence, Drainage Reports, Environmental Reports, Estimates, Exhibits, and related electronic submittals (pdf or as appropriate). Baxter & Woodman utilizes an electronic filing system in lieu of hard copies. 14.2 Not Included: The following items are not included within the scope of this project, but can be provided as additional services to the contract: A. Permit Review Fees B. ROW Acquisition services including title commitments, Plats, Legals, Appraisals, Negotiations C. Wetland Banking Fees Addition to City Preliminary Scope of Services. 34 Baxter & Woodman, Inc.Compensation • 10 Compensation Our engineering fee for the stated scope of services will be based on our hourly billing rates for actual work time performed plus reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses, including travel costs, which in total will not exceed $41,280.00 Task Total Fee Preliminary Data Collection $1,140.00 Topographic Survey $6,485.00 Geotechnical Investigation $0.00 Drainage Evaluation and Design $12,040.00 Permitting and Environmental $1,500.00 Plan Preparation $12,840.00 QA/QC Review $1,760.00 Assist Bidding $1,320.00 Construction Support $770.00 Project Meetings $2,305.00 Project Management $1,850.00 TOTAL $41,280.00 Optional: Special Waste $3,445.00 Optional: Public Information Meeting $4,400.00 35 Baxter & Woodman, Inc.Project Schedule • 11 Design Submittal Agency Review Key Date Construction Design Services Consultant Selection (July 7, 2023) Notice to Proceed (July 17, 2023) City Kickoff Meeting Data Collection & Topographic Survey Geotechnical Engineering Environmental Coordination and Permitting Utility Coordination Drainage Analysis and Permitting (NPDES) Pre-Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimates Special Waste City Progress Meeting Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimates City Progress Meeting (February 15, 2024) Bidding Assistance Bid Opening (Spring 2024) Construction Services Construction Support Construction (Start Spring 2024) Task 2024 Jan Feb Mar MayNovDecAprOctJun Jul Aug Sept 2023 Project Schedule We will monitor the progress of your project on a weekly basis to verify that our timing projections are accurate and that we are performing per your schedule. Frequent and effective communication between you and our staff is the critical element in successful schedule management. Below, we have outlined the proposed schedule of the services including significant milestones. 36 Baxter & Woodman, Inc.Project Team • 12 Principal-in-Charge Lou Haussmann, PE, PTOE, PTP QA/QC Dan Schug, PE Project Manager Josh Harris, PE, PTOE Project Engineer Cassandra Cruise Project Team Survey Joe Molidor Construction Support/Review Craig Mitchell, PE Drainage Francisco Martinez Acosta, PE Special Waste Jake Rogers Project Team We’ve assembled a comprehensive project team to assist the City of the Riverside Sidewalk Gap project. Our team is led by Joshua Harris, PE, PTOE, who in proficient is geometric design. He will work with the City to develop geometric design solutions that minimized impact to residents while also considering drainage concerns. We do not anticipate geotechnical engineering services as proposed in the City’s preliminary scope of services. Key staff members for the Riverside Sidewalk Gap project are currently concluding activities on major projects. Based on both current and projected project workloads, our key and support staff will have adequate time and the necessary resources available to serve the City of McHenry. We are confident that – with our resources, experience, and manpower – we will provide you with successful, efficient, and cost-effective engineering services. 37 Appendix A: Proposal Forms 38 Certification I hereby certify that the information contained in this Proposal, including all attachments thereto, is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: Signature: Title: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Firm: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ Louis D. Haussmann, PE, PTOE, PTP Executive Vice President/COO Baxter & Woodman, Inc. June 27, 2023 39 Task Order # 3 Page 1 ATTACHMENT A TASK ORDER In accordance with Section 1.2 of the Master Contract dated May 1, 2022, between the City of McHenry (the “City”) and Baxter & Woodman, Inc. (the “Consultant”), the Parties agree to the following Task Number 3 : 1. Contracted Services: Professional Design Engineering Services for the Riverside Sidewalk Gap Project. Scope of Services included in the Baxter & Woodman, Inc. proposal dated June 30, 2023. Proposal is attached. 2. Project Schedule (attach schedule if appropriate): Project Schedule attached in Proposal dated June 30, 2023. 3. Project Completion Date: All Contracted Services must be completed on or before: March 1, 2024. 4. Project Specific Pricing (if applicable): $41,280.00 (Fee Breakdown attached in Proposal dated June 30, 2023.) 5. Additional Changes to the Master Contract (if applicable): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS REMAIN UNCHANGED [signature page follows] 40 Task Order # 3 Page 2 CITY OF MCHENRY BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. Signature Signature Director of Public Works And Engineering Printed Name , 20 , 20 Date Date If greater than $[10,000], the City Administrator’s signature is required. Signature City Administrator , 20 Date If compensation is greater than $[20,000], then the City Council must approve the Services Change Order in advance and the City Administrator or Mayor’s signature is required. Signature , 20 Date 41 Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: July 17, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works RE: City Refuse Contract Amendment, Leaf Collection Services ATT: Ordinance and Refuse Contract Amendment Documents AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff is requesting that the City Council consider approving an ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an addendum to the agreement between the City of McHenry and Flood Brothers Disposal Company which amends the specifications and terms for the Leaf Collection Program. BACKGROUND: In January of 2022, Public Works Staff released a contract proposal and scope of services for the purposes of the City securing a new refuse hauler per the direction of the City Council. Upon acceptance and evaluation of proposals, which were received in February of 2022, a n ordinance was passed awarding a contract for refuse collection services to Flood Brothers Disposal Company of Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois. On August 1, 2022, Flood Brothers began collection services for the City of McHenry. Included in the scope of services was curbside leaf vacuum collection services during the months of October and November. The first contract year for the Leaf Collection program was marked with significant operation and performance struggles for this program. In November of 2022, Flood Brothers appeared before the City Council to give an account of its struggles and ensure the City Council that they would be preparing operational and program reforms for the City Council’s consideration. At the June 19, 2023, City Council Meeting, representatives from Flood Brothers proposed a bi-weekly pickup schedule for the consideration of the City Council. Upon deliberation at the City Council Meeting, it was determined that the proposed approach would be acceptable, and staff was directed to prepare a contract addendum for approval of the City Council. Because the contract award was passed via the approval of an ordinance, staff has also prepared an ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Clerk’s execution of the addendum to the agreement. 42 The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended that the City Council approve an ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an addendum to the agreement between the City of McHenry and Flood Brothers Disposal Company which amends the specifications and terms for the Leaf Collection Program. 43 ORDINANCE 23- ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN ADDENDUM TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MCHENRY AND FLOOD BROTHERS DISPOSAL COMPANY RELATED TO THE CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR LEAF COLLECTION SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City’s home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry awarded a contract for refuse collection services to Flood Brothers Disposal Company on March 7, 2022, and WHEREAS, Flood Brothers Disposal Company has proposed to the City Council modified contract provisions related to the performance of leaf collection services as defined in the Agreement between the City of McHenry and Flood Brothers Disposal Company, and WHEREAS, an Addendum to the Agreement between the City of McHenry and Flood Brothers Disposal Company has been prepared which reflects such modified contract provisions, and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry has determined that the proposed modifications are acceptable and will fulfill the intent of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and the City Council as follows: SECTION 1: The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Contract Addendum between the City of McHenry and Flood Brothers Disposal Company, and a copy of which is attached hereto. SECTION 2: All parts thereof of Ordinances currently in effect which are in conflict the terms and provisions hereof be repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be published in a pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication, as provided by law. Passed this 17th day of July, 2023. Ayes Nays Absent Abstain Alderwoman Bassi ____ ____ ____ ____ Alderman Glab ____ ____ ____ ____ Alderman Koch ____ ____ ____ ____ Alderman McClatchey ____ ____ ____ ____ Alderwoman Miller ____ ____ ____ ____ Alderman Santi ____ ____ ____ ____ Alderman Strach ____ ____ ____ ____ ________________________________ ________________________________ Wayne S. Jett, Mayor Monte Johnson, Deputy City Clerk 44 Refuse Contract Addendum #1 Section C (Page 22) of the Contract Proposal shall be removed and be replaced with the following: C. Collection of Yard Waste Unlimited curbside yard waste collection service shall be offered the first full week of April through the first full week of December during the term of the Contract for all residential accounts. The cost of curbside yard waste collection shall be built into the rate(s) for refuse collection with no additional charge to either the City of McHenry or to the resident for curbside yard waste collection. Yard waste must be placed in an acceptable landscape yard waste container as defined below: 1. Garbage Can. A plastic or galvanized metal can of a capacity not less than four (4) gallons and not to exceed thirty-four (33) gallons in size. No can shall exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight when filled and must be clearly marked “Yard Waste”. Residents will be responsible for supplying their own garbage cans. 2. Kraft Paper Bag. A special biodegradable paper bag, not to exceed thirty (30) gallons in size, which shall shred and degrade quickly in the composting process. 3. Bundle. Limbs, branches, or other loose items that do not exceed five (5) feet in length and fifty pounds in weight. Each branch shall not exceed three (3) inches in diameter. Each bundle shall not exceed (2) feet in diameter. Curbside loose-leaf collection shall be provided to all residential properties included in the Contract beginning the first full week of October through the first full week of December. Leaves will be picked up on a bi-weekly basis in which the City of McHenry is divided into two pickup zones (Zone 1 & Zone 2) which are identified in Exhibit 1. The bi-weekly pick-up schedule will be completed on the following schedule: Zone One (1) Leaf Collection Schedule - Week 1 - Week 3 - Week 5 - Week 7 - Week 9 Zone Two (2) Leaf Collection Schedule - Week 2 - Week 4 - Week 6 - Week 8 - Week 10 All leaves shall be placed at the curbside/edge of pavement on the Monday of the zone collection week. If the contractor fails to meet the specified schedule, the contractor will continue leaf pickup beyond the specified dates until weather conditions suspend operations. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for collection of all Christmas trees at no additional charge beginning the second Monday after New Year’s Day. 45 Signature:__________________________ Signature:__________________________ Wayne S. Jett Monte Johnson Mayor Deputy City Clerk Date:______________________________ Date:______________________________ 46 Zone 1 (Orange) Zone 2 (Green)Exhibit 1: Bi-Weekly Refuse Collection Map47 John R. Birk, Chief of Police McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 jbirk@cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: July 17th, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John R. Birk, Police Chief RE: Authorization for the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk to Execute an Amended Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the City of McHenry and Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, representing City of McHenry Police Civilian Personnel (Unit 2), through April 30, 2025 ATT: Collective Bargaining Agreement Agenda Item Summary: The purpose of this agenda item is to present, for consideration and approval by Council, an amended collective bargaining agreement between the City of McHenry and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), representing City of McHenry Telecommunicators, Community Service Officers and Records Clerks (Unit 2). Staff has tentatively negotiated an amended agreement with the FOP and is seeking Council’s approval to authorize the Mayor and Deputy City Clerk to enter into the amended collective bargaining agreement between the City of McHenry and the FOP. Staff is available for any questions Council may have. Background: In December 2017 the NERCOM Board, Council and the FOP agreed, under a memorandum of understanding (MOU), to create and recognize the position of Lead Telecommunicator to improve the overall operations of the dispatch center . At the time the goal of all parties was to assign one Lead Telecommunicator to the position and evaluate its effectiveness. On May 1st, 2019 the police department added a second Lead Telecommunicator position to the center with the approval of the NERCOM Board and Council. During the FY 23/24 budget process both the NERCOM Board and Council approved adding two additional Lead Telecommunicator positions to the dispatch center. This change allows for one Lead Telecommunicator to be assigned to each working shift. The City and the FOP agreed upon and entered the current labor agreement which went into effect May 1st, 2021. In discussions with the FOP it was decided to be in the best interests of both 48 parties to dissolve the MOU and amend the current labor agreement language to accurately reflect the lead Telecommunicator position. Analysis: Beginning in January of 2023 the City Administration - represented by the Police Chief and Deputy Police Chief - met with representatives of FOP/Unit 2 to discuss updating language in the labor agreement. As a direct result of strong employer/employee relations staff was able to quickly reach a reasonable, tentative agreement that addresses all language within the current agreement relating to the Lead Telecommunicator position. The term of the current labor agreement will not change and will run through April 30, 2025. The language changes were made to incorporate the Lead Telecommunicator position and ensure that the contract accurately reflects the operational needs of the center. None of the changes affect the City’s financial obligations outlined in the current agreement and are strictly procedural rules related to working hours and benefit time. Non-financial amendments to the contract include: • Preamble: The Lead Telecommunicator position was added • Section 1.1 Recognition: The Lead Telecommunicator position was added • Section 1.4 Lead Telecommunicators: Language was added stating the assignment to the position is at the discretion of the Chief of Police, preferably from within the department. • Section 5.1 General Provisions: Language was added identifying Lead Telecommunicators and Telecommunicators as Shift Employees and Community Service Officers and Records Clerks as Non-Shift Employees. • Section 5.2 Normal Work Period, Workday and Schedule: Language was added defining the four current work shifts which eliminated the need for a repetitive appendix. • Section 5.5 Compensatory Time: The Lead Telecommunicator position was added. • Section 5.6 Overtime Assignments-Overtime Opportunities: The Lead Telecommunicator position was added. Also, the language of the process for filling shift shortages was improved. • Section 5.8 Shift Assignments and Bidding: The Lead Telecommunicator position was added and language that was no longer applicable was removed. • Section 11.3 Scheduling and Accrual: The Lead Telecommunicator position was added. Also, the language outlining the vacation bidding process was further defined to eliminate subjectiveness and increase the opportunities for less senior members to be eligible for more desirable dates off. Recommendation: If Council concurs, then it is recommended that a motion authorizing the Mayor and the Deputy City Clerk to sign and execute the attached amended collective bargaining agreement between the City of McHenry and Illinois Fraternal Order of Police through April 30th, 2025. 49 ORDINANCE NO 23- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR’S AND DEPUTY CITY CLERK ’S EXECUTION OF AN AMENDED LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MCHENRY AND THE ILLINOIS F RATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE (UNIT 2) LEAD T ELECOMMUNICATORS, TELECOMMUNICATORS, COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICERS AND RECORDS CLERKS . WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenr y County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes a n exercise of the City’s home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and the McHenry City Council desire to enter into an amended Labor Agreement with the Illinois Fraternal Oder of Police (Unit 2 ) representing the City ’s non-sworn, full-time Lead Telecommunicators, Telecommunicators, Community Service Officers, and Records Cl erks. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and the McHenry City Council as follows: SECTION 1: a. The amended Labor Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. b. The Mayor of the City of McHenry and the Deputy City Clerk are hereby authorized to executive said agreement. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and co ntinue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflic t. SECTION 4 : This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under t he authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its pas sage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this 17h day of July 2023 . Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Abstaining: Not Voting: Absent: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 50 Exhibit A Labor Agreement 51 ILLINOIS FOP LABOR COUNCIL and CITY OF MCHENRY Telecommunicators, Community Service Officers and Records Clerks 52 i PREAMBLE ...................................................................................................................................1 ARTICLE 1 RECOGNITION ......................................................................................................1 Section 1.1 Recognition .............................................................................................................. 1 Section 1.2 Duty of Fair Representation ..................................................................................... 1 Section 1.3 New Classifications ................................................................................................. 1 Section 1.4 Lead Telecommunicators ......................................................................................... 1 ARTICLE 2 UNION SECURITY AND RIGHTS ......................................................................2 Section 2.1 Dues Check-Off ....................................................................................................... 2 Section 2.2 Bulletin Board .......................................................................................................... 2 Section 2.3 Union Indemnification ............................................................................................. 3 Section 2.4 Union Stewards ........................................................................................................ 3 ARTICLE 3 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS.....................................................................................3 ARTICLE 4 LABOR-MANAGEMENT MEETINGS ...............................................................3 Section 4.1 Meeting Request ...................................................................................................... 3 Section 4.2 Content ..................................................................................................................... 4 Section 4.3 Attendance ............................................................................................................... 4 ARTICLE 5 HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME................................................................4 Section 5.1 General Provisions ................................................................................................... 4 Section 5.2 Normal Work Period, Workday and Work Schedule .............................................. 5 Section 5.3 Court and Training Time ......................................................................................... 5 Section 5.4 Call Back Pay ........................................................................................................... 6 Section 5.5 Compensatory Time ................................................................................................. 6 Section 5.6 Overtime Assignments-Overtime Opportunities ..................................................... 6 Section 5.7 Shift Trades .............................................................................................................. 7 Section 5.8 Shift Assignments and Bidding ............................................................................... 7 Section 5.9 Training Pay ............................................................................................................. 8 ARTICLE 6 SENIORITY, LAYOFF AND RECALL ...............................................................8 Section 6.1 Definition of Seniority ............................................................................................. 8 Section 6.2 Probationary Period ................................................................................................. 8 Section 6.3 Seniority List ............................................................................................................ 9 Section 6.4 Layoff ....................................................................................................................... 9 Section 6.5 Recall ....................................................................................................................... 9 Section 6.6 Termination of Seniority .......................................................................................... 9 ARTICLE 7 DISCIPLINE ..........................................................................................................10 Section 7.1 Discipline ............................................................................................................... 10 Section 7.2 Progressive Discipline ........................................................................................... 10 Section 7.3 Interrogation Rights ............................................................................................... 11 Section 7.4 Pre-disciplinary Conference................................................................................... 11 Section 7.5 Grievance Arbitration ............................................................................................ 11 ARTICLE 8 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE...............................................................................12 Section 8.1 Definition ............................................................................................................... 12 Section 8.2 Procedure ............................................................................................................... 12 Section 8.3 Arbitration .............................................................................................................. 13 Section 8.4 Limitations on Authority of Arbitrator .................................................................. 13 ARTICLE 9 NO STRIKE-NO LOCKOUT ..............................................................................14 Section 9.1 Strikes Prohibited ................................................................................................... 14 Section 9.2 Job Actions Prohibited ........................................................................................... 14 Section 9.3 Violations of this Article ........................................................................................ 14 Section 9.4 Council Notification of Employees ....................................................................... 14 53 ii Section 9.5 No Lockout ............................................................................................................ 14 Section 9.6 Judicial Relief ........................................................................................................ 14 ARTICLE 10 HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE ......................................15 Section 10.1 Holidays ............................................................................................................... 15 Section 10.2 Eligibility Requirements ...................................................................................... 15 Section 10.3 Holiday Pay .......................................................................................................... 15 Section 10.4 Personal Business Leave ...................................................................................... 16 ARTICLE 11 VACATIONS .......................................................................................................16 Section 11.1 Eligibility and Allowances ................................................................................... 16 Section 11.2 Vacation Pay ........................................................................................................ 17 Section 11.3 Scheduling and Accrual ....................................................................................... 17 ARTICLE 12 SICK LEAVE .......................................................................................................19 Section 12.1 Purpose and Allowance........................................................................................ 19 Section 12.2 Hours Earned in Accumulation ............................................................................ 19 Section 12.3 Notification .......................................................................................................... 19 Section 12.4 Medical Examination ........................................................................................... 19 Section 12.5 Sick Leave Utilization.......................................................................................... 19 Section 12.6 Unused Sick Leave .............................................................................................. 20 ARTICLE 13 ADDITIONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE ..........................................................20 Section 13.1 Unpaid Discretionary Leaves ............................................................................... 20 Section 13.2 Military Leave ...................................................................................................... 20 Section 13.3 Bereavement Leave .............................................................................................. 20 Section 13.4 Jury Leave ............................................................................................................ 21 Section 13.5 Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) Leave ............................................... 21 Section 13.6 Application for Leave .......................................................................................... 21 Section 13.7 Benefits While on Unpaid Discretionary Leave .................................................. 21 Section 13.8 Non-Employment Elsewhere ............................................................................... 22 ARTICLE 14 WAGES ................................................................................................................22 Section 14.1 Base Wage ........................................................................................................... 22 Section 14.2 Tuition Reimbursement ....................................................................................... 22 Section 14.3 Deferred Compensation Plan (457K)................................................................... 22 Section 14.4 Lateral Transfers .................................................................................................. 22 ARTICLE 15 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE ................................................................................23 Section 15.1 Initial Uniform ..................................................................................................... 23 Section 15.2 Uniform Allowances and Reimbursement of Uniform Cleaning Expenses ........ 23 Section 15.3 Return of Uniforms and Equipment ..................................................................... 23 ARTICLE 16 INSURANCE........................................................................................................23 Section 16.1 Coverage and Cost ............................................................................................... 23 Section 16.2 Cost Containment................................................................................................. 24 Section 16.3 Life Insurance ...................................................................................................... 24 Section 16.4 Terms of Insurance Policies to Govern ................................................................ 24 Section 16.5 Waiver of Insurance ............................................................................................. 24 Section 16.6 Employee Deductible and Co-Insurance Costs.................................................... 24 ARTICLE 17 EMPLOYEE ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING ..........................................26 Section 17.1 Statement of Policy .............................................................................................. 26 Section 17.2 Prohibitions .......................................................................................................... 26 Section 17.3 Drug and Alcohol Testing Permitted ................................................................... 26 Section 17.4 Order to Submit to Testing .................................................................................. 27 Section 17.5 Test to be Conducted ........................................................................................... 27 54 iii Section 17.6 Disciplinary Action .............................................................................................. 28 Section 17.7 Voluntary Request for Assistance ........................................................................ 29 Section 17.8 Treatment ............................................................................................................. 30 ARTICLE 18 EMPLOYEE STATUTORY RIGHTS ..............................................................30 Section 18.1 Personnel Files ..................................................................................................... 30 Section 18.2 Indemnification .................................................................................................... 30 Section 18.3 Access to Arbitration ........................................................................................... 30 ARTICLE 19 GENERAL PROVISIONS ..................................................................................30 Section 19.1 Gender .................................................................................................................. 30 Section 19.2 Ratification and Amendment ............................................................................... 30 Section 19.3 Fitness Examinations ........................................................................................... 30 Section 19.4 Outside Employment ........................................................................................... 30 Section 19.5 No Smoking ......................................................................................................... 31 Section 19.6 Special Assignment Employees ........................................................................... 31 Section 19.7 Rules and Regulations .......................................................................................... 31 Section 19.8 Inoculations .......................................................................................................... 32 Section 19.9 Communicable Diseases ...................................................................................... 32 Section 19.10 Replacement of Personal Property ..................................................................... 32 Section 19.11 Location of Meetings ......................................................................................... 32 Section 19.12 No Solicitation ................................................................................................... 32 ARTICLE 20 SAVINGS CLAUSE ............................................................................................33 ARTICLE 21 IMPASSE RESOLUTION ..................................................................................33 ARTICLE 22 ENTIRE AGREEMENT .....................................................................................33 ARTICLE 23 TERM OF AGREEMENT..................................................................................33 APPENDIX A - WAGE SCHEDULES ......................................................................................35 APPENDIX B - AGREEMENT TO EXTEND TIME LIMITS ..............................................36 APPENDIX C - DUES AUTHORIZATION FORM ................................................................37 55 1 Revised CBA 07/17/23 PREAMBLE THIS AGREEMENT entered into by the CITY OF MCHENRY. ILLINOIS (hereinafter referred to as the “City” or the “Employer”) and the ILLINOIS FOP LABOR COUNCIL (hereinafter referred to as the “Union” or “Council” or “Labor Council”) is in recognition of the Unions status as the representative of the City’s non-sworn full-time Lead Telecommunicators, Telecommunicators, Community Service Officers, and Records Clerks in the Police Department, and has as its intent and purpose being the establishment of an entire agreement covering all rates of pay, hours of work and conditions of employment applicable to bargaining unit employees during the term of this Agreement; the promotion of good working relations between the Employer and the Union; to encourage and improve efficiency and productivity; to prevent interruptions of work and interference with the operations of the City; and the establishment of an orderly procedure for the resolution of grievances as provided herein. Therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements contained in this Agreement, the Employer and the Union do mutually promise and agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 RECOGNITION Section 1.1 Recognition The City recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining representative for employees in bargaining Unit II defined as all full-time Lead Telecommunicators, Telecommunicators, Community Service Officers, and Records Clerks employed by the Police Department of the City (hereinafter referred to as “employees”), but excluding all other employees, including, but not limited to: all sworn officers covered by the Unit I collective bargaining agreement (as defined therein); the Telecommunications Supervisor, Records Supervisor, secretary to the Chief of Police; all part-time or temporary employees including part-time school crossing guards; all non-Police Department employees; and all managerial, supervisory, confidential, professional, short-term, security and craft employees, as defined by the IPLRA (Illinois Public Labor Relations Act). Section 1.2 Duty of Fair Representation The Union recognizes its responsibility as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees in the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement, and Council agrees to fulfill its duty to fairly represent all employees in the bargaining unit whether or not they are members of the Union. Section 1.3 New Classifications The Employer shall promptly notify the Union of its decision to implement any new classifications pertaining to work of a nature performed by employees in the bargaining unit. If the new classification is a successor title to a classification covered by the Agreement and the job duties are not significantly altered or changed, the new classification shall automatically become a part of this Agreement. If the new classification contains a significant part of the work now being done by any of the classifications covered by this Agreement, or whose functions are similar to employees in this bargaining unit, and the new job classification may fall within the bargaining unit, the parties will then meet within thirty (30) days to review the proposed classification and, if unable to reach agreement as to its inclusion or exclusion from the unit, the Employer and Council agree to jointly petition the ILRB (Illinois Labor Relations Board) to seek the necessary unit clarification. The Employer shall be free to implement its decision pending the outcome of the unit clarification petition and/or negotiations. If the inclusion of the proposed classification is agreed to by the parties or found appropriate under the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, the parties shall then negotiate as to the proper pay grade for the classification. Section 1.4 Lead Telecommunicators 56 2 Revised CBA 07/17/23 The position of Lead Telecommunicator shall be appointed by and serve at the discretion of the Chief of Police. Appointment to the position of Lead Telecommunicator shall be made from within the department. If the City, in its discretion, determines there is no qualified internal candidate for the position, it may appoint a candidate from outside the organization. In the event a Lead Telecommunicator either voluntarily surrenders the position or is demoted for cause, they shall then be assigned the position of Telecommunicator provided a position is available. If there is no available Telecommunicator position, the City shall follow the language set forth in Section 6.4 (Layoff) of this agreement. ARTICLE 2 UNION SECURITY AND RIGHTS Section 2.1 Dues Check-Off While this Agreement is in effect, the City will deduct the appropriate bi -weekly amount of dues from each employee in the bargaining unit who has filed with the City a lawful, voluntary, effective check off authorization form. Check-off authorization forms shall be supplied to the City by the Union, and will be provided to newly hired employees at the same time such employees are requested to complete other required employment documents. The City will honor all executed check off authorization forms received no later than ten (10) working days (i.e., days the City’s administrative offices are open) prior to the next deduction date. If a conflict exists between the check-off authorization form and this Article, the terms of this Article and Agreement control. The City shall provide the Union with an opportunity to meet with all newly hired bargaining unit members on or before their respective starting dates for the purpose of explaining the benefits of membership in the Union. This privilege is subject to being discontinued in the event that a labor organization other than the Union should file a valid representation petition with the ISLRB claiming to represent a majority of the bargaining unit members. Total deductions collected for each month shall be remitted by the City to the Council by the tenth (10 th) of the following month, together with a list of employees for whom deductions have been made. Dues deducted shall be sent to the official address designated in writing to the Employer by the Council. The Union agrees to refund to the employee any amount paid to the Council in error on account of this dues deduction provision. Dues shall be withheld and remitted to the Council unless or until such time as the City receives ten (10) working days written notice of revocation of dues check-off from an employee, or other timely notice of an employee’s death, transfer from covered employment, termination of covered employment, or when there are insufficient funds available in the employee’s earnings after withholding all other legal and required deductions. Information concerning dues not deducted under this Article shall be forwarded to the Union, and this action will discharge the City’s only responsibility with regard to such cases. The City shall provide the Union with a copy of any revocation of dues deduction authorization within seven (7) calendar days of the date the revocation is received by the City. Semi - annually, the City shall provide the Union with a list of all emp loyees in the bargaining unit, their dues status, and the amount paid in the previous six-month period. Deductions shall cease at such time as a strike or work stoppage occurs in violation of Article 9 (No Strike-No Lockout). The actual dues amounts to be deducted shall be certified in writing to the City by the Council. Dues shall be uniform in dollar amount for all employees in order to ease the Employer’s burden of administering this provision. The Council may change the fixed uniform dollar amounts of its regular monthly dues fees once each calendar year during the life of this Agreement. The Council will give the City thirty (30) calendar days’ notice of any such change in the amount of uniform dues to be deducted. Bona fide religious objections to the payment of dues shall be resolved consistent with the provisions of the IPLRA, or as amended, and the rules of the State Labor Board. Section 2.2 Bulletin Board 57 3 Revised CBA 07/17/23 The City will make available space on a bulletin board in the Police Department for the posting of official Union business which is germane to its role as the exclusive bargaining representative and which are not defamatory or derogatory in nature. The Union will limit the posting of Union business to such bulletin board. The posting of political materials shall be limited to notice of meetings wherein political issues will be addressed, proposed agenda of political topics to be discussed, and the posting of any final action taken by the Council with respect to said political issues via the posting of meeting minutes. Section 2.3 Union Indemnification The Union shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and its officials, representatives and agents against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability (monetary or otherwise) and for all legal costs that shall arise out of or by reason of action taken or not taken by the City in complying with the provisions of this Article. Section 2.4 Union Stewards For purposes of the Agreement, the term “Union Stewards” shall refer to Union employees designated by the bargaining unit as representatives of the bargaining unit and “Union Stewards” shall refer to the Union’s duly elected union stewards. The Union will maintain (and keep current) with the Emplo yer a complete written list of its Union Stewards and other agents (including their addresses and telephone numbers) who will deal with the City. ARTICLE 3 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Except as specifically limited by the express provisions of this Agreement, the C ity retains all traditional rights to manage and direct the affairs of the City in all of its various aspects and to manage and direct its employees, to make and implement decisions with respect to the operation and management of its operations in all respects, including, but not limited to, the following: to plan, direct, control and determine all the operations and services of the City; to determine the police department’s mission, policies, procedures, and to set all standards of service offered in the community; to determine the budget, and to allocate budgetary priorities; to utilize and select suppliers and subcontractors; to supervise and direct the working forces; to establish the qualifications for hire and conditions for continued employment; to determine standards of conduct, both on and off duty, to the extent permitted by federal and state law; to select, hire, train, evaluate, promote, demote and transfer employees; to schedule and assign work and work duties; to assign overtime; to establish an d enforce work, productivity and performance standards and, from time to time, to change those standards; to determine the methods, means, organization and number of personnel by which City operations and services shall be provided or purchased; to determine whether services are to be provided by employees covered by this Agreement or by other employees or non-employees not covered by this Agreement (provided such action does not result in layoffs in violation of the IPLRA); to make, alter and enforce rules , regulations, orders and policies; to change or eliminate existing methods, equipment or facilities; to layoff or discipline for just cause; and to take any and all actions as may be necessary to carry out the mission, duties and responsibilities of the City in situations of local disaster of civil emergencies as may be formally declared by the Mayor or his designee, the provisions of this agreement notwithstanding. It is the sole discretion of the Mayor or his designee to declare that a local disaster of civil emergency condition exists. In the event of such emergency action, the provisions of this Agreement may be suspended. A local disaster of civil emergency shall include, but is not limited to, riots, civil disorder, and natural or manmade disaster conditions. ARTICLE 4 LABOR-MANAGEMENT MEETINGS Section 4.1 Meeting Request 58 4 Revised CBA 07/17/23 The Council and the City agree that, in the interest of efficient management and harmonious employee relations, meetings be held up to once quarterly at the request of either party o r at other times mutually agreed between Council representatives and the Chief and/or the City Administrator. Such meetings may be requested by either party at least seven (7) days in advance by placing in writing a request to the other for a “labor-management meeting” and expressly providing the agenda for such meeting. Such meetings and locations, if mutually agreed upon, shall be limited to: (a) discussion on the implementation and general administration of this Agreement; (b) a sharing of general information of interest to the parties; (c) notifying the Council of changes in conditions of employment contemplated by the Employer which may affect employees; (d) issues or concerns involving safety. Section 4.2 Content It is expressly understood and agreed that such meeting shall be exclusive of the grievance procedure. Specific grievances being processed under the grievance procedure shall not be considered at “labor - management meetings” nor shall negotiations for the purpose of adding to or altering any of the terms of this Agreement be carried on at such meetings. Section 4.3 Attendance Attendance at labor-management meetings shall be voluntary on the employee’s part, and attendance by off-duty personnel during such meetings shall not be considered time worked for compensation purposes. If, at the quarterly labor management meeting or meetings, scheduled at the request or consent of the City during the regularly scheduled duty hours of one or two employee Union representatives, and if it is mutually agreed between the Chief or his designee and the Union, such employee Union representative(s) shall be released from duty without loss of pay, provided they shall remain available to return to duty if needed. Normally, up to three (3) persons from each side shall attend these meetings, schedules permitting. ARTICLE 5 HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME Section 5.1 General Provisions Purpose of Article: The Sole purpose of this Article is to provide a basis for the calculation of straight time, overtime and other premium wages. The Employer’s pay records, practices, policies and other procedures shall govern the payment of all wages. For the purposes of this Article, Shift Employees shall include Lead Telecommunicators and Telecommunicators. Non-Shift Employees shall include Community Service Officers and Records Clerks. No Guarantee of Work: Nothing in this Article shall be construed as a guarantee of hours of work. This Article is intended only as a basis for computing overtime consistent with th e provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. This Article is not intended to establish a right to compensation in any form for time not worked except as specifically provide for in this Agreement. 59 5 Revised CBA 07/17/23 No Pyramiding: Compensation shall not be paid more than once for the same hours under any provision of this Agreement. Section 5.2 Normal Work Period, Workday and Work Schedule Shift Employees’ normal work schedules are as follows: Shift A: 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM Sunday through Tuesday, plus every other Saturday Shift B: 6:00 PM – 6:00 AM Sunday through Tuesday, plus every other Saturday Shift C: 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM Wednesday through Friday, plus every other Saturday Shift D: 6:00 PM – 6:00 AM Wednesday through Friday, plus every other Saturday Employees shall work what is commonly referred to the 3-4 (12) twelve-hour schedule, with a bi-weekly Saturday requirement. The normal workday for shift employees is twelve (12) hours for three (3) days, followed by four (4) days off, except that for every other Saturday shift employees will work a twelve (12) hour shift. The shift employee schedule is based on a eighty (80) hour work week with a mandatory four (4) hours of overtime worked each scheduled Saturday. Overtime worked as part of the twelve (12) hour shift schedule can be taken either in pay or compensatory time in accordance with sections 5.5 Compensatory Time and 5.6 Overtime Assignments. The workday includes a paid forty -five (45) minute lunch break. Except in an emergency, employees shall not be requir ed to work more than twelve (12) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period. Employees may sign up for overtime but may not work more than sixteen (16) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period. Changes in Normal Work Period, Workday and Work Schedule: Subject to the provisions of Section 5.8 herein, should it be necessary in the interest of efficient operations to temporarily alter or reassign the regular and normal workday, work period, work shift or work schedule, absent unexpected circumstances or an emergency, the City shall give at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to the individuals affected by any such change. The Employer will not change work schedules for the purpose of avoiding the payment of overtime. Section 5.3 Court and Training Time Employees who would otherwise be off-duty shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours pay at their applicable overtime rate of pay for all hours worked when (1) appearing in court on behalf of the City in the capacity of a police department employee, or (2) when preparing for an off-duty court appearance when in the presence of a prosecuting attorney, or (3) when participating in mandatory off -duty training exercises. The two (2) hour minimum shall not apply where (1) the court or training time precedes within two (2) hours of the employee’s regular work shift or (2) the court or training time immediately follows an employee’s regular work shift. Lunch periods in connection with court time shall not be counted toward hours worked. Employees driving to/from approved seminars or training should use a City vehicle for this purpose. If a City vehicle is not available, or upon prior approval of the City Administrator, the use of an employee's personal vehicle may be allowed. Expenses for the use of a personal vehicle may be reimbursed up to the current IRS rate. Employees who are enrolled in pre - approved seminars or training at facilities located more than seventy -five (75) miles from the City of McHenry (or an any other time at the discretion of the City) may be encouraged to utilize lodging at the site of the training rather than rely on mileage reimbursements. Employees should seek the approval of the City Administrator prior to daily driving to and from training at locations greater than seventy -five (75) miles. Any training scheduled on a twelve (12) hour work day that is scheduled for eight (8) hours constitutes a twelve (12) hour work day. 60 6 Revised CBA 07/17/23 To compensate covered members for attending training classes outside of McHenry, Lake or Boone Counties, covered members shall receive one (1) hour of travel time per day at the employee’s regular rate of pay not to exceed ten (10) hours in any fiscal year. Section 5.4 Call Back Pay A call back is defined as a work assignment which does not immediately precede or follow an employee’s regular scheduled working hours. An employee called back to work after having left work shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at overtime rates, unless the individual is called back by his supervisor to rectify his own error. Section 5.5 Compensatory Time Lead Telecommunicators / Telecommunicators: Employees shall be permitted to accrue forty-eight (48) hours of compensatory time. Once they use any part of their compensatory time bank, they may replenish the time to a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours at any time. Compensatory time off shall be used in a minimum of one (1) hour increments and counted towards hours of work for purposes of calculating overtime. Compensatory time off requests shall be made no later than twenty -four (24) hours in advance of the desired time off. Accumulated compensatory time in excess of twelve (12) hours shall be paid to the affected employee on the first scheduled payroll in the next calendar year. Employee shall be permitted to carry a maximum of accumulation of twenty-four (24) hours of their compensatory time from year to year. Volunteers to work overtime for another employee taking compensatory time shall be required to receive a cash payout and not receive compensatory time. Overtime rates will a pply. Records Clerks / CSOs: Employees shall be permitted to accrue forty (40) hours of compensatory time. Once they use any part of their compensatory time bank, they may replenish the time to a maximum of forty (40) hours at any time. Compensatory time off shall be used in a minimum of one (1) hour increments and counted towards hours of work for purposes of calculating overtime. Compensatory time off requests shall be made no later than twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the desired time off. Accumulated compensatory time in excess of eight (8) hours shall be paid to the affected employee on the first scheduled payroll in the next calendar year. Employee shall be permitted to carry a maximum of accumulation of twenty-four (24) hours of their compensatory time from year to year. Section 5.6 Overtime Assignments-Overtime Opportunities The Chief of Police or designee shall have the right to require overtime work, and employees may not refuse overtime assignments. Also, specific employees may be selected for special assignments based upon specific skills, ability and experience they may p ossess. Overtime shall be based on any hours worked or paid, except for sick hours outside of the regularly scheduled eighty (80) hour work period. Lead Telecommunicators / Telecommunicators: When regular shift required overtime becomes available, it will be offered in the following steps: Shift Shortage with no Lead Telecommunicator working the short shift 1. The entire time block shall be first offered by seniority to the Lead Telecommunicators not scheduled to work on the day of the overtime opportunity. 2. The entire time block shall then be offered by seniority to the full -time Telecommunicators not scheduled to work on the day of the overtime opportunity. If still not filled, 3. In no less than two (2) hour increments, first the Lead Telecommunicators by seniority will be offered the overtime, then by seniority the Telecommunicators will be offered the overtime. 61 7 Revised CBA 07/17/23 a. If a Lead Telecommunicator or Telecommunicator with less seniority volunteers for more hours than another, that overtime opportunity will be awarded to the full-time employee volunteering for the most hours, regardless of seniority. 4. Any remaining available hours will be offered to Part-Time Telecommunicators. 5. If the hours remain unfilled, using reverse seniority a Telecommunicator who is scheduled to be off duty will be ordered to work the required overtime. 6. If no Telecommunicator is available to fill the hours, a Lead Telecommunicator who is scheduled to be off duty will be ordered to work the required overtime. For the purposes of this process, seniority for Lead Telecommunicators shall be determined by date of appointment to that classification. Shift Shortage with a Lead Telecommunicator working the short shift 1. The entire time block shall be first offered by seniority to the full-time Telecommunicators not scheduled to work on the day of the overtime opportunity. 2. The entire time block shall then be offered by seniority to the Lead Telecommunicators not scheduled to work on the day of the overtime opportunity. If still not fi lled, 3. In no less than two (2) hour increments, first the Telecommunicators by seniority will be offered the overtime, then by seniority the Lead Telecommunicators will be offered the overtime. a. If a Lead Telecommunicator or Telecommunicator with less seniority volunteers for more hours than another, that overtime opportunity will be awarded to the full-time employee volunteering for the most hours, regardless of seniority. 4. Any remaining available hours will be offered to Part-Time Telecommunicators. 5. If the hours remain unfilled, using reverse seniority a Telecommunicator who is scheduled to be off duty will be ordered to work the required overtime. 6. If no Telecommunicator is available to fill the hours, a Lead Telecommunicator who is scheduled to be off duty will be ordered to work the required overtime. For the purposes of this process, seniority for Lead Telecommunicators shall be determined by date of appointment to that classification. If the Dispatch Center Supervisor is not working, a Lead Telecommunicator will make all calls necessary to follow the above-described method of allocation of overtime. If a Lead Telecommunicator is not working, members of the bargaining unit will make all calls necessary to complete the process. If a member needs to be ordered to report for duty based on step 5, the Dispatch Center supervisor or a Lead Telecommunicator will make the order. In the event they are not working the on -duty Patrol Sergeant or Patrol Officer-In-Charge will order the employee to report for duty. If an error in providing these opportunities occurs, the only relief available to the member of the bargaining unit who has lost out on an overtime opportunity will be limited to giving that employee the primary right to work overtime when the next overtime opportunity exists, provided that each step has been followed correctly. Employees who volunteer for an overtime assignment, regardless of full -time or part-time status, cannot be removed from that assignment by a more senior employee unless they volunteer to give it up. Section 5.7 Shift Trades By mutual agreement between employees and with the consent of the Chief or his designee, subject to the operating needs of the department, individual employees may bid shift changes in addition to the annual bid on a daily or longer basis. Section 5.8 Shift Assignments and Bidding 62 8 Revised CBA 07/17/23 Consistent with the following limitations, as well as scheduling and staffing requirements, Bargaining Unit employees shall be able to exercise their seniority for selection of shift assignments. Such selections, as limited by the bidding limitations specified below, shall be made on an annual basis, based upon seniority as of the date the period of shift bidding commences. Shift bidding for the next calendar year will commence on September 1 and conclude no later than October 31. Bargaining Unit members will bid by ranking all shifts one (1) through four (4), with one (1) being the most preferred and four (4) being the least preferred. Bargaining unit employees will have two (2) working shifts in which to bid. A bargaining unit employee who does not bid within the time allotted may bid at any time thereafter, subject to availability. Upon completion of the bidding process, the City will complete shift assignments, and reserves the right to increase staffing, as the City, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. Bidding Limitations: Lead Telecommunicators, Telecommunicators, and Community Service Officers shall bid their shifts by seniority until all shifts have been filled. In the event the City only has one (1) shift available for a job classification or only one (1) employee within a classification, no shift bidding will occur. Shift Vacancies: If after shift bidding is complete, a vacancy occurs (60 calendar days or longer), the initial immediate vacancy will be offered by seniority to the employees who initially bid the rotation of the vacancy until the shift is filled voluntarily. Any remaining vacancies created will be reasonably filled by the Chief of Police or his designee. No further bidding of shifts will occur until the normal annual shift bidding procedure occurs. The shift bidding provisions above shall begin on September 1 st to be effective for the calendar year beginning January 1 st, and shall continue thereafter in subsequent calendar years. Section 5.9 Training Pay Employees who act as trainers shall be compensated at a rate of one (1) hour of the trainer’s regular hourly rate for each shift during which they have trained for at least three (3) hours. No more than two (2) trainers can receive the one (1) hour compensation per trainee per day. Employees who act as trainers shall be compensated at a rate of one & one-half (1+1/2) hour of the trainer’s regular hourly rate for each shift during which they have trained for a full twelve (12) hours. ARTICLE 6 SENIORITY, LAYOFF AND RECALL Section 6.1 Definition of Seniority For purposes of this Agreement, seniority shall be defined as an employee’s length of continuous service from the last date of beginning continuous full-time employment in a position covered by this Agreement. Seniority shall accumulate during all authoriz ed paid leaves of absence and during suspensions of thirty (30) days or less. Seniority shall accumulate from the first day of an authorized unpaid leave of absence or lay off for a period of one year from the date of leave or layoff. Conflicts of seniority shall be determined on the basis of the order of the employee’s names on the eligibility list from which they were hired. Section 6.2 Probationary Period All new employees and those hired after loss of seniority shall be considered probationary employee s until they have completed a probationary period of twelve (12) months of work. Time absent from duty or not served for any reason such as, including but not limited to: unpaid leave of absence, duty related injury or illness, jury duty, military leave, etc. shall not apply toward satisfaction of the probationary period, except for holidays, vacation and paid sick leave. Probationary employees shall be entitled to all rights, privileges and benefits provided for in this Agreement, except that during an em ployee’s probationary period, the employee may be terminated without cause. Such probationary employee shall have no recourse to the grievance procedure to contest a layoff or termination. Furthermore, there shall 63 9 Revised CBA 07/17/23 be no seniority among probationary employees for purposes of layoffs. Upon successful completion of the probationary period, an employee shall acquire seniority which shall be retroactive to his last date of hire with the City in a position covered by this Agreement. Section 6.3 Seniority List On or about September 1st each year, the City will provide the Union with a seniority list of all employees in the bargaining unit setting forth each employee’s seniority date and rank. The City shall not be responsible for any errors in the seniority list unless such errors are brought to the attention of the City in writing within thirty (30) calendar days after the Union’s receipt of the list. Upon request in writing to the Police Chief, an updated seniority list will be provided to the Union during the course of the year. Section 6.4 Layoff The City, at its discretion, shall determine whether layoffs are necessary. If it is determined that layoffs are necessary, employees covered by this Agreement will be laid off in accordance with their length of service, provided that, however, probationary employees shall be selected for layoff based on relative skill and ability as determined by the Chief, and provided further that the remaining employees are qualified to do the remaining work without further training. In the event a non-probationary employee is laid off ahead of a probationary employee subject to the aforementioned provision, said non -probationary employee or employees shall be given an additional twelve (12) months (up to a total of twenty -four (24) months) for purposes of recall pursuant to Section 6.6. Section 6.5 Recall Employees (including probationary employees) who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list, in the reverse order of their layoff, for a period of twelve (12) months. If there i s a recall, employees who are still on the recall list shall be recalled, in the reverse order of their layoff, provided they meet the City’s medical, physical fitness, and mental standards and are fully qualified to perform the work to which they are recalled without further training. An employee who is recalled and fails to meet such standards at the time of recall shall be passed over and returned to the top of the recall list; such an employee will be eligible for a second recall for a future vacancy so long as he remains on the recall list. An employee’s seniority will be terminated if he fails such standards upon a second recall. Employees who are eligible for recall shall be given at least thirty (30) calendar days’ notice of recall with the first of the thirty (30) days being the date the notice to the employee is postmarked. The notice of recall shall be sent to the employee by certified mail, return receipt requested, with a copy similarly mailed or personally delivered to a designated representative of the Union. The employee must notify the Police Chief or designee of his intention to return to work within three (3) calendar days after receiving notice of recall (but in no event later than thirty (30) days from the date of postmark of the notice of recall. The City shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligations by mailing the recall notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the mailing address last provided by the employee, it being the obligation and responsibility of each employee to provide the Police Chief or designee with his latest mailing address. If an employee fails to timely respond to a recall notice or if an employee either declines the recall or does not report to work as scheduled, his name shall be removed from the recall list. If the City has not heard from the employee within thirty (30) calendar days of mailing a properly addressed notice of recall, or if the notice is returned as undeliverable by the United States Postal Service, whichever occurs first, the employee’s name shall be removed from the recall list. Section 6.6 Termination of Seniority Seniority for all purposes and the employment relationship shall be terminated if the employee: (a) quits; retires or is retired; 64 10 Revised CBA 07/17/23 (b) is discharged for just cause; (c) falsifies the reason for a leave of absence or is found to be working during a leave of absence without prior written approval of the Chief; (d) fails to report to work at the conclusion of an authorized leave of absence, layoff or vacation; (e) is laid off and fails to respond to a notice of recall within three (3) calendar days after receiving notice of recall or to report for work at the time prescribed in the notice of recall or otherwise does not timely respond to a notice of recall as provided in Section 6.5 of this Agreement; (f) is laid off or otherwise does not perform bargaining unit work for the City for a period in excess of twelve (12) months; or (g) is absent for three (3) consecutive working days without notification to or authorization from the City. ARTICLE 7 DISCIPLINE Section 7.1 Discipline The parties recognize that the Board of Police Commissioners of the City of McHenry has no statutory authority over the employees covered by this Labor Agreement. The City agrees that non -probationary covered members may be disciplined only for Just Cause. Any employee who violates any rule, regulation, or policy, of the City of McHenry or the City of McHenry Police Department, or who otherwise engages in misconduct, or whose performance is deficient may be subject to disciplinary action. The Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of McHenry and the collective bargaining unit shall take precedence over the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual of the City of McHenry in the case of conflicting language. This Section shall not be interpreted as a waiver of any bargaining right by the Union. An unpaid suspension day will be defined as a block up to eight (8) hours. Example: Management implements a two (2) day unpaid suspension, the total number of hours served will be sixteen (16) hours. Section 7.2 Progressive Discipline As a matter of policy, the City recognizes the principles of progressive and corrective discipline, where applicable, but is generally the City’s policy to progress th rough each step. However, nothing shall foreclose the City from seeking discipline commensurate with the offense. The City also acknowledges that non-probationary employees may only be disciplined for Just Cause. The City will notify the employee of pending disciplinary action in writing. Disciplinary measures will be administered by the Chief of Police or designee in an objective and constructive manner. These measures are intended to motivate the employee toward proper conduct in the future. Matters perta ining to employee performance/behavior problems should not be discussed with or disclosed to anyone except those who must be informed. Listed below indicates the types of disciplinary actions that may be implemented: • Verbal Warning • Employee Contact Form • Letter of Direction • Letter of Reprimand • Suspension • Termination 65 11 Revised CBA 07/17/23 Section 7.3 Interrogation Rights If the Employer intends to conduct an inquiry, investigation, or interrogation of an employee which could result in a recommendation of disciplinary action such as transfer, suspension, dismissal, loss of pay, reassignment, or similar action which would be considered a punitive measures, before taking such action, the Employer shall follow the procedures set forth in 50 ILCS 725/1 or as amended, including rights as set forth in the United States Supreme Court decision in NLRB v. Weingarten, 420 U.S. 251 (1975) and the Department of Central Management Services & Corrections (Morgan) decision, 1 PERI par. 2020 (ISLRB, 1985). Nothing in this Section is intended to or should be construed to waive employee’s right to Labor Council representation during questioning that the employee reasonably believes may lead to disciplinary action. The City will provide no less than three (3) business days’ advance notice of any discipline, including any meeting to discuss pending discipline in order to provide the covered member an opportunity to have Labor Council representation present. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit or waive the covered members’ rights. The interrogations shall take place at the McHenry Police Department or other facility at the direction of the investigating Officer and at a reasonable time of day. An interrogation, for purposes of this Labor Agreement, shall be defined as when an employee is subjected to formal oral or written questions by the employer which are specifically relating to matters which could result in disciplinary action against the employee being questioned. Requests/orders for employees to write supplemental reports, are not considered interrogations. No employee covered by this Labor Agreement shall be subjected to interrogation without first being informed in writing of the nature of the investigation and/or complaints. The disclosure shall be sufficient so as to reasonably apprise the employee of the nature of the investigation. The employee under investigation shall be informed of the name, rank, or command in charge of the investigation, the interrogator, and all persons present during any interrogation. Interrogation sessions shall be of reasonable duration and shall permit the employee interrogated reasonable periods for rest and personal necessities. The employee being interrogated shall not be subjected to professional or personal abuse, including offensive language. A complete electronically recorded record of any interrogation shall be made, and a copy of the electronically recorded record shall be made available to the employee and Labor Council under investigation without charge and without undue delay. The employee under investigation may elect to have a written transcript of the interrogation, however; the employee must then bear the entire cost of said written transcript. No employee shall be interrogated without first being advised in writin g that the covered member has the right to have a Labor Council representative present to advise the covered member at any stage of any interrogation. An employee under investigation may request Labor Council representation at any time before or during the interrogation. Section 7.4 Pre-disciplinary Conference Before the decision to impose disciplinary actions of suspension without pay, removal, or discharge occurs, the Department Head, Supervisor, employee, and a representative provided by the Labor Counc il (if requested by the employee) shall meet and confer over the facts giving rise to the proposed disciplinary action. The Employer shall disclose the alleged facts giving rise to disciplinary action and the employee will be allowed the opportunity to correct factual errors and/or mistaken facts, to provide additional facts concerning the subject matter of the proposed disciplinary action and/or to dispute the factual allegations. Section 7.5 Grievance Arbitration The provisions of this Article shall be subject to the grievance resolution procedures set forth in Article 8 of this Labor Agreement except that oral reprimands and written reprimands shall not be subject to grievance arbitration. The termination of probationary employees shall not be subject to the grievance resolution procedures set forth in Article 8 of this Labor Agreement. 66 12 Revised CBA 07/17/23 ARTICLE 8 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A grievance filed against the City will be processed in the following manner. The parties may bypass one (1) or more steps of the procedure by written mutual agreement. Grievances considered to be a Labor Council grievance shall be filed at Step 2. The parties agree that the Chief of Police or designee shall have the right to implement disciplinary action to include suspension or termination of a covered member for only just cause. The decision of the Chief of Police or designee with respect to any suspension or dismissal action shall be deemed final, subject only to review of said decision through the grievance and arbitration procedure. Section 8.1 Definition A grievance is defined as a dispute or difference of opinion raised by an employee or the Labor Council against the City involving an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of an express provision of this Labor Agreement. Section 8.2 Procedure A grievance filed against the City will be processed in the following manner. The parties may bypass one (1) or more steps of the following procedure by written mutual agreement. Employees are encouraged, but not required to, resolve the grievance informally through discussions with their immediate supervisor who is not a member of any bargaining unit, and who is not otherwise represented by any Union. If the Labor Council and City settle the grievance at any step, such settlement shall be set forth in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties. Only the Labor Council and City may settle the grievance at any step. If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified time limit or any agreed written extension thereof; it shall be considered settled on the basis of the City’s last written response. If the City does not hold a meeting or respond to a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the aggrieved employee or Labor Cou ncil may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that step and immediately appeal the grievance as denied at that step. The parties may by mutual agreement in writing extend any of the time limits set forth in this Article. No member of any bargaining unit shall have any authority to respond to a grievance being processed in accordance with the grievance procedure set forth in this Article. Moreover, no action, statement, agreement, settlement, or representation made by any member of any bargaining unit or other City employee represented by any Union shall impose any obligation or duty or be considered to be authorized by or binding upon the parties unless the Employer and the Labor Council have agreed thereto in writing. Grievances filed by the Labor Council on behalf of covered members shall be filed at Step 2. • Step 1 Any employee and/or the Labor Council who has a grievance shall submit the grievance in writing to the appropriate Division Commander containing a complete statement of the facts, provisio n or provisions of the Labor Agreement which are alleged to have been violated as defined in 8.1 Definition and the specific relief requested. All grievances must be presented no later than seven (7) calendar days from the date of the occurrence of the event first giving rise to the grievance or within seven (7) calendar days after the employee or Labor Council, through the use of reasonable diligence, could have obtained knowledge of the occurrence of the first event giving rise to the grievance. The immed iate supervisor shall render a written response to the grievant and Labor Council within seven (7) calendar days after the grievance is presented. • Step 2 If the grievance is not settled at Step 1 and the grievant and/or Labor Council wishes to appeal to S tep 2 of the grievance procedure, the grievance shall be submitted in writing to the Chief of Police or designee within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the City’s written response in Step 1, or within seven (7) calendar days of when the City’s written response in Step 1 was due. The grievance shall specifically 67 13 Revised CBA 07/17/23 state the basis upon which the grievant or Labor Council believes the grievance was improperly denied at the previous step of the grievance procedure. The Chief of Police or designee may mee t to discuss the grievance with the grievant and Labor Council at a mutually agreeable time within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the grievance. The Chief of Police or Labor Council may have other persons present whom they deem appropriate attend the meeting. If no settlement of the grievance is reached, the Chief of Police or designee will provide a written response within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting or, if no meeting is held, within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the grievance. • Step 3 If the grievance is not settled at Step 2, the grievant and/or Labor Council wishes to appeal to Step 3 of the grievance procedure, it shall be submitted in writing to the City Administrator or designee within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the City’s written response in Step 2, or within seven (7) calendar days of when the City’s written response in Step 2 was due. The grievance shall specifically state the basis upon which the grievant and/or Labor Council believes the grievance was improperly denied at the previous step of the grievance procedure. The City Administrator may meet to discuss the grievance with the grievant and a Labor Council Representative at a mutually agreeable time within seven (7) calendar days of the receipt of the grievance. The City Administrator or the Labor Council may have other persons present they deem appropriate attend the meeting. If no settlement of the grievance is reached, the City Administrator will provide a written response within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting or, if no meeting is held, within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the grievance. Section 8.3 Arbitration If the grievance is not settled in Step 3, only the Labor Council may refer the grievance to arbitration, as described below, within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the receipt of the City’s written response provided at Step 3 or when the City’s written response in Step 3 was due. The parties shall attempt to agree upon an arbitrator within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the notice of referral. In the event the parties are unable to agree upon the arbitrator within said seven (7) day period, the parties shall jointly request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to submit a panel of seven (7) arbitrators. Each party retains the right to reject one (1) panel in its entirety and request that a new panel be submitted. Both the City and the Labor Council shall have the right to alternately strike being determined by the flip of a coin. A coin flip shall determine who has the first right to strike a name from the list. The Arbitrator shall be notified jointly by the parties of their selection and shall be requested to set a time and place for the hearing, subject to the availability of Labor Council and City representatives. The City and the Labor Council shall have the right to request the Arbitrator to require the presence of witness or documents. The City and the Labor Council retain the right to employ legal counsel. The Arbitrator shall submit the award in writing within thirty (30) calendar days following the close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever is later. More than one (1) grievance may be submitted to the same arbitrator only if both parties mutually agree to do so in writing. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator and the cost of a court reporter and a written transcript, if any, shall be divided equally between the City and the Labor Council; provided, however, that each party shall be responsible for compensatin g its own representatives and witnesses. Section 8.4 Limitations on Authority of Arbitrator The Arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the provisions of this Labor Agreement. The Arbitrator shall consider and decide only the question of fact as to whether there has been a violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of the specific provisions of this Labor Agreement. The Arbitrator shall be empowered to determine the issue raised by the grievance as submitted in writing at Step 2. The Arbitrator shall have no authority to make a decision on any issue not so submitted or raised. The Arbitrator shall be without power to make any decision or award which is contrary to or inconsistent with, in any way, applicable laws or court decisions, or rules and regulations 68 14 Revised CBA 07/17/23 of administrative bodies that have the force and effect of law. The Arbitrator shall not in any way limit or interfere with the powers, duties and responsibilities of the City under law and applicable court decisions. Any decision or award of the Arbitrator rendered within the limitations of this Section 8.4 shall be final and binding upon the City, Labor Council, and the employees covered by this Labor Agreement. ARTICLE 9 NO STRIKE-NO LOCKOUT Section 9.1 Strikes Prohibited During the term of this Agreement, neither the Union nor any of its officers or agents, nor any employees covered by this Agreement will, for any reason, instigate, promote, sponsor, aid, condone or engage in any strike, sympathy strike, or any other intentional interruption or disruption of the operations of the City, and no employee covered by this Agreement shall refuse to cross any picket line, wherever established. Section 9.2 Job Actions Prohibited During the term of this Agreement, neither the Union nor any of its officers or agents, nor any employees covered by this Agreement will, for any reason, instigate, promote, sponsor, aid, condone or engage in any boycott, secondary boycott, residential hand billing, work slowdown, speed-up, sit-down, concerted application of unauthorized or abnormal or unapproved enforcement procedures or policies, concerted disobedience of lawful orders of a superior, concerted stoppage of work, concerted refusal to perform overtime, deliberate absenteeism, picketing of any kind, except informational picketing as authorized by law, or any other intentional interruption or disruption of the operations of the City. Section 9.3 Violations of this Article Any or all employees who violate any of th e provisions of this Article may be discharged or otherwise disciplined by the City, and the only issue that may be used in any proceeding in which such discipline or discharge is challenged is whether or not the employee actually engaged in such prohibite d conduct. Such discipline may include any, some, or all of the employees involved. The failure to confer a penalty in any instance is not a waiver of such right in any instance, nor is it a precedent. Any disciplinary action taken by the City for employee activities prohibited by this section shall not be considered a violation of this Agreement and shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedures of this Agreement. Section 9.4 Council Notification of Employees The Council agrees to notify all Union Officials and agents of their obligations and responsibility for maintaining compliance with this Section, including their responsibility to abide by the provisions of this Section by remaining at work (that is, those who are employees of the City) during any interruption as outlined above. In addition, in the event of a violation of this Section of this Article, the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council agrees to inform its members of their obligations under this Agreement and to encourage and direct them to return to work by all means available under its Constitution, by-laws, or otherwise. Section 9.5 No Lockout The City will not lock out any employees during the term of this Agreement as a result of an actual or anticipated labor dispute with the Union so long as there is good faith compliance by the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council with this Article. Section 9.6 Judicial Relief 69 15 Revised CBA 07/17/23 Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Employer from obtaining a temporary restraining order, damages and other judicial relief as determined appropriate by the Court in the event the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council or any employees covered by this Agreement violate this Article. ARTICLE 10 HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL BUSINESS LEAVE Section 10.1 Holidays The following are recognized as holidays for eligible employees: A holiday is defined as eight (8) hours. A one-half (1/2) holiday is defined as four (4) hours. Shift Employees Non-shift employees New Year’s Day New Year’s Day President’s Day Memorial Day Memorial Day Independence Day Independence Day Labor Day Labor Day Veterans Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day Friday after Thanksgiving Day Friday after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Christmas Day Christmas Day Eight (8) hours of floating Holiday Time The City agrees to allow bargaining unit employees to use accrued holiday pay as paid time off in lieu of cash payment as provided in Section 10.2 herein. Holiday pay shall accrue to an employee’s credit on the actual holiday itself. Employees may use accrued holiday pay as paid time off by requesting same in writing subject to the approval of the Chief of Police or his desig nee; such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Section 10.2 Eligibility Requirements Employees shall work all holidays when scheduled as part of their normal Departmental work schedule. To be eligible to receive holiday pay or “paid time off” in reco gnition of a holiday, an employee must work the full scheduled day before and after the holiday, when scheduled as part of their normal department work schedule. The Chief shall permit an employee who was ill to verify his illness so as to qualify for holiday pay by submitting to the Chief of Police or designee, a note from the employee’s physician, or physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner verifying the employee’s illness. Section 10.3 Holiday Pay Employees who satisfy the eligibility requirements of Section 10.2 shall receive either “holiday time off” or “holiday pay” equivalent to the holidays for which he becomes eligible. Employees wishing to take holiday time off in lieu of the holiday pay may request the holiday time off as if it were personal business leave with the exception that such time must be requested in no less than four (4) hour increments. Holiday time off requests shall be made no later than twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the desired time off. In no event may an employee take holiday time off without having first become eligible for the holiday. Holiday time must be used or paid prior to the end of the calendar year in which it is earned. December holidays shall not be eligible to be taken as holiday time off. Employees choosing to receive holiday pay and those employees who have failed to take accrued holiday time off by November 30th shall be paid in a lump sum on the first full pay period during the month of December, at a rate equivalent to a regular day’s pay (at the employees straight time rate) for each of the ten (10) holidays in the calendar year for which the employee satisfied the eligibility requirements and which the 70 16 Revised CBA 07/17/23 employee has not taken in the form of paid leave as set forth in section 10.1 herein. Payment of holi day pay shall include prospective pay for any holidays in December of said calendar year. In the event an employee becomes ineligible for a paid December holiday after he has been compensated for it, the City may deduct from his paycheck an amount equivale nt to the pay provided for the holiday. Employees who work the holiday shall receive one and one half (1½) times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked. Section 10.4 Personal Business Leave With prior approval of the Police Chief or designee, employees shall receive paid leave, as denoted below per calendar year, to attend to personal business. An option offered as part of participation in the Wellness Incentive of an additional personal day shall be defined as eight (8) hours as long as the benefi t is offered by the City. Newly hired regular full-time employees will receive the following number of paid personal business leave days in their first calendar year: Hiring Date Personal Business Leave Hours Prior to April 1 32 Between April 1 and June 30 24 Between July 1 and October 31 16 November 1 or later 8 Personal business leave may be used in increments no smaller than one (1) hour increments. In no event shall personal leave be converted to cash compensation or carried over into subsequent year s. Personal business leave requests shall be made no later than twenty -four (24) hours in advance (except in an emergency) of the desired time off. The Chief may approve or deny such requests. Such approval shall not be unreasonably denied. Under no circumstances will such requests be approved if, at the time of the request, the absence, in the Chief’s judgment, would cause another employee to be held over or called back to work. ARTICLE 11 VACATIONS Section 11.1 Eligibility and Allowances Every employee shall be eligible to take paid vacation time after the completion of one (1) year of continuous full time employment with the City in a position covered by this Agreement. Employees shall start to earn vacation allowance as of their date of hire. Bargaining unit employees shall be allowed to exercise their seniority for selection of vacation time on an annual basis. Following the seniority shift bidding procedure as set forth in Section 5.8 herein, the Employer shall conduct vacation bids between November 1st and December 31st of each year for vacation days to be used during the subsequent calendar year. Vacation allowances shall be earned monthly, based on the following schedule: Length of Completed Continuous Service Number of Hours per calendar year After completion of one (1) year 80 After completion of six (6) years 120 After completion of thirteen (13) years 160 After completion of twenty (20) years 200 Employees shall earn vacation allowances for any month in which they receive compensation for more than one hundred twenty (120) “hours of work”. For purposes of this Section only, actual work time plus 71 17 Revised CBA 07/17/23 paid vacations, personal days and compensatory time shall be considered “hours of work”. No other paid or unpaid absence from duty shall be counted as “hours of work”. Section 11.2 Vacation Pay The rate of vacation pay shall be the employee’s regular straight-time rate of pay in effect for the employee’s regular job assignment. Section 11.3 Scheduling and Accrual Bargaining unit employees shall be allowed to exercise their seniority for selection of vacation time on an annual basis. Following the seniority shift bidding procedure as set forth in Section 5.8 herein, the Employer shall conduct vacation bids between November 1st and December 31st of each year for vacation days to be used during the subsequent calendar year. Vacation Bidding Process: Vacation Bids will be conducted for each classification. • During the initial vacation bidding process, only one (1) bargaining unit member from the CSO classification and one (1) bargaining unit member from the Records classification shall be permitted to request vacation time for each work shift. • During the initial vacation bidding process, only one (1) bargaining unit member from the Telecommunicator classification shall be permitted to request vacation time for each work shift. • During the initial vacation bidding process, only one (1) bargaining unit member from the Lead Telecommunicator classification shall be permitted to request vacation time for each work shift. On or before November 1, the Police Chief or designee shall p ost a schedule of days available for vacation use during the upcoming calendar year. The days available for use shall not include the weekends of “Fiesta Days”, and such other days as designated by the Chief of Police in their discretion; such discretion not to be unreasonably applied. The bargaining unit employees shall select their vacation preferences in the order of their seniority by classification, with the most senior employee having first choice, the next most senior employee having second choice, and so on. For the purposes of this process only, seniority for Lead Telecommunicators shall be determined by date of appointment to that classification. For purposes of this Article, “calendar week” means anywhere from one (1) day to four (4) consecutive days for Lead Telecommunicators and Telecommunicators (not to exceed 48 hours) and anywhere from one (1) day to five (5) consecutive days for CSOs and Records Clerks. Any Vacation Time hours approved to be carried over from the previous calendar year are not eligible to be requested for use during the Vacation Bidding Process. Bargaining unit members will have two (2) working shifts in which to pick their vacations. A bargaining unit member who does not select vacation time within the time allotted may choose vacation time at any time thereafter, subject to availability. Step 1: In order of descending seniority by classification, bargaining unit employees may make an initial first choice vacation selection of no more than two (2) calendar weeks, or a maximum of eighty (80) hours for CSOs and Records Clerks and a maximum of ninety-six (96) hours for Lead Telecommunicators and Telecommunicators. Step 2: After all bargaining unit members have chosen their first two (2) calendar weeks, in order of descending seniority by classification bargaining unit members may then select no more than two (2) additional calendar weeks. Only members with at least an annual allowance of at least one hundred twenty (120) hours of Vacation Time are eligible to participat e in Step 2 of the bidding process. 72 18 Revised CBA 07/17/23 Step 3: After all bargaining unit members have chosen their two (2) additional calendar weeks, in order of descending seniority by classification, bargaining unit members can select no more than one (1) additional calendar week. Only members with at least an annual allowance of at least two hundred (200) hours of Vacation Time are eligible to participate in Step 3 of the bidding process. The vacation periods selected pursuant to this procedure shall be submitted to th e Police Chief or designee for approval no later than November 30th of each year. Thereafter, the Police Chief or designee shall review the requests and post a vacation schedule on or before December 25 th . After the vacation schedule, has been posted, employees can trade, schedule, or reschedule vacation hours only with the approval of the Police Chief or designee. Step 4: Upon the close of the initial bidding process (Steps 1 through 3), notification will be made to bargaining unit members that the initial bidding process is over and that a six (6) day window will be established by the Chief of Police (or designee) in which members can request the use of additional vacation time or other benefit time that has already been earned, limited to three (3) Sa turdays during the upcoming calendar year. During this six (6) day window all benefit time requests will be held for the duration of the six (6) day period and requests will then be processed in order of seniority, except in the event a Lead Telecommunica tor and Telecommunicator request the same time off. In that event, the Lead Telecommunicator will have priority. Time off requests made in Step 4 shall be subject to the approval of the Chief of Police (or designee) and must meet the 24 -hour minimum notice requirement of this agreement and staffing levels established by the Chief of Police. All Other Vacation Requests: After the initial vacation bidding process (Steps 1 through 3) and Step 4 are complete, any remaining vacation requests shall be review ed and approved/denied by the Chief of Police or designee on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event of two (2) or more requests for remaining vacation use, seniority shall prevail in awarding vacation requests. Additional time off requests shall be approved by the Chief of Police or designee based upon staffing levels which are managed by the City. Remaining vacation hours, not selected in the seniority vacation bidding process, may be used in increments of four (4) hours. Accrual: Vacation allowances are earned on a calendar year basis with the following exceptions. After six (6) months of employment, a new hire may use up to forty (40) hours vacation time prior to their first anniversary date. The use of such borrowed vacation hours shall be deducted from vacation accruals posted on their first anniversary date. Beginning the following January 1 and every January 1 thereafter, such employees will receive the vacation hours they accrued during the prior calendar year for use in the cal endar year in which they are given. Second, on an employee’s anniversary date of employment in a year (after the employee’s first) in which the employee becomes eligible to earn additional vacation hours (the employee’s sixth, thirteenth, and twentieth ann iversaries); the employee will receive the additional hours on their anniversary for use during the remainder of the calendar year. On the following January 1, the employee will receive the vacation hours accrued during the prior calendar year based upon the new rate of vacation accrual. Vacations to be scheduled and taken during a given calendar year are vacation allowances earned during the previous calendar year or provided to the employee on their anniversary date of employment for use during the remainder of the calendar year. All vacation hours must be taken by the end of the calendar year in which they are to be scheduled, unless the employee through a written request receives authorization by the Chief of Police to carry over vacation hours (not to exceed forty (40) hours) or sell back vacation hours or a combination of the two. 73 19 Revised CBA 07/17/23 Such requests shall not reasonably be withheld. Employees may take vacation time in four (4) hour increments. The Chief of Police or designee reserves the right to can cel any or all approved vacation leaves in advance of there being taken and/or to recall any employees from vacations in progress. Such cancellations and revocations shall not be unreasonable. ARTICLE 12 SICK LEAVE Section 12.1 Purpose and Allowance Sick leave with pay is provided as a benefit in recognition that employees do contract various illnesses from time-to-time and that their financial resources may be diminished in such instances if pay is discontinued, and that it may not be in the best interest or health of the employee or fellow employees to work while sick. Any employee contracting or incurring an non -service connected sickness or disability (except where the injury or illness is incurred while the employee is performing compensated service outside of his employment with the City where compensation for such injury or illness is provided by the outside employer, i.e., workers’ compensation, sick leave, etc.) shall receive sick leave with pay as set forth in this Article. Section 12.2 Hours Earned in Accumulation Employees shall be allowed eight (8) hours of sick leave for each month of service (which equals a total accumulation of ninety-six (96) hours per year). Sick leave shall be earned by an employee for any month in which the employee is co mpensated for more than eighty (80) “hours of work.” For purposes of this Section only, accrued benefit days other than sick leave shall be considered “hours of work”; no other paid or unpaid absence from duty shall be counted as “hours of work.” Sick leave cannot be taken before it is actually earned. Section 12.3 Notification Notification of absence due to sickness shall be given to an individual designated by the Police Chief (normally the Shift Supervisor on duty) as soon as possible on the first day of such absence and every day thereafter (unless this requirement is waived by the Chief in writing), but no later than one (1) hour before the start of the employee’s work shift. Failure to properly report an illness without good cause may be considered as absence without pay and may subject the employee to discipline. Section 12.4 Medical Examination The City may, at its discretion, require an employee to submit a physician’s verification of illness, and such verification normally will be required for sick leave of three (3) consecutive duty shifts or more. The City also may require a physician’s verification that the employee is well enough to return to work. A medical certification/or verification of illness is acceptable as provided by a physician, or p hysician’s assistant or nurse practitioner. Falsification of any verification of illness shall be grounds for disciplinary action, which may include reimbursement by the employee to the City for sick leave benefits wrongfully obtained. The City, at its option, may require an employee to submit to an examination by a physician or other medical professional chosen by the City. If the City requires an employee to submit to an examination by a physician designated by the City, the City will pay the medical exp enses to the extent they are not covered by insurance (i.e., the employee shall not be responsible for such costs). Section 12.5 Sick Leave Utilization Sick leave shall be used in no less than one (1) hour increments. Sick leave may be utilized for the purposes specified in Section 12.1, or as needed as a result of a family member’s illness, injury or medical appointment as defined by the Illinois Employee Sick Leave Act, up to six (6) days of accumulated sick leave per calendar year for absences due to il lness, injury and medical appointments for the employee’s child, spouse, sibling, parent, mother/father-in-law, grandchild, grandparent or stepparent, or a party to 74 20 Revised CBA 07/17/23 a Civil union as defined by the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act (750ILCS 75/) to seek medical attention for an existing medical condition, or for a non-elective medical procedure. For purposes of Section 12.6(b), sick leave may accrue to a maximum of 1000 hours of sick leave as of the end of each fiscal year. There shall be no maximum accumulation or cap on sick days for use in accordance with Section 12.1. To the extent permitted by law, employees on sick leave are required to remain at home unless hospitalized, visiting their doctor, or acting pursuant to reasonable in structions for care. Section 12.6 Unused Sick Leave (a) A full-time bargaining unit member in good standing who has used less than twenty -four (24) hours during any calendar year may elect to receive a sick leave cash payment for difference between twent y- four (24) hours and the number of sick leave hours actually used (twenty -four (24) hours maximum). The number of days for which such employee elects cash compensation shall be deducted from such employee’s accumulated sick leave. Employees who elect to r eceive such payment for any calendar year must notify the Chief thereof by January 31 the following year, with such payment to be made by February 28 of such following year. (b) A full-time bargaining unit member in good standing (i) who has been placed on permanent disability pension, or (ii) who has at least twelve (12) years of service on the Department as a full time employee, or (iii) has at least twelve (12) years of service on the Department as a full time employee, is eligible to retire, and who dies (in which case it will be the employee’s estate which collects), is eligible to retire, and who elects to retire, shall be paid for unused sick leave days at the rate of fifty percent (50%) of the employee’s regular rate of pay in effect on the 1st day of May immediately preceding the employee’s last day of active work for the City for all accrued and unused sick leave time as of the employee’s last day of active work for the City, up to a maximum of one-thousand (1000) hours, provided the employee has accumulated at least four-hundred (400) hours of unused sick leave will be paid fifty percent (50%) for all sick leave hours up to one-thousand (1000), for a maximum of five hundred (500) hours of pay. In no event, shall any employee be entitled to the benefits set forth in Section 12.6(b) if the employee is discharged, unless such discharge is over turned by an administrative proceeding. ARTICLE 13 ADDITIONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Section 13.1 Unpaid Discretionary Leaves The City may grant leaves of absence, without pay or salary, to employees for job-related reasons (such as further training or study), which will enable employees to perform their usual and customary duties with greater efficiency and expertise, or other valid reasons (such as prolonged illness of the employee, his spouse, or his child or children or childbirth). No leave, if granted, shall be for a period exceeding three hundred sixty-five (365) consecutive calendar days. The denial of discretionary leaves shall not be subject to the dispute resolution and grievance procedure of this Agreement. Section 13.2 Military Leave Military leave shall be granted in accordance with applicable Federal and/or State law. Employees must apply for such leave as soon as they are aware of the need for such leave. Section 13.3 Bereavement Leave In the event of the death of an immediate family member, an employee may be permitted to be absent from their job for up to three (3) workdays off with the City’s approval and receive regular straight time pay. For purposes of this Section, immediate family shall include the following persons related by blood, marriage or law to the employee: parents, spouse, children, siblings, mother -in-law, father-in-law, son- in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, spouse's child, stepparent, spouse's grandparent, 75 21 Revised CBA 07/17/23 grandparents, and grandchildren and partner to a civil union as defined by 750 ILCS 75/. In the event of the death of an extended family member, an employee may be permitted to be absent from his job for one (1) workday with the City’s approval and receive regular straight time pay. For purposes of this Section, “extended family” shall include aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. Any absence to attend the bereavement of anyone who is not a member of an employee’s immediate or extended family may be arranged with the City, without pay, but previously accrued and unused benefit days other than sick leave may be utilized in such case with the consent of the City. An employee shall provide satisfactory evidence of the death and of the employee’s attendance at the funeral or service if so requested by the City. At the City’s discretion, an employee may be permitted to use accrued benefit days other than sick leave, up to a maximum of five (5) additional days, in connection with bereavement leave days to extend bereavement leave or at the employee's option such leave may be arranged without pay. Section 13.4 Jury Leave An employee required to report for jury duty (including service on a grand ju ry) shall be excused from work without loss of pay for jury duty which occurs on the employee’s scheduled duty days and during the employee’s scheduled duty hours. An employee shall immediately notify the Police Chief or designee as soon as the employee receives a notice to appear as a juror, and must provide the Police Chief or designee with a copy of the jury summons prior to reporting for jury duty. In order for employees to receive compensation from the City for such jury duty, the employee must sign ov er to the City any compensation he receives for serving as a juror on days for which the employee was scheduled to be on duty. Section 13.5 Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) Leave A leave of absence for reasons covered by the FMLA shall be granted in accordance with the City’s published Family and Medical Leave Act policy and applicable law. A work day is defined as an eight (8) hour day or forty (40) hours a week. unless the leave is for intermittent leave then a work day is defined as a twelve (12) hour work day. Section 13.6 Application for Leave Unless otherwise required by law, any request for a leave of absence other than funeral leave under this article shall be submitted in writing by the employee to the City or its designee as far in advance as practicable. The request shall state the reason for the leave of absence and the approximate length of time off the employee desires. Authorization for a leave of absence, if granted, will be furnished to the employee by the City and it shall be in writing. Section 13.7 Benefits While on Unpaid Discretionary Leave Unless otherwise required by law, length of service and other benefits shall not accrue for an employee who is on approved non-pay, discretionary leave status under this Article. (a) Accumulated length of service shall remain in place during that leave and shall begin to accrue again when the employee returns to work on a pay status. (b) Upon return from leave, the City shall place the employee in his or her previous assignment, if vacan t. If not vacant, an employee returning from leave will be placed in the first available assignment according to the employee’s seniority, where skill and ability to perform the work without additional training is equal. If, upon the expiration of a leave of absence, there is no work available for the employee, he shall go directly on layoff. (c) During an approved unpaid leave of absence or layoff under this Agreement, an employee shall be entitled to coverage under applicable group medical and life insuranc e plans to the extent provided 76 22 Revised CBA 07/17/23 in such plan(s), provided the employee makes arrangements for the change and arrangements to pay the entire insurance premium involved, including the amount of the premium previously paid by the City. Section 13.8 Non-Employment Elsewhere A leave of absence will not be granted to enable an employee to try for or accept employment elsewhere or for self-employment without prior written approval of the Chief. Employees who engage in employment elsewhere during such leave without such prior written approval may immediately be terminated by the City. ARTICLE 14 WAGES Section 14.1 Base Wage Employees covered by the Agreement shall be compensated in accordance with the wage schedule attached hereto and incorporated herein as Appendix A. Section 14.2 Tuition Reimbursement Regular full-time employees enrolled in an educational course directly related to the employee’s position with the City, may request reimbursement of tuition from the City. Reimbursement of tuition is not guaranteed and is within the discretion of the City pursuant to the terms of this policy. Each of the following conditions shall precede any such reimbursement. Only courses directly related to the employee’s present position with the City shall qualify for tuition reimbursement. To be eligible for reimbursement, prior to registration for the particular course, the employee shall submit a request to his or her Department Head on the City’s Tuition Reimbursement Form. If the Department Head recommends reimbursement for the course, it must also be approved by the City Administrator. The City Administrator shall determine whether the conditions precedent to tuition reimbursement are satisfied. Because of the nature of education as it relates to day-to-day activities of all people, the determination of the City Administrator as to whether the course is directly related to the employee’s position with the City shall be completely within his discretion and shall be final. Funds for the reimbursement of the course must have been budgeted for the current fiscal year. Reimbursement is limited to the tuition fee only, and may not exceed $1750 per fiscal year. Tuition reimbursement may be paid only upon the City’s receipt of a certificate evidencing completion of the course with a grade of “C” or better or, if the course if a pass/fail, then upon receiving a “pass” grade and a receipt of full payment from the school, university or educational institution. Section 14.3 Deferred Compensation Plan (457K) The City shall continue to make available to employees the same 457K Deferred Compensation Plan provided all City employees. The City reserves the right to change, alter, amend, or eliminate the plan as it deems appropriate. Section 14.4 Lateral Transfers Both the City and the Union recognize the value of newly hired employees with previous related experience, and to that end, agree to the following: newly hired employees with previous experience in their assigned job classification will begin at an advanced step of pay matrix, but in no event higher than Step 5 unless agreed to by the parties. The pay matrix step the employee is placed on will only affect the employee’s pay, and will not be considered for seniority referenced in any articles or sections of this Agreement. The City may exercise its discretion to place newly hired employees with previous experience at an advance step on the matrix. The Union reserves the right to object to the placement if the placement demonstrates that the City has abused its discretion by effectuating a placement which is not warranted by the newly hired employees’ previous experience. 77 23 Revised CBA 07/17/23 ARTICLE 15 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE Section 15.1 Initial Uniform All members of the bargaining unit shall be required to appear appropriately dressed for work. The City shall furnish employees, upon completion of the initial training period, a complete set of initial uniforms and equipment as specific below: Records Clerks – Five (5) pair of pants; Two (2) sweaters; Three (3) long sleeve shirts; Three (3) short sleeve shirts; One (1) pair of shoes; One (1) belt. Community Service Officers – Five (5) pair of pants; One (1) winter jacket; One (1) rain coat; Three (3) long sleeve shirts; Three (3) short sleeve shirts; One (1) pair of shoes; One (1) pair of winter boots ; One (1) belt. Telecommunicator – Four (4) pair of pants; One (1) sweater and/or Fleece; Three (3) long sleeve shirts; Three (3) short sleeve shirts; One (1) pair of shoes; One (1) belt; One (1) long sleeve polo shirt; One (1) short sleeve polo shirt. Lead Telecommunicator – Four (4) pair of pants; One (1) sweater and/or Fleece; Three (3) long sleeve shirts; Three (3) short sleeve shirts; One (1) pair of shoes; One (1) belt; One (1) long sleeve polo shirt; One (1) short sleeve polo shirt. Section 15.2 Uniform Allowances and Reimbursement of Uniform Cleaning Expenses Employees shall receive up to four hundred dollars ($400) per fiscal year (except for the first year of employment or when uniforms change for initial issue) for uniform purchases, maintenan ce and cleaning expenses. Newly hired employees will not be eligible for this provision in their first year of employment if their hire date is November 1st or later. Section 15.3 Return of Uniforms and Equipment Upon separation from employment by the City, employees will be responsible for the return of uniforms and equipment purchased with City funds or issued directly by the City, in good condition, less normal depreciation and destruction in the course of employment. ARTICLE 16 INSURANCE Section 16.1 Coverage and Cost The City shall make available to non-retired bargaining unit employees and their dependents substantially similar group health and hospitalization insurance, dental insurance, and vision insurance coverage and benefits to that in existence for other City employees prior to the signing of this Agreement. The City reserves the right to change or offer alternative insurance carriers, health maintenance organizations, or benefit levels or to self-insure as it deems appropriate, so long as the new or alternative coverage and benefit levels are substantially similar to those which they are replacing. In order to control future health and hospitalization insurance cost increases, the City also may alter employee deductibles and/or co-pay requirements provided such changes shall likewise be applicable to all City employees. Employees may continue to elect to participate in the City’s Health Care Benefits Salary Reduction Plan, in which they pay their share of insurance costs with pre-tax dollars. 78 24 Revised CBA 07/17/23 Section 16.2 Cost Containment The City reserves the right to institute cost containment measures relative to insurance coverage so long as the basic level of insurance benefits remains substantially the same. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, mandatory second opinions for elective surgery, preadmission and continuing admission review, prohibition on weekend admissions except in emergency situations, and mandatory outpatient elective surgery for certain designated surgical procedures . Section 16.3 Life Insurance The current City coverage of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) for life insurance for each employee covered by this Agreement in effect at the time of the signing of this Agreement shall continue for the life of the agreement, at no cost to the employee. Section 16.4 Terms of Insurance Policies to Govern The extent of coverage under the insurance policies (including HMO and self -insured plans) referred to in this Agreement shall be governed by the terms and conditions set forth in said policies or plans. Any questions or disputes concerning an employee’s claim for benefits under said insurance policies or plans shall be resolved in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in said policies or plans and shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure set forth in this Agreement. The failure of any outside insurance carrier(s) or plan administrator(s) to provide any benefit for which it has contracted or is obligated shall result in no liability to the City, nor shall such failure be considered a breach by the City of any obligation undertaken under this or any other Agreement. However, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to relieve any insurance carrier(s) or plan administrator(s) from any liability it may have to the City, employee or beneficiary of any employee. Section 16.5 Waiver of Insurance Any employee shall have the option to waive the right to receive medical, dental and/or vision insurance coverage under the terms of this Section. I f an employee waives any such insurance coverage, but thereafter chooses to reverse his decision, the reinstatement of each such insurance shall be contingent upon the employee’s insurability and shall also be subject to such conditions, limitations and restrictions as the City’s insurers may prescribe as a consequence of the employee’s prior waiver and non -coverage. Section 16.6 Employee Deductible and Co-Insurance Costs The Employee’s premium contribution shall be limited to the following amounts and percentages for the term of this agreement. 2021 Medical Insurance Plan Year (1/1/2021 – 12/31/2021) Employee EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) Family PPO Plan $105.00 $240.00 $225.00 $415.00 HSA Plan $85.00 $230.00 $223.00 $361.76 HMO $24.45 $110.00 $116.23 $200.00 79 25 Revised CBA 07/17/23 2022 Medical Insurance Plan Year (1/1/2022 – 12/31/2022) Employee EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) Family PPO Plan $113.00 $260.00 $245.00 $435.00 HSA Plan $90.00 $240.00 $233.00 $385.00 HMO $25.00 $125.00 $120.00 $210.00 2023 Medical Insurance Plan Year (1/1/2023 – 12/31/2023) Employee EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) Family PPO Plan $123.00 $273.00 $260.00 $457.75 HSA Plan $95.00 $250.00 $243.00 $405.00 HMO $27.50 $130.00 $125.00 $220.00 2024 Medical Insurance Plan Year (1/1/2024 – 12/31/2024) Employee EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) Family PPO Plan $130.00 $292.00 $280.00 $477.00 HSA Plan $95.00 $265.00 $255.00 $420.00 HMO $27.50 $130.00 $125.00 $220.00 2025 Medical Insurance Plan Year (1/1/2025 – 12/31/2025) Employee EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) Family PPO Plan $138.50 $295.00 $285.00 $490.00 HSA Plan $98.00 $275.00 $265.00 $430.00 HMO $27.50 $130.00 $125.00 $220.00 5/1/2021 – 12/31/2023 Dental Insurance Employee EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) Family $5.00 $29.00 $30.00 $55.00 80 26 Revised CBA 07/17/23 5/1/2021 – 12/31/2023 Vision Plan Year Employee EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) Family $1.00 $7.00 $7.50 $18.50 2024 – 2025 Dental Insurance Employee EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) Family $5.50 $32.00 $34.50 $60.50 2024-2025 Vision Plan Year Employee EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) Family $1.00 $8.25 $10.35 $24.75 Employee Deductible and Co-Pay Costs During the term of this Labor Agreement, the City agrees that any such deductible and co -pay shall be the same as those costs applicable to the general, non -contract employees, but may be less per the labor negotiations. ARTICLE 17 EMPLOYEE ALCOHOL AND D RUG TESTING Section 17.1 Statement of Policy It is the policy of the City of McHenry that the public has the absolute right to expect persons employed by the City in its Police Department will be free from the effects of drugs and alcohol. The City, as the employer, has the right to expect its employees to report for work fit and able for duty. The purposes of this policy shall be achieved in such a manner as not to violate any established rights of the employees of the Police Department. Section 17.2 Prohibitions Except as ordered to do so in the line of duty, employees shall be prohibited from: (a) Consuming, possessing or being under the influence of alcohol at any time during the course of the work day or anywhere on any City premises, including City buildings, properties, or City owned vehicles; (b) Possessing, using, selling, purchasing or delivering any illegal drug at any time and at any place, or abusing any prescription drug; (c) Failing to report to the employee’s supervisor any known adverse side effects of medication or prescription drugs which the employee may be taking. Section 17.3 Drug and Alcohol Testing Permitted 81 27 Revised CBA 07/17/23 The City shall have the right to require an employee to submit immediately to alcohol or drug testing on a specified situation basis (as outlined below) or if the City has reasonable suspicion to believe that: (a) an employee is being affected by the use of alcohol; or (b) has abused prescription drugs; or (c) has used illegal drugs. The foregoing shall not limit the right of the City to conduct any tests it may deem appropriate for persons seeking employment prior to their date of hire. Specified situation testing may occur in the following circumstances: (a) If an employee is involved in a motor vehicle accident or otherwise damages City or personal property while in the performance of his duty; (b) If an employee is injured, or injures another while in the performance of his duty; (c) If an employee is to be promoted to a higher paying position or recalled from layo ff; or (d) If an employee has experienced excessive absenteeism or tardiness under circumstances giving rise to a suspicion of off-duty drug or alcohol abuse. Section 17.4 Order to Submit to Testing At the time an employee is directed to submit to testing authorized by this Agreement, the City shall provide the employee with a written notice, setting forth the objective facts and reasonable inferences drawn from those facts which have formed the basis of the City’s decision to test. The employee shall be given a reasonable opportunity to consult with a Union representative at the time the notice is given. Refusal to submit to such test may subject the employee to discipline, but the employee’s taking of the test shall not be construed as a waiver of any objection or rights that he or she may possess. Section 17.5 Test to be Conducted In conducting the testing authorized by this Agreement, the City shall: (a) Use only a clinical laboratory or hospital facility that is licensed pursuant to the Illinois Clinical Laboratory Act that has or is capable of being accredited by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (b) Establish a chain of custody procedure for both the sample collection and testing that will ensure the integrity of the identity of each sample and test result. No employee covered by this Agreement shall be permitted at any time to become a part of such chain of custody. (c) Collect a sufficient sample of the same bodily fluid or material from an employee to allow for initial screening, a confirmatory test, and a sufficient amount to be set aside reserved for later testing if requested by the employee. (d) Collect samples in such a manner as to preserve the individual employee’s right to privacy while insuring a high degree of security for the sample and its freedom from adulteration. Any employee ordered to submit to testing shall not be witnessed by anyone while submitting a sample, except in circumstances where the laboratory or facility does not have a “clean room” for submitting samples, or where there is reasonable suspicion that the employee may attempt to compromise the accuracy of the testing procedure. (e) Confirm any sample that tests positive in the initial screening for drugs by te sting the second portion of the same sample by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) or an equivalent 82 28 Revised CBA 07/17/23 of better scientifically accurate and accepted method that provides quantitative data about the detected drug or metabolites. (f) Provide the employee tested with an opportunity to have the additional sample tested by a clinical laboratory or hospital facility of the employee’s own choosing, at the employee’s own expense; provided the employee notifies the City within seventy-two (72) hours of receiving the results of the test and provided further that the laboratory or clinic and the testing procedure, including chain-of-custody for the transfer of such sample, meets or exceeds the standards established in this Agreement and is confirmed by a neutral third party. (g) Require that the laboratory or hospital facility report to the City that a blood or urine sample is positive only if both the initial screening and confirmation test are positive for a particular drug. The parties agree that should any information concerning such testing or the results thereof be obtained by the City, inconsistent with the understandings expressed herein (e.g., billings for testing that reveal the nature or number of tests administered), the City will not use such information in any manner or form adverse to the employee’s interests. (h) Require that with regard to alcohol testing, for the purpose of determining whether the employee is under the influence of alcohol, test results showing an alcohol concentration of .02 percent or more based upon the grams of alcohol per 100 millimeters of blood shall be considered positive. (i) Provide each employee tested with a copy of all information and reports received by the City in connection with the testing and the results. Ensure that no employee is the subject of any adverse employment action except emergency temporary reassignment or relief from duty with pay during the tendency of any testing procedure. Any such emergency reassignment or relief from duty shall be immediately discontinued in the event of a negative test result, and the employee shall be fully reinstated to unrestricted duty status. This Section shall not in any way limit the City’s right to take such action as it deems appropriate if an employee is determined to have engaged in conduct prohibited by Section 17.2 of this Article or in conduct that is otherwise subject to discipline. Section 17.6 Disciplinary Action Use, sale, purchase, delivery or possession of illegal drugs at any time, and at any place (on o r off the job) while employed by the City (except when authorized in the line of duty); abuse of prescribed drugs, failure to report to the Chief any known adverse side effects of medication or prescription drugs which the employee may be taking; and consumption, possession or being under the influence of alcohol while on duty, or on City premises (except when authorized in the line of duty), shall be cause for discipline, up to and including termination, subject to the disciplinary procedures set forth Art icle 7 of this Agreement. In cases where, in the City’s discretion, discipline less than discharge is determined to be appropriate, such discipline will be conditioned upon the employee: (a) agreeing to appropriate treatment as determined by the physician(s) involved; (b) discontinuing use of illegal drugs or abuse of alcohol; (c) agreeing to authorize persons involved in counseling, diagnosing and treating the employee to disclose to the City Administrator, and/or the Human Resources Manager, t he employee’s progress, cooperation, drug and alcohol use and any dangers perceived in connection with performing job duties and completion or non-completion of treatment; 83 29 Revised CBA 07/17/23 (d) completing the course of treatment prescribed, including an “after-care” group for a period of up to twelve (12) months; (e) agreeing to submit to unlimited random testing during hours of work during the period of “after- care,” and for a period of eighteen (18) months following the period of “after-care.” Employees who do not agree to or act in accordance with the foregoing, or who test positive a second or subsequent time for the presence of illegal drugs or alcohol during the hours of work, shall be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge. This Article shall not be construed as an obligation on the part of the City to return an employee on active status throughout the period of rehabilitation if it is appropriately determined that the employee’s current use of alcohol or drugs prevents such individual from performing his duties or whose continuance on active status would constitute a direct threat to the property and safety of others. Such employee shall be afforded the opportunity, at his option, to use accumulated paid leave or take an unpaid leave of absence pending treatment. Section 17.7 Voluntary Request for Assistance The City shall take no adverse employment action against any employee who voluntarily seeks treatment, counseling or other support for an alcohol or drug related problem, other than that the City may require reassignment of the employee with pay if he is unfit for duty in his current assignment. The foregoing is conditioned upon the employee: (a) agreeing to appropriate treatment as determined by the physician(s) involved; (b) discontinuing use of illegal drugs or abuse of alcohol; (c) agreeing to authorize persons involved in counseling, diagnosing and treatment of the employee to disclose to City personnel the employee’s progress, cooperation, drug and alcohol use and any dangers perceived in connection with performing job duties and completion or non-completion of treatment; (d) completing the course of treatment prescribed, including an “after-care” group for a period of up to twelve (12) months; and (e) agreeing to submit to unlimited random testing during hours of work during the period of “after- care,” and for a period of eighteen (18) months following the period of “after-care.” Employees who do not agree to or act in accordance with the foregoing, or who test positive for the presence of illegal drugs or alcohol during the hours of work, shall be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge. This Article shall not be construed as an obligation on the part of the City to retain an employee on active status throughout the period of rehabilitation if it is appropriately determined that the employee’s current use of alcohol or drugs prevents such individual from performing his duties or whose continuance on active status would constitute a direct threat to the property and safety of others. Such employee shall be afforded the opportunity, at his option, to use accumulated paid leave or take an unpaid leave of absence pending treatment. Upon successful completion of the treatment, the employee shall be returned to his position. This Article also shall not in any way limit the City’s rights to take such action as the City in its discretion deems appropriate if an employee engages in conduct prohibited by Section 17.2 of this Article, or in conduct that is otherwise subject to discipline and is aggravated by drug or alcohol abuse. 84 30 Revised CBA 07/17/23 Section 17.8 Treatment The City’s obligation to provide treatment under this Agreement for alcohol an d substance abuse shall be limited to services provided and paid for by the City’s insurance plan in which the employee is enrolled. ARTICLE 18 EMPLOYEE STATUTORY RIGHTS Section 18.1 Personnel Files The City agrees to abide by the requirements of the “Personnel Record Review Act,” 820 ILCS 40. All written evidence of discipline shall stay in an employee’s personnel file. However, after the passage of three (3) years, a written or verbal warning will not be utilized in establishing subsequent discipline, provided that conduct similar to that giving rise to the warning has not occurred during that period of time. Section 18.2 Indemnification The City agrees to abide by all statutory requirements for indemnification of public employees. Section 18.3 Access to Arbitration The parties agree that an alleged violation of Section 18.1 or 18.2 may not be taken to arbitration under the grievance procedure. ARTICLE 19 GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 19.1 Gender Unless the context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise, words used in this Agreement denoting gender shall be deemed to refer to both the masculine and feminine. Section 19.2 Ratification and Amendment This Agreement shall become effective when ratified by the Union and the City Council an d signed by authorized representatives thereof and may be amended or modified during its term only with mutual written consent of both parties. Section 19.3 Fitness Examinations If there is any question concerning an employee’s fitness for duty, or fitness to return to duty following a layoff or leave of absence, the City may require, at its expense (to the extent not covered by insurance), that the employee have an examination by a qualified and licensed physician or other appropriate medical professional selected by the City. The City may also require any or all employees to take a complete physical exam as often as once a year. Such physical examinations shall not include employ ee drug or alcohol testing. Prior to requiring an employee to release the results of an examination due to a question concerning his fitness for duty, as opposed to a normal examination or one scheduled due to a return from a leave of absence of layoff, th e Chief shall provide the employee with written notice of the reasons for the examination. Section 19.4 Outside Employment Employees shall not be employed by employers other than the City, nor shall they contract for, or accept anything of value in return for services, nor shall they otherwise be self-employed for remuneration, without the written approval of the Police Chief within fourteen (14) days of the Employee’s acceptance of outside employment. Employees wishing to hold outside jobs, including self -employment, which will not result in a conflict of interest or infringe on their ability to do their job for the City, shall apply in 85 31 Revised CBA 07/17/23 writing to the Police Chief for approval on a form provided by the City. Such application shall be approved or denied within ten (10) working days after submission. Written approval will not be unreasonably withheld where the proposed employment will not: (a) present a conflict of interest; (b) infringe on the employee’s ability to do his job for the City; (c) unreasonably increase the City’s exposure to legal liability for the employee’s off-duty activities; or (d) negatively reflect upon the City or be prohibited by law. If outside employment, including self-employment, has previously been approved or permitted by the City, and if it later appears that such outside employment, including self -employment, will result in a conflict of interest, infringe on the ability of the employee to do his job for the City, increase the City’s exposure to legal liability, or negatively reflect upon the City or be prohibited by law, prior approval for such outside employment may be revoked, provided that the employee involved shall receive at least fourteen (14) calendar days advance notice in writing of such revocation. The City shall n ot unreasonably revoke approval of outside employment. Section 19.5 No Smoking All employees are strongly encouraged to quit smoking. Any employees who do not quit smoking may be required by the City of department policy to confine their smoking to a designated area(s). Section 19.6 Special Assignment Employees The City retains its right to participate in any governmental or inter -governmental agency having an independent law enforcement authority or basis of jurisdiction. Without otherwise limiting an employee’s legal rights, the parties agree that any contract disputes relating to an employee’s hours, wages, or terms and conditions of employment that arise as a result of a decision rendered by the intergovernmental agency shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure. Any contract disputes relating to hours, wages, or terms and conditions of employment that arise as a result of a decision rendered by the City of McHenry will remain subject to the grievance and arbitration provisions of Article 8. Section 19.7 Rules and Regulations The City’s existing policies, procedures, rules and regulations, as well as those of its Police Department, shall not be considered a part of this Agreement. Such policies and procedures shall control unless in conflict with specific provisions of this Agreement. The Union acknowledges the right of the City to make, alter, interpret and enforce reasonable and lawful rules, orders and policies as it deems appropriate, consistent with the Management Rights Article of this Agreement. Other than in an emergency situation, where the City seeks to add to, modify, alter, change, delete, or otherwise amend or supplement the existing policies, procedures, rules, regulations, orders or directives of the City or the Police Department, the City shall notify the Union in writing of the proposed change(s) at least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of the modification of said non-economic terms and conditions of employment, and shall provide a reasonable opportunity to the Union, before the proposed modifications are finalized, to meet and discuss with the City the proposed modification. Any meeting that occurs pursuant to this Section shall be in the form of a labor-management conference pursuant to Article 4 of this Agreement. 86 32 Revised CBA 07/17/23 Section 19.8 Inoculations The City shall offer, at City expense, a Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Inoculation Series to all employees. The City shall administer or provide a verification test of successful inoculation to any employee that receives the inoculation series, and any additional inoculations. As non -experimental inoculations become available (as approved by FDA) for additional strains of hepatitis, Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) related conditions or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) antibody positive conditions, such inoculations at City’s expense shall be provided to employees. Section 19.9 Communicable Diseases The City and the employee shall notify each other as soon as possible if the employee, in the course of his duties, has come into contact with persons found to have a contagious disease. If it is determined that the employee has come into such contact, the City shall provide any medical examination and/or diagnostic test, if necessary, to protect the safety of the employee and/or members of his immediate family with whom he resides. Costs for treatment shall be paid for by the City to the extent they are not otherwise covered by insurance. Section 19.10 Replacement of Personal Property In the event, any item of personal property specified below is lost or damaged in the course of an employee’s duties while the employee is exercising due care and caution under the circumstances, the City will reimburse the employee for the repair or replacement of such item(s ), provided the incident and the amount of the loss or damage is promptly reported to the Police Chief or designee. Further, the City’s responsibility under this Section shall not exceed three-hundred dollars ($300) per employee, per incident, and the City, in its discretion, may pay only for the functional equivalent of the personal property damaged, where the cost of the actual damaged property, although under three -hundred dollars ($300), is deemed excessive by the Chief of Police. In the event that the loss or damage is determined not to be in the course of employment or is found to be due to the employee’s negligence or as a result of ordinary wear, no reimbursement shall be made. The following items shall be subject to replacement or repair under the provisions of this Section: eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, contact lens, hearing aids and watches. The City reserves the right, upon application by an employee, to replace other personal property items at the City’s sole discretion. The employee shall, when applicable, pursue court-ordered restitution, and such restitution will be signed over to the City, up to the amount the City paid to the employee. Section 19.11 Location of Meetings All meeting for purposes of administering or negotiating this Agreement shall be held in McHenry, Illinois unless mutually agreed upon otherwise. Section 19.12 No Solicitation While the City acknowledges that the Union may be conducting solicitation of City merchants, residents or citizens, the Union agrees that none of its officers, agents or members will solicit any person or entity for contributions or donations on behalf of the City of McHenry or the McHenry Police Department. The Union agrees that the City name, badge, insignia, communication systems, supplies and materials will not be used for solicitations purposes. Solicitation by bargaining unit employees may not be done on work time or in work areas. Neither the Lodge nor the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council, nor its agents or representatives may use the words “McHenry Police Department” or “City of McHenry” in its name. The Union further agrees that any written or oral solicitation of McHenry residents, citizens or merchants and businesses will include the words “This solicitation is not made o n behalf of, nor do receipts go to the benefit of, the McHenry Police Department of the City of McHenry.” The foregoing shall not be construed as a prohibition of lawful solicitation efforts by the Lodge or Illinois Fraternal 87 33 Revised CBA 07/17/23 Order of Police Labor Council directed to the general public, nor shall it limit the City’s right to make public comments concerning solicitation. ARTICLE 20 SAVINGS CLAUSE In the event any Article, section or portion of this Agreement should be held invalid and unenforceable by any board, agency or court of competent jurisdiction or by reason of any subsequently enacted legislation, such decision or legislation shall apply only to the specific Article, section or portion thereof specified in the board, agency or court decision or subsequent litigation, and the remaining parts or portions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. If there is a conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any legal obligations or affirmative action requirements imposed on the City by federal or state law, such legal obligations or affirmative action requirements thus imposed shall be controlling. ARTICLE 21 IMPASSE RESOLUTION Upon the expiration of this Agreement, the remedies for the resolution of any bargaining impasse shall be in accordance with the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, Section 14, as amended, with the following exception: The neutral interest arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with the selection procedure set forth in Section 8.3 of this Agreement, with the provision that the entire panel of arbitrators requested has experience in interest arbitration. ARTICLE 22 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire agreement between the parties, and concludes collective bargaining between the parties for its term. This Agreement supersedes and cancels all prior practices and agreements, whether written or oral, unless expressly stated in this Agreement. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law or ordinance from the area of collective bargaining, and that the understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. The City and the Union, for the duration of this Agreement, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right, and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated, to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter, whether or not referred to or covered in this Agreement, even though such su bjects or matters may not have been within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or signed this Agreement. It is expressly agreed that the City may unilaterally exercise any management rights consistent with Article 3 even though the exercise of such rights may involve subjects or matters not referred to or covered in this Agreement. ARTICLE 23 TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective from May 1, 2021 and shall remain in full force and effect through April 30, 2025. It shall automatically be renewed from year to year thereafter, unless either party shall notify the other in writing at least ninety (90) days prior to the anniversary date that it desires to modify this Agreement. In the event that such notice is given, negotiations shall begin no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. Notwithstanding any provision of this Article or Agree ment to the contrary, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect after the expiration date and until a new agreement is reached unless either party gives at least ten (10) days written notice to the other party of its desire to terminate this Agreement, provided such termination date shall not be before the anniversary date set forth in the preceding paragraph. 88 34 Revised CBA 07/17/23 Executed this day ___________________________, 2021. CITY OF MCHENRY: ILFOP LABOR COUNCIL: Wayne S. Jett Date Ryan Miller Date Mayor Unit Steward Monte Johnson Date Kaitlin Durband Date Deputy City Clerk Unit Steward SEAL: Marybeth Varvil Date Unit Steward ____________________________________ David Porter Date Union Steward ___________________________________ Kevin S. Krug Date FOP Labor Council Northern Field Supervisor 89 35 Revised CBA 07/17/23 APPENDIX A - WAGE SCHEDULES Telecommunicators Current May 1, 2021 May 1, 2022 May 1, 2023 May 1, 2024 2.00% 2.25% 2.25% 2.50% Start 54,687.78 55,781.54 57,036.62 58,319.94 59,777.94 After 1 Year 56,618.22 57,750.58 59,049.97 60,378.59 61,888.05 After 2 Years 58,549.87 59,720.87 61,064.59 62,438.54 63,999.50 After 3 Years 60,482.68 61,692.33 63,080.41 64,499.72 66,112.21 After 4 Years 62,417.86 63,666.22 65,098.71 66,563.43 68,227.52 After 5 Years 64,348.31 65,635.28 67,112.07 68,622.09 70,337.64 After 6 Years 66,282.30 67,607.95 69,129.13 70,684.54 72,451.65 After 7 Years 68,217.48 69,581.83 71,147.42 72,748.24 74,566.95 After 8 Years 70,147.93 71,550.89 73,160.79 74,806.91 76,677.08 After 9 Years 72,087.84 73,529.60 75,184.02 76,875.66 78,797.55 Lead Telecommunicators 75,692.23 77,206.07 78,943.21 80,719.43 82,737.42 Community Service Current May 1, 2021 May 1, 2022 May 1, 2023 May 1, 2024 Officers and Records Clerks 2.00% 2.25% 2.25% 2.50% Start 42,061.79 42,903.03 43,868.35 44,855.39 45,976.77 After 1 Year 44,148.39 45,031.36 46,044.57 47,080.57 48,257.58 After 2 Years 46,236.14 47,160.86 48,221.98 49,306.97 50,539.64 After 3 Years 48,319.17 49,285.55 50,394.47 51,528.35 52,816.56 After 4 Years 50,405.78 51,413.90 52,570.71 53,753.55 55,097.39 After 5 Years 52,494.73 53,544.62 54,749.37 55,981.23 57,380.76 After 6 Years 54,580.12 55,671.72 56,924.33 58,205.13 59,660.26 After 7 Years 56,667.91 57,801.27 59,101.80 60,431.59 61,942.38 After 8 Years 58,753.30 59,928.37 61,276.76 62,655.49 64,221.88 After 9 Years 60,845.82 62,062.74 63,459.15 64,886.98 66,509.15 90 36 Revised CBA 07/17/23 APPENDIX B - AGREEMENT TO EXTEND TIME LIMITS The City of McHenry and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council by its authorized representative do hereby agree to extend the time limits for further processing the grievance commonly referred to as the grievance. This grievance is currently at Step of the grievance procedure. It shall be frozen at that step to allow the parties further opportunity to investigate the dispute until either party delivers to the other a written notice demanding that the grievance processing resume. Neither party waives its position or rights with regard to this grievance by making this agreement to extend the time limits. This form is also available for use in connection with the holding of a grievance meeting under the Agreement. For use in that connection, it is hereby agreed that the seven (7) calendars day period for holding the meeting is hereby extended to and including __________________________________. FOR THE EMPLOYER DATE FOR THE LABOR COUNCIL DATE 91 37 Revised CBA 07/17/23 APPENDIX C - DUES AUTHORIZATION FORM ILLINOIS FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LABOR COUNCIL 974 CLOCK TOWER DRIVE SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 62704 I, , understand that under the U.S. Constitution I have a right not to belong to a Union. By my signature I hereby waive this right and opt to join the IL FOP Labor Council. I, _____________________________________, hereby authorize my Employer, the City of McHenry, to deduct from my wages the uniform amount of monthly dues set by the Illinois Fraternal order of Police Labor Council, for expenses connected with the cost of negotiating and maintaining the collective bargaining agreement between the parties and to remit such dues to the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council as it may from time to time direct. In addition, I authorize my employer to deduct from my wages any back dues owed to the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council from the date of its certification as exclusive bargaining representative to the date this dues dedu ction is implemented, in such manner as it so directs. Date: Signed: Address: City: State: Zip: Telephone: Employment Start Date: Title: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Employer, please remit all dues deductions to: Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Attn: Accounting 974 Clock Tower Drive Springfield, Illinois 62704 (217) 698-9433 Dues remitted to the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes; however, they may be deductible on Schedule A of Form 1040 as a miscellaneous deduction. 92 City of McHenry 333 S Gre en Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. AGENDA ITEM DATE: July 17, 2023 TO: City Council RE: Reduce Class B Liquor L icenses AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Cucina Rosa, a Class B liquor license hol der , has closed their business. We now must pass an ordinance to reduce the number of Class B liquor licenses. RECOMMENDATION: If council concurs, it is recommended to p ass an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Alcoholic Liquor, Section 6, License Classification and Fees; Approval Authority; Limitation on Number of Licenses 93 ORDINANCE NO. 23- Amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Alcoholic Liquor, Section 6, License Classification and Fees; Approval Authority; Limitation on Number of Licenses WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: Section 4-2-6, subs ection D-2, of the Municipal Code relating to liquor license clas sifications, shall be amended as follows : D.2. Class B (Service) License: Issuance of a Class B license shall authorize the sale of alcoholic liquor, for consumption on the premises only when served as follows. No full bar is permitted. a. Restaurant Table Service: All sales, service, and consumption conducted at tables; and b. Theatre And Entertainment Service: All sales and service conducted over a concession counter with consumption in theater and entertainment center seats; and c. Mixed Use Service: All sales and service conducted at tables or over a temporary counter and consumption within the defined area of the mixed use special event facility. The annual fee for a Class B license shall be eight hundred dollars ($800.00). No more than fourteen (14) Class B licenses shall be in force in the City at any time. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not effect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed this 17th day of July, 2023. Ayes Nays Absent Abstain 94 Alderwoman Bassi ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Glab ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Koch ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman McClatchey ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderwoman Miller ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Santi ____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Strach ____ _____ _____ _____ ______________________ ________________________ Wayne Jett, Mayor Monte Johnson, Deputy City Clerk 95 Office of Finance & Accounting Carolyn Lynch, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: July 17, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: Adjustment for Water and Wastewater Rates ATT: Ordinance Amending Title 9-2C-5 Subsection B (Waterworks User Rates) and Title 9-4B-1 Subsection F (Wastewater user rates) ______________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Council is being asked to consider the attached ordinance adjusting water and sewer rates to levels that are appropriate to fund existing operating and mai ntenance to the water and sewer systems. BACKGROUND: In 2013, a Water and Sewer Rate Analysis was conducted by HR Green, Inc. A recommendation identified in this study was that water and sewer rates be reviewed and, based on this review, adjusted annually based on the actual operational, maintenance and capital improvement needs of the municipality. This is distinct from the City’s previous methodology of basing rate adjustments on a financial index or comparisons with surrounding communities. In May 2018, the Water and Sewer Rates were not increased as when rates were analyzed with the budget process, revenues were found to exceed the operating and maintenance expenses. In May 2019, the Water Rate was increased by $0.20 to $3.54 in order to meet water maintenance and operational needs. At the June 21, 2021 council meeting Water rates were raised $0.28 to $3.82 and Sewer rates were raised $0.20 to $4.20 in order to meet water and sewer maintenance and operational needs. As a part of the FY23/24 Budget presentation, the water and sewer rate changes proposed with the attached ordinance were presented and discussed in order to tie the rate adjustment to the water and sewer maintenance, operational, and capital needs. 96 ANALYSIS: Once the budgets for the Water, Sewer and Utility Maintenance Divisions of Public W orks were developed, it was determined that the current operational revenues for the Sewer Division were underfunding the needs of the division. This was determined by analyzing the usage from March 2022 through February 2023 and calculating the revenues with the current rates ($3.82 per 1,000 gallons for residential water and $4.20 per 1,000 gallons for residential sewer). Usage has been fairly stable over the last few years so it is unlikely that usage will be significantly higher or lower in the next year. As identified in the FY23/24 Budget, the Water Division’s operational expenses are $2,485,868. The estimated operational revenues are $2,627,500 with the current water rates of $3.82 per 1,000 gallons (residential) and $4.09 per 1,000 gallons (congregate care). This analysis therefore identifies that the Water Division Revenues are currently meeting the operational needs of the division based on the existing rates and no recommended water rate is necessary. It was proposed at the June 19, 2023 council meeting that since the revenues are greater than the operating needs that the water rate be lowered by the $0.17 increase to Residential Sewer rate and $0.16 increase to Congregate Sewe r rate. This will change the residential rate to $3.65 per 1,000 gallons and the congregate care rate to $3.93 per 1,000 gallons. With these changes the estimated operational revenues would be $2,529,016 which would still meet the operating expenses. The FY23/24 Sewer Division Budget identifies operational expenses at $3,543,796 with estimated operational revenues at $3,459,121 based on the current sewer rates of $4.20 per 1,000 gallons (residential) and $4.06 per 1,000 gallons (congregate care), and the unmetered rate $40.04. This analysis therefore identifies that the Sewer Division is currently underfunded based on the existing rates and it is recommended that the sewer rate be increased by 4%. This will result in a new residential rate of $4.37 per 1,000 gallons and the congregate care rate at $4.22 per 1,000 gallons respectively, with estimated total operational revenues of $3,572,836. The chart below identifies and compares the rate change total dollar impact on various usage levels. The BLUE column represents total water and sewer charges based on gallons consumed at the current residential water rate of $3.82/1,000 gallons and sewer rate of $4.20/1,000 gallons. The ORANGE column represents total water and sewer charges based on gallons consumed and the proposed new residential water rate of $3.65/1,000 gallons and sewer rate of $4.37/1,000 gallons. The GREEN column represents the total monetary variance from the existing rate to the new rate (ORANGE column – BLUE Column). NOTE: Increase and Decreasing the Water and Sewer Rates will result in a net $0.00 increase for users that have both Water and Sewer Service. 97 Total Gallons Consumed in Bi-Monthly Billing Cycle Water Charge Based on Existing Rate of $3.82/1,000g Sewer Charge Based on Existing Rate of $4.20/1,000g Total Water + Sewer Charges Based on Existing Rates Water Charge Based on New Rate of $3.65/1,000g Sewer Charge Based on New Rate of $4.37/1,000g Total Water + Sewer Charges Based on New Rates Total Variance Existing to New Rates 3,000 $11.46 $12.60 $24.06 $10.95 $13.11 $24.06 + $0.00 5,000 $19.10 $21.00 $40.10 $18.25 $21.85 $40.10 + $0.00 8,000 $30.56 $33.60 $64.16 $29.20 $34.96 $64.16 + $0.00 10,000 $38.20 $42.00 $80.20 $36.50 $43.70 $80.20 + $0.00 RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended that a motion be made to adopt an Ordinance Amending Title 9-2C-5 Subsection B and Title 9-4B-1 Subsection F of the McHenry Municipal Code in relation to Waterworks and Wastewater Rates. 98 ORDINANCE N O. 23- An Ordinance Amending Title 9, Subsection 9 -2C-5 B: Waterworks User Rates; and Title 9, Subsection 9 -4B-1 F: Metered Users Service Charges of the McHenry City Code WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry Cou nty, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City’s home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illino is; and WHEREAS, Water and Sewer Rates are reviewed annually and may be adjusted based on the actual operational, maintenance and capital improvement nee ds of the municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: The following Title 9-2C-5 Subsection B of the McHenry City Code is amended to read as follows: B. Rates: Water user rates shall be as f ollows on or after A ugust 1, 2023: Within the corporate limits of the City: Class 1 uses: $3.65 per 1,000 gallons Class 2 uses: $3.93 per 1,000 gallons Outsid e corporate limits of the City: Class 1 uses: $5.48 per 1,000 gallons Class 2 uses: $5.90 per 1,000 gallons In addition, on and after January 1, 2022, each user shall pay base charge with each bi- monthly invoice, which shall be applied to operations and maintenance and capital costs associated with the City’s waterworks system based up on the following table: Within corporate limit s of the City: Class 1 uses: $8.00 Class 2 uses: $225.93 Class 3 uses: $313.11 Outside corporate limit s of the City: Class 1 uses: $12.00 Class 2 uses: $334.90 Class 3 uses: $465.66 In the event that a user’s water account with the City is inactive, such user shall nonetheless still be billed for such base charge even in the absence of any use of water. 99 In the event that City water is being utilized through a single water meter servicing more than one cat egory of user, the user category utilizing the largest percentage o f water shall be the applicable rate payable for all such water being utilized at such location. SECTION 2: The following Title 9-4B -1 Subsection F.1. of the McHenry City Code is amended to read as follows: F. User Rates: Basic user rates shall be reflecte d in the May billing year for metered service. 1. Effective on or after August 1, 2023, the sewer rates shall be as follows for metered uses: Within the corporate limits of the City: Class 1 uses: $4.37 per 1,000 gallons Class 2 uses: $4.22 per 1,000 gallons Outsid e corporate limits of the City: Class 1 uses: $6.56 per 1,000 gallons Class 2 uses: $6.33 per 1,000 gallons In addition, on and after January 1, 2022, each user of City sewer services within the City corporate limits shall pay a base charge with each bi-monthly invoice, which shall be applied to operations and maintenance and capital costs associated with the city’s sewer treatment and collection system as well as operating and maintenance expenses associated with such system based upon the following t able: Within corporate limit s of the City: Class 1 uses: $7.00 Class 2 uses: $197.69 Class 3 uses: $273.97 Outside corporate limit s of the City: Class 1 uses: $10.50 Class 2 uses: $293.04 Class 3 uses: $407.45 SECTION 3: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, wh ich remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4: All ordinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form (which publication is hereby authorized) as provided by law. 100 Passed and approved this 17th day of July, 2023. Ayes Nays Absent Abstain Alderwoman Bassi _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Glab _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Koch _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman McClatchey _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderwoman Miller _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Santi _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Strach _____ _____ _____ _____ ______________________ ________________________ Wayne Jett, Mayor Monte Johnson, Deput y City Clerk 101 DŽŶƚĞ:ŽŚŶƐŽŶ ĞƉƵƚLJŝƚLJůĞƌŬ ϯϯϯ^'ƌĞĞŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ DĐ,ĞŶƌLJ͕/ůůŝŶŽŝƐϲϬϬϱϬ WŚŽŶĞ͗;ϴϭϱͿϯϲϯͲϮϭϬϬ &Ădž͗;ϴϭϱͿϯϲϯͲϮϭϭϵ ŵũŽŚŶƐŽŶΛĐŝƚLJŽĨŵĐŚĞŶƌLJ͘ŽƌŐ The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner.  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CONSENT AGENDA ITEM DATE: July 17, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Monte Johnson RE: Block Party Request ATT: Application, Map, Signatures AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: An application has been submitted by Victor Santi for the purpose of holding a block party on Saturday, September 16, 2023, between 12:00 noon and 5:00 p.m. They are requesting closure of the portion of Dale Street as shown on the attached map (from High to Lee). Background: The City of McHenry allows block parties on all residential streets providing they do not block intersecti ons, cul-de-sacs, or other roadways. To schedule a block party, City re sidents submit an application to the City Administrator’s office. There is no fee for the permit. Once approved, only moveable barri ers (sawhorses) that are dropped off and picked up by Public Works can be used to control traffic. Blocking streets with ve hicles is prohibited. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended a motion be made to approve the b lock party request on Dale Street on September 16, 2023, from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. Public Works will provide barricades and the McHenry Township Fire Protection District and Police Depart ment will be notified of the event. 106 107 108 WHighSt WHighSt NDaleAveWLeeSt Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/AirbusDS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, andtheGISUser Community~ Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors, andtheGISUser Community BlockParty - EdgebrookHeights Location of BlockParty 3479109 110 111 112 113 114 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 6.20.23 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, June 19, 2023, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chamber, 333 S Green St, McHenry, IL 60050 Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call. Members present Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller, and Mayor Jett. Others present Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Director of Public Works Strange, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Birk, City Planner Sheriff, Deputy Clerk Johnson, and City Clerk Ramel. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Jett led the pledge. Proclamation: recognizing Ryan Harding’s service as Alderman of Ward 6 from January 6, 2020, through April 30, 2023. Mayor Jett read the proclamation and presented it to Ryan Harding as his family joined him for a picture in front of the council. The Council applauded his time of service. Public Comment: No public comment Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items as presented: A. Ordinance Amending Title 7: Motor Vehicles and Traffic; Chapter 4: Parking Regulations, Section 7-4-9: No Parking At Any Time, of the McHenry City Code to establish “no parking” on both sides of the Front Royal Drive from Route 120 (Elm Street) to near Manchester Mall. (Police Chief Birk) C. Ordinance Amending Title 4, Business and License Regulations, Chapter 2, Alcoholic Liquor, of the McHenry City Code. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) E.Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use Permit Requests; F.June 5, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes; G. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $308,217.40; H. As Needed Checks in the amount of $369,167.83. 115 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 6.20.23 2 A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to approve Consent Agenda Item as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays 0-abstained. Motion carried. *Clerks Note: Consent Agenda Item B. pulled by Alderman Glab. B. Ordinance Amending Title 9-4B-1 Subsection F of the McHenry Municipal Code about Wastewater Rates, increasing the sewer rate from $4.20 per 1,000 gallons to $4.37 per 1,000 gallons (residential) and $4.06 per 1,000 gallons to $4.22 per 1,000 gallons (congregate care). (Finance Director Lynch) Alderman Glab looked at the rates and thinks the rates need to be balanced one down before one goes up. Wanted to know if this item could be delayed until the next meeting. Alderwoman Bassi wanted to know the increased rates and wanted to know what they would be used for, as confirmed by Director Lynch, it would be operational with the bulk of the cost being materials and supplies including chemicals. Alderman Santi wanted to know if we pushed this item to the next meeting would Director Lynch still have time to prepare, as confirmed, the next meeting would be fine she will need them by August 1st. Alderman Koch wanted to know if the water rates had to be raised, it could be decreased to help with the increase in sewer rates per Director Lynch. Alderwoman Miller wanted to know what the average user is, about 4500 gallons. For both water and sewer, it is a .85 increase for both. Alderman Strach wanted to know what an average water main break cost could be, it would be about $5,000 + per Director Strange and then confirmed there could be up to 2-10 breaks a year possible. A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderman Santi to bring back Consent Agenda Item on the next Agenda/Meeting for further review: Roll Call: Vote: 5- ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Koch. 2-nays, Alderman Strach, Alderwoman Miller, 0-abstained. Motion carried. 116 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 6.20.23 3 *Clerks note: Consent Agenda Item D. pulled by Alderman Glab. D. Waive the competitive bidding process and accept the low quote from AMB Roofing and Sheetmetal in the amount of $350,850 for the re-roofing of the Hickory Creek Barn. (Parks and Recreation Director Hobson) Alderman McClatchey questioned the high cost of the project, according to Director Hobson it is a huge roof and it is around the estimate that were thinking it would be. Director Hobson collected three quotes. Alderman Koch wanted to know who would be overseeing the project, and it was confirmed that staff will oversee it, per Director Hobson. Director Polerecky added it is still required to go through a permit and the building code is being followed. This conversation went on for some time and continued after the public comment. *Clerks note: There was a motion on the floor by Alderman Strach and seconded by Alderman Santi, but then the motion was withdrawn and revised per below. Public Comment: KM construction was part of the bidding process, representatives went to the podium and questioned the acceptance of bids. Victor W. spoke regarding the question that had been posed by Alderman Glab that you do not have to add plywood to the roof to comply with the manufacturer’s warranty. Next, Bridgett B. who is the tenant since last year of Hickory Hills Farm took the podium. Bridgett explained why time is a factor regarding the barn and how important it is to move forward at a quick pace, she would not want to see the barn have spontaneous combustion, especially with the 21 hours that occupy it. She asked The Council to act now. A motion was made by Alderman McClatchey and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to approve the Consent Agenda Item newly purposed: To authorize The City Staff through the City Administrators Office to provide sufficient information to the 3 bidders of Hickory Oaks Barn project, to provide new quotes by Monday, June 26th at noon. The bids are not to exceed the total amount of $350,800 with any plywood/sheeting extra provided. The lowest bidder awarded the bids must be sealed: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. 117 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 6.20.23 4 Individual Action Item Agenda: A. Motion to approve an Ordinance Annexing an Approximate 42.5-acre Unincorporated Tract of Land in McHenry County, Illinois. (Community Development Director Polerecky) Alderman McClatchey asked Director Strange about the road maintenance as well as leaf pickup. They will be incorporated with the city pick-up as well, tree trimming as well. Also asked is what the taxes would be on average for an increase in the area from Director Lynch would go up about $400 for a $200,000 home according to the 2021 stats. Alderwoman Miller explained the annexation and what happens when larger plans are halted due to those that are unincorporated. Cannot plan services when they are not part of the city. Alderman Glab wanted to know what happens to the roadways, per Director Strange there is no obligation. Per Attorney McArdle, coming up with an agreement regarding the roads will need to be reached. Alderman Glab mentioned that these comments should be revisited if the annexation appears on the agenda in the future. Would like all these comments discussed before this item comes back to The Council. *Clerks Note: Many public comments occurred during the meeting, they are also able to be viewed over the YouTube recording of the meeting. Public Comment: Pam Spain – a resident, of over 25 years is a happy Township Resident who owns her septic. Spoke about the astronomic price for them to get the pumping station if needed for the city water along with the additional taxes are also a lot for the fixed incomes of many neighbors, stating it is forced annexation. Steve Wagner- a resident that lives in a home that was occupied since 1955. He feels that this choice (annexation) is being forced and states it is not making sense to many of us that live here. This is not what they want in the neighborhood. Carol Freund- a resident, wrote a letter representing the neighborhood that was labeled and handed out to The City Council members. She had many concerns regarding the also financial challenges and wanted there to be well-informed and consider tabling the vote. John Michaels- resident echoing the statements of those above them. Very concerned about the barrier at the end of Court Street is not wanting those removed. Worried about traffic as well as children that could be injured due to the increased traffic. Shannon along with her husband- a resident as well stated that they have over 2 acres and the cost of water and sewer would cause a hardship for them as well, wanted to know what 118 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 6.20.23 5 other services would be provided if annexed. Also touched upon the fact that their road is considered an alley and they are responsible for leaves and snow removal. Tad Lester- a resident, wanted to know what benefits will be offered and would like to know what those will be. Major Jett stated that questions are not answered during the public comment but there could be some discussion with staff to follow regarding those. Danielle Elward- a resident since 1957 stated that affording the water and sewer would also be a problem for her on a fixed income being retired, also asked about what will they get once this is annexed. Scott Franz –a resident, stated that the real estate value is the main concern for him, has experience in selling real estate for 30 years and knows it will affect the property value. Mona Westfall – a resident, stated that she is very angry and wanted to know how the forced annexation could even be legal, and that it would cause higher taxes. Bob Thesen- Spoke regarding being on a fixed income and owning a little house because it is what he could afford, including the taxes. Stated that additional expenses regarding this annexation could not be afforded. There are many senior citizens that are in the same situation as him. *Clerks note: A motion was made by Alderwoman Miller and there was no second the motion failed. Discussion Item Agenda: A. Conceptual Plan Presentation – Courtyards of McHenry Townhome Development. Supplement provided. (Community Development Director Polerecky) Alderman Glab asked where the visitor parking is, it is about 34 parking spaces. There are two parking spaces in the garage as well as supported by the petitioner. Asked if there could be more parking because there is only the ability to park two cars in the garage. Alderman Strach commented that the project looks great, likes that it is what we need here and also this style would be a nice addition to the town. Alderwoman Bassi wanted to know what other exits there are besides and wanted to know if the density could be lessened. There will eventually be easy access as well, as was confirmed by the petitioner. She also asked what the price point would the townhomes start at, $350,000 was confirmed to be the starting price of them. Alderwoman Miller likes the development and also thinks it is needed in town as well, not as 119 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 6.20.23 6 concerned about density and would like to see more parking for guests. Alderman Santi stated that he is pretty comfortable with the project and also commented on the parking, needs those to know that access to the east will be eventually available as well. B. Proposed Reforms – City Refuse Contract Leaf Collection Service. Supplement provided. (Public Works Director Strange) Director Strange stated that Flood Brothers is proposing a bi-weekly collection, which could lead to an addendum to the contract. Flood Brothers took the podium to discuss the overview and the biggest challenge regarding the leaf collection. The equipment has doubled, for the collection. They feel that the best for the residents, the volume is not matching up as well with certain areas within the neighborhoods. They are proposing different zones with five passes in a season starting in October and then ending in the first week of December. This would also change the pick-up from every week to every other week instead. Alderman Strach wanted to know how many pieces of equipment were added, it was confirmed they added a total of 5 pieces of equipment from 2. Alderman Glab expressed his concerns with the lessening of the pick up for the leaves and feels that the promise to the residents that we would pick up each week was. Alderman Santi was reviewing the map and asking if certain days of the week where it is fanned out, just trying to understand the concept. It was confirmed it is a volume-based decision according to the map that was presented. He would like to review it over the next year. Alderwoman Miller wanted to thank Flood Brothers for their services, stating that there needs to be more communication regarding the leaves and the containers that will be taken, and unlimited yard waste is accepted. Alderwoman Bassi stated that her ward has a lot of mature trees, she talked with several residents that they are not comfortable going every other week and would like to see it go as normal and reintroduce to the contract next year instead. Alderman Koch stated that he also agrees to keep the pick-up once a week as well. Alderman McClatchey also agreed with the others regarding keeping the contract the same. C. Amendments to the Façade Grant Program. Supplement provided. (Economic Development Director Martin) Alderman Santi asked if the area that goes west on 120 is part of the program, it is confirmed 120 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 6.20.23 7 by Director Martin. He also commented that this program is working and something in the budget that may be able to add more funds to it. Alderwoman Miller agrees that it has been successful and feels that there may need to be a reduction in funds for these at some point, maybe restructuring it to keep it funded. Alderman Strach thinks reducing the amounts could help us keep it stretched out a bit longer. Per the Administrator, Morefield wanted to hear the direction from the council regarding this. Staff Reports: Staff reports are provided at the first meeting of each month. Director Polerecky stated that two weeks ago Taylor Place’s constriction spring of 2024. Director Hobson Main Street Food Truck Fest this Saturday. Fiesta Days will be July 13-23 and the fireworks on the 16th at Peterson Park. The Tiny Shops will be opening the first weekend in July, and the progress is good. Alderman Santi asked about the new piers and sizing, they are 24 feet in length it was confirmed by Director Hobson, and will hopefully be completed in two weeks. Mayor’s Report: None City Council Comments: Alderwoman Bassi, a resident wanted Director Strange that the people that completed the roads over by Dartmoor stated that they were professional and had a positive experience. Executive Session as needed: A. (5 ILCS 120/2) Section 2. Open Meetings. (c) (5) Executive Session: A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to adjourn to Executive Session at 10:13 p.m. to (5 ILCS 120/2) Section 2. Open: Meetings. (c) (5) Mayor Jett reconvened the meeting from Executive Session at 10:38 p.m. A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderwoman Bassi to return to an open session. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. 121 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 6.20.23 8 Adjourn: A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Bassi to adjourn the meeting at 11:24 pm. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nay-, 0-abstained. Motion carried. X Mayor Wayne Jett X City Clerk Trisha Ramel 122 Expense Approval Register   McHenry, IL List of Bills Council Meeting ‐ 7‐17‐23       Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: AEP ENERGY   AEP ENERGY   INV0014819  07/17/2023  UTIL  100‐33‐5520  2,506.56 AEP ENERGY     INV0014819    07/17/2023    UTIL    100‐42‐5510    1,844.62 AEP ENERGY     INV0014819    07/17/2023    UTIL    100‐45‐5510    458.14 AEP ENERGY   INV0014819  07/17/2023  UTIL  400‐00‐5510  2,436.62 AEP ENERGY   INV0014820  07/17/2023  UTIL  510‐31‐5510  13,100.47 AEP ENERGY     INV0014820    07/17/2023    UTIL    510‐32‐5510    21,158.82 Vendor AEP ENERGY  Total: 41,505.23   Vendor: ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES, INC 7787  ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES,  2355716  07/17/2023  RENEWAL FIDUCIARY  760‐00‐5110  5,041.00 Vendor ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES, INC 7787 Total:   5,041.00   Vendor: BAKER & SON CO, PETER  BAKER & SON CO, PETER    23043.01    07/17/2023    DARTMOOR DRIVE    100‐33‐5301    128,232.30 BAKER & SON CO, PETER  23043.01  07/17/2023  DARTMOOR DRIVE  275‐00‐8600  275,000.00 BAKER & SON CO, PETER    41705    07/17/2023    SFC    100‐33‐6110    445.44 BAKER & SON CO, PETER    41942    07/17/2023    SFC    100‐33‐6110    1,845.56 BAKER & SON CO, PETER    42011    07/17/2023    SFC    100‐33‐6110    153.12 BAKER & SON CO, PETER    42069    07/17/2023    SFC    100‐33‐6110    116.00 Vendor BAKER & SON CO, PETER Total:   405,792.42   Vendor: CHRISTOPHER B BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD  CHRISTOPHER B BURKE    184411    07/17/2023    MAIN STREET PARKING LOT    100‐01‐8900    510.00 CHRISTOPHER B BURKE    184412    07/17/2023    RIVERSIDE DR STREETSCAPE     100‐01‐8900    272.50 CHRISTOPHER B BURKE  184413  07/17/2023  RT 120 & RT 31  100‐01‐8900  520.00 Vendor CHRISTOPHER B BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD Total:   1,302.50   Vendor: COMED  COMED  INV0014821  07/17/2023  UTIL  510‐32‐5510  2,155.72 COMED  INV0014822  07/17/2023  UTIL  100‐33‐5520  50.37 Vendor COMED Total:   2,206.09   Vendor: CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC  CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY    INV0014823    07/17/2023    UTIL    100‐33‐5520    18.74 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY    INV0014823    07/17/2023    UTIL    100‐44‐5510    55.08 Vendor CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC Total:   73.82   Vendor: CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY  CURRAN CONTRACTING    21873    07/17/2023    MFT STREETS 2023    100‐33‐5301    135,000.00 CURRAN CONTRACTING  21873‐1  07/17/2023  MFT STREETS 2023  270‐00‐8600  690,984.57 CURRAN CONTRACTING    27389    07/17/2023    SFC    100‐33‐6110    192.76 CURRAN CONTRACTING    27411    07/17/2023    SFC    100‐33‐6110    120.78 Vendor CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY Total: 826,298.11   Vendor: FAMILY HEALTH PARTNERSHIP CLINIC  FAMILY HEALTH PARTNERSHIP    23‐06‐049    07/17/2023    TEMP SIGN PERMIT    100‐00‐3410    30.00 Vendor FAMILY HEALTH PARTNERSHIP CLINIC Total: 30.00   Vendor: GAFRICK,FRED  GAFRICK,FRED  6‐28‐23  07/17/2023  MMAC MEETS 6/21 & 6/28/23  100‐42‐5110  200.00 Vendor GAFRICK,FRED Total:   200.00   Vendor: HLR  HLR    20231387    07/17/2023    DARTMOOR DR RESURF PH III    100‐33‐5300    15,540.00 HLR  20231495  07/17/2023  DARTMOOR DR RESURF PH II  270‐00‐8600  345.00 Vendor HLR Total:   15,885.00   Vendor: ILLINOIS EPA  ILLINOIS EPA    280952    07/11/2023    CENTRAL WW NFR LETTER    290‐00‐5110    139.86 ILLINOIS EPA  FY‐2024 BILLING  07/11/2023  ANNUAL NPDES FEE (MS4)  510‐32‐5110  1,000.00     7/12/2023 1:12:22 PM   123 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02739 ‐ 7‐17‐23 AP CHECKS   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   ILLINOIS EPA    6‐30‐24    07/17/2023    ANNUAL SWWTP DISCHARGE    510‐32‐5110    15,000.00 Vendor ILLINOIS EPA Total:   16,139.86   Vendor: MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK  MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW    JUNE2023    07/17/2023    JUNE 2023 TRAFFIC    100‐01‐5230    4,000.00 Vendor MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK Total:   4,000.00   Vendor: MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DIST  MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE  INV0014824  07/17/2023  FY22/23 ALARM BOARD  225‐00‐5110  54,442.38 Vendor MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DIST Total:   54,442.38   Vendor: MELONE, DAN  MELONE, DAN  INV0014825  07/17/2023  LANDMARK COMMISSION ‐  100‐01‐4220  150.00 Vendor MELONE, DAN Total:   150.00   Vendor: MUNICIPAL COLLECTION SERVICES INC  MUNICIPAL COLLECTION    125    07/17/2023    COLL    100‐04‐5110    23.72 MUNICIPAL COLLECTION    126    07/17/2023    COLL     100‐04‐5110    862.39 Vendor MUNICIPAL COLLECTION SERVICES INC Total:   886.11   Vendor: PITNEY BOWES INC  PITNEY BOWES INC    1023272590    07/17/2023    QUARTERLY    100‐01‐5310    261.00 Vendor PITNEY BOWES INC Total:   261.00   Vendor: RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP  RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP    250477    07/17/2023    RETIREMENT CAKE, LYNN    100‐03‐6110    49.23 Vendor RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP Total: 49.23   Vendor: ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD  ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD  23060096  07/17/2023  MCH WELL NO 14  580‐31‐8500  813.75 ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD    23060097    07/17/2023    MCH NORTH RIVERSIDE DR P    100‐01‐8900    14,060.50 Vendor ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD Total: 14,874.25   Vendor: ROBINSON, STEVEN  ROBINSON, STEVEN  6‐28‐23  07/17/2023  MMAC MEETS 6‐21 AND 6‐28‐ 100‐42‐5110  200.00 Vendor ROBINSON, STEVEN Total:   200.00   Vendor: SERPE, SAMUEL ROBERT  SERPE, SAMUEL ROBERT    6‐30‐23    07/17/2023    WATER POLO 6/5‐6/29/23    100‐42‐5110    405.00 Vendor SERPE, SAMUEL ROBERT Total:   405.00   Vendor: TELEZ, ALEX  TELEZ, ALEX    7‐7‐23    07/17/2023    ADJ OVERPYMT    100‐04‐5110    75.50 Vendor TELEZ, ALEX Total:   75.50   Vendor: TREASURER STATE OF ILLINOIS  TREASURER STATE OF ILLINOIS    125691    07/17/2023    CONTR 61J03    270‐00‐8600    57,397.99 Vendor TREASURER STATE OF ILLINOIS Total: 57,397.99   Vendor: WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO  WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO  11960  07/17/2023  SLUDGE  510‐32‐5580  5,381.20 Vendor WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO Total:   5,381.20   Vendor: YE OLDE CORNER TAP  YE OLDE CORNER TAP    23‐05‐035    07/17/2023    TEMP SIGN PERMIT    100‐00‐3410    30.00 YE OLDE CORNER TAP  INV0014827  07/17/2023  CATERING ENDORSEMENT  100‐00‐3310  300.00 Vendor YE OLDE CORNER TAP Total:   330.00        Grand Total:   1,452,926.69       7/12/2023 1:12:22 PM   124 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02739 ‐ 7‐17‐23 AP CHECKS     Fund Summary      Fund    Expense Amount     100 ‐ GENERAL FUND    308,529.31     225 ‐ ALARM BOARD FUND  54,442.38    270 ‐ MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND    748,727.56     275 ‐ MUNICIPAL RETAIL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND    275,000.00     290 ‐ TIF FUND    139.86     400 ‐ RECREATION CENTER FUND    2,436.62     510 ‐ WATER/SEWER FUND  57,796.21    580 ‐ UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND    813.75     760 ‐ POLICE PENSION FUND    5,041.00     Grand Total:   1,452,926.69               125 Expense Approval Register  McHenry, IL #2 List of Bills Council Meeting ‐ 7‐17‐23        Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: 1ST AYD CORPORATION  1ST AYD CORPORATION  PSI621395  07/17/2023  Brake Cleaner/Penetrantion  510‐32‐6110  242.90 Vendor 1ST AYD CORPORATION Total:   242.90   Vendor: 5 STAR SPORTS ACADEMY INC  5 STAR SPORTS ACADEMY INC  2‐2023  07/17/2023  Seesion 2 2023  100‐47‐5110  2,227.00 Vendor 5 STAR SPORTS ACADEMY INC Total:   2,227.00   Vendor: A FREEDOM FLAG CO  A FREEDOM FLAG CO    25058    07/17/2023    Park Supplies: American flags    100‐45‐6110    588.00 Vendor A FREEDOM FLAG CO Total:   588.00   Vendor: ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC  ADAMS STEEL SERVICE &    383421    07/17/2023    Aerator #2 Steel for Pillow    510‐32‐5375    144.37 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE &    383684    07/17/2023    SWWTP Aerator#2 Crane    510‐32‐5375    307.00 Vendor ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & SUPPLY, INC Total:   451.37   Vendor: ADVANCE AUTO PARTS  ADVANCE AUTO PARTS    6954318164507    07/17/2023    120 (695431816)    100‐45‐5370    63.31 Vendor ADVANCE AUTO PARTS Total: 63.31   Vendor: AGILEBITS INC  AGILEBITS INC    INV_CAN19968    07/17/2023    1Password ‐ Password    620‐00‐5110    2,274.50 Vendor AGILEBITS INC Total: 2,274.50   Vendor: AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1FFW‐4FT4‐LQ14    07/17/2023    Trackball Mouse ‐ Dispatch    620‐00‐6270    62.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  1MFR‐T1RX‐NQ9K  07/17/2023  Office Supplies  100‐22‐6210  84.73 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1MFR‐T1RX‐NQ9K    07/17/2023    Office Supplies    100‐22‐6210    14.29 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1MFR‐T1RX‐NQ9K    07/17/2023    Office Supplies    100‐22‐6210    15.54 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1MFR‐T1RX‐NQ9K    07/17/2023    Office Supplies    100‐22‐6210    38.35 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES  1RXG‐HHQ1‐MWJD  07/17/2023  Temperature Sensor ‐ Oakley  100‐22‐6110  324.92 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1RXG‐HHQ1‐MWJD    07/17/2023    Temperature Sensor ‐ Oakley    100‐22‐6110    54.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES    1VVG‐PHRV‐NQ6P    07/17/2023    Airheads for Conc    100‐44‐6110    104.36 Vendor AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES Total:   700.15   Vendor: AQUALAB WATER TREATMENT, INC  AQUALAB WATER TREATMENT,    11340    07/17/2023    11340    100‐03‐5120    100.00 Vendor AQUALAB WATER TREATMENT, INC Total:   100.00   Vendor: ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES LLC  ARAMARK REFRESHMENT    07403672    07/17/2023    Coffee #07403672    100‐01‐6110    173.89 Vendor ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES LLC Total:   173.89   Vendor: AUTO TECH CENTERS INC  AUTO TECH CENTERS INC    INV080399    07/17/2023    315     inv080399    100‐22‐5370    756.09 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC  INV080571  07/17/2023  817 (80571)  510‐35‐5370  998.50 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INC Total:   1,754.59   Vendor: BERGGREN, LEE  BERGGREN, LEE    255657    07/17/2023    Shop Repairs    100‐45‐5110    244.50 Vendor BERGGREN, LEE Total:   244.50   Vendor: BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W  BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W    7393337    07/17/2023    739337    100‐03‐6110    344.88 Vendor BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W Total:   344.88   Vendor: BROWN EQUIPMENT  BROWN EQUIPMENT  INV20418  07/17/2023  Camera cable repair  510‐32‐5370  1,359.94 BROWN EQUIPMENT    INV20422    07/17/2023    Camrea repair    510‐32‐5370    1,742.67 Vendor BROWN EQUIPMENT Total:   3,102.61       7/12/2023 1:13:33 PM   126 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02742 ‐ 7‐17‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: CABAY & COMPANY INC  CABAY & COMPANY INC    68109    07/17/2023    custodial supplies    400‐00‐6111    99.44 CABAY & COMPANY INC  68109  07/17/2023  custodial supplies  400‐40‐6110  198.26 Vendor CABAY & COMPANY INC Total:   297.70   Vendor: CAREY ELECTRIC  CAREY ELECTRIC    404949    07/17/2023    IHOP Rt 120 (Insurance) Light    610‐00‐5980    16,376.00 Vendor CAREY ELECTRIC Total:   16,376.00   Vendor: CASTLE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP  CASTLE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP    5106130    07/17/2023    new tahoes (5106130)    100‐22‐5370    64.80 CASTLE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP    5106132    07/17/2023    343 (5106132)    100‐22‐5370    51.58 CASTLE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP  6423436  07/17/2023  902  6423436/1  100‐33‐5370  1,489.04 Vendor CASTLE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP Total:   1,605.42   Vendor: CENTURY SPRINGS  CENTURY SPRINGS    2109264    07/17/2023    Lab Water INV# 2109264    510‐32‐6110    25.57 CENTURY SPRINGS  2115792  07/17/2023  Lab Water INV# 2115792  510‐32‐6110  25.57 Vendor CENTURY SPRINGS Total:   51.14   Vendor: CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355  CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355   5162447554    07/17/2023    Cintas Replacement    400‐00‐6130    197.33 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 5162880545  07/17/2023  Shop supplies/first aid   100‐45‐5110  71.36 Vendor CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 Total:   268.69   Vendor: CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY  CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY    MCH/020317    07/17/2023    Gear Box Oil Pump INV#    510‐32‐5375    206.10 Vendor CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY Total:   206.10   Vendor: CLEAN CUT TREE CARE  CLEAN CUT TREE CARE    22190    07/17/2023    Contractual: Tree Removal    100‐45‐5110    2,800.00 Vendor CLEAN CUT TREE CARE Total:   2,800.00   Vendor: COLLEGE OF DUPAGE‐ACCTS RECEIVABLE  COLLEGE OF DUPAGE‐ACCTS    15215    07/17/2023    Academy    100‐22‐5430    9,392.00 Vendor COLLEGE OF DUPAGE‐ACCTS RECEIVABLE Total: 9,392.00   Vendor: COMCAST CABLE  COMCAST CABLE  0291 7‐1‐23  07/17/2023  CH Cable TV  620‐00‐5110  27.40 COMCAST CABLE  2866 7‐5‐23  07/17/2023  PW Internet  620‐00‐5110  169.90 COMCAST CABLE    3136 7‐4‐23    07/17/2023    WW Cable TV & Internet    620‐00‐5110    178.19 Vendor COMCAST CABLE Total: 375.49   Vendor: COMCAST ENS  COMCAST ENS    17652606    07/17/2023    Comcast Ethernet Network    620‐00‐5110    3,157.00 Vendor COMCAST ENS Total:   3,157.00   Vendor: CONSERV FS  CONSERV FS  65054912  07/17/2023  Park Supplies  100‐45‐6110  291.20 CONSERV FS    65155157    07/17/2023    Park Supplies    100‐45‐6110    1,057.20 CONSERV FS    65157944    07/17/2023    Sportsfield supplies    100‐45‐6110    407.13 CONSERV FS    65159217    07/17/2023    Park Supplies    100‐45‐6110    564.29 Vendor CONSERV FS Total:   2,319.82   Vendor: CRYSTAL LAKE PARK DISTRICT  CRYSTAL LAKE PARK DISTRICT    1223‐314    07/17/2023    Trip ‐ BAPs    100‐46‐5110    202.60 Vendor CRYSTAL LAKE PARK DISTRICT Total: 202.60   Vendor: DELL MARKETING LP  DELL MARKETING LP    10680608090    07/17/2023    OptiPlex Small Form Factor    620‐00‐8300    7,384.00 Vendor DELL MARKETING LP Total:   7,384.00   Vendor: DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS  DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS  0200307‐IN  07/17/2023  Slam Ball 2  400‐40‐6142  57.55 Vendor DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS Total:   57.55   Vendor: DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC  DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS    INV#I244244    07/17/2023    Plant Maint.  INV#I244244    510‐32‐5375    411.57     7/12/2023 1:13:33 PM   127 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02742 ‐ 7‐17‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS    INV#I245014    07/17/2023    Exhaust Fan Belts INV#I245014    510‐32‐5375    539.22 Vendor DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC Total:   950.79   Vendor: ECCEZION  ECCEZION    471960    07/17/2023    PROGRESS BIL 4/30/23 AUDIT    230‐00‐5110    35,000.00 Vendor ECCEZION Total:   35,000.00   Vendor: ENVIRONMENTAL AQUATIC MGMT LLC  ENVIRONMENTAL AQUATIC  17354  07/17/2023  Riverwalk Supplies/ciruculator  100‐45‐6110  356.00 Vendor ENVIRONMENTAL AQUATIC MGMT LLC Total:   356.00   Vendor: FIFTH THIRD BANK  FIFTH THIRD BANK  23GJ082  07/17/2023  Subpoena  100‐22‐5110  20.00 Vendor FIFTH THIRD BANK Total:   20.00   Vendor: FIRST RESPONDERS WELLNESS CENTER  FIRST RESPONDERS WELLNESS    16150    07/17/2023    Exam ‐ Nicholas Skleba    100‐21‐5110    585.00 FIRST RESPONDERS WELLNESS    16193    07/17/2023    Exam ‐ Stevan Barjaktarevic    100‐21‐5110    585.00 FIRST RESPONDERS WELLNESS  16357  07/17/2023  Pre‐Employment Exam  100‐21‐5110  585.00 Vendor FIRST RESPONDERS WELLNESS CENTER Total:   1,755.00   Vendor: FIRST STUDENT, INC  FIRST STUDENT, INC    SF‐043746    07/17/2023    Camp ‐ Bus #1‐3    100‐46‐6112    1,155.00 FIRST STUDENT, INC  SF‐048609  07/17/2023  Camp ‐ Bus #1‐3  100‐46‐6112  1,155.00 FIRST STUDENT, INC    SF‐052480    07/17/2023    Camp ‐ Bus #1‐3    100‐46‐6112    1,155.00 Vendor FIRST STUDENT, INC Total: 3,465.00   Vendor: FISCHER BROS FRESH  FISCHER BROS FRESH  20340  07/17/2023  Concrete for Sidewalk Survey  100‐33‐6110  1,205.50 FISCHER BROS FRESH    20417    07/17/2023    Concrete for Sidewalk Repairs    100‐33‐6110    1,070.25 Vendor FISCHER BROS FRESH Total: 2,275.75   Vendor: FLOOD BROTHERS DISPOSAL  FLOOD BROTHERS DISPOSAL    6888925    07/17/2023    Hickory Creek Farm: Dumpster    100‐45‐5110    475.00 Vendor FLOOD BROTHERS DISPOSAL Total:   475.00   Vendor: FOUNTAIN PEOPLE, INC  FOUNTAIN PEOPLE, INC    80177‐IN    07/17/2023    Spray Pad in Miller Point Park    280‐41‐8800    8,950.00 Vendor FOUNTAIN PEOPLE, INC Total:   8,950.00   Vendor: FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC  FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC    772    07/17/2023    Park Supplies: American Flags    100‐45‐6110    333.00 Vendor FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC Total:   333.00   Vendor: GALLS LLC  GALLS LLC    024715838    07/17/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Ehardt    100‐22‐4510    144.29 GALLS LLC    024724723    07/17/2023    Telecommunicators Badges    100‐23‐6110    575.16 GALLS LLC    024732184    07/17/2023    Barrier Tape    100‐22‐6110    205.00 GALLS LLC  024818094  07/17/2023  OC Spray  100‐22‐6270  84.20 GALLS LLC    024832465    07/17/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Szoke    100‐22‐4510    134.14 GALLS LLC    024832467    07/17/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Cruz    100‐22‐4510    131.95 GALLS LLC    024857018    07/17/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Beidelman    100‐23‐4510    140.66 GALLS LLC    024939237    07/17/2023    Uniform Order ‐ K. Ducak    100‐22‐4510    70.84 Vendor GALLS LLC Total:   1,486.24   Vendor: GESKE AND SONS INC  GESKE AND SONS INC    58393    07/17/2023    Asphalt for Culverts on 6/13/23    100‐33‐6110    282.88 Vendor GESKE AND SONS INC Total:   282.88   Vendor: GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY  GLOBAL EQUIPMENT    120651097    07/17/2023    Recreation Center:    400‐00‐6110    821.77 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT    120682212    07/17/2023    Recreation Center:    400‐00‐6110    711.58 Vendor GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY Total:   1,533.35   Vendor: GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS  GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS    403190    07/17/2023    inv 403190    100‐44‐6110    952.99 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS    403223    07/17/2023    inv 403223    100‐44‐6110    303.00 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS    403901    07/17/2023    Invoice 403901    100‐44‐6110    314.20 Vendor GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS Total:   1,570.19     7/12/2023 1:13:33 PM   128 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02742 ‐ 7‐17‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC,   GORDON FLESCH COMPANY    IN14268931    07/17/2023    MFP Monthly Page Count Ricoh    620‐00‐5110    592.00 Vendor GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC,  Total:   592.00   Vendor: GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS LLC  GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS    23‐2334    07/17/2023    Toddler soccer league tshirts    100‐47‐6110    587.25 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS    23‐2335    07/17/2023    Special event supplies    100‐47‐6920    2,130.20 Vendor GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS LLC Total:   2,717.45   Vendor: GUARDIAN ALLIANCE TECHNOLOGIES  GUARDIAN ALLIANCE    20328    07/17/2023    Patrol Officer Applicant    100‐22‐6110    50.00 Vendor GUARDIAN ALLIANCE TECHNOLOGIES Total:   50.00   Vendor: HACH COMPANY  HACH COMPANY    13584768    07/17/2023    Hach Chemicals    510‐31‐6110    788.83 HACH COMPANY    13593749    07/17/2023    Hach Chemicals    510‐31‐6110    63.99 Vendor HACH COMPANY Total:   852.82   Vendor: HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY  HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY    599287    07/17/2023    acid barrel for pool    100‐42‐6110    662.80 Vendor HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY Total: 662.80   Vendor: HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT, DON  HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT, DON  5236  07/17/2023  310    5236  100‐22‐5370  100.00 Vendor HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT, DON Total:   100.00   Vendor: HAWKINS INC  HAWKINS INC    6455249    07/17/2023    Hawkins Check valves    510‐31‐6110    550.78 HAWKINS INC  6493330  07/17/2023  Chemical Delivery # 6493330  510‐32‐6110  7,454.20 HAWKINS INC    6502111    07/17/2023    Chemical Delivery # 6502111    510‐32‐6110    8,128.11 HAWKINS INC    6503277    07/17/2023    Hawkins  Chemicals     510‐31‐6110    8,652.00 HAWKINS INC    6506585    07/17/2023    Chemical Delivery #6506585    510‐32‐6110    12,277.00 HAWKINS INC    6512829    07/17/2023    Chemical Delivery #6512829    510‐32‐6110    7,454.20 Vendor HAWKINS INC Total:   44,516.29   Vendor: HITCHCOCK DESIGN, INC  HITCHCOCK DESIGN, INC    30559    07/17/2023    Riverwalk Miller Point    280‐41‐8800    4,488.86 HITCHCOCK DESIGN, INC  30665  07/17/2023  Parks Master Plan  280‐41‐8800  4,573.82 Vendor HITCHCOCK DESIGN, INC Total:   9,062.68   Vendor: HYDRAULIC SERVICES AND REPAIRS INC  HYDRAULIC SERVICES AND    381344    07/17/2023    416 (381344)    100‐33‐5370    3,705.40 Vendor HYDRAULIC SERVICES AND REPAIRS INC Total:   3,705.40   Vendor: IMPRESSIVE IMAGES  IMPRESSIVE IMAGES    7042    07/17/2023    Emboidery & Silk Screen for    510‐35‐4510    105.00 IMPRESSIVE IMAGES    7043    07/17/2023    Sean Johnson Uniform Allow.    510‐35‐4510    118.71 IMPRESSIVE IMAGES    7044    07/17/2023    Chris Sandoz Uniform Allow.    100‐33‐4510    118.71 Vendor IMPRESSIVE IMAGES Total:   342.42   Vendor: INDUSTRIAL ENGINE COMPANY  INDUSTRIAL ENGINE COMPANY    1013    07/17/2023    N.Riverside Generator  INV#    510‐32‐5380    1,242.01 Vendor INDUSTRIAL ENGINE COMPANY Total:   1,242.01   Vendor: INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS LLC  INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL    C57008A    07/17/2023    Dispatcher tests    100‐23‐5110    215.00 Vendor INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS LLC Total: 215.00   Vendor: INNOVATIVE BOILER SYSTEMS, INC  INNOVATIVE BOILER SYSTEMS,    23‐10023    07/17/2023    Dryer‐Vapor Unit Repairs  INV#    510‐32‐5375    2,802.64 Vendor INNOVATIVE BOILER SYSTEMS, INC Total:   2,802.64   Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC  INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE  3032896512  07/17/2023  417      3032896512  100‐33‐5370  95.80 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE  3032907194  07/17/2023  441 (3032907194)  100‐33‐5370  359.96 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE    3032960768    07/17/2023    414 (3032960768)    100‐33‐5370    164.38 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE    3032986206    07/17/2023    411 (3032986206)    100‐33‐5370    323.38 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE    3033046481    07/17/2023    411     3033046481    100‐33‐5370    183.82     7/12/2023 1:13:33 PM   129 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02742 ‐ 7‐17‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE    3033087507    07/17/2023    441    3033087507    100‐33‐5370    183.82 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total:   1,311.16   Vendor: JENSEN, TED  JENSEN, TED    INV#03778    07/17/2023    Bearing Removal  INV# 03778    510‐32‐5375    80.00 Vendor JENSEN, TED Total:   80.00   Vendor: JG UNIFORMS INC  JG UNIFORMS INC  117451  07/17/2023  Uniform Order ‐ Lopez  100‐22‐4510  53.00 JG UNIFORMS INC    117842    07/17/2023    Body Armor ‐ Foley    100‐22‐6270    905.00 JG UNIFORMS INC    117843    07/17/2023    Body Armor ‐ Carey    100‐22‐6270    905.00 JG UNIFORMS INC    117844    07/17/2023    Body Armor ‐ Cruz    100‐22‐6270    905.00 JG UNIFORMS INC  117846  07/17/2023  Body Armor ‐ Clesen  100‐22‐6270  905.00 Vendor JG UNIFORMS INC Total:   3,673.00   Vendor: JX PETERBILT ‐ WADSWORTH  JX PETERBILT ‐ WADSWORTH    21178417P    07/17/2023    634 (21178417P)    510‐32‐5370    1,340.31 Vendor JX PETERBILT ‐ WADSWORTH Total:   1,340.31   Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST  KIMBALL MIDWEST    101147208    07/17/2023    kimball stock (101147208)    510‐35‐5370    284.29 KIMBALL MIDWEST    101165357    07/17/2023    kimball stock (101165357)    100‐33‐5370    227.85 KIMBALL MIDWEST  101190303  07/17/2023  kimball stock (101190303)  100‐33‐5370  162.80 KIMBALL MIDWEST    101205069    07/17/2023    Wheel    100‐33‐5370    89.32 KIMBALL MIDWEST    101211789    07/17/2023    kimball stock (101211789)    100‐33‐5370    209.93 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWEST Total: 974.19   Vendor: LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE  LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE    INV001326867    07/17/2023    rise suits    100‐42‐4510    152.00 Vendor LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE Total: 152.00   Vendor: LUBRICATION ENGINEERS  LUBRICATION ENGINEERS    IN505083    07/17/2023    Dryer Grease  INV# IN505083    510‐32‐6250    545.95 Vendor LUBRICATION ENGINEERS Total:   545.95   Vendor: MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW PLOWING CORP  MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW    1416RICHMOND    07/17/2023    Tree removal 1416 Richmond    100‐33‐6950    3,000.00 MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW  7‐6‐23  07/17/2023  Tree removal Beach Pl  100‐33‐6950  1,500.00 Vendor MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW PLOWING CORP Total:   4,500.00   Vendor: MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC  MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC    P41465    07/17/2023    Pool Repairs: decking repair    100‐42‐6110    115.98 Vendor MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC Total:   115.98   Vendor: MCHENRY MARLINS AQUATIC CLUB  MCHENRY MARLINS AQUATIC    345    07/17/2023    mmac fees    100‐42‐5110    108.00 Vendor MCHENRY MARLINS AQUATIC CLUB Total:   108.00   Vendor: MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC  MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT    553949    07/17/2023    Primer Ball for weed whip    100‐33‐5370    3.66 Vendor MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC Total: 3.66   Vendor: MCHENRY SPECIALTIES  MCHENRY SPECIALTIES    2023‐528    07/17/2023    Summer Softball Plaques    100‐47‐6110    200.00 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES  2023‐536  07/17/2023  Event ‐ Trophies / Medals  100‐46‐6920  240.00 Vendor MCHENRY SPECIALTIES Total:   440.00   Vendor: MENARDS ‐ WOODSTOCK  MENARDS ‐ WOODSTOCK    31910347    07/17/2023    Shop hardware    100‐45‐6110    504.58 Vendor MENARDS ‐ WOODSTOCK Total:   504.58   Vendor: MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PAVERS INC  MENDEZ LANDSCAPING &    15112    07/17/2023    Contractual landscaping:    100‐45‐5110    3,000.00 Vendor MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PAVERS INC Total:   3,000.00   Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC  MID AMERICAN WATER OF    259566W    07/17/2023    3/4 couplings    510‐31‐6110    41.07 MID AMERICAN WATER OF    260410W    07/17/2023    Repair clamp    510‐31‐6110    454.19 MID AMERICAN WATER OF    260607W    07/17/2023    Poly Pipe     510‐31‐6110    136.00     7/12/2023 1:13:33 PM   130 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02742 ‐ 7‐17‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   MID AMERICAN WATER OF    260922W    07/17/2023    Brass tee, Curbstops    510‐31‐6110    295.44 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total:   926.70   Vendor: MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC  MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS    227084    07/17/2023    Shop repairs: hose repair    100‐45‐6110    19.99 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS    227105    07/17/2023    817 (227105)    510‐35‐5370    200.48 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS    227225    07/17/2023    Equipment repiars: Water truck    100‐45‐5370    27.60 Vendor MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC Total:   248.07   Vendor: MINDS IN MOTION OF NJ LLC  MINDS IN MOTION OF NJ LLC    1452    07/17/2023    Cont ‐ Minds In Motion    100‐46‐5110    2,295.00 Vendor MINDS IN MOTION OF NJ LLC Total:   2,295.00   Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH  MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH    98598    07/17/2023    Letterhead    100‐22‐6210    104.38 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total: 104.38   Vendor: NATURESCAPE DESIGN INC  NATURESCAPE DESIGN INC  87533  07/17/2023  RIverwalk Repairs: Irrigation   100‐45‐5110  940.23 Vendor NATURESCAPE DESIGN INC Total:   940.23   Vendor: NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC  NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL    17573908    07/17/2023    Electrical Supplies: Knox Field 1    100‐45‐6110    529.38 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL  17575431  07/17/2023  Electrical Supplies: Knox Park  100‐45‐6110  915.90 Vendor NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC Total:   1,445.28   Vendor: NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR  NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY    23391    07/17/2023    Crash Investigation ‐ Clesen    100‐22‐5430    695.00 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY  23392  07/17/2023  Crash Investigation ‐ Harris  100‐22‐5430  695.00 Vendor NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR Total:   1,390.00   Vendor: PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC  PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES,    I9560369    07/17/2023    Pace Monthly June     510‐31‐5110    1,127.20 Vendor PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES, LLC Total:   1,127.20   Vendor: PETROCHOICE LLC  PETROCHOICE LLC    51210271    07/17/2023    coolant (51210271)    510‐32‐6250    753.34 PETROCHOICE LLC    51210273    07/17/2023    oil/coolant (51210273)    100‐33‐6250    4,878.98 PETROCHOICE LLC  51237447  07/17/2023  51237447  100‐03‐6250  129.45 PETROCHOICE LLC  51237452  07/17/2023  Fuel ‐ 51237452  100‐22‐6250  2,155.18 PETROCHOICE LLC    51243774    07/17/2023    Fuel ‐ UTY ‐ 51243774    510‐35‐6250    454.17 PETROCHOICE LLC    51243784    07/17/2023    51243784    100‐03‐6250    182.70 PETROCHOICE LLC    51243785    07/17/2023    Fuel ‐ WW ‐ 51243785    510‐32‐6250    313.62 PETROCHOICE LLC    51243786    07/17/2023    Fuel ‐ WTR ‐ 51243786    510‐31‐6250    108.37 PETROCHOICE LLC    51243787    07/17/2023    Fuel: 51243787    100‐45‐6250    229.86 PETROCHOICE LLC    51243788    07/17/2023    Fuel ‐ STS ‐ 51243788    100‐33‐6250    987.75 PETROCHOICE LLC    51243789    07/17/2023    Fuel ‐ 51243789    100‐22‐6250    2,299.27 PETROCHOICE LLC    51249730    07/17/2023    Fuel ‐ UTY ‐ 51249730    510‐35‐6250    274.87 PETROCHOICE LLC    51249739    07/17/2023    51249739    100‐03‐6250    60.48 PETROCHOICE LLC    51249740    07/17/2023    Fuel ‐ WW ‐ 51249740    510‐32‐6250    411.22 PETROCHOICE LLC    51249741    07/17/2023    Fuel ‐ WTR ‐ 51249741    510‐31‐6250    160.92 PETROCHOICE LLC    51249742    07/17/2023    Fuel: 51249742    100‐45‐6250    1,050.50 PETROCHOICE LLC  51249743  07/17/2023  Fuel ‐ STS ‐ 51249743  100‐33‐6250  859.79 PETROCHOICE LLC    51249744    07/17/2023    Fuel ‐ 51249744    100‐22‐6250    2,341.23 Vendor PETROCHOICE LLC Total: 17,651.70   Vendor: PETTIBONE & CO, P F  PETTIBONE & CO, P F    183612    07/17/2023    Service Bars    100‐22‐6110    180.00 PETTIBONE & CO, P F    184093    07/17/2023    Service Bars    100‐22‐6110    800.50 PETTIBONE & CO, P F    184129    07/17/2023    Patrol Officer Badges    100‐22‐6110    1,334.20 Vendor PETTIBONE & CO, P F Total:   2,314.70   Vendor: PRECISION POWDER COATING INC  PRECISION POWDER COATING    14949    07/17/2023    Park supplies    100‐45‐5110    900.00 Vendor PRECISION POWDER COATING INC Total: 900.00       7/12/2023 1:13:33 PM   131 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02742 ‐ 7‐17‐23 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: PROSHRED SECURITY  PROSHRED SECURITY    1185580    07/17/2023    Monthly Shred    100‐22‐5110    80.13 Vendor PROSHRED SECURITY Total:   80.13   Vendor: RICHMOND FISHERIES  RICHMOND FISHERIES    6‐5‐23    07/17/2023    Whispering Oaks Fish Restock    100‐41‐6920    1,000.00 Vendor RICHMOND FISHERIES Total:   1,000.00   Vendor: ROCK 'N' KIDS INC  ROCK 'N' KIDS INC    MCHSUI23    07/17/2023    Cont ‐ Summer Rock n Kids    100‐46‐5110    714.00 Vendor ROCK 'N' KIDS INC Total: 714.00   Vendor: RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT  RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT  SPI20308089  07/17/2023  Small equipment: Echo whips  100‐45‐6270  923.95 Vendor RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT Total:   923.95   Vendor: SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE  SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE    724‐079    07/17/2023    Child Seat class ‐ Lorenz    100‐22‐5430    95.00 Vendor SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE Total:   95.00   Vendor: SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER  SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER    24952    07/17/2023    1415 Industrial Cleaning ‐ July    100‐33‐5115    500.00 Vendor SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER Total:   500.00   Vendor: SIGNS BY FRY  SIGNS BY FRY    2023227    07/17/2023    Park Signage: Dog Park    100‐45‐5110    1,130.00 Vendor SIGNS BY FRY Total: 1,130.00   Vendor: SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABORATORIES  SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT  0596772‐IN  07/17/2023  Evidence Supplies  100‐22‐6210  15.26 Vendor SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABORATORIES Total:   15.26   Vendor: SNAPOLOGY OF MCHENRY  SNAPOLOGY OF MCHENRY    1227    07/17/2023    Cont ‐ Snapology Father's Day    100‐46‐5110    193.60 SNAPOLOGY OF MCHENRY  1229  07/17/2023  Cont ‐ Snapology Superheroes  100‐46‐5110  140.80 SNAPOLOGY OF MCHENRY    1230    07/17/2023    Cont ‐ Snapology Jr. Camp    100‐46‐5110    70.40 SNAPOLOGY OF MCHENRY    1239    07/17/2023    Cont ‐ Snapology Emoji Camp    100‐46‐5110    123.20 Vendor SNAPOLOGY OF MCHENRY Total:   528.00   Vendor: STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION  STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION    2‐5‐23‐23    07/17/2023    Miller Point Construction    100‐01‐8900    305,730.00 Vendor STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION Total: 305,730.00   Vendor: SUNNYSIDE COMPANY  SUNNYSIDE COMPANY  113961  07/17/2023  319 (113961)  100‐22‐5370  278.60 Vendor SUNNYSIDE COMPANY Total:   278.60   Vendor: TODAY'S UNIFORMS  TODAY'S UNIFORMS    238303    07/17/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Martinez    100‐22‐4510    219.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    239031    07/17/2023    Uniform Order     100‐22‐4510    65.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    239163    07/17/2023    Unfiorm Order ‐ Rewiako    100‐22‐4510    181.85 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    239186    07/17/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Fisher    100‐22‐4510    75.95 TODAY'S UNIFORMS    239226    07/17/2023    Uniform Order ‐ Diebold    100‐22‐4510    263.80 Vendor TODAY'S UNIFORMS Total:   807.50   Vendor: TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP  TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP    016307    07/17/2023    Alterations ‐ Shafer    100‐22‐4510    19.00 TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP    197104    07/17/2023    Uniform Alterations ‐ Shafer    100‐22‐4510    9.50 TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP    197110    07/17/2023    Uniform Alterations ‐ Lorenz    100‐22‐4510    16.00 TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP    197124    07/17/2023    Uniform Alterations ‐ Lorenz    100‐22‐4510    21.00 TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP    197134    07/17/2023    Uniform Alterations ‐ Krueger    100‐22‐4510    48.00 TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP    197143    07/17/2023    Uniform Alterations ‐ McKeen    100‐22‐4510    9.50 Vendor TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP Total:   123.00   Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC  TRAFFIC CONTROL &    115068    07/17/2023    Sign post and bases    100‐33‐6110    3,348.35 TRAFFIC CONTROL &    115216    07/17/2023    Street Signs    100‐33‐6110    400.00 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total:   3,748.35       7/12/2023 1:13:33 PM   132 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02742 ‐ 7‐17‐23 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION  TRAFFIC CONTROL 144079 07/17/2023 Electrical Supplies  100‐45‐6110 238.00 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION Total:   238.00 Vendor: ULINE  ULINE 164759567 07/17/2023 Safety Supplies #164759567 510‐32‐6110 445.80 Vendor ULINE Total:   445.80 Vendor: USA BLUEBOOK  USA BLUEBOOK INV00064602 07/17/2023 2" Y strainer  510‐31‐6110 261.37 Vendor USA BLUEBOOK Total: 261.37 Vendor: VERIZON CONNECT FLEET USA LLC  VERIZON CONNECT FLEET USA  364000045692 07/17/2023 GPS For PW Vehicle Fleet 620‐00‐5110 952.30 Vendor VERIZON CONNECT FLEET USA LLC Total:   952.30 Vendor: VERIZON WIRELESS  VERIZON WIRELESS 9938746848 07/17/2023 Monthly Cell Phone 620‐00‐5320 2,381.78 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS Total:   2,381.78 Vendor: VICTOR FORD, INC  VICTOR FORD, INC 171618 07/17/2023 317     171618 100‐22‐5370 185.18 VICTOR FORD, INC 171661 07/17/2023 PD stock    171661 100‐22‐5370 412.00 VICTOR FORD, INC 398621 07/17/2023 314    398621 100‐22‐5370 405.00 Vendor VICTOR FORD, INC Total:   1,002.18 Vendor: VILLAGE OF LAKE IN THE HILLS  VILLAGE OF LAKE IN THE HILLS    2023‐50000092 07/17/2023 Trip ‐ Grease 100‐46‐5110 1,103.71 Vendor VILLAGE OF LAKE IN THE HILLS Total:   1,103.71 Vendor: WAGNER INVESTIGATIVE POLYGRAPH SVS  WAGNER INVESTIGATIVE 2306005 07/17/2023 Polygraphy Exam ‐ 100‐21‐5110 150.00 Vendor WAGNER INVESTIGATIVE POLYGRAPH SVS Total:   150.00 Vendor: ZERO WASTE USA  ZERO WASTE USA 555018 07/17/2023 McBark Park Supplies 100‐45‐6110 1,283.93 Vendor ZERO WASTE USA Total: 1,283.93 Grand Total:   551,660.87 7/12/2023 1:13:33 PM 133 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02742 ‐ 7‐17‐23 RECT INV     Fund Summary      Fund    Expense Amount      100 ‐ GENERAL FUND    399,676.72     230 ‐ AUDIT EXPENSE FUND  35,000.00    280 ‐ DEVELOPER DONATION FUND    18,012.68     400 ‐ RECREATION CENTER FUND    2,085.93     510 ‐ WATER/SEWER FUND    63,329.49     610 ‐ RISK MANAGEMENT FUND    16,376.00     620 ‐ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND  17,180.05   Grand Total:   551,660.87                                                                               134 AS NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 7-17-2023 620 620-00-5320 AT&T 06/01/2023 704.15 620 620-00-5110 AT&T 06/01/2023 821.90 620 620-00-5320 AT&T 06/01/2023 379.00 620 620-00-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 06/01/2023 2.55 510 510-31-5110 BADGER METER INC 04/30/2023 784.41 620 620-00-6110 BATTERIES PLUS LLC 04/30/2023 439.65 620 620-00-5110 BHFX DIGITAL IMAGING 06/01/2023 3276.00 100 100-47-5110 COHO SWIM CLUB 06/01/2023 330.00 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 06/01/2023 169.90 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 06/01/2023 178.19 100 100-33-5520 COMED 06/01/2023 46.68 100 100-45-5510 COMED 06/01/2023 24.65 510 510-32-5510 COMED 06/01/2023 71.34 510 510-32-5510 COMED 06/01/2023 23.23 620 620-00-6110 FLOCK GROUP INC 06/01/2023 5000.00 100 100-03-5120 HUEMANN & SONS INC, JOSEPH H 06/01/2023 7895.00 100 100-01-5310 PURCHASE POWER 04/30/2023 276.93 100 100-02-5310 PURCHASE POWER 04/30/2023 0.60 100 100-03-5310 PURCHASE POWER 04/30/2023 429.47 100 100-03-5310 PURCHASE POWER 06/01/2023 59.77 100 100-04-5310 PURCHASE POWER 06/01/2023 3282.55 100 100-22-5310 PURCHASE POWER 06/01/2023 1252.16 100 100-30-5310 PURCHASE POWER 06/01/2023 28.51 100 100-41-5310 PURCHASE POWER 06/01/2023 211.06 510 510-32-5310 PURCHASE POWER 06/01/2023 16.75 280 280-41-8800 WOODMASTER FENCE 04/30/2023 15841.00 100 100-45-6110 ADVANCED TURF SOLUTIONS 04/30/2023 6333.00 400 400-40-6142 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 04/30/2023 39.88 100 100-45-5110 AMERICAN HEATING & COOLING 06/09/2023 600.00 100 100-06-5110 AMERICAN SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINE04/30/2023 327.12 610 610-00-5980 CHIRIGOTIS, REBECCA 06/09/2023 268.83 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 06/09/2023 19797.01 100 100-44-5510 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 06/09/2023 44.61 210 210-00-5110 CRYLEN, JEFF 04/30/2023 15.00 620 620-00-5110 DACRA TECH LLC 06/09/2023 19800.00 100 100-03-5120 HUEMANN WATER CONDITIONING 06/09/2023 7895.00 100 100-01-5110 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 04/30/2023 1276.25 510 510-32-5375 INNOVATIVE BOILER SYSTEMS, INC 04/30/2023 1025.00 100 100-01-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 04/30/2023 123.76 100 100-01-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 06/09/2023 61.88 100 100-42-5510 NICOR GAS 04/30/2023 348.69 100 100-43-5510 NICOR GAS 04/30/2023 166.53 100 100-45-5510 NICOR GAS 04/30/2023 360.91 100 100-46-5510 NICOR GAS 04/30/2023 58.28 400 400-00-5510 NICOR GAS 04/30/2023 326.62 510 510-31-5510 NICOR GAS 04/30/2023 1077.67 510 510-32-5510 NICOR GAS 04/30/2023 8274.01 100 100-05-5110 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC H04/30/2023 245.00 100 100-45-6270 OTTER SALES & SERVICE INC 06/09/2023 1150.00 100 100-33-5115 SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER 06/09/2023 500.00 100 100-33-5115 SERVICEMASTER BY THACKER 06/09/2023 500.00 445 445-00-8400 SUNNYSIDE COMPANY 06/09/2023 78862.00 100 100-42-5110 UNITED CANVAS & AWNING INC 06/09/2023 469.00 100 100-22-5310 UPS 06/09/2023 23.08 510 510-32-5580 WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO 06/09/2023 1158.00 100 100-33-6950 YELLOWSTONE LANDSCAPE, INC 04/30/2023 4410.00 135 100 100-33-6110 ACE HARDWARE 06/16/2023 41.38 100 100-42-6110 ACE HARDWARE 06/16/2023 1923.04 100 100-43-6110 ACE HARDWARE 06/16/2023 263.92 100 100-44-6110 ACE HARDWARE 06/16/2023 8.98 100 100-45-6110 ACE HARDWARE 06/16/2023 546.19 510 510-31-6110 ACE HARDWARE 06/16/2023 245.89 510 510-32-5375 ACE HARDWARE 06/16/2023 149.34 510 510-32-5380 ACE HARDWARE 06/16/2023 48.33 280 280-41-8800 ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL CONTRA06/16/2023 14480.00 100 100-41-3636 CONLEY, STEPHANIE 06/16/2023 240.00 100 100-03-5110 DAHLIN, M, PC 06/16/2023 92.25 100 100-22-5110 DAHLIN, M, PC 06/16/2023 830.25 100 100-45-6110 HARM'S FARM 06/16/2023 159.86 100 100-45-6110 HARM'S FARM 06/16/2023 175.00 100 100-45-6110 HARM'S FARM 06/16/2023 65.97 100 100-03-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 06/16/2023 478.40 100 100-45-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 06/16/2023 2194.85 510 510-31-6270 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 06/16/2023 712.82 510 510-32-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 06/16/2023 459.00 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE 06/16/2023 151.00 100 100-42-5110 SOUTHWEST AQUATIC TEAM 06/16/2023 315.00 100 100-21-5110 STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC 06/16/2023 1800.00 610 610-00-5980 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION 06/16/2023 328.30 100 100-45-5110 WOODMASTER FENCE 06/16/2023 1671.00 100 100-01-6940 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 06/21/2023 158.77 100 100-03-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 06/21/2023 286.16 100 100-06-5420 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 06/21/2023 614.30 100 100-06-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 06/21/2023 627.89 100 100-22-6210 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 06/21/2023 940.58 100 100-23-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 06/21/2023 31.00 100 100-01-5420 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 2208.19 100 100-03-5370 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 114.75 100 100-2200 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 -1444.00 100 100-22-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 1648.36 100 100-22-5370 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 424.80 100 100-22-5420 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 -5675.59 100 100-22-6210 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 16.98 100 100-30-5430 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 100.00 100 100-41-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 50.00 100 100-41-5330 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 80.00 100 100-41-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 235.56 100 100-42-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 312.00 100 100-42-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 113.35 100 100-44-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 60.00 100 100-44-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 1066.32 100 100-45-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 -1172.34 100 100-46-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 53.55 100 100-46-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 613.79 100 100-46-6112 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 309.92 100 100-47-5430 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 108.00 100 100-47-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 461.85 400 400-00-5321 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 343.98 400 400-00-5430 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 36.00 400 400-00-8300 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 1108.50 400 400-40-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 718.00 400 400-40-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 41.56 510 510-31-5410 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 305.00 510 510-31-5430 FIRST BANKCARD 06/21/2023 60.00 136 100 100-41-6110 ADAMS MEMORIALS & MEMORABLE06/23/2023 1200.00 620 620-00-6210 BHFX DIGITAL IMAGING 06/23/2023 117.00 100 100-03-5120 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 06/23/2023 103.24 100 100-33-4510 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 06/23/2023 328.76 100 100-33-6110 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 06/23/2023 410.56 510 510-32-4510 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 06/23/2023 1859.15 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 06/23/2023 169.90 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 06/23/2023 178.19 600 600-00-6960 CONDUENT HR SERVICES LLC 06/23/2023 69.75 100 100-04-6945 FABRIK INDUSTRIES 06/23/2023 5606.85 100 100-45-6110 FOX WATERWAY AGENCY 06/23/2023 600.00 100 100-45-6110 FOX WATERWAY AGENCY 06/23/2023 500.00 100 100-42-6110 FURST CONCRETE SOLUTIONS INC 06/23/2023 250.00 100 100-44-6110 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 06/23/2023 557.92 100 100-44-6110 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 06/23/2023 640.51 100 100-44-6110 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 06/23/2023 288.80 620 620-00-5110 GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC, 06/23/2023 659.12 100 100-04-6945 GRAHAM ENTERPRISE INC 06/23/2023 29235.24 100 100-47-5110 HOT SHOTS SPORTS 06/23/2023 7763.00 100 100-22-4510 JG UNIFORMS INC 06/23/2023 276.50 100 100-22-4510 JG UNIFORMS INC 06/23/2023 694.00 100 100-06-5110 KAEWNOPPARAT, SIRIPHOTE 06/23/2023 19639.50 100 100-42-6110 LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE 06/23/2023 1393.00 100 100-45-6110 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS 06/23/2023 95.88 100 100-47-5110 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DI 06/23/2023 605.00 100 100-01-6210 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 06/23/2023 14.00 100 100-01-6210 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 06/23/2023 21.00 100 100-03-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 06/23/2023 170.43 100 100-01-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 06/23/2023 78.76 100 100-01-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 06/23/2023 61.88 100 100-22-5320 MOTOROLA 06/23/2023 993.00 100 100-04-6945 MUNSON SKI & INBOARD WATER SP06/23/2023 2590.98 100 100-46-6112 PURICH, CHRISTINE 06/23/2023 500.00 100 100-22-5110 REX 24/7 TOWING 06/23/2023 405.00 400 400-00-6111 SAM'S CLUB 06/23/2023 148.74 100 100-23-6110 SHAFCOM 06/23/2023 120.00 100 100-03-5330 SHAW MEDIA 06/23/2023 650.84 100 100-45-6110 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, THE 06/23/2023 69.51 280 280-41-8800 TONYAN & SONS INC, WILLIAM 06/23/2023 1242.00 100 100-42-6110 ULINE 06/23/2023 790.00 100 100-44-6110 ULINE 06/23/2023 506.53 100 100-30-5310 UPS 06/23/2023 16.68 510 510-32-5580 WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO 06/23/2023 661.20 100 100-22-6210 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 06/23/2023 42.95 100 100-03-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 06/23/2023 231.99 100 100-46-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 06/23/2023 74.85 100 100-03-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 06/23/2023 846.99 100 100-03-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 06/23/2023 256.98 100 100-22-6210 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 06/23/2023 42.95 100 100-03-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 06/23/2023 231.99 100 100-46-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 06/23/2023 74.85 100 100-03-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 06/23/2023 846.99 100 100-03-6110 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 06/23/2023 256.98 510 510-32-6110 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & SUPPLY, 06/30/2023 50.00 620 620-00-5320 AT&T 06/30/2023 388.68 620 620-00-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 06/30/2023 2.59 100 100-03-5120 CABAY & COMPANY INC 06/30/2023 766.10 100 100-45-6110 CABAY & COMPANY INC 06/30/2023 1001.00 137 400 400-00-6111 CABAY & COMPANY INC 06/30/2023 210.23 400 400-40-6110 CABAY & COMPANY INC 06/30/2023 198.26 100 100-04-6945 CASTLE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP 06/30/2023 100000.00 510 510-32-5375 CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 06/30/2023 679.96 510 510-32-5380 CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 06/30/2023 115.51 100 100-33-5520 COMED 06/30/2023 26.95 100 100-45-5510 COMED 06/30/2023 21.46 510 510-32-5510 COMED 06/30/2023 2019.72 510 510-32-5510 COMED 06/30/2023 54.38 510 510-32-6110 FIRE HOSE DIRECT 06/30/2023 1080.35 510 510-31-6110 FISCHER BROS FRESH 06/30/2023 627.00 100 100-33-6110 FISCHER BROS FRESH 06/30/2023 674.13 225 225-00-5110 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 06/30/2023 3119.00 290 290-00-8900 FREUND & SON INC, S H 06/30/2023 126062.50 100 100-01-4220 FULLER, HANNAH 06/30/2023 60.00 510 510-31-6110 GO PAINTERS INC 06/30/2023 33762.00 100 100-03-5110 HDR, INC 06/30/2023 16000.00 100 100-03-5110 HDR, INC 06/30/2023 16000.00 100 100-04-5310 INFOSEND, INC 06/30/2023 1814.37 100 100-04-5330 INFOSEND, INC 06/30/2023 531.74 510 510-32-5110 IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY IN06/30/2023 8525.00 510 510-32-5375 JENSEN, TED 06/30/2023 50.00 510 510-32-5375 JENSEN, TED 06/30/2023 242.00 100 100-03-5110 LIT N GLOW ELECTRIC, INC 06/30/2023 1064.00 100 100-01-5110 MARSH USA INC 06/30/2023 20.00 100 100-23-5110 MARSH USA INC 06/30/2023 20.00 100 100-23-5110 MARSH USA INC 06/30/2023 20.00 100 100-22-5110 MARSH USA INC 06/30/2023 20.00 100 100-23-5110 MARSH USA INC 06/30/2023 20.00 100 100-03-5120 MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PA06/30/2023 450.00 100 100-45-6110 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC 06/30/2023 217.81 100 100-45-6110 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 06/30/2023 166.57 100 100-45-6110 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY 06/30/2023 176.50 100 100-05-5110 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC H06/30/2023 336.00 610 610-00-6940 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC H06/30/2023 42.00 610 610-00-6940 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC H06/30/2023 45.00 100 100-05-5110 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC H06/30/2023 305.00 100 100-33-5370 OTTER SALES & SERVICE INC 06/30/2023 137.70 510 510-32-5375 PLATINUM HEATING & COOLING INC06/30/2023 1917.50 620 620-00-5110 POWER DMS, INC 06/30/2023 5423.05 100 100-03-5120 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORAT 06/30/2023 990.72 100 100-46-5110 SNAPOLOGY OF MCHENRY 06/30/2023 140.80 100 100-33-5370 TEREX UTILITIES INC 06/30/2023 7014.28 620 620-00-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 06/30/2023 336.21 TOTAL: 647556.59 138 Depa rtment of Economic Development Douglas Ma rtin, Director of Economic Developme nt McHenry M u nicipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry , Illinois 60050 Ph o ne: (81 5) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363-2128 dmartin@cityofmchen ry.org www.cityofmchenry.org REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development FOR: August 7, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Façade Grant at 1228 N Green Street in the a mou nt of $10,000 ATT: 1. Location Map 2. Pictures 3. Façade Grant Application AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Attached is an applicati on for a façade grant for the pr operty located at 1228 N Green Street. This is for Cantaritto’s Tequila Bar and Grill. The restaurant is not open as of yet but expected to open within the next few weeks. The façade work is being done on the west and south façades facing Green Street. The work consists of demolition, framing, remodeling and installation of windows. ANALYS IS: The approximate cost of all the wor k is $43,544. The total lineal frontage of the west and south building frontages where the work is being completed is 27 feet therefore the applicant is eligible for up to a $10,000 grant for less than 40 feet of linea l frontage. The grant is a dollar - for-dollar match. Attached is an application, along with pictur es before and in progress. If the City Counc il conc urs with Staff’s review and analysis it is reco mmen ded a motion be made approving a façade grant application for the property located at 1228 N Green Street in the amount o f $10,000. 139 Department of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363-2128 dmartin@cityofmchenry.org Location Map-1228 N Green Street 140 Department of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363-2128 dmartin@cityofmchenry.org View looking at west façade-1228 N Green Street 141 Department of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363-2128 dmartin@cityofmchenry.org View looking at west and south facades-1228 N Green Street 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 Depa rtment of Economic Development Douglas Ma rtin, Director of Economic Developme nt McHenry M u nicipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry , Illinois 60050 Ph o ne: (815) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363 -2128 dmartin@cityofmchen ry.org www.cityofmchenry.org REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development FOR: August 7, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Façade Grant at 3901 Main Street in the amount o f $18,261 ATT: 1. Location Map 2. Pictures 3. Façade Grant Application AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Attached is an applicati on for a façade grant for the pr operty located at 3901 Main Street, Ye Olde Corner Tap. The façade work is being done on all elevations. The work consists of new siding , trim work and window and house wrapping. ANALYS IS: The approximate c ost of all the wor k is $36,523. The total lineal frontage of all building frontages is over 80 feet therefore the applicant is eligible for up to a $30,000 grant for more than 80 feet of lineal frontage. The grant is a dollar -for -dollar match. Attached is an application, along with pictures before. If the City Counc il conc urs with Staff’s review and analysis it is reco mmen ded a motion be made app rov ing a façade grant application for the property locat ed at 3901 Main Street in the amount of $18,261. 162 Department of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363-2128 dmartin@cityofmchenry.org Location Map-3901 Main Street View looking at north façade-3901 Main Street 163 Department of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363-2128 dmartin@cityofmchenry.org View lo oking at south façade-3901 Main Street 164 Department of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363-2128 dmartin@cityofmchenry.org View lo oking at east façade-3901 Main Street 165 Department of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363-2128 dmartin@cityofmchenry.org View looking at west façade-3901 Main Street 166 Department of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363-2128 dmartin@cityofmchenry.org 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181