HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 09/11/2017 - Public Works CommitteePUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE
Monday, September 11, 2017
Municipal Center Council Chambers, 6*30 PM
In Attendance at Roll Call: Chairperson Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab and Alderman
Also in Attendance: Director of Public Works Schmitt and Deputy Police Chief Birk.
Members of the Public in Attendance: Terry VanAlstine, Theresa VanAlstine, Pat Stanek, and
Mr. Gulliani.
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.
2. Public Comment: None.
3. Motion to approve Apri117, 2017 Public Works Committee Meeting Report.
4. Alderman Glab stated what is being presented are meeting minutes and not a meeting
Chairperson Santi called for a motion to approve the minutes from April 17, 2017.
Alderman Glab made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by
Alderman Mihevc. Chairperson Santi asked the Clerk to call the roll.
Aye: Glab, Mihevc, Santi.
Motion carried.
5. Review of a proposed Ordinance amending the Traffic &Motor Vehicle Code
establishing No Parking/No Standing on the south side of Glenbrook Trail form
Driftwood Trail to Cross Trail between the hours of 3900 PM to 4*30 PM on School
Days, and direction to place item on the next available City Council meeting agenda.
Chairperson Santi asked Director Schmitt to review the agenda item. Director Schmitt
announced Alderman Condon had met with several residents on Glenbrook Trail who
expressed a safety concern when students are released at the end of the day from
Riverwood School. Several people park on both sides of the street and children are
crossing the street, which could be hazardous. Staff evaluated the concern and similar
situation around several schools throughout town and proposed No Parking/No Standing
between the hours of 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM on school days for the south side of Glenbrook
Trail from Driftwood Trail to Cross Trail for the committee to consider. The reason staff
is recommending south side is so that parents can still park on the north side and the
students will not have to cross the road to get to the vehicles. Staff mailed letters to
approximately 35 residents on Glenbrook Trail who reside between Driftwood and Cross
Trail. Feedback was received from three residents. One resident agreed with the
proposed change. One residents disagreed telling staff that they have lived on the street
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for over 23 years and have not seen a problem. The third resident did not want the
parking restriction on the north side of the road. Staff also sent a letter to the same 35
property owners inviting them for an open discussion at tonight's meeting.
Chairperson Santi opened the floor to the Committee for discussion.
Alderman Glab asked what has changed over the years to justify these concerns. Director
Schmitt said it is his understanding that the school closed vehicle traffic on Driftwood
Trail to parents picking up their children after school. As a result, parents have to pull
their vehicles into the driveway entrance on Glenbrook Trail and turnaround to park and
pick up their children. They are no longer able to pull up to the west side of the school to
pick up their children. Busses now park at this location, as it was difficult for the busses
to make the turn to pick up the students.
Alderman Glab asked if staff spoke with District 15, adding it sounds like the District has
safety concerns about the site so now they have thrown the impact in another direction
that is impacting the neighborhood. He also asked if a representative from District 15
was at the meeting and there was not. Alderman Glab further stated he thinks the onus is
always thrown on the city. Although the city wants to support all entities of the city we
also need to look at what is being done that has changed things and was it done just for
the convenience of District 15; for every action, there is a reaction. Now we have a
neighborhood reacting to traffic concerns and now the city is having a committee meeting
and eventually a Council meeting. Alderman Glab would like to get all the information
possible tonight, then analyze it, and speak to someone from District 15 to explain what
their situation is and why the changes were made. We can than work productively
together for a better solution. The children should be able to get in and out of the school
from school property and not onto city streets. Alderman Glab suggested another
Committee meeting be scheduled with District 15 representatives present to discuss the
Chairperson Santi asked Director Schmitt if he spoke with District 15. Director Schmitt
said he spoke with the Facilities Manager. Another request received from the residents
was to install a stop sign on their private driveway coming on to Glenbrook. It is a
private driveway and the city does not regulate installing stop signs on a private property.
Director Schmitt spoke to the D4 5 representative who said she would have her staff
install the stop sign. An unnamed person from the audience announced the stop sign was
Director Schmitt reported he went to the site last Tuesday arriving about 3:00 PM and
parked on Glenbrook heading westbound and east of the school entrance. One of the
concerns was cars parking the wrong way on Glenbrook and cars blocking driveways.
Director Schmitt said one car arrived about 3:45 PM and parked east of the school
entrance facing the wrong way. A second car showed up about 3:47 PM and parked
westbound the correct way. A third car appeared about 3:48 PM and parked on the north
side of Glenbrook facing west the correct way but blocked a driveway. A crossing guard
came out about 3:48 PM and assisted two students with crossing Glenbrook Trail from
the north side to the south side. She also assisted three students crossing the driveway of
the entrance to Riverwood School from the east side to the west side. At 3:50 PM, the
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crossing guard walked back up to the school. Director Schmitt said he did not witness
many cars at the school.
Chairperson Santi reported he visited the school site earlier today from about 3:15 PM to
almost 4:00 PM and witnessed less cars than the Director. Chairperson Santi said he saw
one car parked on the north side of Glenbrook facing west bound waiting for a student
and all the other traffic went into that entrance picked up their child on the premises,
circled around and went to their homes. The final car on Glenbrook Trail was not
blocking a driveway and left when their child arrived. The crossing guard was there for
approximately five minutes after school was let out and did safely cross approximately
six students from one side of Glenbrook to the other side. These students were all
walkers and not going to a vehicle.
Alderman Glab asked how many vehicles were observed and Chairperson Santi answered
one on Glenbrook Trail; all others were pulled into the driveway going into the back
entrance of the school waiting for their children for about 25 minutes prior to school
being let out; there were no vehicles parked on the south side of Glenbrook Trail.
Alderman Mihevc stated most of his questions were answered by Director Schmitt and
Chairperson Santi adding he would like to hear what the residents present at the meeting
had to say about the situation and he would like to know what has changed to create these
concerns. Alderman Mihevc noted many District 15 schools are located in areas that do
not have an impact on residential areas.
Chairperson Santi opened the floor to the public who registered to speak at the meeting.
Mr. Terry VanAlstine, 4919 Glenbrook Trail stated he has lived on Glenbrook Trial since
1989 and over the last 28 years, he did not notice a problem with school busses although
aI times there are a lot of cars parked on the street, especially when activities are
scheduled at the school. This is a school issue and he is opposed to instituting parking
restrictions in front of his house. Mr. VanAlstine asked how many accidents have
occurred at the school and how many children have been injured because of the parking
situation. Mr. VanAlstine suggested installation of a crosswalk at the school entrance
and asked the Committee to oppose parking restrictions.
Mr. Pat Stanek resides at 4917 Glenbrook Trail said there must be a problem somewhere
however he does not feel 35 houses should be impacted for a few cars that park at the
school. Mr. Stanek stated he has lived in the neighborhood for over 28 years and has not
experienced any problems but if there is a problem at the driveway, maybe something
should be done there. Mr. Stanek asked Deputy Chief Birk if there have been any police
issues at the driveway. Deputy Chief Birk said in the past 18 years, he is not aware of
any accidents at that location. Mr. Stanek concluded by stating his opposition to the
proposed changes.
Mrs. Theresa VanAlstine, 4919 Glenbrook Trail stated she is opposed to parking
restrictions on her street adding the school should look into revising their bus parking.
Mrs. VanAlstine asked how this issue started. Director Schmitt answered it was his
understanding Alderman Condon had a meeting with residents of Glenbrook Trail and
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this concern was raised.
Mr. Gulliani who resides at 4820 Glenbrook Trail stated he is the person who held the
meeting with Alderman Condon. His home is located just east of the school driveway.
Mr. Guliani said the request for No Parking signs was just a suggestion made at that
meeting. He added because of the meeting, a stop sign was installed on school property
coming out of the driveway. Mr. Guliani has lived on Glenbrook Trail for about two
years. When he moved to the area, the school busses parked on the driveway. After the
school addition was built, the school said the busses could no longer park on the
driveway because they could not make the turn however semi -trucks making deliveries
make the turn with no trouble at all. Since parents are picking up their children, he has
seen traffic backed up down both sides of the street. The day Director Schmitt observed
traffic at the school it was his driveway that was blocked by a vehicle parked the wrong
way. Mr. Guliani said a crosswalk is needed at the location however, was told by his
Alderman that it was too expensive to install. He further stated it made no sense to have
a crossing guard at this location. Mr. Gulliani provided the Committee with a brief
history of his past discussions with Alderman Condon and noted the school zone signs
were removed. Director Schmitt announced the signs have been reinstalled.
In response to Alderman Glab's question, Director Schmitt stated the 20 mph school zone
limit was approved shortly after Riverwood School opened. Alderman Glab asked if the
city has reviewed the original design of the school to determine what has changed and
reiterated his recommendation to invite District 15 to meeting with the city.
Chairperson Santi asked the residents at the meeting if refuse pickup was a concern when
school let out and. The residents agreed the situation improved with the new garbage
company as there is now only one garbage truck instead of two or three going down the
street in one day.
Chairperson Santi asked if the upcoming leaf pickup could be a safety concern in the
area. The residents agreed it was not. Mr. Stanek stated if the city were to approve this
action, parking should be restricted on the north side and Alderman Glab agreed.
Deputy Chief Birk addressed the Committee stating he would like to address some of the
concerns expressed by the public at the meeting. Deputy Chief Birk said from a police
perspective, what he can do is issue a drive -enforcement for the specific timeframes
discussed this evening. He will arrange for the department to meet with the school and
suggested they send a letter to the parents to notify them of the parking concerns on
Glenbrook Trail and to exercise caution because parking regulations will be strictly
enforced such as parking in the right direction and not block driveways. Deputy Chief
Birk is of the opinion this behavior can be changed. It is a small block with a small group
of peoples this is a process that can be managed and quickly alleviated.
Chairperson Santi summarized by stating Deputy Chief Birk's suggestion is something
we should look into, and would give us time to contact District 15 for their opinion.
Alderman Glab stated his concerns about residents who received the letter and are not at
the meeting. Chairperson Santi noted this is not something we cannot control.
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Alderman Glab said the city should be open to installing a crosswalk as a possibility, and
expressed his desire to meet with District 15.
Alderman Glab asked about flashing speed limit signs. Chairperson Santi stated that
topic could be discussed at a future Committee meeting.
Director Schmitt relayed to the Committee that staff brings topics forward to the
Committee upon request and he welcomes the Committee's input to look at the big
picture. The last thing he wants to do is not notify residents affected by a concern.
Unfortunately, Alderman Santi is correct; not all residents with concerns come to
meetings. Director Schmitt further stated staff did research many of the suggestions
made tonight such as crosswalks. He said he is not a fan of crosswalks installed at
uncontrolled intersections because it gives people, specifically children, a false sense of
security. There is a crosswalk at the intersection of Glenbrook and Driftwood, which is a
controlled intersection and is safer than crossing in the middle of the block. Regarding
handicapped children being picked up at the school, the city cannot legally paint stripes
from driveway to driveway. Therefore, the city has to install handicapped accessible
sidewalks with a "T" in each sidewalk on the north and south side of Glenbrook and then
stripe it according to ADA standards and then we have to make sure our slope is correct,
as was done on Dartmoor.
Chairperson Santi asked the public present for final comments.
Mrs. VanAlstine encouraged the city to meet with District 15 to find a solution that
would not restrict parking.
Mr. Stanek said the discussion seems to be moving in the right direction and thinks the
District should limit the access to the driveway.
Mr. VanAlstine invited the police to park in his driveway anytime they want.
Mr. Guliani said he likes the direction the Committee is taking.
Chairperson Santi summarized the Committee's recommendation and asked Police to
conduct a traffic campaign. Deputy Chief Birk stated police will document and record
activities in the area. Police will use the school to help get the notification out to the
parents that pickup their children so there is a process. Violators will received warning
tickets for the first offense. Repeat offenders will receive tickets. Staff will report to the
Committee when the problem is solved.
Director Schmitt said city and District 15 staff could work through this problem.
Chairperson Santi thanked the public in attendance for their input at the meeting.
Chairperson Santi suggested the Committee review Agenda Item #6 before Agenda Item
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6. Motion to approve the Public Works Committee meeting schedule for the
remainder of Fiscal Year 2017/18.
Chairperson SME announced proposed dates for future Public Works Committee
meetings as follows: October 9, November 27, January 8, February 12 March 12, and
April 9. All meetings would be held on Monday at 6:30 PM. Chairperson Santi noted he
is not in favor of holding Committee meetings prior to Council meetings. He would also
prefer the meetings begin at 6#30 PM.
Alderman Mihevc stated he is in favor of the proposed schedule as presented.
After a brief discussion, Chairperson Santi asked for a motion. Alderman Mihevc made a
motion, seconded by Alderman Glab to approve the Public Works Committee meeting
schedule as presented.
Aye: Mihevc Glab, Santi
Motion carried.
5. Review of a proposed Ordinance amending the Traffic &Motor Vehicle Code Sec.
13-604, to revise parking hours to No Parking 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM in Downtown
Business Districts on Saturday and Sunday mornings and designated holidays, and
direction to place item on the next available City Council meeting agenda.
Chairperson Santi asked Deputy Chief Birk to begin the discussion.
Deputy Chief Birk stated staff is seeking the Committee's support and possible
recommendation to amend the Traffic & Motor Vehicle Code Sec. 13-604, to revise
parking hours to No Parking 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM in Downtown Business Districts on
Saturday and Sunday mornings and those specific holidays tied to extended liquor
licensing hours. Specifically, the areas of Riverside Drive, Green Street, Pearl Street, and
Main Street and municipal lots that are adjacent to those properties as stated in the
summary included in the Committee packet.
As background, Deputy Chief Birk reported the City has a citywide no parking ordinance
from 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM. Although we have 15 businesses that have liquor license
classifications that allow them on certain days of the week to actually serve until 2*00
AM and allow patrons to stay in their business until 2:15 AM, the current parking
regulation is a contradiction of the city ordinance. A request is being brought forward on
behalf of the McHenry Police Department to amend the parking ordinance to restrict
parking from 3:00 AM to 6*00 AM.
Chairperson Santi asked for comments from the Committee.
Alderman Glab asked how this matter was brought to the city's attention. Deputy Chief
Birk answered in his position, he deals with complaints and issues regarding parking
ticket violations and recently, several people have voiced concerns about the parking
limits. Several local business owners that are open late actually choose to have their
employees park on the street and risk a ticket rather than having them return to their
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vehicles at 2:30 AM in a darkly lit public parking area. This amending is an opportunity
for the department to be proactive rather than reactive to promote downtown businesses.
Alderman Glab asked what the reasoning was when the ordinance was originally
adopted. Director Schmitt said to clear vehicles off the street overnight. Deputy Chief
Birk noted the parking restriction is also a deterrent for potential victims of property
crime and car burglaries. There is also more of a potential for vehicles being struck in
neighborhoods while parked on dark roadways versus the downtown district. It also
keeps the criminals from parking down the street from your house and then coming to
burglarize your car while it is parked in your driveway because they might get a parking
ticket and at the very least, the department would have a good investigating league.
Alderman Glab asked if we really want to have different streets in the city with different
parking regulations and, would it hurt if we made a citywide parking restriction from
3:00 AM to 6*00 AM. Deputy Chief Birk said as proposed, enforcement would not be
difficult. Director Schmitt said one concern about changing the parking limits citywide
would be the cost of changing all the signage. In addition, when he looks at different
parking restrictions in areas throughout town, some have two-hour parking and school
day only limits.
Chairperson Santi said Alderman Glab's point is good. The Police Department came to
the Committee with this suggestion and if Public Works is comfortable with this we
should look to them as professionals and consider this amendment. He reported having
discussions with some of the business owners regarding their concerns about employees
walking two or three blocks to their cars after closing. Although personally he has a
problem when he sees that an owner of a business is parked in front of their business.
With that said, he is in favor of this amendment because it is focused on certain areas.
Deputy Chief Birk stated liquor license holders in other areas of the community have
parking lots and are located on streets with no street parking. Extended parking in these
specific locations gives drivers an extra hour to find other options to get home and avoid
getting a parking ticket, which also makes our roadways safer.
Alderman Mihevc stated he appreciated the straightforward and clear analysis submitted
by staff adding the rational for the amendment makes sense to him and he is in favor of
the proposed amendment. Alderman Mihevc asked if there is also time limit parking on
some of these streets. Deputy Chief Birk answered without looking it up in the code, he
is aware of 4-hour daytime parking limits on some areas of these streets, which has been
adjusted from time to time by the Council. Restricted daytime parking usually ends after
6:00 or 7:00 PM.
Alderman Glab said these are good locations and asked is staff was certain there are no
other locations that should also be reviewed.
Chairperson Santi suggested staff look into this, change the proposed locations as needed,
and bring the amendment to the Council.
Deputy Chief Birk reported so far this year, the department has issued 154 citations in the
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downtown business district for 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM parking violations. Of those, just
over 60 were written between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM, which totals approximately $1,600
in fines. In 2016, the department issued over 226 in that specific area for parking
violations and of those only 69 were written between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM.
Chairperson Santi asked staff to explain bullet point #3 in the supplement -Waukegan
Road between Green Street and the end of the Riverwalk Center property. Deputy Chief
answered this language was taken directly from the ordinance and is directed at the three
parking spots located on the road right before the McHenry Villa. If further clarification
is request, staff could declare it in the ordinance as the first three parking spots on the
north side of the road.
As there were no further comments, Chairperson Santi asked for a motion. Alderman
Glab made a motion, seconded by Alderman Miheve to recommend the proposed
ordinance amendment be brought to the full City Council for consideration.
Aye: Glab, Mihevc, Santi
Motion carried.
Future Meeting_Topics
Chairperson Santi asked if there were any topics the Committee would like Director
Schmitt to present at a future meeting. Deputy Chief Birk reported he and Director
Schmitt have investigated the use of flashing speed limit signs. Alderman Glab said he
brought this topic up to the Mayor a few weeks ago as over the years he has received
complaints from residents who reside on Dartmoor Drive. After further discussion, it
was agreed to bring this suggestion before the Committee at a future meeting.
Alderman Glab suggested the Committee discuss next year's road resurfacing program
and future CIF projects.
Chairperson Santi summarized the following future meeting topics:
• CIP Projects
• Road Resurfacing Program
• Flashing Speed Limit Signs
• Framed Rubber Pedestrian Crossing Signs
• Crosswalk on Green Street
Chairperson Santi urged the Committee members to call or email Director Schmitt with
suggestions for future meeting topics.
The Committee agreed to add a line item for discussion on future agenda items to
Committee agendas.
Chairperson Santi thanked Director Schmitt for assisting him in his position as chair. He
asked the Committee to try to stay on topic. Public Works is vast and there are many
items that could to be discussed and reminded the members of the Committee to contact
Director Schmitt with future topics or comments.
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6. Motion to Adiourn.
As there were no further comments, Chairperson ME called for a motion to adjourn the
meeting. Alderman Glab made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mihevc to adjourn the
Aye: Glab, Mihevc5 Santi
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marci Geraghty, Executive Assist/Deputy Clerk
Reviewed and approved this day oFYI v® 2017.
Alderman Victor Santi, Chairperson