HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/7/2004 - Landmark Commission The City of McHenry Landmark Commission Meeting Minutes December 7, 2004 The meeting was called to order at 7:17 pm by Greg Lofgren at the McHenry Municipal Center. Members present: Greg Lofgren, Dawn Johnson, Gerhard Rosenberg, Marya Dixon, Pat Schafer, Ilene Wiedemann, Kathy Miller and Marie Wilt Members absent: Sue Hendrickson, Holly Wood, Colin Schultheis and Gretchen Thomas November 2004 Meeting Minutes: Pat Schafer moved to approve, Marya Dixon seconded no discussion and the motion carried. November 2004 Treasurer's Report: Pat Schafer moved to approve, Marie Wilt seconded no discussion and the motion carried. November 2004 Facade Grant Report: Dawn Johnson moved to approve, Ilene Wiedemann seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Business: Demolition Requests: None Expenses: The following motions were made: Gerhard Rosenberg moved to approve expenses incurred by Dawn Johnson in the amount of $251.12 for printer cartridges, Plexiglas, spray adhesive and cork for 3 street signs. Marya Dixon seconded no further discussion and the motion carried. Marya Dixon moved to approve expenses incurred by Gerhard Rosenberg in the amount of $104.44 for miscellaneous items to repair 3 street signs. Ilene Wiedemann seconded no further discussion and the motion carried. Pat Schafer moved to approve funds not to exceed$200.00 to be utilized for yearly membership dues to various historical committees, Ilene Wiedemann seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Greg Lofgren will forward the information on the committees and the dues required for each to Dawn Johnson for the commission files. Commission Walking Tour Structures: Gerhard Rosenberg reported the sign on Riverside Drive was still in need of more painting. At this time the commission recognized his outstanding efforts to improve these signs for the community. Great job! Christmas Tour: Pat Schafer reported that she has spoken to Debbie ??? regarding the commission set aside the second weekend of each November aside to allow us to participate in the Christmas Tour. It was noted that we require a two month notice to prepare, and the location of the McHenry train station be included in the 2005 tour. Pat will write a note detailing their conversation, and we will contact them in August of 2005 to get things prepared. 1 Petersen Farm House: The alarm is no activated as Greg Lofgren and Pat Shafer recently found out. On two separate �..r occasions each accidentally tripped the house alarm. Greg now has the code information and we believe that the alarm can be turned off at the police department. Pete Merkel is not ready to move forward on working on the farm. They Parks and Rec department will continue repairing the house from the water damage. Pete also stated that P &R is going in the same direction as the Landmark Commission as what we would like to utilize the farm for. Greg will continue his work cleaning up the house. Misc discussion regarding storage and pest control. Residential Guidelines: A meeting was held on December 6th at Dawn Johnson's house to splice together a draft for the proposed historic district. The draft was completed and passed around to commission members for their input. It was noted that our mission statement should be included. Dawn will make alterations and have copies made for each member. New Business: 2005 Coloring books: Colin Schultheis will require a listing of structures to begin drawing. Marya Dixon will prepare a list and report to the commission in January. 2005 Promotions: Placemats, 2006 calendars, Christmas walk,National Preservation Week, Art in the Park, etc. Committees will be formed at the January meeting to address all of these upcoming events. Other: It was noted that Greg Lofgren located the 1988 Architectural Survey report to the city council to discover historic structures within the city. We will keep this for our files. Marya Dixon showed the commission a Christmas ornament of the Landmark School that was made to promote the preservation of the structure. Marie Wilt reported that she would like the opportunity to interview her husband Dr. Wilt regarding the history of McHenry's medical industry and its changes over the years. Pat Shafer noted that she had received an email from Nancy Fike regarding the county Legacy Plan. For further information the official website is: http://www.leain.uiuc.edu/legacy Dawn Johnson moved to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Pat Shafer seconded no discussion and the motion carried. 2