HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/7/2004 - Landmark Commission The City of McHenry Landmark Commission Meeting Minutes September 7, 2004 The meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm by Pat Schafer at Dawn Johnson's home. The commission will be unable to utilize the Petersen Farm until further notice due to water damage from a leaking pipe. Members present: Greg Lofgren, Dawn Johnson, Gerhard Rosenberg, Gretchen Thomas, Marie Wilt, Marya Dixon, Pat Schafer, Merle Janssen, and Judy Franks. Members absent: Sue Hendrickson August 2004 Meeting Minutes: Gretchen Thomas moved to approve, Marie Wilt seconded no discussion and the motion carried. August 2004 Treasurer's Report: Dawn Johnson moved to approve, Marya Dixon seconded no discussion and the motion carried. August 2004 Façade Grant Report: Gretchen Thomas moved to approve, Judy Franks seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Business: Demolition Requests: None Expenses: Dawn Johnson requested new motions for 2 billings from Minuteman Press. Gretchen Thomas moved to approve the billing from Minuteman for$278.50 for the printing of 150 copies of the new 2004 Cemetery Walk keepsake brochure;Judy Franks seconded no discussions and the motion carried. Gretchen Thomas moved to approve the billing from Minuteman in the amount of$159.50 for the printing of 100 copies of the 2003 Cemetery Walk Brochure. Merle Janssen seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Marya Dixon moved to approve the expenses incurred by Dawn Johnson in the amount of$59.75 for the cemetery walk and office supplies. Merle Janssen seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Commission Goals for 2004/2005: The commission was able to review the plan booklet that Doug Martin designed. It was approved of, however it was noted that on the back of the booklet it should be printed on the back..."Printed: October 2004". Dawn Johnson will be in contact with Doug regarding this plan and its next step. 2004 Cemetery Walk: Miscellaneous discussion regarding the success of the walk. It was noted that the revenue for this years walk totaled $441.00 with approximately 80 people in attendance. It was suggested that the timetable for the walks be shortened from 1-3 p.m. instead of 1-4 p.m. It was also suggested that the commission takes a break from this next year and 1 ' focus on the Historic District implementation among other pending items instead. Overall this year's walk was a great success. Thank you cards have been sent to those that assisted and members hope that this walk can now be handed off to the proposed McHenry Historic Society. Barbian Honorary Plaque Renovation: Dawn Johnson presented the newly painted sign for the commission's approval. It was painted by a friend of Dawns,with outdoor paint and then covered with a clear finish that will help to combat the outside elements. Dawn will take it to the Barbian house for the new owners to replace the old sign. Residential Design Guidelines: The November 2004 meeting will be held exclusively for the creation of the new McHenry Residential Design Guidelines. The meeting time will be the same, however the date will change to November 9th due to the 2nd being election night. City Planner Doug Martin and former Commissioner Shelly Trost will be invited to participate. Logo Redesign: Marya Dixon reported that Colin Schultheis will be forwarding the new design to Dawn Johnson as soon as possible. Due to his family moving his computer has been temporarily disabled. Commission Walking Tour Structures: The commission decided to begin working on the structure on Green Street first. It will be evaluated by Commissioner Rosenberg to determine what supplies are necessary to clean up and fix this element of the Landmark Commission. Work dates will be scheduled at the October meeting. Maintenance of the Petersen Farm House: Based on the water damage that the commission members found at the Petersen Farm before tonight's meeting was held is exactly the type of neglect that we are attempting to avoid. It was noted that because of the water damage the entire structure of the house will need to be scrutinized. Ambrose and Tom from the Parks Department were on hand to assist with the problems when the alarms went off The reviewed some of the damage and will report to Director Merkel. Until the house is in a condition to be utilized, the commission will be meeting at the municipal center. It was also noted that the security alarm is still not hooked up to the police or fire department; there is no working telephone lines; the tuck pointing that is necessary has still not been done and Pat Schafer also noted that a motion light is necessary above the garage door so that it may be easily opened by members at night. A secure deadbolt will also be required for the side door of the home due to the fact that with a little jiggling anyone can gain entrance to the home. Greg Lofgren noted that the Parks and Recreation Board will be devoting their September 16th meeting to the Petersen Farm. Commission members are hoping for an invitation so that we may be involved in any necessary changes to the farm. Commission Attendance: Miscellaneous discussion regarding the amount of time that each member of the commission is able to commit to. It was noted that a number of commission members have continually missed meetings, have persistently not participated in events that the commission holds. Do not actively assist with any ongoing items that the commission has. This problem has put the burden of all projects on the members that are very active. Dawn Johnson requested that all members evaluate their commitment to this commission, and if after that 2 evaluation they find that they are unable to actively participate to ensure that all members are working toward the common goal, that they resign their commission. Gretchen Thomas noted that there are a number of residents that would be wonderfully active additions to the commission. Nancy Fike made a number of suggestions to her, and Dawn Johnson also remarked that since Shelly Trost is now home after her stay in South Africa that she might again be interested in being on the commission. Pat Schafer moved to adjourn at 8:53 p.m.; Gerhard Rosenberg seconded no discussion and the motion carried. 3