HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/3/2004 - Landmark Commission • The City of McHenry Landmark Commission Meeting Minutes August 3, 2004 The meeting was called to order at•7:20 pm by Greg Lofgren at the Petersen Farm. Members present: Greg Lofgren, Dawn Johnson, Gerhard Rosenberg, Gretchen' 'homas, Marie Wilt, Marya Dixon, and Colin Schultheis. Members absent: Pat Schafer, Merle Janssen, Judy Franks, Sue Hendrickson July 2004 Meeting Minutes: Marya Dixon moved to approve, Gerhard Rosenberg seconded no discussion and the motion carried. July 2004 Treasurer's Report: Dawn Johnson moved to approve, Gerhard Rosenberg seconded no discussion and the motion carried. July 2004 Facade Grant Report: Gretchen Thomas moved to approve, Dawn Johnson seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Business: Cemetery Walk 2004: Miscellaneous discussion regarding the flyers, last minute details for the walk-thru which is scheduled on August 21, 2004 at 10:30 am at the cemetery. The press releases have gone to the Northwest Herald in hopes of an article. Responsibilities were distributed to attending members. The following motion was made: Gerhard Rosenberg moved to approve the printing of 150 copies of the new 2004 cemetery walk keepsake brochure; Marya Dixon seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Logo Redesign: Colin Schultheis presented two ideas for the commission's approval. The following motion was made: Gretchen Thomas moved to accept the new logo design—circular with a drawing of the Petersen Farm within it. Dawn Johnson seconded no discussion and the motion carried Expenses: It was noted that expenses from July were still outstanding; Dawn Johnson was requested to contact Doug Martin to have them resubmitted. The following motions were made: Marie Wilt moved to approve expenses incurred by Gretchen Thomas for printing of photos in the amount of$42.55; Marya Dixon seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Gretchen Thomas moved to approve the invoice from Minuteman Press for the 400 copies of the Cemetery Walk Flyer in the amount of$42.75;Dawn Johnson seconded no discussion and the motion carried. 1 Business—continued: Art in the Park: It was noted that the event went very well, all were thanked for their work and attention to detail. Marie Wilt will be forwarding thank you notes to the members of the Civil War Roundtable that participated to highlight our upcoming cemetery walk. It was also noted that Mayor Low had a great amount of difficulty in contacting the children of Lori Wilhelm to purchase the remaining prints of her work of McHenry. She told Dawn Johnson that she would continue to try to contact them and maybe we would be able to sell them at Art in the Park 2005. Count's House: The new owner is Pam Riter; she will be invited to an upcoming commission meeting. Cathy Schultheis took several pictures of the inside of the house prior to moving for the commission. Marya Dixon will obtain them for our files. Demolition Requests: None Barbian Plaque: Dawn Johnson will enlist the assistance of a friend to paint a new plaque for this house. More info at the next meeting. Residential Design Guidelines: Tabled to September and than another date will be scheduled. Owen Property: This issue will be tabled until the Riverwalk is closer to completion. 2nd series of the Walking Tour Brochures: This will be started in September/October 2004 New Business: It was noted by Gretchen Thomas that in the future we will be asked for pictures of structures within McHenry. She believes that a pricing structure should be made to offset any costs incurred by the commission. This will be discussed again at the next commission meeting. Commission walking structures: Dawn Johnson noted that all three of the commission's walking structures are in need of immediate attention for maintenance. A number of commissioners' volunteered to assist her with painting/staining and replacement of the Plexiglas on each one. October was suggested and approved. Dawn Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m., Gretchen Thomas seconded no discussion and the motion carried. 2