HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/2/2004 - Landmark Commission The City of McHenry Landmark Commission Meeting Minutes March 2, 2004 The meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm by Pat Schafer at the Petersen Farm. Members present: Pat Schafer, Dawn Johnson, Gretchen Thomas, Sue Hendrickson, Judy Franks, Marya Dixon, Ilene Wiedemann and Marie Wilt, Greg Lofgren. Members absent: Gerhard Rosenberg, Merle Janssen Guests: Danielle Miller January 2004 Meeting Minutes: Corrections were noted and will be revised for the final minutes. Gretchen Thomas moved to approve the minutes; Marya Dixon seconded no further discussion and the motion carried. Treasurer's Report: Gretchen Thomas moved to approve, Marie Wilt seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Facade Grant Report: Sue Hendrickson moved to approve, Dawn Johnson seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Business: Commission ID Cards: ID cards were distributed to attending members. Event Flyers: Upcoming events countywide were discussed and distributed. The following motions were made: Pat Schafer moved to have the renewal for membership dues in the amount of$80.00 for the Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Commissions are paid; Dawn Johnson seconded no discussion and the motion passed. Ilene Wiedemann moved to have the following reimbursements paid: To Greg Lofgren $74.07 for miscellaneous office supplies; to Pat Schafer$30.16 for the McHenry County Historic Book and foam board for historic picture display purposes. Marya Dixon seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Dawn Johnson moved to approve the proposed budget for the Landmark Commission and have it submitted to the city council for approval; Sue Hendrickson seconded no further discussion and the motion carried. Pat Schafer reported that Mayor Low made a proclamation that the first week of May 2004 would be recognized as National Preservation Week. This proclamation will enable the City of McHenry to participate with all countywide projects for celebrations. 1 Coloring Books: Marya Dixon presented the next draft copy of the proposed 2004 coloring book. This copy was approved by the commission and given to Sue Hendrickson to complete and obtain two estimates for printing. The commission decided not to solicit for sponsors for this book. No more than 1000 copies will be printed; once the estimates have been received the commission will do a telephone survey of all commissioners to obtain a motion for approval. Gretchen Thomas will create a letter directed to the teachers of District 15 regarding the disbursement to the district third grade students. The commission will request that the city approve the display at city hall. Any submitted pictures will be returned to the students with a certificate of appreciation from the commission. Residential Guidelines: Dawn Johnson requested that all members review the copy of residential guidelines obtained from Rock Island Illinois to select items for McHenry to adopt. Members were asked to highlight items they would like to incorporate; those will be compiled for a basic start of McHenry's own guideline designs. Count's House: Marya Dixon read a letter that was received by Cathy Schultheis regarding the proposed city purchase of the"Count's House". With much apprehension the commission was told that the city would not consider the purchase of this historic structure. Historic Society: Some commission members will be meeting with Diana Kenney from the Crystal Lake Historic Society later in the month. Members look forward to working with Diane and will report results at the April meeting. Historic District: Ilene Wiedemann reported that the Methodist Church will be happy to allow us to utilize two days in June to hold small informal meetings with homeowners within the proposed district. During further discussion the commissioner's determined that the process should be altered. A more formal meeting at city hall which would include invited members from local cities that have successfully established historic districts within their own cities, along with representatives from the state to assist us with communicating the importance to the local citizens. Library Memorabilia Night: This is scheduled for May 5th. Speakers are needed; however this will be tabled until the April meeting. The trivia contest winners will be announced at memorabilia night. This contest will begin on April 19 with 30 questions in total made by commissioners they will be divided and available at six different locations throughout the city. The return date to city hall will be April 29th. The most correct answers out of 30 will win. Clues will be available in the historic boxes that are within the city. Discussion on prizes included donations from the McHenry Theater, Green St. Café, Harbor Wallbangers and Plum Garden among others. Greg Lofgren asked for all commissioners to submit their trivia questions to Pat Schafer within the week. State Bank of the Lake: Work is continuing. Cemetery Walk: Gretchen Thomas requires more information to complete the cemetery walk brochures. Due to time constraints, the Bolger family will be replaced by the Sutton family for the sixth highlighted family for the walk. Further discussion followed and work will continue. 2 Walking Tour Brochures: Gretchen Thomas reported that she has received corrections to the latest draft of the brochure. Some further discussion followed and a target of May was set to completing the draft and turning the first brochure to Dawn Johnson for scanning of pictures and the design finishing prior to going to print. Slides to video: This item was added to the budget and will be tabled for the moment. TexTiles In Time: The finished quilt created by the McHenry Middle School kids will be on display at the First Midwest Bank on Thursday March 4th from 4-7 pm. Barbian Honorary Plaque Renovation: Commissioners suggested that Ron Fry, a local sign designer be contacted to price out the renovation of the plaque. The new owners of the home will be contacted to see if they would like to have the sign improved. CLG: Dawn Johnson reported that she is continually working on the construction of the CLG proposal to the State of Illinois. Some items required need to be created by the commission, therefore work will continue. Dawn will give monthly updates on the progress. Demolition Requests: Doug Martin had no requests for this month. Petersen Farm: It was noted that Greg Lofgren has done a wonderful job with the cleanup of the house. Marya Dixon, Gretchen Thomas and Ilene Wiedemann have continued to put the office together. Pat Schafer has as well continued to work hard at making the residence a comfortable place to hold our monthly meetings. We would like to thank all the members that have aided in the cleanup of the home. Other: Greg Lofgren reported that he was contacted by Ned Newman regarding the proposed property trade with the Landmark School for a walkway along Boone Creek. They will be meeting on March 11 th at 6:00 pm at the old city hall building on Green Street. Greg invited all members to this informative meeting. Sue Hendrickson moved to adjourn at 9:10 pm, Gretchen Thomas seconded. 3