HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/4/2003 - Landmark Commission The City of McHenry Landmark Commission Meeting Minutes November 4, 2003 The meeting was called to order at 7:13 pm by Greg Lofgren at the Petersen Farm. Members present: Greg Lofgren, Pat Schafer, Judy Franks,Merle Janssen, Marya Dixon,Ilene Wiedemann and Gerhard Rosenberg,Dawn Johnson and Sue Hendrickson. Members absent: Gretchen Thomas. October 7, 2003 Meeting Minutes: Pat Schafer moved to approve the minutes of the October 7, 2003 meeting. Marya Dixon seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Treasurer's Report: Pat Schafer moved to approve, Ilene Wiedemann seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Façade Grant Report: Gerhard Rosenberg moved to approve, Dawn Johnson seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Business: Sub-Committee Report: This will be tabled until the December 2003 meeting. City Ordinance: The changes have been approved by the city council. Doug Martin is preparing a corrected/updated ordinance for the commission. CLG: Doug Martin and Dawn Johnson will begin working on the application to the state beginning in December. Petersen Farm: Greg Lofgren reported that Pete Merkel will have the phone and alarm system installed sometime in December or January 2004. Three phone lines will be installed, all dedicated, one for voice, one for police and the last for the fire department. The commission will need to purchase an answering machine for the farm once office hours are decided upon and published. Various grants were looked into by city staff in Springfield; a"future direction" for the farm meeting is to be scheduled which will include the creation of a new budget for the farm. The silos are in urgent need for repair, the stability of the silos is in question. The commission is also looking to obtain shelving for the office(free standing) and in various locations throughout the farm. A water softener would also be a nice addition. Gerhard informed the commission of a water softener at the farm on Route120 that is scheduled to be demolished. Greg will look into that. Demolitions: There are no demolition requests from the city. 1 Expenses: Pat Schafer made a motion to reimburse Marya Dixon in the amount of $14.31 for photo developing costs. Gerhard Rosenberg seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Marya Dixon moved to reimburse Dawn Johnson in the amount of $40.62 for certificate paper for students that submitted coloring book entries from National Preservation Week; print cartridge for printer, postage for mailing preservation ordinance to state of Illinois for review; 8 stamps for thank you cards at $0.37 each. Judy Franks seconded no discussion and the motion carried Historic Coloring Book 2004: The following structures will be highlighted in the 2004 McHenry Historic Coloring Book: Michael Justen Home; Masonic Temple; Bill's Town Club; Riverside Hotel; St. Patrick's Church; the Power Plant,Nick Barbian House,Nick Nye House. Again, a number of the coloring books will be donated by distributing them to the third grade students throughout District 15. The artist will again be Colin Schultheis. Christmas Walk: November 9, 2003 from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. the Landmark Commission will participate by riding on the two trolleys to point out historic structures throughout the city. Marya Dixon and Ilene Wiedemann will be on the west side,Pat Schafer and Greg Lofgren will be on the east side. Pat Schafer received a tour map, further discussion followed including commission members to bring along some of the coloring books to sell on the trolley. Route 120 Farm: Greg Lofgren reported that Steve Lang from the fire department and he met to discuss the removal of the barn trusses to possibly be used along the , cHenry Riverwalk. Greg will also meet with Allen Miller from the Gravel Pit to discuss Wfurther. Greg reported that Doug Martin will check into the cities insurance for coverage on additional helpers (commissioner's spouses) for the removal of salvage items from the farm. Gerhard Rosenberg noted that the farm's water softener could be salvaged and used at the Petersen Farm. Nancy ,-�'—r'--- � write a history of the white building located at the farm; she believes that it is possibly the first milking parlor in the county. Other: A sympathy card was purchased by Pat Schafer to send to the family of past commissioner Hank Nell. A tribute wall was discussed which would involve head shot pictures of previous commissioner's to be mounted at the museum with a note of the years of service attached. Pat Schafer reported that Mayor Low contacted her and reported that she purchased$2300.00 worth of Lori Wilhelm's paintings. Ned Newman may have helped with the purchases. The commission could purchase numbered prints and resell them at Art in the Park. Greg Lofgren will go to city hall and review the purchases. 2 New Members: Two applications were submitted for a mayoral appointment to the commission. One was from Dwayne Andres, the other from Marie Wilt. It was noted that Dwayne was out of the state for a number of months during the year; however knowledgeable he would be the commission required an active member. The following motion was made: Dawn Johnson moved to recommend to the Mayor and City Council the application of Marie Wilt, Pat Schafer seconded no discussion and the motion carried. It was noted that Bill Martin, site manager of the House of the Sparrow contacted the commission regarding information for repairs to the McComber house. It seems that a truck hit power lines and the owners are interested in assistance due to the historic nature of the home. Nancy Fike contacted Pat Schafer to invite her to attend a meeting at Gloria Mack's residence regarding 2004 National Preservation Week. The meeting is scheduled for November 17, 2003. Pat will make a report at the December meeting. Discussion regarding the 2004 Cemetery Walk followed. The commission tentatively decided on August 29, 2004. Pat Schafer will speak with Bill Hobson the new Events Coordinator at city hall to determine what other local events are occurring that weekend. To date the following items are on the 2004 calendar: May 2004—National Preservation Week June 2004—Petersen Farm event July 2004—Art in the Park Pat Schafer noted an idea involving the McHenry Library. McHenry Memorabilia Night at the library in which the commission would make copies of local citizen's personal pictures of historic McHenry. These pictures would be utilized in the commission's museum. Greg Lofgren reported that the commission may be requested to submit a letter to the Woodstock City Council regarding the transfer of power for the Woodstock Opera House. He requested that commissioner's watch the local paper for further information. Greg Lofgren noted that the newsletter was submitted to the city clerk's office by Gretchen Thomas. He also noted that Doug Martin suggested that the commission put in information regarding obtaining a Façade Grant for local businesses in the next newsletter. Ilene Wiedemann reported that she spoke with Gordon Clark from Clark Farms on 120 and Thompson Road. Ilene is in contact with him to try to obtain copies of pictures for our files. She is also writing a report from a mini-interview that she had with him for our files. Dawn Johnson moved to adjourn at 8:50 pm, Merle Janssen seconded no discussion and the motion carried. 3