HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/3/2002 - Landmark Commission The City of McHenry Landmark Commission Meeting Minutes December 3, 2002 The meeting was called to order at 7:22PM by Pat Schafer at the McHenry Municipal Center. Members present: Marya Dixon, Judy Franks,Merle Janssen, Shelly Trost, Ilene Wiedemann, Pat Schafer, Sue Hendrickson, Gretchen Thomas, and Karen James. Members absent: Lori Wilhelm,Dawn Johnson. November 5,2002 Meeting Minutes: Shelly Trost moved to approve the minutes of the November 5, 2002 meeting. Judy Franks seconded no discussions and the motion carried. Treasurer's Report: Shelly Trost questioned two bills paid: (1)to B & H Industries in the amount of$156.00 and(2)to Elm Street Designs in the amount of$120.00. The commission never approved of these payments. The commission believes that it was payments for the Harbor Walbanger's facade grant presentation with Doug Martin. Gretchen Thomas motioned to deny approval of the treasurer's report until we find out about these bills. Karen James seconded no further discussion and the motion carried. Facade Grant Report: The facade grant report was not available for approval. This will be available for the January meeting. Business: Petersen Barn and Silos: Doug Martin informed Dawn, Pat and Shelly that the applicant `.. papers are sitting on Governor Ryan's desk in Springfield. When more information is available from Doug he will contact the commission. Historic Survey: Dawn Johnson retyped the survey with the letter to the property owners to the commission. The commission reviewed and approved the format. Shelly Trost moved to accept it. Ilene Wiedemann seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Pat Schafer will give the survey and letter to Mayor Althoff to process and mail by January 2, 2003 with a copy being sent to Doug Martin. Resident Interview Forms: On the interview forms a signature of the interviewee should be at the bottom of the form. Explanation of interview should start the form. A tape recorder should be used with the permission of the interviewee, labeled and stored in the Landmark files. Commission Sub Committee Update: Publicity: Marya reported that she contacted Cindy Klapperich about reporting our activities in the Northwest Herald. Riverwalk: Shelly was in San Antonio recently and confirmed the opportunity for McHenry to achieve a smaller version. Their design and buildings were wonderful and inspiring. 1 Commission Sub Committee Update Continued: Replaquing: The honorary plaques applications are being given to Bill Weber, Gretchen Thomas, The Count's House, Shelly Trost, and Holly Miller. The commission needs to have a sub committee meeting at Shelly's house to review the applications and ordinance procedures. Commission Files: Marya suggested organizing the Landmark Commission room. Stored information, pictures, surveys, etc. This will be done after the holidays. Gretchen volunteered to assist. Greg Lofgren joined the meeting at this time. Demolition: Commissioners Ilene Wiedemann and Shelly Trost noticed that the structure on the corner of Bull Valley Road and Route 31 had been torn down. The demolition at that location was a surprise to Joe Napalatano and Doug Martin. Supposedly that was Stilling property which now belongs to the hospital. The history is being investigated by Marya Dixon and Pat Schafer. Membership: Kathy Miller was interested and was put on the Friends of the Landmark Commission sheet. It was noted that we still do not have a student commissioner. Coloring Book: Marya Dixon showed three drawings by her grandson Colin. Other suggestions were the Count's House,Button House, Landmark School, Gretchen Thomas' house, Young's, Weber's the Church on John St. Some commercial properties suggested were Walbanger's,the bank,train station and hotel. The cover to have the Landmark School or Gage `�.. House ("Gagetown"). Questions to investigate: Cost of printing: Sue Hendrickson said she would search. 12 total pages? (8 houses/commercial building) architectural design page, draw and color your favorite house page,back cover or a page of history of contents. Private donation: Local businesses would help offset the cost. Where to sell the coloring books: Borders book store? Distribute to schools: Talk to Burke, or Gina Riddle for permission 4th and 5th grade and Duker, Landmark available to teachers that are interested. Timing: May for preservation month 2 New Business: Spring House: U-turn, not drive out to Main Street location plans not same as proposed, no ``.. longer suitable, will table this until January meeting. Greg Lofgren gave a 2003 proposed budget for the Landmark expenses that needs to be approved by the city council. This was reviewed by the commission, Gretchen Thomas moved to accept the report and submit it to the city council. Merle seconded no discussion and the motion passed. Greg also wrote up a 2002 annual report of the Landmark Commission's accomplishments. The commission reviewed for next years 2003 report starting at November 1, 2002. Example being the Christmas Trolley Walk. Greg is retyping his report and giving to Pat Schafer to turn over to Mayor Althoff. The thank you note to Bob Novak for the commission inclusion of the Christmas walk was read and approved for Dawn Johnson to send. Greg explained his 2 letters sent to Mayor Althoff(one on February 6, 2002 the second on October 31, 2002). Pat Schafer sent an update letter of concern on December 2, 2002. Greg stated that the city staff should explain to developers that city annexed land that have historic buildings and or sites on them, should be the responsibility of the developer before purchase. Example: maintenance, relocation, etc. of historic buildings—sites. This concern is being expressed because of the Meyer Company use of property on the north side of Route 120,west of McHenry. The specific buildings on this property are two barns and the Ostend cemetery. Mayor Althoff told Pat Schafer to compose a procedural polity to be adopted by the council so that developers will be aware of historic sites and buildings and their responsibilities before they get involved. Example being;Meyer should have been informed of the significance of the buildings located on the newly annexed property north of Route 120. Nancy Fike was contacted and she said that the cemetery will be a State of Illinois issue. As for the barns, she has invited the commission to join her to visit and document their history. Ilene will make a report of the history of that area called Ostend, because of her family background and heritage there. GLS: The application is back on Mayor Althoff s desk; hopefully it will be cleared up soon and resent to Springfield. Shelly Trost and Marya Dixon discussed the plaque ratings for houses should be adjusted by age rather than dates. The sub committee will review and report. A sympathy card will be purchased and sent to the executer of Bob Petersen's family. Pat Schafer will handle this. Shelly Trost suggested that Doug Martin be called about contacting Rick Bout at R&B to inform him of Mr. Petersen's passing. Judy Franks moved to adjourn at 9:18 pm, Marya Dixon seconded, no discussion and the motion carried. 3