HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/5/2002 - Landmark Commission The City of McHenry Landmark Commission Meeting Minutes November 5, 2002 The meeting was called to order at 7:22 PM by Pat Schafer at the McHenry Municipal Center. Members present: Marya Dixon,Judy Franks,Merle Janssen, Shelly Trost, Ilene Wiedemann, Pat Schafer, and Dawn Johnson. Members absent: Lori Wilhelm, Gretchen Thomas, Sue Hendrickson and Karen James. October 1,2002 Meeting Minutes: Ilene Wiedemann moved to approve the minutes of the October 1,2002 meeting. Marya Dixon seconded no discussions and the motion carried. Treasurer's Report: A copy of the current treasurer's report was not available for review. Dawn Johnson will discuss the protocol with city staff. Facade Grant Report: The balance in the façade grant fund stands at$7,800.00. Shelly Trost moved to accept the facade grant report,Pat Schafer seconded,no discussion noted and the motion carried. Business: Petersen Barn and Silos: No information has been received by the city regarding the grant that was applied for. A set of blueprints from R&B Enterprises along with a report and recommendations for preservation of the silos on the Petersen farm were received from Doug Martin. The plans were reviewed; Shelly Trost advised that the blueprints should be given to Hank Nell for review. Also the commission should work closely with Doug Martin and Springfield. Historic Survey: Dawn Johnson will retype and submit the survey with the letter to the property owners to Mayor Althoff. Discussion followed regarding the new dates to send the surveys out and when to request a return from the owners. It was determined that since the holidays are approaching we should send the surveys out January 2nd with a request for return for February 1st. It was also noted that a blurb regarding the survey should be inserted in the January city newsletter. Resident Interview Forms: Gretchen Thomas was unavailable. Commission Sub Committee Update: The plaguing subcommittee will be meeting to complete the necessary steps to officially plaque Holly Miller's (Barbian Cigar Factory) residence. \.. 1 New Business: �- McHenry Christmas Walk on the Fox: Discussion regarding sending a note to Bob Novak at Pedals and Stems thanking him for including the Landmark Commission on the walk. Given the very short notice the commission was given, all felt that the day progressed smoothly. The trolley was a wonderful idea, and the commission would appreciate being a part of the walk again next year. Presentation of Facade Grants: Although the members of the commission were pleased at the presentation of the grant to Harbor Wallbangers some discussion followed. Given the miscommunication with Mayor Althoff regarding who would be giving the speech and the expected content,Pat Schafer and Shelly Trost were able to give a good speech without much preparation time. Ideas were presented regarding the correct procedure, as who should give a small speech; where the presentation should take place and when. Some suggestions were to have the commissioners, the mayor and council members present the giant check in front of the establishment in question. Expand on the press coverage to promote the historical significance, and the grant program. Other ideas were to tie presentations into other city functions, such as the Christmas Walk or Heritage Days. Expenses: Judy Franks moved to approve expenses incurred by Marya Dixon for photos of old McHenry postcards that she had found. Shelly Trost seconded no discussion and the motion carried. Miscellaneous Business: Marya Dixon reported that her Grandson, Colin Schultheis, will have the line drawings done for the children's book by February 1, 2003. It was also noted that Kathy Miller of 3701 Main Street was interested in being on the Landmark Commission. Dawn Johnson will add her name to the list of Friend's of the Landmark. Pat reported that Greg Lofgren wrote a note to Mayor Althoff regarding the barns on the site for the newly annexed property for the Meyer Gravel Pit. The note was regarding the best way to protect the structures that sit on that property, along with the historic cemetery. It was noted that the commission should contact Grace Moline at the museum in Union for assistance. Commissioners Ilene Wiedemann and Shelly Trost noticed that the structure on the corner of Bull Valley Road and Route 31 had been torn down. There was no demolition notice sent to the commission, therefore Dawn Johnson will contact Joe Napalitano to find out what happened. Pat Schafer requested approval of having former Landmark Chairperson Greg Lofgren pursue our membership in the preservation and landmark memberships of Illinois. All commissioners's agreed and requested Pat to convey our appreciation for his assistance. Dawn Johnson moved to adjourn at 9:05 pm, Shelly Trost seconded, no discussion and the motion carried. 2