HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/9/2001 - Landmark Commission LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES January 9, 2001 Chairperson Lofgren called the regular meeting of the Landmark Commission to order at 7:20 p.m. Members present were: Judy Franks, Merle Janssen, Dawn Johnson, Hank Nell, Pat Schafer, Shelly Trost, and Lori Wilhelm. Members absent: Gretchen Thomas and Ilene Wiedemann MINUTE APPROVAL Motion by Nell, seconded by Trost to accept the November 7, 2000 minutes as presented. Voting Aye: Franks, Janssen, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Trost, Wilhelm Voting Nay: None - Absent: Thomas, Wiedemann Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT Chairperson Lofgren noted the monthly expenditures include: dues to the IAHPC in the amount of$80.00 and Payment to the Northwest Court Reporter in the amount of$215.25. The court reporter was to Ginger Kaiser who transcribed the oral histories of Main Street residents. The current balance is $24,347.81. Commission member Nell corrected the 6/22/00 expense of$20.00 to read McHenry County not McHenry City Historical Society. Motion by Nell, seconded by Wilhelm to accept the January 4. • Treasurer Report subject to the June 22, 2000 $20.00 line item description adjustment as discussed. Voting Aye: Franks, Janssen, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Trost, Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Thomas, Wiedemann Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Chairperson Lofgren informed the committee their direct liaison will be through the City Clerk's Office from this point forward. ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY-Chairperson Lofgren reported new dates will be set to continue the survey field work and property history. Landmark Commission Minutes `.. January 9, 2001 Page Two DESIGNATION OF MAIN STREET AS HISTORIC DISTRICT- Chairperson Lofgren noted the Commission would be pursuing council action subsequent to the April 3rd Consolidated Election. Copies of the City of McHenry's Historic Preservation Ordinance were distributed to Commission members. Chairperson Lofgren noted additional copies would be provided by the City Clerk's Office. He noted, referencing page 9 of the Historic Preservation Ordinance, the Commission should initiate preliminary proceedings to obtain the historic designation. City Staff could provide legal descriptions of the property. Nomination criteria must be identified and explained. Some discussion regarding historic designation rationale occurred. Chairperson Lofgren requested Commission members provided written examples of designation criteria for the Main and Waukegan Streets area. He suggested the request be presented at a May, 2001 City Council Meeting. PETERSEN HOMESTEAD ROOF REPAIR-Chairperson Lofgren noted the August 1, 2000 Commission Meeting Minutes reflect the approval of the roof repair with cedar shingles on only the kitchen portion of the home. Work has not yet been started due to inclement weather conditions. Chairperson Lofgren also noted the City was recently informed of the award of grant monies under the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Program in the amount of$400,000 for the purchase of the Petersen Farm homestead property. 4. • FACADE GRANT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM-Chairperson Lofgren reported he had appeared at the December 13, 2000 regularly scheduled council meeting to present the facade grant improvement check to Robert Funk and Kevin Plastina for the 1334 Riverside Drive property. MAIN STREET/KLONTZ GARAGE CONTROLED DEMOLITION-It was the consensus of the Commission to pursue a controlled demolition procedure with the property owner, Mr. Bruce Klontz. Mr. Klontz has informed Chairperson Lofgren he will not pursue any action until after April 2001. He has also stated his willingness to allow the Commission access to any contents and or architectural features in/on the garage after the tenants remove their items. Landmark Commission Minutes January 9, 2001 Page Three Chairperson Lofgren will contact Mr. Klontz in early March. It was also the consensus of the Commission to take photos of the structure prior to demolition. Chairperson Lofgren will also obtain information regarding insurance coverage and waivers. Chairperson Lofgren directed Commission member Trost to obtain information regarding newspaper notification, etc. RIVERWALK UPDATE-Commission liaison Commission member Janssen provided information on the Riverwalk project. He informed the Commission Riverwalk Committee member Ned Neumann requested the Commission investigate the historical significance of his property on east Green Street adjacent to the east of the City of McHenry's Neumann park. He noted the structure contained a walk-in freezer, which was probably seventy-five years old. He presented the Riverwalk Master Plan for the Commission's edification. In response to Chairperson Lofgren's inquiry, Commission member Janssen noted no mention of the Commission's involvement had yet been broached. In response to inquiry Commission member Janssen noted private property owners with piers would not be negatively impacted by this proposal. Chairperson Lofgren noted the Commission should watch the development behind Landmark School along the creek closely. Chairperson Lofgren also noted the Commission's interest in providing historic information about the structures along the designated riverwalk route. 4. EDUCATIONAL TAPES-Chairperson Lofgren noted the Commission's intent to develop educational tapes on how to properly conduct an historical structure survey. In addition once the weather allows, an abbreviated version of the historic walking tour of the Main Street area will be completed. Former Commission President Nancy Fike has completed the slide show script. Chairperson Lofgren and she will arrange to have the slides converted to a video tape in conjunction with the written script. g 4 4 1 44 Commission member Trost informed the Commission the€ey !tpitedb '�'�'�-' is hosting a slide show presentation on Saturday, March 10th at 1:30 p.m. at the McHenry VFW. `-- MAIN STREET RAILROAD STATION-Chairperson Lofgren noted the City of McHenry was in receipt of$80,000 for the repair and renovation Landmark Commission Minutes `., January 9, 2001 Page Four of the Main Street Train Depot. The cost of a slate roof replacement would be in excess of$60,000.00. Chairperson Lofgren also noted the City of McHenry is not the property owner, Union Pacific retains ownership. The Commission has been asked to provide input regarding the proposed work. Some discussion followed regarding the potential relocation of the train depot on the Pacini property. The Commission discussed the importance of addressing life safety issues first; i.e., electrical, fire alarms, etc. The Commission is also in the midst of developing a complete history on this property. Some discussion followed regarding the use of roofing materials, specifically shingles, made to look like slate. Chairperson Lofgren also noted this structure is located within the proposed Main Street historic district. Chairperson Lofgren also discovered the State Treasurer's Office has low-interest loans available for depot renovations. NEW BUSINESS LPCI HANDOUT/Ten Most Endangered Historic Places- Chairperson Lofgren distributed the nomination forms from the LPCI for the ten most endangered historic sites. The City, under Nancy Fike's chairpersonship, developed their own endangered historic list topped by both East Campus and the Old Town Club. Chairperson Lofgren suggested the Commission consider submitting the Old Town Club next year. He also suggested Commission members make additional recommendations for submission consideration. a FACADE GRANT APPLICATION REVIEW-Chairperson Lofgren noted two facade grant applications had been submitted. 1241-1249 GREEN STREET-It was the consensus of the Commission the improvements requested had been completed prior to grant submission. 1312 RIVERSIDE DRIVE-Chairperson Lofgren noted as with the Green Street property improvements had been completed prior to Commission review. At Chairperson Lofgren's initiation, some discussion followed regarding the intent of the facade grant program monies. He noted although awnings were an improvement, he felt the true intent of this program was to encourage hist. : ctural integrity, renovation, and cleaning; ie: tuckpointing, .and lasting, etc. • Ill Landmark Commission Minutes January 9, 2001 Page Five Chairperson Lofgren suggested the Commission visit the property prior to approving the grant submission and note other potential improvements which should then be shared with the property owner. Further discussion regarding past approval criteria and use of the facade grant monies followed. Both grant applications were considered and discussed. It was the consensus of the Commission to require an inspection of the grant application property as part of the application process. Motion by Wilhelm, seconded by Schafer citing the completion of improvements prior to grant application submission and review by the Commission, to deny the grant applications of Rose and Bob Smith for the 1241-49 Green Street property and Mark Wagner for the 1312 Riverside Drive property and notify the applicants accordingly. Voting Aye: Franks, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Thomas, Trost, and Wiedemann Voting Nay: None Absent: Thomas, Wiedemann It was the consensus of the commission members to inform these grant applicants as well as all future applicants that grant submissions must be approved prior to improvement initiation. SPRING/SUMMER PUBLIC EVENTS-It was the consensus of the commission to postpone discussion on this agenda item until the February or March meeting. BUDGET-Chairperson Lofgren referenced the proposed 2001-02 Commission budget for comment and review. It was the consensus of the Commission to increase the monies requested for Commission seminar/tuition attendance. Chairperson Lofgren noted the inclusion of monies for site evaluations of the Petersen and Knox barn and for a digital camera. Some discussion followed regarding the Thompson (Eppel) cabin restoration. Chairperson Lofgren noted this would be considered a Landmark Commission Minutes January 9, 2001 Page Six special project. Some discussion followed as the location of the Petersen Farm property within the city's corporate boundaries. INVITATION TO THE CONSOLIDATED ELECTION CANDIDATES- Chairperson Lofgren suggested the consolidated election candidates be invited to attend the February 6, 2001 Commission meeting. The Commission members concurred. Chairperson Lofgren will send out invitations. The Commission members also requested ward maps be provided. Motion by Wilhelm, seconded by Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 8:58 p.m. Voting Aye: Franks, Janssen, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Trost, Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Thomas, Wiedemann Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Chairperson Greg Lofgren LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES February 6, 2001 Chairperson Lofgren called the regular meeting of the Landmark Commission to order at 7:20 p.m. Members present were: Merle Janssen, Hank Nell, Gretchen Thomas Members absent: Judy Franks, Dawn Johnson, Pat Schafer, Shelly Trost, Lori Wilhelm, and Ilene Wiedemann Chairperson Lofgren called the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m. noting no formal action could occur, as a membership quorum was not present. Chairperson Lofgren noted the noncontested candidates for the Consolidated Election for the offices of Mayor, Ward One Alderman and Ward Three Alderman were in attendance. He introduced Mayoral candidate Pamela Althoff, Ward One candidate Bill Bolger and Ward Three candidate Susan Low. The Commission presented questions to the candidates for consideration and comment. The candidates were excused at 8:20 p.m. Chairperson Lofgren noted information regarding the city's proposed renovations and repairs to the Main Street train depot building owned by Union Pacific would be sent to the Commission members for a phone vote. Consideration should be given each proposal including a roof material alternative of slate. The Commission's decision will be provided City staff. Chairperson Lofgren closed the meeting at .-- Chairperson Greg Lofgren