HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/7/2000 - Landmark Commission LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES November 7, 2000 Chairperson Lofgren called the regular meeting of the Landmark Commission to order at 7:20 p.m. Members present were: Judy Franks, Dawn Johnson, Hank Nell, Pat Schafer, Gretchen Thomas, Shelly Trost, and Ilene Wiedemann. Members absent: Merle Janssen and Lori Wilhelm Chairperson Lofgren introduced new Landmark Commission member, Judy Franks. MINUTE APPROVAL In response to Commission Nell's inquiry, Chairperson Lofgren clarified only the back portion of the Petersen homestead has been approved for reroofing. Commission Nell also requested the additional "the" on page 3 line two in the Petersen Roof paragraph be struck. Chairperson Lofgren also corrected the address on Page Four, under ANY AND ALL BUSINESS in paragraph two. The address is 3506 Washington not 3416 W. Elm Street. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Schafer to approve the September 5, 2000 minutes as corrected on page three and four. Voting Aye: Franks, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Thomas, Trost, and Wiedemann Voting Nay: None Absent: Janssen and Wilhelm Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT In response to Commission Member Nell's inquiry, Chairperson Lofgren noted council made the final determination regarding the removal of the digital camera from the Landmark Commission's draft 2000-2001 budget. Commission Member Nell suggested council set the final budget amount, however the Commission should determine the budget expenditures. Chairperson Lofgren reported the September Treasurer's report has a balance of$24,427.81. Monthly expenditures included payment to Landmark Commission November 7, 2000 Page Two Ginger Kaiser of Northwest Court Reporters in the amount of$215.25. Motion by Nell, seconded by Schafer to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Voting Aye: Franks, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Thomas, Trost and Wiedemann Voting Nay: None Absent: Janssen and Wilhelm Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS FIELD WORK DAY-Chairperson Lofgren noted the third Saturday of each m- month had been designated as a field work day. He noted the third Saturday this month is the 18th. Some discussion followed. In response to Commission inquiry regarding the historic designation of Main Street, Chairperson Lofgren stated the designation will be requested, from the McHenry City Council, for the entire length of Main Street from Crystal Lake Road east to Green Street. In addition Green Street between Waukegan Avenue and John Street as well as Waukegan Avenue from Green Street to Route 31 and John Street from Green Street to Route 31 will be included in the designation request. It was the consensus of the Commission to conduct a field work day on Saturday, November 18th on Waukegan and John Streets between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. SURVEY/PAPERWORK-Chairperson Lofgren reported he had filed old survey paperwork in the appropriate file(s) and was continuing to work on filing this year's architectural survey information in the appropriate file. MAIN STREET HISTORIC DISTRICT PROPOSAL-Chairperson Lofgren initiated discussion on the status of the Commission's progress in obtaining a Historic District Designation for the Main Street area as defined previously. It was the consensus of the Commission to postpone the historic designation request for Main Street before the City Council at this time. Landmark Commission Minutes November 7, 2000 Page Three PETERSEN ROOF-Chairperson Lofgren will contact City Administrator Lobaito to obtain a status update report on the progress of the approved reroofing. 1334 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE/FACADE GRANT IMPROVEMENT INSPECTION-Chairperson Lofgren noted as per the Facade Grant Improvement criteria, pictures of the improvements have been submitted. Chairperson Lofgren also noted the door frame is being replaced at the owner's expense. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Wiedemann to recommend to the McHenry City Council the approval of the Facade Grant Improvement monies in the amount of$1200.00 to the property owner, Robert Funk of 1334 Riverside Drive. Voting Aye: Franks, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Thomas, Trost and Wiedemann. Voting Nay: None Absent: Janssen and Wilhelm Motion carried. DEMOLITION HISTORIES-It was noted the compilation of historical narrative for the following properties was continuing: 2212 and 2107 Richmond Road 3416 Elm Street 3506 W. Washington 801 Mill Street KLONTZ GARAGE-Some discussion followed regarding the pending demolition of the Klontz Garage located at 3607 Waukegan. It was suggested pieces of the garage be preserved. Commission Member Trost suggested the Commission sponsor a controlled salvage demolition. Monies would then be collected, from interested parties, for those pieces salvaged. The salvage activity should be advertised to insure participation. Participants would sign waivers and provide their own tools. Some discussion followed. Chairperson Lofgren will coordinate the activities with the property owner and the City of McHenry staff. Landmark Commission Minutes November 7, 2000 Page Four NEW BUSINESS DEMOLITION REQUEST/3701 Elm Street-As most of the Commission Members could not located the property in question, Chairperson Lofgren explained the property in question is on the east side of the Fox River next to the Clark Station on the south side of Elm Street. Some discussion followed. Chairperson Lofgren noted the Commission had previously approved a demolition request for the adjacent property. Chairperson Lofgren noted the property may have served as a summer home along the river. Commission Member Nell recalled a restaurant with great barbecue was originally located on the site of the Clark Station. The structure is currently unoccupied and is owned by Richard Adams. Some discussion followed. Commission members the architectural style of the structure was not significant, nor was it significant historically. It was the consensus of the commission not to deny the demolition request for the structure located at 3701 Elm Street. �.. Motion by Nell, seconded by Johnson, not to deny the demolition request by Richard Adams for the structure located at 3701 Elm Street. Voting Aye: Franks, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Thomas, Trost and Wiedemann Voting Nay: None Absent: None HISTORICAL INFORMATION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3411 Waukegan Avenue-Chairperson Lofgren reported the property located at 3411 Waukegan is now owned by Neil Rothenberg. The property is located behind East Campus High School next door to Carey Electric to the west. Mr. Rothenberg is requesting the Commission provide any historical information available on his property. Chairperson Lofgren noted the property was built in the 1880's although an addition has been recently added to the rear of the original structure. In addition the Owens Family may have originally owned a portion of the property. The Commission suggested Chairperson Lofgren provide Mr. Rothenberg with former Commission member and McHenry County Historical Society Executive Director, Nancy Fike's phone number. Landmark Commission Minutes November 7, 2000 Page Five The Commission also noted members of the Vycital family, who lived in the house next door, might be an available resource for Mr. Rothenberg. OTHER BUSINESS Chairperson Lofgren noted membership renewal to the Illinois Historical Preservation Council would be submitted to the City for payment as the Commission had approved the expenditure back in June of 2000. Chairperson Lofgren also distributed the Illinois Historical Society's calendar for the year 2001. Chairperson Lofgren who will file the information for future reference had received a letter from Brell restoration, regarding their masonry business. Commission Member Trost suggested this information be shared with the property owners of 3902 Main Street. MAIN STREET DEPOT/4005 Main Street-Chairperson Lofgren reported, referencing the City Council minutes of October 4, 2000, Metra has agreed to a not to exceed amount of$80,000 for structure renovation and improvements to the McHenry Depot. The original structure contained a slate roof whose replacement cost is estimated at $60,000 or more. Some discussion followed. Commission Member Thomas reported she had not received a single call in response to the City newsletter's request for stories, legends, and/or hauntings. Commission member Trost noted a waitress at Joey T's restaurant is noting strange and unusual happenings in one of the rooms upstairs. Ms. Trost will follow up. Ms. Thomas also reported the newsletter article did produce a call from a woman up in Richmond who has started a group called MEMORY MAKERS. This group is meeting with McHenry County community elders and conducting oral histories. Ms. Thomas has attended two of these meetings. Some attendees have provided histories involving McHenry. A McHenry resident, Larry Phalin, attended one of these meetings and provided the following information regarding McHenry during the depression: A silver bus visited the schools to conduct "book bindings" for the school and students; A gentleman gave Larry's brother, Bill, a coin collection, which appeared to be valuable. Before entering the War, Bill placed the coins in a hand-made padlocked box for safekeeping. While serving in the Landmark Commission Minutes `., November 7, 2000 Page Six conflict, Bill and Larry's younger brother, Don, broke into the box using the coins to feed the slot machines located around town. Mr. Larry Phalin suggested the Commission contact his younger brother Don for additional history about the Main Street area. Don Phalin lives in Crystal Lake. Chairperson Lofgren directed Commission Member Thomas to pursue this avenue. The group meets on the third Wednesday of the month at Nippersink Library from 9:00 a.m. to noon. An invitation proceeds the events announcing the "topic". The last topic was outhouses and pranks. All meetings are taped. Renowned local storyteller Jim May leads the discussion. The group would like to provide these "elders" and storytellers to the local schools as a living resource. Some discussion followed. Commission Member Trost noted former Commission Member, Nancy Fike, completed her historical narrative on West McHenry. It was the consensus of council to incorporate information on the McHenry depot in `-- light of Metra's $80,000 improvement project. Some discussion followed regarding the development of a video from the Commission's existing slide presentation. The Commission also suggested developing videos demonstrating the architectural survey process as well as general historical information on each of the historic districts for use prior to the historical walking tours. Further discussion followed. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Schafer to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. Voting Aye: Franks, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Thomas, Trost, and Wiedemann Voting Nay: None Absent: Janssen and Wilhelm The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. Submitted, Chairperson Lofgren