HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/1/2000 - Landmark Commission LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING
.Se.ptember 5, 2QD044." !'•Chairperson Lofgren called the regular meeting of the Landmark
Commission to order at 7:16 p.m. Members present were: Dawn
Johnson, Hank Nell, Pat Schafer, Shelly Trost, and Ilene Wiedemann.
Members absent: Merle Janssen, Gretchen Thomas, Lori Wilhelm
Chairperson Lofgren introduced guests Dan and Cindy Kottke,
perspective members; Robert Funk and Kevin Plastina, Facade Grant
Improvement applicants; Robert Petersen of the Petersen Farm property
and City Clerk Pam Althoff.
Motion by Johnson, seconded by Trost to approve the August 1, 2000
minutes as presented.
Voting Aye: Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Trost, and
�-' Voting Nay: None
Absent: Janssen, Thomas, Wilhelm
Motion carried.
The Treasurer's Report was presented and reviewed. Chairperson
Lofgren noted a balance of$24,643.06. In response to inquiry, City
Clerk Althoff noted the additional $16,500.00 was included to reflect
2000-2001 budgeted revenues. The September monthly expenditures
include $361.25 for architectural survey supplies, $21.60 for copies and
$125.73 for the Landmark Commission letterhead.
Motion by Nell, seconded by Schafer to place the Treasurer's Report on
Voting Aye: Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Trost, and
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Janssen, Thomas, Wilhelm
Motion carried.
Landmark Commission Minutes
�-- August 1, 2000
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Chairperson Lofgren noting the presence of Mr. Funk and Mr. Plastina of
Old Bridge Tavern regarding their Façade Grant Improvement application
requested the Commission consider addressing this agenda item out of
order. It was the consensus of the Commission members to proceed with
the Façade Grant Improvement agenda item.
Chairperson Lofgren explained both the property owner, Robert Funk
and tavern operator, Kevin Plastina were invited to attend this evening's
meeting to discuss their grant application, specifically for the
replacement of awning fabric for the Old Bridge Tavern located at 1334
Riverside Drive. The Commission approved Mr. Funk's grant subject to
the condition the awnings installed match the existing adjacent building
awnings in size, color, shape and material. Mr. Plastina, as the operator
of the Old Bridge Tavern is requesting the Commission reconsider their
approval and permit him to install awnings similar in style, but of a
burgundy color. He noted he wished to separate his establishment from
the other business entities located within this building and extend his
interior color theme to the building's exterior. He also noted the tavern
wraps around the northeast corner of the building having a facade on
both the north and west side of the building.
Mr. Funk and Mr. Plastina were excused at 7:40 p.m.
Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Commission to
approve the façade grant improvement application for burgundy-colored
canvas awnings for the storefront located at 1334 Riverside Drive in the
amount of$1,200 subject to the condition the awnings installed match
the existing adjacent building in shape, size, and material.
Motion by Nell, seconded by Wiedemann to approve the façade grant
improvement application for 1334 Riverside Drive, the Old Bridge Tavern,
in the amount of$1,200.00 subject to the condition the awnings
installed match the existing adjacent building in shape, size and material
and are burgundy in color.
Voting Aye: Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Trost and Wiedemann
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Janssen, Thomas, Wilhelm
Motion carried.
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DONATION BY ROBERT PETERSEN-Mr. Petersen, living tenant of the
Petersen Farm Homestead on McCullom Lake was in attendance.
Chairperson Lofgren noted Mr. Petersen had offered, via letter, to donate
some personal items, farming equipment and household contents to the
Landmark Commission for educational and historic use. Some
discussion followed with Mr. Petersen enumerating the items he wished
to donate. Chairperson Lofgren noted the Commission had expressed
interest in operating the property as a working farm for educational
purposes. He also explained the Commission had previously discussed
the desirability and feasibility of becoming a depository for City of
McHenry artifacts. It became apparent during the investigative process
security of the displayed and housed artifacts could not be guaranteed
and assured at any level. The donation of the Petersen Farm homestead
and property has presented a possible new opportunity.
Chairperson Lofgren also suggested an oral history with Mr. Petersen be
conducted within the near future.
The Commission thanked Mr. Petersen for his most generous offer
expressing their interest in receiving these items and pursuing the
possibility of developing a living museum site.
HICKORY CREEK BARN-Chairperson Lofgren, with the Commissions
consent, deferred this agenda item to the next regularly scheduled
Landmark Commission meeting.
PETERSEN ROOF-Chairperson Lofgren noted the Commission had
approved the City's request to reshingle, with cedar, the only the kitchen
area roof on the Petersen Farm property home. The City Council has not
yet taken formal action. Bid information has not been provided the
Lofgren noted Bruce Klontz who has submitted a demolition request to
the City of McHenry owns this structure. The Commission had
discussed this request at the both the August 1st and June 6th meeting.
Some discussion followed regarding the possibility of dismantling the
structure and relocating the structure elsewhere.
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Motion by Nell, seconded by Johnson, not to deny the demolition permit
by Bruce Klontz for the garage structure located on Main Street with an
address of 3607 Waukegan.
Voting Aye: Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Trost, Wiedemann
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Janssen, Thomads, Wilhelm
Motion carried.
Chairperson Lofgren will provide written documentation of the
Commission's action to Community Development Director Napolitano.
any Commission Member interested in attending the conference and/or
attending any of the featured tours should make their reservations
through the City Clerk's Office. The Commission has approved these
types of expenditures.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairperson Lofgren informed the Commission the
Joint Council of Historic Groups is conducted their meeting at the
Richmond Memorial Hall on Wednesday, September 27th beginning at
7:30 p.m. Ed Collins is the featured speaker. He is currently the project
manager of the Nippersink restoration project. Chairperson Lofgren
encouraged Commission Members to attend.
DEMOLITION HISTORIES-Chairperson Lofgren informed the Commission
the history has been completed on the Buss Ford property located at
3925 W. Elm Street. Histories need to be completed for the 2212 and
2107 Richmond Road properties. Commission Member Shafer is
currently drafting the history for the 801 N. Mill Street property.
In addition, Commission Member Trost offered to develop a history on
the 4W. Elm Street property.
Commission Membe Johnson left the meeting at 8:53 p.m.
noted he was working on the Main Street business area as well as the
Riverside Drive business area. Commission Member Trost reported the
Green Street business area has been completed.
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Commission Member Trost offered to continue to work on the Main and
Waukegan Street residential area.
Field work was postponed, as it would conflict with the Landmark
Preservation Conference and Tours.
Chairperson Lofgren reported the Landmark Commission had conducted
a special meeting on Monday, August 21st to conduct oral histories with
Bill Weber and Don Wattles, both gentlemen grew up on Main Street
within the designated business/commerical area. A court reporter was
present and the histories were audio-taped.
Lofgren initiated a discussion regarding the formal presentation before
the McHenry City Council to consider the designation of Main and
Waukegan Streets, between Crystal Lake Avenue and Green Street
between as an historical district. It was the consensus of the
Commission to proceed and request placement on one of the City Council
Meeting agendas during the month of October. Commission Member
Trost requested at some future time the Center Street bungalow area be
considered for historic district designation.
Commission Member Trost also noted she was still investigating the
purchase of hand-held microphones. Commission Member Shafer also
reminded the Commission some type of picture board also needs to be
developed for future city historic walking tours. Commission Member
Nell suggested the Commission also pursue the purchase of a digital
Chairperson Lofgren also provided the Commission with a brief status
update on the Hickory Creek Barn Presentations.
Motion by Nell, seconded by Trost, to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 P.M.
Voting Aye: Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Shafer, Trost and
Voting Nay: Janssen, Thomas, Wilhelm