HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/2/2000 - Landmark Commission LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 2, 2000 Chairperson Lofgren called the regular meeting of the Landmark Commission to order at 7:20 p.m. Members present were: Dawn Johnson, Merle Janssen, Hank Nell, Patricia Schaefer, Gretchen Thomas, and Lori Wilhelm. Members absent: Richard Kratochvil, Shelly Trost MINUTE APPROVAL Motion by Nell, seconded by Janssen to approve the April 4, 2000 meeting minutes as presented. Voting Aye: Janssen, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Thomas, and Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Kraochvil and Trost Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer's Report was presented and reviewed. Chairperson Lofgren noted a balance of$8,717.61. April 2000 expenditures include $75.00 for use of the high school to host the historical slide show on Sunday, April 30th and $26.73 for invitation printing. Motion by Nell, seconded by Thomas to place the Treasurer's Report on record. Voting Aye: Janssen, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Thomas and Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Kratochvil and Trost Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS SURVEY PROGRESS- Chairperson Lofgren, noting the architectural survey would be an on-going project, reported commission members and volunteers would be meeting every third Saturday at 8:00 a.m. This Saturday the group will meet behind the Green Street Cafe. Once the information is compiled the Commission will determine specific Landmark Commission Minutes May 2, 2000 Page Two designation status; whether as an individual structure or perhaps as an entire area. Chairperson Lofgren noted the Corner Tap and Christopher's Men's Wear, both located on Main Street have been sold. The Main Street area between Crystal Lake Road and Green Street has long been designated, by the Commission, as a historic area and needs to receive such designation formally to ensure it's long-term existence and preservation. Some discussion followed regarding business vs. residential areas and area prioritization. DEMOLITION NOTIFICATION/3607 Waukegan Rd - Chairperson Lofgren „• noted the Commission had received formal notification of a demogtion request for the barn/garage structure located at 3607 Waukegan, He noted the barn/garage structure is accessed via Main Street. Chairperson Lofgren noted the structure appeared to be in poor condition. Some discussion followed regarding the structure's history. Further information needs to be compiled regarding the structure's original owner and use. It was the consensus of the commission to conduct an inspection of both the structures'interior and exterior on Saturday, May 20th at 7:30 a.m. Chairperson Lofgren will make the necessary arrangements with property owner, Bruce Klontz. Motion by Wilhelm, seconded by Janssen to conduct an inspection of the barn/garage structure located at 3607 Waukegan Road in an effort to determine the structure's historic architectural value. Voting Aye: Janssen, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Thomas and Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. ZONING NOTIFICATION- Chairperson Lofgren noted he had received a Zoning Notification for the property located at Barreville Road and Beach Drive. The property is currently zoned A-1 Agriculture in the county and is requesting residential zoning, RS-2, from the City of McHenry upon annexation. Some discussion followed. No action was taken. DEMOLITION NOTIFICATION/2212 Richmond Road and 2207 Richmond Road- Chairman Lofgren reported he had received formal notification Landmark Commission Minutes May 2, 2000 Page Three from the City of McHenry of the potential demolition of structures located on the property at 2212 North Richmond Road and 2207 North Richmond Road. The 2212 Richmond Road property is currently a landscaping business and the 2207 property is the Leisure Links miniature golf and driving range facility. Some discussion followed. Chairperson Lofgren noted these structures needed to be inspected and, if applicable develop, a written history. It was the consensus of the Commission to view the structures and take formal action at the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting, June 6, 2000. DEMOLITION PROCEDURE PROPOSAL- Chairperson Lofgren noted as per the Commission's direction at the April 4th meeting a letter was submitted to Community Development Director Napolitano requesting the demolition process allow a minimum timeframe of two regular monthly meetings of the Commission as opposed to the current 45 day period. In addition, the Commission discussed the desirability of providing information and educational materials regarding the importance and advantages to owning a historic property to these property owners including tax benefits and available loan/grant programs. LETTERHEAD- The original letterhead designs by Commission Member Wilhelm were inadvertently misplaced by the City Clerk's office. City Clerk Althoff and Commission Member Wilhelm will address this issue furthur. SLIDE SHOW UPDATE- Chairperson Lofgren reported attendance wars good. Former Commission Member and Chairperson Nancy Fike hosted the program and did a great job. She has agreed to provide the Commission with a written script for future programs. Some discussion followed regarding the development of a video from the slide media. Some discussion occurred about the development of two slide shows, one showcasing the historic residential areas and one showcasing the historic business districts. Attendees Joe and Lorraine Gausden offered to provide the commission with oral histories. Commission Member Thomas suggested the following attendees be interviewed; Joan and Jim Althoff, Barb Gilpin, and Don and Rosalie Doherty. Landmark Commission Minutes May 2, 2000 Page Four NEW BUSINESS FIESTA DAY HISTORIC TOURS- Chairperson Lofgren reported he would be conducted the Historic Walking Tour on Main Street and Waukegan Road at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 15th and former Commission Member Fike will conduct the Riverside Drive and Green Street. On Wednesday, July 19th at 6:00 p.m. Chairperson Lofgren will again conduct the Waukegan and Main Street tour. Because of Commission Member Wilhelm's recent injury a substitute tour guide for the Riverside Drive and Green Street tour on Wednesday, may need to be appointed. The Commission will address this subject again at the June 6th monthly meeting. In the event of rain the tour will be cancelled. CITY NEWSLETTER-Chairperson Lofgren noted the next City newsletter would be published for a June distribution. Submission deadline is May 5th. The walking tour information will be provided as well as a recap of the Historic Slide Show. It was the consensus of the commission to also include information about the commission to solicit new members and a plea for old photos. SUMMER MEETING LOCATIONS-Chairperson Lofgren noted past Commission practice was to conduct the summer monthly meetings for June, July and August at City of McHenry historical locations. He recommended this policy be maintained. He requested commission members submit recommendations and/or suggestions. NEW MEMBERS-The Commission is seeking two new members as well as one student. Suggestions should be provided Chairperson Lofgren and City Clerk Although. Applications will then be sent to the candidates. OTHER BUSINESS- Noting the July monthly meeting falls on the 4th of July holiday it was the consensus of the commission to cancel the July meeting. Chairperson Lofgren also noted he would be in Canada for the August meeting and the Commission would have to elect a chairperson pro tern. Landmark Commission Minutes May 2, 2000 Page Five The 3805 Main Street (Grainger home) property owner, Dennis Young, requested the City of McHenry permit the construction of a garage on his property. The property owner was directed to submit plans for the Landmark Commission's review as the property in question is in a designated Landmark area. LEGAL ISSUES FACING HISTORIC PRESERVATIONS Chairperson Lofgren distributed the legal brief put together by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency regarding recent challenges to the legality of demolition ordinances and the entities authorized to administer and advise governmental agencies about these requests. He explained as long as the ordinance was followed to the letter and the city's attgrney advised and concurred with the Commission's designation the courts would support the findings of the historic agencies. PETERSEN FARMHOUSE ROOF REPAIR- Chairperson Lofgren reported the Commission had received notification from the City that the Petersen • farmhouse roof was in need of immediate repair due to leakage. The City was seeking direction from the Landmark Commission as to the roof repair and historic accuracy. The roof was originally constructed with cedar shingles, however through the years the cedar has been replaced with asphalt shingles. Some discussion followed regarding the scope of roof repair. Motion by Nell, seconded by Janssen to replace the Petersen farmhouse roof with cedar shingles. Voting Aye: Janssen, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Thogias and Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Kratochvil and Trost Motion carried. Further discussion followed regarding the scope of the roof repair. Chairperson Lofgren suggested the Commission view the structure to determine rooflines. Further recommendation will be discussed and considered at the June meeting. Landmark Commission Minutes May 2, 2000 Page Six 801 MILL STREET DEMOLITION- Commission Member Schafer reported the demolition of this structure appears to be postponed. Ms. Schafer will continue to make an attempt to contact property owner, Mr. Jerome Buch. Motion by Janssen, seconded by Schafer to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Voting Aye: Janssen, Johnson, Lofgern, Schafer, Thomas and Wilhelm Voting Nay: Nell Absent: Kratochvil and Trost Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Greg Lofgren, Chairperson 4