HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/7/1999 - Landmark Commission LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING
DECEMBER 7, 1999
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Greg Lofgren, at 7:31
p.m. at the McHenry Municipal Building. Members present were: Nancy
Fike, Dawn Johnson, Hank Nell, Patricia Schafer, and Lori Wilhelm.
Members absent: Merle Janssen, Richard Kratochvil, Robert Novak,
Gretchen Thomas, and Shelly Trost
Motion by Nell, seconded by Wilhelm to approve the November 2, 1999
meeting minutes with the following corrections; under New Business on
page five, the McHenry County Joint Council of Historic Groups was
Marianne Taranowski, not Marion Turowski and on page six under
Demolition Notice the name is Bisbee not Busbeys, the name Daugherty
should be Doherty and the address should be 3820 Miller not 3802.
Voting Aye: Fike, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer and Wilhelm
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Janssen, Kraochvil, Novak, Thomas and Trost
Motion carried.
The Treasurer's Report was presented and reviewed. Chairperson
Lofgren noted the report reflected no expense for the $8.00 Algonquin
calendar purchase. Total balance through October 31, 1999 is
$9,409.56. Commission Member Fike noted Mr. Nelson's name was Ron,
not Ken as yet depicted on the Treasurer's Report.
Motion by Fike, seconded by Wilhelm to place the Treasurer's Report on
Voting Aye: Fike, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schaefer, and Wilhelm
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Janssen, Kratochvil, Novak, Thomas, and Trost
Motion carried.
Landmark Commission Minutes
November 2, 1999
Page Two
Chairperson Lofgren noted the dismantling of the Eppel property was
initiated today with the assistance of many of the Landmark Commission
members. Commission member Nell and Mr. Dysart worked on the roof,
removing all the sheeting. Most of the rafters and studs have also been
removed. Ron Nelson was in attendance providing valuable information
regarding construction style, dismantling instruction, material
identification (round-head nails, wood shingle roof) and identifying the
structure's construction timeframe. Mr. Nelson opined, based on the
construction materials used the structure's north side was completed in
1905 with the other side completed in 1930.
Some discussion followed regarding Mr. Nelson's analysis and the
possible location of the original fireplace and hearth. The commission
noted three doors and some hardware were also salvaged.
Chairperson Lofgren noted Commission Member Trost was unable to
attend this evening's meeting, however she did drop off the developed
panoramic pictures of the following areas:
West McHenry Business District
Waukegan Street from Green Street west to Front Street
Green Street from Waukegan south to John Street
John Street from Green Street west to Front Street
All cross streets within these designated areas.
Chairperson Lofgren noted he would be supplying additional blank
survey forms to Commission members Nell, Wilhelm and Fike. He also
noted the Commission should either schedule an additional meeting or
devote one regularly scheduled commission meeting to the review of
these surveys.
Chairperson Lofgren informed the commission these properties were
toured and inspected on Saturday, November 6th. Chairperson Lofgren
noted the structures were in excellent condition. A historical site and
structure documentation via video tape as well as digital camera photos
�-- was conducted. He also noted both the structures contained basement
Landmark Commission Minutes
December 7, 1999
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cisterns made of cement to collect stormwater. They appear to be
original to the structures. Commission Member Nell explained years ago
kitchen sinks had hand pumps which were connected to the cisterns.
The stormwater was then used for washing, cleaning, etc. Well water
was used for drinking purposes only.
The Commission noted the homes were used by the McHenry Township
Fire Protection District for training purposes and were subsequently
burnt down.
Chairperson Lofgren noted this demolition request had been discussed at
the November 2nd meeting and the Commission had formally agreed not
to deny the demolition permit. A history of the property has been
completed. A letter noting the Landmark Commission's action will be
submitted to Community Development Director Napolitano for the
Chairperson Lofgren also noted he and Director Naplitano had not yet
met to discuss the development of a demolition procedure. He cited
scheduling conflicts. Chairperson Lofgren enumerated the Commissions
recommendations including
-auctioning off the property with the proceeds benefiting the
Landmark Commission
-a six month waiting period
-private donation of land and potential relocation of the structure
in question.
He also noted he would attempt to locate literature from the state or
Historical Preservation Society regarding the rehabilitation of properties
slated for demolition. Chairperson Lofgren also clarified this process
would only be applicable to properties that don't fall under the City's
Historical Preservation Ordinance. A brief discussion followed. Other
municipalities will be consulted for comparison purposes.
Chairperson Lofgren noted a demolition request had been received on
this property. Commission Member Fike opined the structure may have
`-- been moved to this site. Chairperson Lofgren noted the notice had been
Landmark Commission Minutes
December 7, 1999
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received October 25th and the 45-day review period have technically
expired. Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of the
commission the structure was not in sound condition and had no
historical significance.
Motion by Fike, seconded by Johnson to direct Chairperson Lofgren to
draft and submit a letter to the McHenry City Council stating the
Landmark Commission recommends the demolition permit for 3610
Freund Avenue from the McHenry Township Fire Protection District
should not be denied based on architectural and/or historical
Voting Aye: Fike, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, and Wilhelm
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Janssen, Kratochvil, Novak, Thomas, and Trost
Motion carried.
OTHER BUSINESS—Commission Member Fike reported the archeological
study on the Eppel property floor area has not yet been coordinated.
Coordination efforts will continue.
Commission Member Fike also noted Ron Nelson not only donated his
services, he incurred traveling expenses for the 394-mile round trip. She
requested the commission consider reimbursing Mr. Nelson for his
gasoline expense based on the current $.33/mile standard totaling
$126.72 Some discussion followed.
Motion by Fike, seconded by Johnson to authorize the expenditure of
Landmark Commission funds to defray the traveling expenses of
architectural consultant Ron Nelson in the amount of$126.72 and send
him a letter of thanks.
Voting Aye: Fike, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer and Wilhelm
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Chairperson Lofgren also noted the inclusion of information items in the
agenda packet for the Commission's review. He also noted his report on
`.-- the Illinois Historic Preservation Conference in Quincy was provided the
Commission for review and/or comment.
Landmark Commission Minutes
December 7, 1999
Page Five
The annual report of the Landmark Commission was also distributed for
the Commission's review and comment. Commission Member Fike
requested on the last page the name Apollos Thomas be changed to
Apollos Thompson.
Chairperson Lofgren also noted the written history on the Busse Ford
property located at the southwest corner of Route 120 and Route 31 was
still under development. Some discussion followed regarding the written
history on the 420 S. Front Street. Chairperson Lofgren noted he did not
have a copy of this history in his files. Commission Member Fike will
provide a copy for the permanent files. Commission Member Nell
requested language be included regarding the development of the
demolition procedure as per council direction. The Commission
The annual report was approved with the spelling correction of Apollos
Thompson name and the addition of language noting the demolition
procedure was under development with City Staff. The report will be
provided the full City Council.
Some general discussion followed regarding the status of the Walgreen
development on the Busse property on the southeast corner of State
Route 120 and State Route 31.
Chairperson Lofgren also distributed a copy of Commission Member
Fike's letter objecting to the Walgreen development as well as his letter to
the Mayor and City Council regarding the Landmark's recommendation
to acquire, from the County, the Knox Farm property located directly
across the street from the Municipal Building. He noted City Staff had
been directed to initiate discussions with the County regarding this
Information on the Main Street Program was also distributed for the
Commissions review and comment. It was noted the City of Crystal Lake
and the City of Harvard are now Main Street participants. Further
discussion occurred regarding obtaining a Certified Local Government
designation. Commission Member Fike noted videotape of the program
was available at the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce Office.
Chairperson Lofgren suggested thank you notes be sent to the property
owners of all the sites visited by the Commission over the summer and
Landmark Commission Minutes
December 7, 1999
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fall. It was suggested the Landmark Commission logo be used as
letterhead. Further discussion occurred regarding the brochure
Commission Member Fike informed the Commission the Historical
Society was recently in receipt of an artifact, specifically a heater
manufactured by a Woodstock resident. In addition he had a three ring
binder of written testimonials which included the property owners name,
location and photos of the structures. Some McHenry addresses are
In response to Commission Member Johnson's inquiry regarding the
status of the property adjacent to Sullivan's Grocery store along State
Route 120, Chairperson Lofgren entertained discussion. The
Commission directed Chairperson Lofgren to contact Riverwalk
Committee Chairperson Carstens and obtain additional information
regarding the overall development of this area. A lengthy discussion
followed regarding the commercial development of this property.
Items salvaged from the Eppel property were then distributed and
Motion by Johnson, seconded by Schafer to adjourn at 8:35 p.m.
Voting Aye: Fike, Johnson, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, and Wilhelm
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Greg Lofgren, Chairperson