HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/6/1999 - Landmark Commission LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 6, 1999 Chairperson Greg Lofgren called the meeting to order at 7:19 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room at the McHenry Municipal Center. Members present were: Nancy Fike, Richard Kratochvil, Hank Nell, Robert Novak, Gretchen Thomas, Shelly Trost, and Lori Wilhelm. Members absent: Patricia Schafer. MINUTE APPROVAL Motion by Nell, seconded by Thomas to approve the June 8, 1999 meeting minutes as presented. Voting Aye: Fike, Kratochvil, Nell, Novak, Thomas, Trost, and Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT Chairperson Lofgren noted no budget had been provided for this month. No formal action was taken. OLD BUSINESS BUSS FORD UPDATE/3925 W. Route 120—In response to Chairperson Lofgren's inquiry Commission member Wilhelm reported she had received no further historical information regarding this property from Ed • Buss. Chairperson Lofgren noted it was the Landmark Commission's responsibility to develop historical information on properties earmarked for demolition as was the Buss Ford building located at 3925 Route 120. Commission member Fike offered to contact Lorraine Gausden and develop, as information permitted, a historical accounting of the property. WALGREENS- Chairperson Lofgren noted he had obtained the newest design proposal for the Walgreens store to be constructed on the southwest corner of State Route 120 and State Route 31 intersection. He noted little change from the original proposal, however the drive-thru lane would now be a two-way thoroughfare with an entrance from Main Street. Landmark Commission Minutes July 6, 1999 Page Two In response to Commission member Fike's inquiry Chairperson Lofgren stated no rear walk-in entrance was proposed. Some discussion followed. The apparent benefit to Main Street property owners, is the walk through from Main Street to the Walgreens facility. Further discussion occurred regarding traffic patterns and potential problems. There was support for requiring a Main Street front facade. Chairperson Lofgren informed the Commission he had suggested Walgreens construct a replica of the Springhouse, on the site designated "pocket" park. He offered to pursue this option with the City Council and Staff with the full Commission's support. Some discussion followed regarding the proposed building facade fronting Main Street. It was the consensus of the Commission a historically accurate facade fronting Main Street would be desirable and should be pursued. Further discussion occurred regarding how to proceed with the request for construction, by Walgreens/Centrum Properties, of the Springhouse on the pocket park site. Motion by Nell, seconded by Kratochvil to authorize Chairperson Lofgren to pursue, investigate with the City of McHenry staff and council the feasibility of requiring Walgreen/Centrum Properties to construct a replica of the Springhouse formerly located on Main Street next to the Northwestern Hotel on the pocket park site as depicted on the preliminary Walgreen store design proposal dated April 19, 1999. Voting Aye: Fike, Kratochvil, Lofgren, Nell, Novak, Thomas, Trost and Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Schafer It was noted the Commission would be kept apprised of Chairperson Lofgren's progress and no formal agreements would be developed and/or executed without the Commission's review. Some discussion followed regarding the development of a slide show as an educational tool for current and future elected officials demonstrating the value of retaining the historical character of a community's downtown areas. Landmark Commission Minutes July 6, 1999 Page Three NEW BUSINESS WALKING TOURS—Chairperson Lofgren provided the Commission with an updated status report regarding the historical Walking Tours scheduled for Saturday, July 17th and Wednesday, July 21st. Suggestion was made to locate facilities providing a comprehensive overview of each area. Tour leaders would also be permitted the opportunity to present information under quieter conditions. Commission member Nell suggested the second floor of the First Midwest Bank is reserved for the Riverside Drive/Elm Street/Green Street tour. Commission member Thomas offered to make her home on Main Street available to tour members. LANDMARK SIGNS—Chairperson Lofgren reported Commission Member Schafer was working on updating the Landmark boxes located on Green, Main and Riverside. MEETING LOCATIONS—Commission Member Kratochivl reported he had secured the Main Street Station for the August 7th Landmark Commission Meeting. He noted the train depot contained historic signs and pictures, which the Commission would be able to view. Chairperson Lofgren will investigate the possibility of obtaining access to the Chamber of Commerce Building located at 1257 N. Green Street. PHOTO DISPLAY—Chairperson Lofgren noted previous meetings had included discussion regarding the feasibility of locating a site during Fiesta Days to display historic pictures. Further discussion followed. It was suggested the Commission consider locating on Riverside Drive in front of the Crossroads antique store or near the Foxhole Pizzeria in front of Bimbo's Restaurant. Commission member Fike offered a freestanding tent from the Historical Society. PETERSEN PROPETY BARN RENOVATION WORK—Chairperson Lofgren reported the Petersen Property Barn Renovation project required Landmark Commission review and approval in accordance with the Historical Preservation Ordinance. Commission member Nell noted he had conducted a preliminary sight review. He opined the barn roof replacement could be formally approved, Landmark Commission Minutes July 6, 1999 Page Four however he had concerns regarding the gutter and flashing work. Some discussion followed. It was noted the gutters and flashing would protect the barn foundation. It was the consensus of the committee to conduct a formal inspection. A formal inspection by the Commission was scheduled for Tuesday, August 7th just prior to the regularly scheduled monthly Commission meeting at 6:45 p.m. EPPEL PROPERTY—Commission Member Fike provided the Commission with a status update and brief historical review on the Eppel Property located on the south side of State Route 120 on the Meyer Material property. The City of McHenry annexation agreement governing this property included a provision to permit the Landmark Commission a specified period of time, once the structures were vacated, to locate an owner and, if possible, to relocate the structures to a new site. As the structure's current condition prohibits relocation efforts, the Commission is currently investigating the feasibility of using the two-story structure as an educational "tear-down". Construction techniques, materials, etc. of the period could be noted and documented. Ron Nelson, a restoration expert, has agreed to conduct an evaluation of the property. He has agreed to a fee of$250/day plus expenses. An insurance certificate can and will be provided property owners, Meyer Material, however any individual participating on the project must agree to sign a liability waiver. Motion by Fike, seconded by Nell, to authorize the hiring of Ron Nelson as an architectural consultant, to conduct an evaluation of the two-story Eppel structure located on the Meyer Material property on State Route 120 for $250/day plus expenses to determine whether an educational "tear-down" project on this structure is feasible. Voting Aye: Fike, Kratochvil, Lofgren, Nell, Novak, Thomas, Trost, and Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Schafer In response to Commission inquiry Commission member Fike noted the second floor was added sometime in the 1930's. Further discussion occurred regarding procedure and participation. Ms. Fike also noted the structure has historical significance as does the original property owners. Landmark Commission Minutes July 6, 1999 Page Five HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT—Commission Member Fike reported West Campus High School teacher Ms. Phillips is planning an American Studies curriculum where high school students would adopt a historic commercial building. Her proposal includes a presentation, by the students, at each adopted site. The presentation could be attended by the general public. There was also some discussion regarding student assistance in completing the historical surveys. Chairperson Lofgren, referencing city council minutes of May 5, 1999 noted a variance was requested by Prime Commercial to install cedar siding on the building located at 1318 Riverside Drive. Some discussion followed regarding the Commission's facade improvement grant program. Awnings were considered an allowable improvement, however grant monies are not to be used for promotion or advertising enhancement. OTHER BUSINESS—Chairperson Lofgren reported no further information was forthcoming regarding the demolition of the Adams Route 120 structures, 2804 and 2806 specifically. In addition property owner, Susan Althoff is proposing a subdivision of the 605 N. Green Street property. SURVEY REVIEWS—Chairperson Lofgren reported the architectural surveys were being completed. It was the consensus of the Commission to proceed with the historical survey process and begin taking photographs of each of the properties. In response to Commission member Trost's inquiry, the next historical quadrant to be addressed will be Main Street. • Motion by Fike, seconded by Trost to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Voting Aye: Fike, Kratochvil, Lofgren, Nell, Novak, Thomas, Trost and Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: None Greg Lofgren, Chairperson /ms