HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/4/1999 - Landmark Commission LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING �-- MINUTES May 4, 1999 Chairperson Greg Lofgren called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room at the McHenry Municipal Center. Members present were Nancy Fike, Hank Nell, Carol Jean Smith, Patricia Schafer, and Lori Wilhelm. Members absent: Robert Novak Resignations had been received from Barbara Byron, James Doran, and Carol Jean Smith. MINUTE APPROVAL Motion by Fike, seconded by Wilhelm to approve the April 6, 1999 meeting minutes as presented. Voting Aye: Fike, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Smith, Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Novak Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT Chairperson Lofgren noted expenditures of$40 for copies and the $7000 contribution toward the Petersen Farm barn cedar shingle roof replacement project. Lofgren reminded Commission members of their action at the December 1, 1999 regularly scheduled Landmark meeting approving this expenditure. Some discussion followed regarding the transfer of$3,693.77. Chairman Lofgren noted the monies were transferred from the savings account to cover previously incurred expenses specifically facade improvements. The current fund balance for the Landmark Commission as of April 30, 1999 is $7608.59. Motion by Fike, seconded by Schafer to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Voting Aye: Fike, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Smith, Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Novak Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS PLAQUE INSTALLATION-Lori Wilhelm reported she and commission member, Hank Nell, were unsuccessful in their attempt to install the Historic plaque designating the Petersen Farm property a City of McHenry historic landmark. The location of the plaque was selected and Landmark Commission Meeting Minutes -� May 4, 1999 Page Two will be subsequently installed. Mr. Petersen will provide a covering of some sort to facilitate the final unveiling. APPLICATION FORMS- Chairperson Lofgren distributed copies of the two proposed application forms provided by Community Development Director Napolitano. LANDMARK DESIGNATION—Chairperson Lofgren noted the language change on this form, specifically owner notification, as opposed to consent, regarding the proposed landmark designation. Some discussion occurred. It was noted the property owner's consent for landmark designation is not required, however a notarized statement from the property owner affirming notification is requested. CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS—Chairperson Lofgren noted similar language changes on this proposed form. Motion by Fike, seconded by Wilhelm to approve the language and format of the Landmark Designation Application Form and the Certificate of Appropriateness Form as presented and attached to the minutes of this meeting. Voting Aye: Fike, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Smith, and Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Novak Motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN—Chairperson Lofgren reported he and Commission Member Wilhelm attended the Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing on Monday, April 26th. He explained the traffic consultant and comprehensive plan author made a brief presentation of the proposed plan update to full council and attendees. The McHenry Council is permitting a two week information exchange and community input period. The City Council will consider and vote on the Comprehensive Plan sometime this summer after revision and amendment. He noted Commission Member Fike had submitted some questions, specifically regarding Developmental Policies/Residential on page 16. She inquired as points number 2 and 3 addressing housing and density in downtown areas, specifically the subdividing of older homes. Chairperson Lofgren noted the planner was not proposing the conversion of older single family homes to multifamily structures, but rather to promote multifamily housing on abandoned commercial sites, or above existing commercial properties. 1 V Landmark Commission Meeting Minutes `-- May 4, 1999 Page Two will be subsequently installed. Mr. Petersen will provide a covering of some sort to facilitate the final unveiling. APPLICATION FORMS- Chairperson Lofgren distributed copies of the two proposed application forms provided by Community Development Director Napolitano. LANDMARK DESIGNATION—Chairperson Lofgren noted the language change on this form, specifically owner notification, as opposed to consent, regarding the proposed landmark designation. Some discussion occurred. It was noted the property owner's consent for landmark designation is not required, however a notarized statement from the property owner affirming notification is requested. CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS—Chairperson Lofgren noted similar language changes on this proposed form. Motion by Fike, seconded by Wilhelm to approve the language and format of the Landmark Designation Application Form and the Certificate of Appropriateness Form as presented and attached to the minutes of this meeting. Voting Aye: Fike, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Smith, and Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Novak Motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN—Chairperson Lofgren reported he and Commission Member Wilhelm attended the Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing on Monday, April 26th. He explained the traffic consultant and comprehensive plan author made a brief presentation of the proposed • plan update to full council and attendees. The McHenry Council is permitting a two week information exchange and community input period. The City Council will consider and vote on the Comprehensive Plan sometime this summer after revision and amendment. He noted Commission Member Fike had submitted some questions, specifically regarding Developmental Policies/Residential on page 16. She inquired as points number 2 and 3 addressing housing and density in downtown areas, specifically the subdividing of older homes. Chairperson Lofgren noted the planner was not proposing the conversion of older single family homes to multifamily structures, but rather to promote multifamily housing on abandoned commercial sites, or above existing commercial properties. Landmark Commission Minutes `.- May 4, 1999 • Page Three Some discussion followed regarding the inclusion of language in the comprehensive plan promoting historic districts, particularly the downtown areas. It is the opinion of staff the preservation ordinance protects these areas sufficiently. In response to Ms. Fike's inquiry regarding malls as an alternative to lot deep strip commercial developments, Chairperson Lofgren noted the planner was yet investigating this issue with the city council. Chairperson Lofgren noted he had requested any maps included in the Comprehensive Plan Update be more detailed, particularly those areas designated as potential historic districts. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of staff developing a manual citing minimum standards, policies, etc. to be distributed to developers. Chairperson Lofgren stated a letter supporting the historic preservation of West McHenry would be sent to Mayor Cuda. BUSS FORD DEMOLITION PERMIT—Commission Member Lori Wilhelm reported she had met and interviewed property owner, Ed Buss. He opined the artificial stone company had built the Main Street structure. His father moved the business to Main Street from Riverside Drive in 1933 to the Main Street structure. Commission member Smith suggested the Commission contact McHenry resident Lorainne Gausden as she grew up in this general area. A historic report and structural survey will be developed. Further discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Commission to iterate their opposition to the structure's demolition. The structure, specifically its front facade, is important to the historic character of Main Street. The structure was built, in all likelihood, during the 1920's which was a significant business development and building period for the downtown McHenry area. The development of a rear facade would promote historic preservation in McHenry, specifically the downtown areas. After further discussion it was determined Chairperson Lofgren will draft a letter expressing the Landmark Commission's overall concern with the future preservation of historic areas and structures. DEMOLITION PERMIT/2804 and 2806 W. Route 120—Chairperson Lofgren deferred to Commission member Carol Jean Smith explaining Landmark Commission Minutes May 4, 1999 Page Four Ms. Smith has done significant research on these structures as she has a personal family connection. Ms. Smith reported the 2804 structure was built by Christina Freund and Bernard Kennebeck after their marriage in 1916 on a portion of one of the Kennebeck farm. When they fell on hard times they rented their home and moved in with relatives. Their eldest son was born in this home in 1929. The existing outhouse was most likely built prior to 1929. The floor plan is similar to that of the ready-built Sears homes. Both homes have aluminum siding. Chairperson Lofgren is making an attempt to contact the builder. After further discussion it was the consensus of the Commission to deny the demolition request for both these structures. Motion by Fike, seconded by Nell to deny the demolition request for 2804 and 2806 Route 120 citing both historical and architectural significance and providing the full council with a substantiating historical report. Voting Aye: Fike, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Smith, Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Novak Motion carried. WALGREENS—Chairperson Lofgren reported the Walgreens zoning reclassification and conditional use was formally approved by the McHenry City Council. The petitioners are now requesting the drive-thru access way be a two-way traffic lane which would allow traffic a direct route from State Route 120 to Main Street and vice versa. Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Commission this would not be advantageous to the downtown area. Chairperson Lofgren also reported City Council approval would be required. He explained the building's complete exterior will be brick and the proposed screening for the garbage dumpster has been redesigned to match the existing area architecture. Some discussion followed regarding the proposed pocket park. Chairperson Lofgren suggested the Commission consider submitting a proposal requesting Walgreens construct a facsimile of the spring house which was originally located across the street from this property on the site of the McHenry Hearing Center. Further discussion occurred. Suggestion was made to move the Landmark display box to the pocket park area and to request the wall height be increased. It was the consensus of the Commission to table any formal action until the next Landmark Commission meeting in June. .� r , Landmark Commission Minutes May 4, 1999 Page Four Ms. Smith has done significant research on these structures as she has a personal family connection. Ms. Smith reported the 2804 structure was built by Christina Freund and Bernard Kennebeck after their marriage in 1916 on a portion of one of the Kennebeck farm. When they fell on hard times they rented their home and moved in with relatives. Their eldest son was born in this home in 1929. The existing outhouse was most likely built prior to 1929. The floor plan is similar to that of the ready-built Sears homes. Both homes have aluminum siding. Chairperson Lofgren is making an attempt to contact the builder. After further discussion it was the consensus of the Commission to deny the demolition request for both these structures. Motion by Fike, seconded by Nell to deny the demolition request for 2804 and 2806 Route 120 citing both historical and architectural significance and providing the full council with a substantiating historical report. Voting Aye: Fike, Lofgren, Nell, Schafer, Smith, Wilhelm Voting Nay: None Absent: Novak Motion carried. WALGREENS—Chairperson Lofgren reported the Walgreens zoning reclassification and conditional use was formally approved by the McHenry City Council. The petitioners are now requesting the drive-thru access way be a two-way traffic lane which would allow traffic a direct route from State Route 120 to Main Street and vice versa. Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Commission this would not be advantageous to the downtown area. Chairperson Lofgren also reported City Council approval would be required. He explained the • building's complete exterior will be brick and the proposed screening for the garbage dumpster has been redesigned to match the existing area architecture. Some discussion followed regarding the proposed pocket park. Chairperson Lofgren suggested the Commission consider submitting a proposal requesting Walgreens construct a facsimile of the spring house which was originally located across the street from this property on the site of the McHenry Hearing Center. Further discussion occurred. Suggestion was made to move the Landmark display box to the pocket park area and to request the wall height be increased. It was the consensus of the Commission to table any formal action until the next Landmark Commission meeting in June. Landmark Commission Minutes May 4, 1999 Page Five Carol Jean Smith noted the Popovich house on Green Street is for sale. The property owners recently received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Landmark Commission. She also suggested a Certificate of Appreciation be considered for the home on Kane Avenue located directly behind Dr. Gilmore's office. Concern was expressed over the old horse barn, now garage, on Main Street directly across from McHenry District #15 offices. The roof is falling in. PETERSEN PROPERTY/ROOF PROGRESS—Chairperson Lofgren deferred the reporting of this agenda item to Commission Member Nell. Mr. Nell reported he had inspected the Petersen Barn as per City Administrator Lobaito's request. He noted the following: 1. excellent job on the wood shingle roof 2. counter flashing on barn will leak in time 3. no evidence of downspouts, the front of the barn should have two downspouts. 4. The rear downspout empties directly on the Milk House roof the water should be redirected 5. Barn siding should be refastened to the barn and painted to reduce board rotting 6. A roof should be purchased and installed on the silo The report will be submitted to City Administrator Lobaito. Suggestion was made to include monies in the annual budget for the barn/property's maintenance. NEW BUSINESS ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY TRAINING—Chairperson Lofgren reported he • completed the architectural survey training. Seven people were trained. Ms. Hutchinson completed two surveys. WALKING TOURS—Chairperson Lofgren reported the same ad, with new dates, will appear in the Fiesta Day Guide. The dates are Wednesday, July 16 and Saturday, July 21st. Chairperson Lofgren will do the Main Street Tours. A volunteer is sought for the Riverside Drive/Green Street tours. CITY NEWSLETTER SUBMISSION—Will include the Walking Tour schedule and an updated report on the Architectural Survey. Landmark Commission Minutes May 4, 1999 Page Six Some discussion followed regarding the disbursement of the Landmark Commission brochure. Information regarding its availability and locations will be submitted. Commission member Fike presented a prototype of the Algonquin Historical Commission's Walking Tour pamphlet for the Board's review. Discussion followed regarding the feasibility of a similar document to be developed and distributed as part of the Landmark Commission's walking tour. Chairperson Lofgren also informed the Board that the County Historical Preservation Board award ceremony has been scheduled for May 16, 1999 at the Crystal Lake Dole Mansion. The City of Elgin has distributed a schedule of activities in celebration of Historical Preservation Week. Chairperson Lofgren distributed the information to the Board Members. Funding mechanisms of other historical commissions was discussed. Motion by Nell, seconded by Fike to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. PJA/ms Landmark Commission Minutes �-- May 4, 1999 Page Six Some discussion followed regarding the disbursement of the Landmark Commission brochure. Information regarding its availability and locations will be submitted. Commission member Fike presented a prototype of the Algonquin Historical Commission's Walking Tour pamphlet for the Board's review. Discussion followed regarding the feasibility of a similar document to be developed and distributed as part of the Landmark Commission's walking tour. Chairperson Lofgren also informed the Board that the County Historical Preservation Board award ceremony has been scheduled for May 16, 1999 at the Crystal Lake Dole Mansion. The City of Elgin has distributed a schedule of activities in celebration of Historical Preservation Week. Chairperson Lofgren distributed the information to the Board Members. Funding mechanisms of other historical commissions was discussed. Motion by Nell, seconded by Fike to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. PJA/ms