HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/2/1996 - Landmark Commission THE CITY OF MC HENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING April 2, 1996 The Landmark Commission regular April meeting was called to order at 7:21 by Chairman Barb Gilpin. No guests were present and roll was taken with the following members present: Stacy Bjorkman, Barb Byron, Marya Dixon, Nancy Fike, Adele Froelich, Barb Gilpin, `-- Donnabelle Glosson, Larry Huck, Greg Lofgren, Carol Jean Smith and Lori Wilhelm. Tam Bolger and Debbie Lane were absent. Marya Dixon moved to accept both the February and March minutes with a correction from Marya Weber to Marya Dixon on the March minutes. Barb Bryan seconded and motion passed. In the absence of the Treasurer, Chairman Gilpin presented the Treasurer's reports for February and March. One bill not appearing in that report was a payment of cash ($10.00) for purchase of vol. I of the Marengo House book, otherwise the only bill was a $12.84 payment to Osco for photos. As of March 27, 1996 the Commission budget stood at $15,329.14. Lori Wilhelm moved to accept both the February and March Treasurer's report and Adele Froelich seconded. Motion passed. Prior to the meeting the Commission members voted as directed by Mayor Steve Curia on proposed sign designs for entry to McHenry. The McHenry Rotary Club was willing to purchase such signs for the City and the Landmark Commission was asked to recammend a design to the Council. Design "B" received the most votes. Under Committee reports, Carol Jean Smith reported making contact with business people in various parts of town to present them with information concerning the Facade Improvement Grant Program. As such she contacted: Bob Novak fram Riverside Drive who will distribute info. to that area; Terry Moore (old Justen House); First Draft Tavern; John Miller fran the Main St. Paint Store; the Moy's fran Plum Garden; John Swirt at Direct Design on Main St. . Mrs. Gilpin noted that business groups for Main Street and Green Street revitalization had set up meeting dates. Jean Smith will give Facade Information to Barb Gilpin for Green Street. Before leaving, Jean Smith also suggested giving the owners of the Barren (sp.?) house on the SW corner of Green and Washington Streets a Certificate of Appreciation for work done on that structure. No action taken. The Commission also agreed that Jean Smith write a welcome letter fran this body to the new City Administrator. Continuing under Committee Reports, Greg Lofgren reported an a meeting of the County Historic Preservation Commission that he and Nancy Fike had attended. The subjects covered at that meeting ranged from a possible Certificate of Appropriateness for the Diggins School site to consideration of Camp Algonquin as a county landmark. Greg felt the Commission handled their business responsibly and efficiently. They also indicated no real problems with any portion of the ordinance. This ordinance serves as the basis for the one being worked on for McHenry. In May two members of that Cammissic[n, Gloria Mack and Gail Drabant will address the McHenry Commission. Following that presentation Greg Lofgren and Nancy Fike reviewed sections IV and V of the proposed McHenry ordinance with the Commission. The next step will be to have all parts of the Ordinance typed as a unit and gone over again. Barb Gilpin will have it reviewed by legal counsel. Under other Cammitte reports, Mrs. Gilpin noted THE STAR was looking for nostalgia material to run in their paper. Under FILE REORGANIZATION, Donnabelle Glossom has organized the survey material portion of the Commission files and has the remainder to complete. LANDMARK SIGNS with Greg Lofgren and Marya Dixon will get underway. NEW BUSINESS; Mrs. Gilpin reported on several actions of the McHenry Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, none of which directly or indirectly involved the Landmark Commission. Applications for Demolition of structures at 4002 W. Elm Street and 3926 W. Main St. (School Administration Building) was presented to the Commission. A motion to approve the requests was made by Marya Dixon and seconded by Barb Byron. Motion passed. A letter sent to City Clerk Pam Althoff was discussed. It concerned the Howard (Mass) barn awned by the City on McCullan Lake. County Preservation Commissioner Gloria Mack had recommended contacting a preservation authority an slate roofs. He felt the barn roof could be saved less expensively than thought. Unfortunately some $300,000.00 was cut fram the budget for barn improvements. Discussion then centered on the history of the barn and Barb Byron was asked to work up a history on the structure. Under Fiesta Day participation, a committee consisting of Greg Lofgren, Lori Wilhelm, Stacy Bjorkman, Marya Dixon and Nancy Fike will work an holding historic walking tours of the city to coincide with the Fiesta Days activities. The Committee met after the meeting to establish a committee meeting date. Greg Lofgren suggested including the Mass barn an one of the tours. Chairman Gilpin presented correspondence an the upcoming preservation meetings and statewide programs with the Illinois State Conference in June drawing the most interest fram the Commission. Specific information an that conference has yet to be recieved. In additional discussion, Mrs. Gilpin will talk with Kenneth Petersen (Petersen Park property an McCullan Lake Road) about the Landmark Commission approaching the County Historic Preservation Commission seeking landmark status for the farmstead. Finally, Mrs. Gilpin noted that her term an the Commission and that of Debbie Lane would be up in April. Qualified members are sought for the Commission. At 9:20 p.m. we adjourned thanks to Adele Froelich's motion. R-e-sypectfully submitted, Nancy J. Fike, Secretary